Academic Credentials
Received Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Ferrara in 2005.
Main research areas concern the financial analysis of the local public sector (local authorities, regions, agencies, subsidiaries) domestic and international, management control in local public administrations and health care, measurement and management of performance in the public sector and management of outsourcing in local public services. His research concerns both the domestic and the international context where he prefers a comparative approach.
Academic Duties and Responsibilities
2023 to present. Full professor in Public Management, Department of Management, University of Bologna
2006 to 2023. Associate professor, Department of Management, University of Bologna
2001 to 2006. Researcher, Department of Management, University of Bologna
Teaching responsibilities include: Planning and control, accounting, management accounting in public and nonprofit sectors, accounting in health care, public administration accounting and financial analysis, coordination of public finance and accounting.
Responsible for the International Week of the Executive Master in Public Management & Innovation (second level master) at Bologna Business School.
Deputy coordinator, Doctorate in Public Governance, Management and Policy of the departments of Business Sciences, Economics, Political and Social Sciences and Statistics of the University of Bologna.
Coordinator, three-year degree course in Internet Economics (2007-2009)
Coordinator, three-year degree course in economics and commerce (2015-2021), including the specialization in management (entirely in English)
Co-director, course of Higher Education in Management Control in operating rooms at the School of Health Policy of the University of Bologna (2015-2018);
Taught Health Economics at the School of Specialization in Resuscitation Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain, where he also taught the basic elements to analyze and manage operating rooms.
Member, scientific committee of the Research and Studies Center in the Health Systems Area, University of Bologna.
Member, Higher School of Health Policies Council (since 2020), University of Bologna.
Scientific researcher, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, where he coordinates a comparative analysis project of the internal control systems of public administrations of some of the main European countries (Germany, France, Italy and the Czech Republic) on behalf of the Ministry of the Czech Economy and Finance (funded with EEA and Norway Grants funds).
Director, Local Finance Master, 'custom' course for Cassa Depositi e Prestiti at Bologna Business School.
Adjunct professor and Nonresident Senior Fellow, Michigan State University, Center for Local Government Finance and Policy (2019 to present), where he focuses on issues related to the comparative financial analysis of local authorities.
Teaching Activities
Lecturer. Masters-level course in Management Accounting in Public Sector Organizations at Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus, Denmark
Visiting Professor. Université Paul Cézanne (now Université Aix-Marseille), Aix-en-Provence, France
Visiting Professor. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, United States
Visiting Professor. Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States
Visiting Professor. Universidad de València, Valencia, Spain.
Visiting Professor. Methodist University, São Paulo, Brazil.
Visiting Professor. Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
Visiting Professor. Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Also has taught master and advanced training courses at the University of Ferrara, Polytechnic of Marche, Rome Tor Vergata, University of Calabria, University of Udine, University of Pisa.
Has conducted training courses at public and private training institutes for public and private managers in Italy and abroad including the European Institute for Public Administration, Maastricht Netherlands, Barcelona Spain, Institut National des Etudes Territoriales (France), SSPA Higher School for Public Administration, Ministry of Economy and Finance, ABI-Italian Banking Association, Il Sole 24 Ore.
Research and Advisory Activities
Has collaborated (and continues to collaborate) with public institutions at national level with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Department of Public Administration, the Court of Auditors and the CNEL) and internationally (SFIL Société de Financement Locale group Caisse des Dépôts Paris France, EIPA - European Institute for Public Administration Maastricht Netherlands, and KDZ Center for public administration research Vienna Austria.
Was appointed In 2007-08 by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers as a member of the technical-administrative Commission of the Commissioner for the environmental emergency in Calabria with support tasks for the analysis of the economic convenience to proceed with the expansion of the Gioia waste-to-energy plant Tauro and preparation of the final report for the transition to ordinary management.
Has prepared a method for assessing the state of financial health/credit risk of local authorities (municipalities and provinces) and their investing companies, in Italy and in Europe. The results of his work have been distributed to various public institutions and banks (including: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Anas, Istituto Credito Sportivo, Sogei, Inail, Regione Sicilia, Enel, Banca Farmafactoring, Iccrea, Intesa San Paolo, Banca Sistema, MBFacta Mediobanca group, Banco di Sardegna , Polis Lombardia, Cassa Centrale, Credem Factor) by the American multinational Moody's Analytics.
