Foto del docente

Emanuele Regi

PhD Student

Department of the Arts

Teaching tutor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: L-ART/05 Performing Arts

Curriculum vitae


Bachelor's degree in DAMS (A.A. 2017-2018) with mark 110/110 cum laude. The final work was entitled: Rivoluzione nei teatri del primo Ottocento: La muta di Portici. Con un focus sulla regia di Emma Dante (supervisor prof.ssa Cristina Valenti). 

Master's Degree in Disciplines of Music and Theatre (Theatre Curriculum) (A.A. 2019-2020) with a mark of 110/110 with Honours. The title was obtained with the following thesis: Archeologia della rappresentazione. La permanenza dell'arcaico nella scena contemporanea (supervisor prof. Enrico Pitozzi, co-supervisor prof. Gerardo Guccini). 

Academic Activity

PhD candidate in the Visual, Performing and Media Arts course with a project entitled: "In natura, percorsi di valorizzazione della bio-diversità attraverso l'arte performativa".

Scientifc Activities

He took part in the Biennale College 2021 for the research project "Scrivere in residenza". Here he completed a few weeks of study at ASAC (Archivio Storico delle Arti Contemporanee) for the publication of the work Viaggio ai confini del teatro in montaggio libero (La Biennale Edizioni, 2022). Since 2022 it has been a member of the project Migration perspective in Europe: multiplicity and mobility of theatrical culture MIGRANTHEATRE, funded by the UNA Europa consortium.

He has taken part in national and international conferences including: Vth and VIth EASTAP Conference, Università di Parma "Pensare la discontinuità", Università di Bologna per l'UNESCO "Paesaggi di patrimoni di cultura e natura".

He is a member of the interdisciplinary research group "Arts and Sustainability" of the Department of the Arts since 2023.

Teaching Activity

Since 2022 he has been an expert in the subject for the History of Theatre and Performing Arts at the DAMS bachelor degree course.

Since 2023 he has been an expert in the subject for the Organisation and Economics of the Performing Arts at the DAMS bachelor degree course and he holds a seminar about managing live performance in nature. 

During the a.y. 2023-2024 he is Teaching assistant for the course of Theatre in Asia (LM in Music and Theatre).

Since 2024 he organises the Summer School "Performing arts and susainable culture: re-planning territories" directed by prof. Matteo Casari at the Department of the Arts. 

During the a.y. 2024-2025 he is Teaching assistant for the course of Workshop of theatrical communication (LM in Music and Theatre).

Membership of scientific or editorial boards

Since 2022 he has been a member of the editorial board of "Antropologia e Teatro".

From 2022 to 2024 he is a scientific commitee member of Creative Europe's project "Performing Landscape" by Theatre de Vidy in relation to the performance Shared Landscape by Stefan Kaegi e Caroline Bernaud. 


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