Foto del docente

Eva Wiesmann

Associate Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: GERM-01/C German Language, Translation and Linguistics

Curriculum vitae



Associate Professor (L-LIN/14 Lingua e traduzione - Lingua tedesca) at the Department of Interpreting and Translation (DIT), of the University of Bologna (Forlì campus).





12/2000 - 08/2003:

PhD in Romance languages and literature (Italian) (magna cum laude), University of Mainz/Germersheim, doctoral thesis about legal translation and translator's resources published in 2004 under the title "Rechtsübersetzung und Hilfsmittel zur Translation. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und computergestützte Umsetzung eines lexikographischen Konzepts" by Narr/Tübingen (series: "Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung")


10/1983 - 03/1888:

MA in translation (first language: French, second language: Italian, complementary subject: law), University of Mainz/Germersheim






Award for best doctoral thesis of the year, by University of Mainz, 2004


Research areas:

1. Specialized translation

2. Special languages

3. Language of notaries

4. Lexicography and terminology

5. Translation and didactics

6. Easy-to-read language



Research projects:

Participation in the second round (2017-2020) of the Eurolect Observatory Project, coordinated by Laura Mori and carried out by the Eurolect Observatory Research Group within the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation of the University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT (

Participation in the working group of the Department of Interpretation and Translation of the University of Bologna, coordinated by Prof. Silvia Bernardini and Prof. Sara Castagnoli and involved in the international project MUST: Multilingual Student Translation of the University Catholique of Louvain.



Member of research centres:

Member of the research centre CoLiTec (Corpora, Linguistica, Tecnologia) of the Department of Interpreting and Translation / University of Bologna (


Participation in symposia and conferences:

a) Participation in international symposia as a speaker

"7. Fachkonferenz Sprache und Recht. Rechtsvergleichung in der Praxis" organised by BDÜ (Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer) and held in Berlin from 16 to 17/09/2022

"Transius Conference 2018" organised by Transius (Centre for Legal and Institutional Translation Studies) of the University of Geneva and held in Geneva from 18 to 20/06/2018

VIIIth International conference "Romanisch-deutscher und innerromanischer Sprachvergleich" organised by the University of Innsbruck and held in Innsbruck form 29/08 to 01/09/2016

"XXXIV Romanistentag" organised by the University of Mannheim and held in Mannheim from 26 to 29/07/2015

"Transius Conference" organised by Transius (Centre for Legal and Institutional Translation Studies) of the University of Geneva and held in Ginevra from 24 to 26/06/2015

"XXXII Romanistentag" organised by Humboldt University of Berlin and held in Berlin from 25 to 28/09/2011 (invited speaker)

"Tradurre è – anche – scommettere. Oder die Übersetzung als «negoziazione»" organised by Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms- University of Bonn and the International University of Languages and Media IULM of Milan, with the contribution of the Ateneo Italo-Tedesco – Deutsch-Italienisches Hochschulzentrum, and held in Bonn form 22 to 24/11/2010 (invited speaker)

"DSWI – Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft in Italien" organised by the Facolty of Literature and Philosophy of the University La Sapienza of Rome in collaboration with several international institutions and held in Rome from 04 to 06/02/2010

"Cerlis 2009: Researching Language and the Law: Intercultural Perspectives" organised by the Research Centre on Languages for Special Purposes of the University of Bergamo and held in Bergamo from 18 to 20/06/2009

"Curriculum, language and the law" organised by Centre for Language and Law of the Faculty of Law of the Univerity of Zagreb an held in Dubrovnik from 18 to 21/09/2008

"Translationsqualität" organised by University of Leipzig (Institut für Angewandte Linguistik und Translatologie) and held in Leipzig from 04 to 07/10/2006

"GLAT – Aspetti metodologici per l'elaborazione di lessici monolingue e multilingue" organised by ENST, University of Bologna/Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori Forli and Union latine and held in Bertinoro from 17 to 20/05/2006

"DSWI – Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft in Italien" organised by the Facolty of Literature and Philosophy of the University La Sapienza of Rome and the Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici and held in Rome from 09 to 11/02/2006

"LSP 2005 – New Trends in Specialized Discourse" organised by the Research Centre on Languages for Special Purposes of the University of Bergamo and the AILA Scientific Commission on Language for Special Purposes and held in Bergamo from 29/08 to 02/09/2005

"Mehrsprachige Individuen – vielsprachige Gesellschaften" organised by GAL – Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik and held in Wuppertal from 23 to 25/09/2004

"Interpretazione traducente e comparazione del discorso giuridico" organised by Bocconi University and held in Milan from 22 to 23/10/1998 (invited speaker)

"Linguistica giuridica italiana e tedesca: obiettivi, approcci, risultati" organised by Eurac and held in Bozen from 01 to 03/10/1998

"LSP. Identity and Interface. Research, Knowledge and Society" organised by the Copenhagen Business School and held in Copenaghen from 18 to 22/08/1997

b) Partecipation in national symposiums as a speaker

"La formazione in terminologia" organised by the University of Bologna, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori Forlì and Associazione Italiana per la Terminologia and held in Portico di Romagna from 29 to 30/04/2005

"Quale profilo per un curriculum linguistico aziendale?" organised by Bocconi University and held in Milan on 05/10/1999 (invited speaker)

c) Partecipation in conferences and round tables as a speaker

"L’italiano delle professioni: ricerca, didattica, traduzione", round table organised by the University of Bologna/Department of Interpreting and Translation and held in Forlì on 24/10/2014 (invited speaker)

"Comunicazione Interculturale e Didattica della Traduzione", round table organised by the University of Bologna/Department of Interpreting and Translation (european project LLP UE Promoting Intercultural Competence in Translators) and held in Forlì on 14/05/2013 (invited speaker)

"Eindeutig uneindeutig: Fachsprachen - ihre Übersetzung, ihre Didaktik", conference organised by the University of Milan/Department of Modern Languages and Cultures/Facolty of Political Science and held in Milan on 24/10/2008 (invited speaker)

"La traduzione in ambito giuridico, economico e finanziario", conference organised by PROZ and held in Forlì from 17 to 18/10/2008 (invited speaker)

d) Partecipation in other recent events

"Übersetzen und Dolmetschen 4.0. Neue Wege im digitalen Zeitalter / Translating and Interpreting 4.0. New Ways in the Digital Age", conference organised by BDÜ / Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer and held in Bonn from 22 to 24/11/2019

"LSP Mediating Specialized Knowledge. Challenges and Opportunities for LSP Communication, Translation and Research", conference organised by Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies, University of Padova and held in Padua from 10 to 12/07/2019

"TechLING '17 - Languages, Linguistics and Technology: New trends in language teaching, interpreting and translation", conference organised by Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna and held in Forlì from 10 to 11/11/2017

Translating Europe Workshop "The Process of Revision & Post-editing in Translation" organised by Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna in collaboration with DGT, European Commission and held in Forlì on 07/04/2017

"Tetra 4 – Tecnologie per la Traduzione: Ritorno all'Innovazione", conference organised by Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna and held in Forlì on 30/09/2016

"Lingua e processo. Le parole del diritto di fronte al giudice", conference organised by Accademia della Crusca and held in Firenze on 04/04/2014

"Tetra 3 – Tecnologie per la Traduzione. Collaborare, condividere, partecipare: traduzione e software libero nell’era del web 2.0" (conference), "OmegaT, strumento di traduzione assistita gratuito e open source" (workshop) organised by Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna and held in Forlì on 24/01/2014

"Comunicare le discipline attraverso le lingue. Prospettive traduttiva, didattica, socioculturale" organised by Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata and held in Macerata from 23 to 24/02/2012






C.H. Beck, Munich

Co-editor, together with Federica Morosini, of the 6th edition of the "Dizionario giuridico ed economico. Vol. 1. Italiano-Tedesco", founded by Giuseppe Conte and continued by Hans Boss, published in 2021 by C.H. Beck, HLV and Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre.




Zanichelli editore Bologna


Translation from Italian into German of all the tables of the second edition of "Il Dizionario di Tedesco. Dizionario tedesco-italiano/italiano-tedesco". Giacoma, Luisa e Kolb, Susanne eds. (2009). Bologna: Zanichelli




European Academy of Bozen


Collaboration on Bistro, the Information System for Legal Terminology created by researchers at the Institute for Applied Linguistics at Eurac Research: revision of the translation of all the terms and collocations of commercial law, corporate law and law of obligations



03/1999 - 07/2000:

Zanichelli editore Bologna


Translation of all the Italian and German legal terms and collocations of the first edition of "Il Dizionario di Tedesco. Dizionario tedesco-italiano/italiano-tedesco". Giacoma, Luisa e Kolb, Susanne eds. (2001). Bologna: Zanichelli




European Academy of Bozen


Terminological consultancy on "Dizionario terminologico del diritto societario italiano/tedesco - Terminologisches Wörterbuch zum Gesellschaftsrecht italienisch/deutsch". Ciola, Bruno et al. eds. (2000). München: Beck







1992 - 1994 and 1997/98 - today:

University of Bologna/SSLMIT (Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators) Forlì, now Department of Interpreting and Translation, Forlì


Associate Professor (since 15/09/2014), researcher (01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008), tenured-researcher (01/04/2008 - 14/09/2014) / Assistant Professor; Adjunct professor (1992/1993 - 1993/1994, 1997/1998 - 31/03/2005)


German language courses for

- master students in specialized translation (media communication)


Translation courses from Italian into German for

- master students in specialized translation (technical/scientific and multimedia translation)

- bachelor students

- students of graduate courses


Liaison-interpreting courses Italian-German for

- bachelor students

- students of graduate courses


Organisation of specialized lecture series

- 2006 - present: on special languages and specialized translation (Laboratorio permanente di traduzione settoriale)

- 2000 - 2003: on penal law and european law


Promoter and organizer, in collaboration with Danio Maldussi, of the Laboratorio permanente di traduzione settoriale, financed by the Department of Interpreting and Translation (

Editor, together with Danio Maldussi, of three special issues on specialized translation with the presentations of the participants at Laboratorio permanente di Traduzione settoriale


Maldussi, Danio / Wiesmann, Eva (a cura di) (2023): Terminologia e traduzione: interlinguistica, intralinguistica e intersemiotica. Numero speciale di Intralinea.


Maldussi, Danio / Wiesmann, Eva (a cura di) (2014): La traduzione specializzata. Dossier di Mediazioni.


Maldussi, Danio / Wiesmann, Eva (eds) (2011): Traduzione settoriale 2011. Numero speciale di Intralinea.


Maldussi, Danio / Wiesmann, Eva (eds) (2009): Traduzione settoriale 2009. Numero speciale di Intralinea.


Thesis supervisions:

- special languages and specialized texts

- terminology and phraseology management

- specialized translation between Italian and German

- translation of web sites

- machine translation

- translation for publishing (including literary texts)

- translation process and comprensibility

- rewriting

- webwriting

- quality norms in translation

- software for translators

- German language

- language and gender

- plain language





- member of the Joint Teachers-Students-Committee (2018 - present; until 2021 president of the committee)

- member of the Teaching Committee of the PhD in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies (2016-2019, 2020 - present)

- responsible for Erasmus exchange between University of Bologna (Forlì) and University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (Wels) (2015/2016 - 2020/21)

- member of the thesis commission (2014 - present)

- member of internship commission (2017 -2022)

- coodinator of the German division (since 03/2021)

- contact person for the master in specialised translation (2013/2014 - 2015/2016, 2018/2019)

- student orientation

- member of several examination commissions






BDÜ / Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer


Seminar „Italienisches Recht lernen, erleben, verstehen – Gesellschaftsrecht in Italien und Deutschland“, organized by BDÜ / Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer at Ceub/Bertinoro, lectures on legal translation


03/2022 e 05/2022:

BDÜ / Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer


Webinar on translation of realia and proper names and of art guides from Italian into German



BDÜ / Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer


Webinar on legal translation (real estate contracts) from Italian into German



Seminar „Italienisches Recht lernen, erleben, verstehen - Zivilprozessrecht in Italien und Deutschland“, organized by BDÜ / Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer at Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna at Forlì, lectures on legal and automatic translation


5/2018 and 5/2016:

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Wels


LLP Erasmus (lectures on language ressources and language technologies and about culture-specifics in law and technology)



9-10/2015 and 11-12/2019:

KTV Kennisnet


Webinar on legal translation (German and Italian)




University of Bologna/School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Interpreting and Translation, Forlì


Seminar on legal translation (workshop about legal terminology and legal translation)




Trentino School of Management


Seminar on theory of legal translation (master in language and law)



2009 - 2013:

Scuola Superiore Mediatori Linguistici di Vicenza


Translation courses from Italian into German (master in specialized translation) (legal, commercial and touristic texts)




University of Saarland, Faculty of Philosophy II, Applied Linguistics, Translation and Interpretation


LLP Erasmus (lectures and seminars on translation within the fields of commerce, law and art)






Seminar on specialized comunication (Corso post-laurea in redazione e traduzione assistita)




European Academy of Bozen


Training course on collocations



01/2006 - 06/2006:

European Academy of Bozen


Seminars on resources of the legal translator and theory of translation and lectures on legal translation from Italian into German (Corso post-laurea in tecniche avanzate di traduzione, redazione e documentazione – italiano - tedesco)




European Academy of Bozen


Seminar on terminology and fraseology management (Corso post-laurea in tecniche avanzate di traduzione, redazione e documentazione – italiano - tedesco)



05/1994 - 09/1997:

University of Mainz/Germersheim



- seminars on linguistics and translation theory (for French students)

- translation courses (legal and general texts from Italian into German)






Within the field of history:


Translation of seven articles of the volume Martin Luther in Rom. Die ewige Stadt als kosmopolitisches Zentrum und ihre Wahrnehmung (eds. M. Matheus, A. Nesselrath e M. Wallraff, published in 2017 by de Gruyter) (commissioned by the German Historical Institute in Rome and University of Mainz) from Italian to German

Within the field of art:


Translation of guide books, exhibition panel texts and websites

- from Italian into German

- from German into Italian

- from French into German

for German publishing houses and clients in Italy



Within the field of law:


Translation from Italian into German and from German into Italian of texts of civil law, commercial law, corporate law, labour law, environment law and procedural law for law firms and translation agencies in Italy and Germany





Association of translators and interpreters of Germany BDÜ-Rheinland-Pfalz

AIG (Associazione Italiana Germanistica)