Has had teaching or advisory relationships with many of these financial institutions on issues related to the credit risk of local Italian public administrations.
From 2009-2010 and from 2012-2019 was a member of the commission for evaluating the practices applied by central and local governments in the context of the European Public Sector Award (EPSA) of EIPA (European Institute for Public Administration) Maastricht Netherlands. In this context he has evaluated several dozen practices, and also provided proposals for the improvement of the evaluation schemes.
Was in charge of the 'e-Health Cost Management' project developed by the former Local Health Authority of Forlì, together with the Department of Business Sciences of the University of Bologna concerning the development of a financial and non-financial performance control system within the operating rooms of the Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital in Forlì. The project received recognition from the European Institute for Public Administration Maastricht Netherlands, within the European Public Sector Award (EPSA 2011).
During 2012 to 202 he occasionally served as a member of an Independent Assessment Body (Legislative Decree 150/09) of the Municipality of Faenza (about 55 thousand inhabitants), Union of municipalities of Romagna Faentina (about 90 thousand inhabitants) and of the Ravenna Chamber of Commerce.
In 2012-13 he initiated research on the comparison of good practices in local governments at the European level as a member of the scientific committee of the "Excellence in Local Public Management in Europe" project developed by the European Institute for Public Administration Maastricht, Netherlands and Barcelona, Spain.
From 2013 to 2017 and subsequently from 2020 the Autonomy Section of the Italian Court of Auditors has appointed him as an expert on managerial control issues in local public bodies, with particular reference to analysis and control tools for spending review. In this context, he participated in the preparation of resolutions on the implementation of the first spending review controls for local authorities (Resolution 20 / SEZAUT / 2019 / INPR, Methodologies for the implementation of article 6, paragraph 3, of law decree 10 October 2012, n.174 converted with amendments by art.1, c. 1, of the law 7 December 2012, n.213; Resolution 14 / SEZAUT / 2021 / FRG, First analysis on the quality of municipal expenditure - Administrative Services General, Police and Waste).
Since June 2014 he has been a member of the scientific committee and is Main Expert for the Cities for Sustainable Public Finances project - (before 2020, City Economic and Financial Governance - developed by KDZ Austria (before 2020, EIPA) with the active support of the European Commission - Eurostat and which aims to exchange good practices
In 2015 he participated in developing a "white paper" on the economic and financial governance of EU metropolitan cities, which was submitted to the European Commission (directors general and budget directors of the cities of Hamburg Germany, Barcelona Spain, London England. (Beginning in 2016 the cities of Amsterdam Netherlands, Bordeaux France and Vilnius Lithuania; Dublin Ireland, Milan Italy and Vienna Austria also participated).
Since 2018 he has collaborated with the CNEL - National Council of Economy and Labor on the evaluation of the performance of Italian municipal administrations/
Since 2020 he has coordinated the section on local administrations of the CNEL Annual Report to the Parliament and Government on the levels and quality of the services offered. from central and local public administrations to businesses and citizens (art. 10-bis, law no. 936 of 30 December 1986)/
Since 2022 he also has participated as an external expert for the National Territorial Social Services Observatory, in collaboration with ISTAT.
He is an advisor to SFIL Société de Financement Locale Caisse des Dépôts group, Paris, for the analysis of systemic and timely credit risk of the Italian local public administration (regions, local authorities and subsidiaries).
In 2018-19 he collaborated with Bertelsmann Stiftung and Hertie School of Governance, Berlin DE, as advisor for Italy of the "Local Public Finance in Europe" project, with the ultimate aim of providing the German government with useful information for the reform of local public finance.
Since 2020 he has been in charge of the Local Public Services Observatory of the University of Bologna.
In 2021 he carried out auditing of the financial management system of the Generalitat de Catalunya according to the PEFA - Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability schemes, recognized by major international institutions.
Since 2021 he has collaborated with IRE-WIFO Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano for the analysis of the financial statements of the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano to provide information to external stakeholders about the state of financial health and the policies implemented.
In 2021 he was external advisor/evaluator for the Italian public administration within the European Commission project (Horizon 2020) "LoGov - Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay" - H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 Grant Agreement no. 823961 managed by Eurac Research.
In 2022 he has been coordinator of an international working group aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the internal control systems of the public administrations of four European countries, Germany, France, Italy and the Czech Republic, on behalf of Masaryk University, Brno and from the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Czech Republic, on EAA and Norway Grants (the EEA (European Economic Area) and Norway grants are financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and aim to contribute to a fairer Europe , both socially and economically, and to strengthen relations between Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and the 15 beneficiary states in Europe); the analysis will be used for discussion with domestic stakeholders and for the formulation of proposals for the reform of internal controls in the public sector of the Czech Republic.
From 2023 he is technical assistant of the Standard Setter Board of the new accrual accounting principles for the Italian public sector, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
From 2023 he is deputy member of the Observatory of finance and accounting of local governments, provided by the Italian local government act, at the Ministry of the Interior.
Other scientific and educational activities
He regularly participates in conferences as presenter and chair or co-chair and in international research networks (EGPA - European Group for Public Administration, IRSPM - International Research Symposium on Public Management, IPMN - International Public Management Network, TAD - Transatlantic Dialogue).
He is a member of the editorial board of two scientific journals, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management (Emerald) and International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (Inderscience), and associate editor of Discover Health Systems (Springer).
He has been interviewed several times by leading national (Corriere della Sera, Il Sole 24 Ore) and international (Wall Street Journal and Financial Times) press about the financial management of the Italian local public administration; he is the author of several articles published in Il Sole 24 Ore
Scientific publications
He has published five main monographs.
With G. Farneti, The Check-Up of the Local Authority (Il Sole 24 Ore, 2003), which exposes an original method of benchmarking for Italian municipalities based on financial information.
The Government of Local Public Services in Outsourcing. The control of Effectiveness (FrancoAngeli, 2004), which analyses real cases, and develops a theoretical framework useful for the management of outsourcing in municipal administrations.
With D. W. Young, Managing Local Governments. Designing Management Control Systems that Deliver Value (Routledge, 2012), used in university masters and specialization courses.
With J. Bosse, A. Heichlinger and J.O. Vanebo, In Search of Local Public Management Excellence. Seven Journeys to Success (EIPA Maastricht, 2013), in which various successful cases of European municipal administrations are analyzed, identifying the elements that underlie the development of innovative services.
With E. Scorsone and S. Valle De Souza, Local Governments' Financial Vulnerability. Analyzing the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Routledge, 2022).
Articles and Book Chapters
He has published about ninety articles and book chapters, among which several appear in international journals and books. A selection is listed below:
(2024) The determinants of the financial distress of Italian municipalities: How much is it due to inadequate resources? (with Francesco Porcelli e Alberto Zanardi). International Tax and Public Finance
(2024) A multicountry analysis of local government financial vulnerability during the 2020 pandemic considering systemic factors (with Silvia Iacuzzi, Jelena Poljasevic, Simone Valle de Souza). Financial Accountability & Management (online pre print)
(2022) Performance economico-finanziaria e interdipendenze fra società partecipate e comuni (with Filippo Corradini e Pasquale Mennuti). V Rapporto Ca' Foscari sui comuni, ed. Marcello Degni, editore Castelvecchi, Roma.
(2021) Municipal financial vulnerability in pandemic crises: A framework for analysis (with Silvia Iacuzzi, Susana Jorge, Liliana Pimentel). Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management, 33(4) -> this paper has received the Emerald Literati Award - Best Paper 2022.
