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Emanuele Regi is a PhD student in Visual, Performing and Media Arts at the University of Bologna. At the same University he attended a Bachelor's degree in Arts, Music and Performing Arts and a Master's degree in Music and Theatre Disciplines (Theatre Curriculum).
His field of research is the relations between the performing arts and nature, conducting research that addresses the historical-methodological aspect, a mapping of contemporary phenomena (artists, companies, festivals and residencies) and, finally, the economic and project aspect in the context of the UNESCO MaB Biosphere Reserves. He has organised numerous conferences with artists, scholars and practitioners on this topic: Connessioni Scena Natura (2022), Convention di Eirene - Danzare per la terra and Parole in cammino II (2023).
Check out the website about the project: https://site.unibo.it/teatri-natura/it
He also works in the field of theatre criticism for magazines such as Gagrin Magazine, AltreVelocità and Triennale Magazine.
Go to the Curriculum vitae