Foto del docente

Federica Boschi

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: ARCH-01/G Methodologies for Archaeological Research

Curriculum vitae

Federica Boschi - CV

Associate Professor of the University of Bologna in Methodologies of Archaeological Research (ARCH-01/G).

From 2019 to 2022, she was Senior Research Fellow (RTDB) of the University of Bologna in Methodologies of Archaeological Research (SSD L-ANT/10).  


Education and Qualifications

2009-2013 Research Fellow at the University of Bologna with projects dedicated to preventative archaeology and non-invasive methods for archaeology (geophysics and aerial photography).

2009 PhD in Archaeology and History of Middle Ages at the University of Siena.

2003 M.A. in Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, University of Bologna.

2013-2019 Assistant Researcher at the University of Bologna (DiSCi)

From 2014 she achieved the National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor in Archaeology (achieved in ASN 2012 and ASN 2016-2018).


Courses taught

Metodologia della Ricerca Archeologica (ITA)

Archaeological Landscapes (ENG)

Geofisica applicata all'archeologia (ITA)

Teoria e Pratica dallo Scavo alla Valorizzazione (ITA)

Archeologia Preventiva (ITA)

She also conducts teaching activities with the labs of Geofisica e indagini non invasive, Archeologia Preventiva, Archeologia Urbana.


Scientific activities (current projects and research collaborations)

She has organized and participated as a speaker in numerous national and international Congresses and Conferences. She is the author of more than 100 publications.
She has participated with responsible roles in many national and international research programs including PRIN, Erasmus IP and Interreg IT-HR. Within these she is scientific coordinator of programs:

- Erasmus Intensive Programme “Preventive Archaeology. Urban sites and landscapes. Methods and techniques for evaluating the archaeological value” (2013). Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus IP 2012: Grant Agreement Number 2012-1-IT2-ERA10-38855.

- Erasmus Intensive Programme “Preventive Archaeology. Evaluating sites and landscapes” (2014). Grant Agreement Number 2013-1-IT2-ERA10-52950.

- TEMPUS. TEMPorary USes as start-up actions to enhance port (in)tangible heritage. Interreg Italy-Croatia. Lead partner ITC CNR Bari. She is responsible for the University of Bologna’s unit.

SEARCH. SEnsing ARCHaeology. Non-invasive mapping and tracking technologies for evaluating and protecting buried archaeology. Alma Idea Grant 2022 winning project dedicated to mapping and non-destructive assessment of the archaeological potential of Middle Adriatic funerary contexts. 2022 - ongoing.

- Progetto ArcheoNevola. Direction of the archaeological digs and surveys (geophysics, aerial photography, field-walking survey) in the Picene and Roman necropolis in Corinaldo, Nevola River Valley (University of Bologna, in concessione MIBACT). 2018 – to present.

- NUPP. North Urban Paestum Project - Study of the ancient city and landscape of Paestum. Geophysical, geoarchaeological and archaeological research at the UNESCO heritage site of Poseidonia-Paestum. Project directed by the Colgate University (R.M. Ammerman) in agreement with the University of Bologna (F. Boschi), the Archaeological Park of Paestum, and the Oregon State University. 2017-2020.

- Study of ancient cities and landscapes in the middle Adriatic area. Co-direction within the research agreement between the DiSCi University of Bologna Bologna (dir. F. Boschi, E. Giorgi), the British School at Rome (dir. C. Smith, S. Kay) and the Centro Studi per l’Archeologia dell’Adriatico. 2015 – to present.

- Mapping Adriatic Landscapes. Geophysics and remote sensing for landscape archaeology. Direction of the research of the University of Bologna along the the Cesano, Misa, Nevola River Valleys, in agreement with SABAP Marche. Geophysical prospections, aerial surveys, anaysis of remote sensing data, field-walking surveys, in collaboration with ArcLand International, Ecole Normale Supérieure CNRS (Paris), INGV (Rome), University of Denver-Department of Anthropology (Denver, CO.), Becker Archaeological Prospection, Geocarta Inc., Geostudi Astier srl. 2014 – to present.

She collaborates on many projects of the University of Bologna and other Institutions, and has carried out geophysical and aerial surveys in different geographical areas and archaeological contexts, among which the sites of Pompeii, Agrigento, Paestum, Classe, Marzabotto, Suasa (Italy), Burnum (Croatia), Phoinike, Butrinto (Albania), Tasli Gecit Hoyuk, Tilmen Hoyuk (Turkey), Arslan Tash (Syria), Backhias (Egypt), Ashkelon (Israel).


Editorial and scientific board

Editorial board member of the open access Review Groma. Documenting Archaeology. Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna.

Scientific board member of the International Summer School Seeing Beneath the Soil - In profondità senza scavare (2007, 2008, 2009), at Burnum (Croazia), Marzabotto (Bologna), Suasa (Ancona) (direction: G. Sassatelli, University of Bologna).

Scientific board member of the II Summer School in Archeologia Aerea e Telerilevamento di prossimità con Sistemi Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto (droni), 31 agosto - 6 settembre 2015, Aquinum - Castrocielo (Frosinone) (direction: G. Ceraudo, University of Lecce).


Reviewer for

2015 Archaeological Prospection (Wiley Online Library)

2017 Engineering Structures Journal (Elsevier)

2016 Journal of Cultural Heritage (Elsevier)

2014 Journal of Applied Geophysics (Elsevier)



Since 2005 – Member of Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) 

Since 2012 – Delegate for the University of Bologna within ArchaeoLandscapes International (ArcLand)

Since 2017 – Member of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection (ISAP)

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