(2021) Real-time crisis management: Testing the role of accounting in local governments (con Silvia Iacuzzi). Accounting and Public Policy, 40(3)
(2021) Does municipal fiscal distress hinder inter-municipal cooperation? (con Matteo Bocchino). Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management, 33(5)
(2021) Financial decisions, intergovernmental grants and regulatory instability: The case of Italian municipalities (with Céline Du Boys), in René Geissler, Gerhard Hammerschmid, Christian Gaffer (eds.), Local Public Finance. An International Comparative Regulatory Perspective, Cham, Springer, 2021, pp. 281 – 298
(2021) Insights from cities realties: Comparing and learning across borders (with Alexander Heichlinger e Julia Bosse), in René Geissler, Gerhard Hammerschmid, Christian Gaffer (eds.), Local Public Finance. An International Comparative Regulatory Perspective, Cham, Springer, 2021, pp. 299 – 318
(2019) Italy, in "Local Public Finance in Europe: Country Reports", Berlin, Bertelsmann Stiftung (with Christian Raffer)
(2018) Municipal Bond Debt and Sustainability in a Non-Mature Financial Market: The Case of Italy. Sustainability, 10(9) (with Luca Rescigno & Jacopo Ceccatelli)
(2018) A Research on the Debt Sustainability of China’s Major City Governments in Post Land Finance Era, Sustainability, 10(5) (with Lihe Tu)
(2018) Implementing Local Government Strategies: A Framework for Action, International Journal of Business and Management, 13(4) (with David W. Young & Alexander Heichlinger)
(2018) The role of a municipality’s financial health in a firm’s siting decision, Business Horizons, 61(2) (with David W. Young & Eric A. Scorsone)
(2016) NPM Reforms in Napoleonic Countries: Comparative Study of Management Accounting Innovations in Greek and Italian Municipalities, International Journal of Public Administration, 39(10) (with R. L. Orelli & E. Katsikas)
(2014) Il nuovo sistema dei controlli interni, Wolters-Kluwer IPSOA, 2014 (with G. Astegiano & C. D'Aries)
(2014) Through the complexity of bankruptcy in local governments, Public Finance & Management, 14(1) (with E. Scorsone)
(2013) In Search of Local Public Management Excellence. Seven Journeys to Success, European Institute for Public Administration: Maastricht NL, ISBN 978-90-6779-217-2 (with Julia Bosse, Alexander Heichlinger, Jan Ole Vanebo)
(2013) Operating Room Data Management: Improving Efficiency and Safety in a Surgical Block, BMC Surgery, 13/7) (with Agnoletti V., Buccioli M., Corso R.M., Perger P., Piraccini E., Orelli L.R., Maitan S., Dell'Amore D., Garcea D., Vicini C., Montella M.T., Gambale G.)
(2013) Implementing change in a hospital management accounting system, Public Management Review, 16(8) (with D.W. Young, D.W. & Orelli R.L.)
(2011) Measuring Financial Health of Local Governments: A Comparative Framework, in “Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences, Swiss Society of Administrative Sciences” (with Eric Scorsone)
(2010) Municipal Performance Measurement in Practice: Which Factors Matter?, Public Administration Quarterly, 34(3) (with Ana Yetano and Rebecca L. Orelli)
(2010) The Comparative Analysis of Local Government Performance Measurement Systems: A Global Perspective, International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 1(4) (with Eric Scorsone)
(2009) Governance of outsourcing and contractual relationships, in Stephen P. Osborne (ed.), The New Public Governance? Critical Perspectives and Future Directions. Routledge (with Federica Farneti and David W. Young)
(2009) Comparing Local Governments' Performance Internationally: A Mission Impossible? International Review of Administrative Sciences, 75(2) (with Eric Scorsone)
For a complete list, see Google Scholar.
* * *
* 2004. Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Ferrara, Italy
* 2002 (summer). Visiting Scholar, Boston University School of Management, U.S. sponsor: Professor David W. Young
* 2001. Summer School on Pedagogy, University of Turin and Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale, Italy
* 2000. Summer School on Research Methodology, University of Messina and Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale, Italy
* 1999. Laurea summa cum laude, Economics and Management, University of Bologna, Italy.
(all at University of Bologna, Italy)
* 2006-present. Associate Professor of Business Administration at School of Economics Management and Statistics, Department of Management
* 2005-07. Course Coordinator, International Summer School on Public Management (first, second and third editions), (in cooperation with: The University of Sydney, Australia, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, Methodist University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), Forlì Campus
* 2002-06. Assistant Professor and Lecturer of Management at School of Economics Management and Statistics, Department of Management, Forlì Campus
* 2000-02. Research Fellow at School of Economics, Forlì Campus
Teaching activities at School of Political Sciences, Bologna Campus, University of Bologna:
* 2012-13 (academic year). FUNDAMENTALS IN HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT, 6 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), Master in Healthcare Economics and Management (joint degree program with Management Center of Innsbruck, University of Oslo, Erasmus University di Rotterdam starting from 2013-14), taught with David W. Young, Professor Emeritus, Boston University School of Management (course in English).
