Foto del docente

Federico Condello

Full Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: FICP-01/A Greek and Latin Philology

Delagate for Public Communication

Delegate for Students


Keywords: textual criticism history of classical scholarship Greek and Latin philology classical reception ancient Greek literature

My fields are classical philology and textual criticism, Greek poetry and classical reception in modern and contemporary literature. As regards classical philology, my research focuses on ancient Greek epics (Homer, Homeric Hymns), archaic Greek elegy, with special attention to Theognis and the Theognidea (manuscript tradition, history and constitution of the text, early Greek symposium, interpretation): my final aim is a critical study and a critical edition of the collection. Other subjects of my research are: ancient Greek parody (from the archaism to the early hellenistic age), Attic tragedy (especially Sophocles) and ancient theory of art and literature, with particular attention to Aristotle's Poetics and its interpretation. As regards the classical reception, I work on history of classical philology, history of ideas and literary motifs, history and forms of translation from ancient languages, especially between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. My interest in the field of Translation Studies is both historical-theoretical and practical, with special attention to theatrical translation (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides).