Ezio Mesini (1956) graduated in Mining Engineering at the University of Bologna in 1981 and in the same year obtained his degree in the profession. He completed his military service (July 1982) as a complement officer with the Engineers' Corps of Italian Army; on leave with the rank of lieutenant.
In 1983 he is a university researcher. In 2000 he is associate professor. In 2004 he is full professor of hydrocarbons and underground fluids . He serves, as professor, the Department of Civil Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering and Materials (DICAM) of the University of Bologna.
In 2018 (Official Gazette of 7 May 2019), on the proposal of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, he was awarded the honor of Commander - of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by the President of the Republic.
In 2021 (Official Gazette of 28 July 2021), on the proposal of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, he was awarded the title of Grand Officer - of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by the President of the Republic.
In December 2023 he was appointed Scientific Advisor of the Italian Navy for the scientific discipline (biennium 2024-25).
Since the Academic Year 2024-2025 he has been teaching the extra-curricular course "Energy and Environmental Ethics", at the Military Academy of Modena, for officers enrolled in the Degree Course in Strategic Sciences.
Chairman of the Degree in Environmental and Territory Engineering Degree (Laurea Magistrale), from 2006 - to 2012.
Chairman of the Construction Commission of the Engineering Faculty, from 2007 to 2012.
Dean Delegate of the International School of Foreign Trade Exchanges Faculty of Engineering, from 2007 to 2012.
Delegate to the International Relations of DICAM from 2012 to 2014.
- Chairman of the selection Committee for students mobility OVERSEAS (sub-Commission United States) of the University of Bologna, from 2013 to 2016.
- Member of the "Quality & Assurance" Group of the University of Bologna, from 2012 to 2015.
- Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Interdepartmental Library of Engineering and Architecture and he was a member of the University of Bologna Library Addressing Committee, from 2014 to 2017.
- Benedictine Academic of the Academy of Sciences of the Bologna Institute (Physical Sciences Class - Section of Technical Sciences) since 2015to date.
President of the School of Engineering and Architecture (University of Bologna), since November 1-st 2015 to October 31-th 2018.
Ordinary Academician of the Tiberina Academy (Rome), since 2016 to date.
Member of the Jury of the Italian Engineering Conference (CoPI, Rome), since 2016 to 2018.
- Member of the Commission for extra-institutional appointments of the University of Bologna, since 2020 to date
He is the theme editor of the online encyclopaedia project by UNESCO-EOLSS, and has collaborated with the Istituto di Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani in the creation of various entries for the Encyclopedia of hydrocarbons.
Ezio MESINI supports his academic activity with professional consultancy and administrative technical management as a result of experience gained at Italian Ministries.
This has allowed him, or is allowing him, to hold the following positions:
• Vice President (since 2008 to date) of the National Association of Minerals, Geosciences and Geotechnologies
• Member of Executive Board of CLUEB Press (Bologna), from 2009 to 2015.
• Member of Italian Energy Management Association
• Member of SPE, Society of Petroleum Engineers - Houston;
• Member of Pi Epsilon Tau (National Petroleum Engineering Honor Society) - University of Southern California;
• Member of International Hall of Fame
• Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
• Member of Italian Society of the History of Science, Pisa - Italy.
Expert Member of the Ministry of Economic Development, Rome (from 2011 to 2015) of the Commission for Hydrocarbons and Mineral Resources (CIRM) Minerals and Minerals; Office held for honor.
Effective Member (designated by Miur) of the Commission for Hydrocarbons and Mineral Resources (CIRM) of the Ministry of Economic Development (now Ministry of Ecological Transition), Rome (2016 to date); Office held for honour.
- Technical Expert in the field of mining on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development (DGS-Unmig) in international arbitration proceedings at the ICSID - International Center for Settlements of Investments Disputes, World Bank, Paris (years 2018-2019).
Chairman of the Committee for the Safety of Sea Operations (appointment of the President of the Council of Ministers, and parliament hearing of March 14, 2017). The President's mandate was conferred for three years and purely honorable. In July 2021 he was confirmed as the Presidency of the same Committee for the years 2021-2023 (parliamentary hearings to the competent committees of the "Camera" and "Senato" of 27 July 2021).
- President of the Commission examining the profile of an official in the engineering sector for the environment and the territory, energy and nuclear, management, civil - (Cod. ING / MATTM); call from the Ministry of the Environment for the protection of the territory and the sea (now the Ministry of Ecological Transition) as part of the Public Administration Redevelopment Project (RIPAM), years 2020 and 2021.
Ezio Mesini, within the Ministry of Economic Development of the Commission for Hydrocarbons and Mineral Resources (CIRM), first as an expert member, then as an effective member designated by Miur, has had the opportunity to pursue the activities of prospecting, research and cultivation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in the territorial sea and on the continental shelf and in other submarine areas, subjected to the powers of the Italian State. The same activities are intended to ensure good governance of hydrocarbon deposits; to protect the safety and health of workers; prevent pollution of the air, sea, bottom and marine background; to avoid unjustified obstacles and obstructions to maritime and aerial navigation and fishing, damage or dangers to marine life and flora, pipelines, cables and other underwater installations.
From the CIRM, Ezio Mesini has been able to express himself and to deal with consultative tasks for basic mining research, as well as the expression of opinions and the conduct of technical evaluations for the implementation of the release and operating conditions of exploration, exploration, cultivation and storage of hydrocarbons.
For the years 2018 and 2019 he was appointed Technical Expert in the field of mining on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development (DGS-Unmig) and in support of the State Attorney General, for the state defense of the Italian Republic in international arbitration proceedings before the ICSID - International Center for Settlements of Investments Disputes, World Bank, Paris.
In 2017 he has been appointed President of the Committee for the Safety of Sea Operations by the President of the Council of Ministers.
The Committee is a direct consequence of Legislative Decree no. 145 which transposed Directive 2013/30/EU on the safety of oceanic operations in the field of hydrocarbons, with which the European Commission has set minimum safety standards for the prospecting, exploration and production of hydrocarbons in sea. The decree is part of an existing regulatory framework for security and protection of the sea from pollution. In July 2021 he was confirmed to the Presidency of the same Committee for the years 2021-2024.
In December 2023 he was appointed Scientific Advisor of the Italian Navy for the scientific discipline (biennium 2024-25).
Since the Academic Year 2024-2025 he has been teaching the extra-curricular course "Energy and Environmental Ethics", at the Military Academy of Modena, for officers enrolled in the Degree Course in Strategic Sciences.