Teaching activities at School of Economics Management and Statistics, Forlì and Bologna Campuses, University of Bologna:
* 2012-13. PUBLIC PERFORMANCE, GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE DELIVERY, 6 ECTS, Master in Business Administration (course in English).
* 2012-13. ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING IN PUBLIC SECTOR, 6 ECTS, Master in Business Administration (course in English).
* 2011-12. INNOVATIVE GOVERNANCE, Advanced Executive Program in "Economia e Management delle Organizzazioni nonprofit a movente ideale" (Nonprofit Economics and Management).
* 2007-08--in progress. MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING ISSUES IN PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS (also MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS), 4 ECTS, Master in Social Economics, taught with David W. Young (Boston University School of Management) (course in English).
* 2009-10. MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS IN NONPROFITS, 4 ECTS, Bachelor in Business Adminsitration.
* 2008-09--2010-11. AUDITING IN PUBLIC SECTOR, 8 ECTS, Master in Business Administration and Public Management.
* 2008-09--2010-11. POLICIES AND STRATEGIES IN PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANIZATIONS, 8 ECTS, Master in Business Administration and Public Management.
* 2004-05--2006-07. PUBLIC SECTOR ENVIRONMENT e MANAGING HIGH RISK OUTSOURCING, teaching unites of 3 hours each per academic year at the Summer School in Public Management (SSPUM).
* 2005-06. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, module within Advanced Executive Program in “Strategy formulation and control in local governments”.
* 2005-06. MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTING, 8 teaching units at the International Master for Creation and Development of Innovative SME in transition countries (CESPEM), (in cooperation with the University of Belgrade) (course in English).
* 2004-05--in progress. POLICIES AND STRATEGIES IN PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANIZATIONS, 8 ECTS, Master in City Management.
Teaching activities in cross-disciplinary courses at the University of Bologna:
* 2003-04--2008-09. MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING, 4 ECTS, Bachelor in Internet Economics (School of Economics Management and Statistics, School of Political Sciences “Roberto Ruffilli”, School of Mathematics Physics and Natural Sciences).
* 2006-07. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, 8 ECTS, Bachelor in Government Administration and Management of Territory (School of Economics Management and Statistics and School of Political Sciences “Roberto Ruffilli”).
* 2003-04--2008-09. MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS IN PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANIZATIONS, 4 to 8 ECTS (depending on academic year), Bachelor in Government Administration and Management of Territory (School of Economics Management and Statistics and School of Political Sciences “Roberto Ruffilli”); in 2004-05 taught with David W. Young, Professor Emeritus Boston University School of Management.
Teaching activities in other universities than University of Bologna:
* 2013 & 2013. Invited lecturer, teaching unit on “The financial reporting of local governments”, Master in Local Governments' Performance Management, Departments of Economics Institution and Territory, University of Ferrara.
* 2010. Invited lecturer, teaching unit on "The financial rating in local governments", Master in Public Sector Organization's General Management, University of Salerno.
* 2005-06. Invited lecturer, teaching unit on “Measuring performance in local governments”, Master in Public Sector Organization's General Management, University of Salerno.
* 2007-08. Invited lecturer, teaching unit “The financial reporting of local governments”, Advanced Executive Program in Government and Management of Local Governments, University of Salento, Lecce.
* 2002-03. Invited lecturer, teaching unit on “Measuring performance in local governments”, Master in Internal Audit in Local Governments and Public Sector Organizations, University of Pisa.
* 2002-03. Seminar on “Management control in little local governments”, Departments of Economics Institution and Territory, University of Ferrara.
* 2001-02. Seminar on “Management and accounting in local governments”, master course, LUISS Management, Universty LUISS Guido Carli, Roma.
* 2013. Seminar on "Excellence in local/regional public management as a precondition for economic success in the territory - Critical success factors for a local public administration being fit for growth" (half a day), at the "Summer School on EU Economic Integration and Regional Development", organized by the European Institute of Public Administration, EIPA Barcelona, in Barcelona (ES), 24-28 June 2013
* 2010 & 2011. Visiting lecturer (1 month each year), Master Public Administration (international students) and Public Management Research Master, Institut de Management Public et Gouvernance Territoriale (IMPGT), Paul Cézanne University, Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, France: seminars on “Performance Measurement in Public Sector Organizations” and “Managing Outsourcing in Local Governments” (taught in English).
* 2010. Research seminar for faculty members on "Municipal Performance Measurement and Management in Practice: Which Factors Matter?", Grenoble Ecole de Management, Grenoble, France (taught in English).
* 2009. Course on Management Accounting in Public Sector Organizations, Summer University Program, master degree, Aarhus Business School, Aarhus University, Aarhus - Denmark, 4 ECTS, 25 sessions (taught in English) (students' evaluation: 4.5 on a 0-5 scale).
* 2009. Research seminar for faculty members and Ph.D. students on "Conceptualizing Performance Across Continents: The Case of Performance Expectations Prior to and After Public Crises in Europe and North America", Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (USA).
* 2009. Seminar for elected official at the 4th Annual Lynn R. Harvey State and Local Government Speaker Series, Michigan State University's State and Local Government Program, and Michigan Local Government Benchmarking Consortium: "Innovation in Public Management: Managing High-Risk Outsourcing", Ferndale/Detroit, MI (USA).
* 2008-09 and 2007-08. Visiting Lecturer, Master in Tourism Organization and Management, University of Valencia, Spain: seminar on Managing High Risk Outsourcing in the Public and Private Sector with Special Emphasis on the Hotel Industry.
* 2007. Invited Lecturer on "Social Control: An Integrated Approach to Public Policies. The Impact of Performance Measurement on Financial Forecasting in Italian Municipalities", by Methodist University in São Paulo; the meetings were opened to public servants of local governments in São Paulo's metropolitan area, undergraduate and postgraduate (master and Ph.D.) students.
* 2007. Invited Lecturer on "Public control on outsourced services" ("Controle Público de Concessões e Serviços Terceirizados") by Secretaria Municipal de Relações Internacionais, Secretaria Municipal de Governo, Municipality of São Paulo do Brasil and Cátedra Gestão de Cidades, Methodist University at São Paulo, at São Paulo's Central Public Library 'Mário de Andrade'.
For those teaching activities under quality assurance programs, scores of perceived quality by students are provided:
* August 2009, course “Management Accounting in Public Sector Organizations”, Summer University Program, master degree, Aarhus Business School, Aarhus University, Aarhus - Denmark, 4 ECTS, 25 sessions, score 4,5 out of 5 (scale 0--5);
* 2011-12 (academic year), University of Bologna, average score reached in all courses taught (percentage of positive scores to the question “In general, are you satisfied how this course has been taught?” of the official questionnaire “Opinioni degli studenti sulle attività didattiche”): 87,4 percent;
* 2010-11, University of Bologna: 87,3 percent;
* 2009-19, University of Bologna: 84,9 percent;
* 2008-09, University of Bologna: 84,1 percent;
* 2010--in progress. Faculty member for public management and accounting disciplines of "Joint PhD Programme in Diversity Management and Governance” (DOT0903BD3), joint program of University of Bologna (Italy), Karl-Franzens-University Graz (Austria), University of Primorska (Slovenia), New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria).
Supervision of Ph.D. candidate Mrs. Katrin Elliott with a dissertation (tentative title): "Parenthood Variable in School Leadership: A Wall or a Bridge for Students' Academic Achievement within Diverse Learning Environments?” (defense: June 2013).
(all at University of Bologna)
* 09/2012--in progress. Member of Executive Committee, Department of Management.
* 2005--2007. Coordinator, International Summer School on Public Management (first, second and third editions), in cooperation with The University of Sydney (Australia), University Federico II (Naples, Italy), Methodist University of Sao Paulo (Brazil); participation of students from 20 different countries.
* 2006--2012. Member of the International, Internship, Orientation and Visiting Scholars committees at School of Economics Management and Statistics at Forlì Campus.
* 2007--2010. Chair, Bachelor in Internet Economics at School of Economics Management and Statistics at Forlì Campus, School of Political Sciences “Roberto Ruffilli” at Forlì Campus, School of Mathematics Physics and Natural Sciences at Cesena Campus.
This is the list of topics, and related funded projects, of past and current academic research activity. For the complete list of research outputs, see the ‘international conferences' and ‘publication' sections.
* 2011--2012. “e-Health Cost Management (e-HCM). Implications of Automation and Cost Management In the Operating Room”; research manager and member of scientific committee composed of two clinical managers and two professors of management and accounting; manager of a group of three junior researchers; private funding (Daisy srl); this project has been awarded with a special nomination by the European Institute for Public Administration within the European Public Sector Award 2011; more details at; total amount: €18.000.
* 2008--09. “Performance Measurement and Management in the Local Public Sector: Comparison between Italy and Spain”; leader of research team that included Dr. Federica Farneti, Dr. Carlotta del Sordo, Dr. Benedetta Siboni, Dr. Emiliano Cantoni; other universities involved: University of Saragoza (leader: Prof. Lourdes Torres); funding source: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación, “Azioni Integrate Italia-Spagna” funds; total amount: €17.000.
* 2007--in progress. “Comparing and Managing Local Governments' Performance Internationally”; partnership with Scorsone E., Michigan State University, East Lansing MI; project funded by RFO Ministry of Research and University; total amount: €7.000.
* 2006. “Reporting Consolidated Performance of Local Government's Enterprises”; leader of research team that included Dr. Massimiliano Soldati and Dr. Emanuela Valtancoli; funding source: Confartigianato Forlì (a local small enterprises' association); amount: 3.000 EUR.
* 2006--09. “Measurement for Management Control Systems and Accountability in Local Governments”; member of research team that included Professor Giuseppe Farneti (leader), Professor Massimo Bianchi, Dr. Rebecca Levy Orelli, Dr. Valerio Melandri; funding source: Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì (local bank foundation); amount: €48.000.
* 2006--2008. “Research and Teaching Cooperation Agreement between University of Bologna-Forlì Campus and Methodist University of Sao Paulo”; responsible of a project involving 18 amongst professors, researchers and junior faculty members.
* 2004--06. “Accounting Principles and Internal and External Communication in Public Sector”; member of research team that included Professor Giuseppe Farneti (leader), Professor Giuseppe Savioli, Associate Professor Luca Mazzara, Dr. Rebecca L. Orelli, Dr. Siboni Benedetta, Dr. Carlotta del Sordo; the University of Bologna's team was the national co-ordinator of a network of four universities: University of Bologna, University of Ferrara, University of Catania, University of Napoli Parthenope; funding sources: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, “PRIN” funds (Relevant National Interest Programs funds) for an amount of 78.000 EUR, plus “RFO” funds (Oriented Fundamental Research funds) for an additional €15.000.
* 2002--04. “Cost Management Techniques in Different Contexts of Public Sector”; member of research team that included Professor Giuseppe Farneti (leader), Dr. Luca Mazzara, Dr. Rebecca L. Orelli; funding source: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, “RFO” funds (Oriented Fundamental Research funds) for an amount of €12.000/year (€36.000 total).
* 2000--02. Research Fellowship “Compared Performance Analysis of Public Local Services”; funding source: University of Bologna; amount 27.000 EUR.
* 2000--02. “Public Local Services. A performance analysis”; member of research team that included Professor Giuseppe Farneti (leader), Dr. Emidia Vagnoni, Dr. Rebecca L. Orelli, Dr. Luca Mazzara, Dr. Marco Castellani; other Universities within the national research network: University of Bologna, Bologna Campus, University of Pisa, University of Siena, University of Trieste; funding source: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, “PRIN” (Relevant National Interest Programs) funds for an amount of about €70.000.
1999--2009. “Benchmarking in Local Governments”; co-director of research team that included Professor Giuseppe Farneti (co-director), Associate Professor Luca Mazzara, Dr. Rebecca L. Orelli, Dr. Marco Castellani, Dr. Federica Farneti, Dr. Carlotta del Sordo, Dr. Benedetta Siboni; funding source: Province of Forlì-Cesena; amount: €280.000 (total).
Euro Mediterranean Public Management Dialogue (MED) (member of scientific committee), Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA); European Group for Public Administration (EGPA); International Public Management Network (IPMN); Public Performance Measurement & Reporting Network (IPMRN); Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD).
Chair or co-chair of:
* 2013. Workshop “3: Remaining competitive: managing performance for efficient and effective urban service delivery”, 9th Transatlanting Dialogue (9TAD), 12-15 June 2013, University of Baltimore, College of Public Affairs, Baltimore MD (USA).
* 2012. Track “Fiscal Distress Management: Comparing Industrialized and Emerging Countries”, Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), 11-13 April 2012, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
* 2010. Track “City Management”, 1st IRSPM.PMRA.ASIA Public Management Research Conference - PMRC2010, 14-16 October 2010, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Presentation of one or more papers at the following international conferences:
* 2012. XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Special Interest Group on Innovation and Change in Public Services (SIGIPS), 11-13 April 2012, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
* 2010. 1st IRSPM.PMRA.ASIA Public Management Research Conference - PMRC2010, 14-16 October 2010, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
* 2010. 4eme Université de la Fonction Publique Territoriale, “L'emploi public local en Europe: Quel est l'impact des réformes territoriales ?” 11 June 2010 at University of Aix-Marseille III “Paul Cézanne”, Aix-en-Provence, France.
* 2010. 10th EURAM Conference, Track 14 “Public Management”, 19-22 May 2010, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
* 2010. 4th International Research Symposium on Public Management - IRSPM Conference, Track 10 “New Public Financial Management”, 7-9 April 2010, University of Bern, Switzerland.
* 2009. 1st International SMOG Conference on Sustainable Management of Public and Not for Profit Organisations, 1-3 July 2009, University of Bologna at Forlì Campus.
* 2009. International Public Management Network Conference (“Government Performance in Comparative Perspective”) 22-24 June 2009, the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
* 2009. Second Annual Performance Measurement and Reporting Conference, 23-24 January 2009, Rutgers University, Newark NJ (USA)
* 2008. European Group for Public Administration Conference 2008 (EGPA 2008), 3-6 September, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
* 2008. Fourth Transatlantic Dialogue (4TAD) Conference, 12-14 June 2008, Università Bocconi, Milan
* 2007. Association for Budgeting & Financial Management (ABFM) 19th Annual Conference, 25-27 October 2007, Washington Marriot, 1221, Washington, D.C.
* 2007. European Group of Public Administration Conference 2007 (EGPA 2007), 19-22 September 2007, INAP Madrid, Spain.
* 2006. European Group of Public Administration Conference 2006 (EGPA 2006), 6-9 September 2006, Università Bocconi, Milan.
* 2005. Ninth International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM IX), 8 April 2005, Università Bocconi, Milan.
* H-index: 5 (updated to 14 November 2012)
* Social Science Research Network: 2.700 downloads of full papers; listed as SSRN Top Economics Author ranking (updated to 14 November 2012)
* 2012--current. Guest Editor (with Eric Scorsone, Michigan State University USA) special issue “Local Governments and Bankruptcy” of Public Finance and Management journal.
* 2012--current. Ad hoc reviewer, International Review of Administrative Sciences.
* 2011--current. Ad hoc reviewer, Public Administration.
* 2010--current. Member of editorial board, Azienditalia (publisher: Wolders Kluwer), leader Italian magazine for public management and accounting in local governments.
* 2010--current. Reviewer, Annual International Public Procurement Conference.
* 2009--current. Ad hoc reviewer, Public Management Review.
* 2009--current. Ad hoc reviewer, International Journal of Public Sector Management.
* 2009--current. Ad hoc reviewer per Australian Accounting Review
* 2009. Reviewer, 1st Sustainable Management of Public and Not for Profit Organistions (SMOG) Conference
* 2008--current. Member of editorial board, International Journal of Public Sector Performance Manage-ment (IJPSPM) (publisher: Inderscience Publishers)
* 2008--2009. Guest Editor (with Eric Scorsone, Michigan State University USA), special issue “The Comparative Analysis of Local Government Performance Measurement Systems: A Global Perspective” Vol. 2, Issue 3, International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management.
Teaching projects with national and international public and private institutions, amongst which:
* INET – Institut National des Etudes Territoriales (France);
* Department of Home Office;
* National Audit Court (national and regional branches);
* Ministry of Treasury;
* ABI – Italian Bank Association;
* SSPA – National School of Public Administration;
* SSPAL – National School of Local Public Administration;
* Il Sole 24 Ore (leading financial newspaper);
* CGIL (union);
* CISL (union);
* several associations of chartered accountants;
* several local governments and agencies.
* 2012--current. Member of scientific committee (also composed by Mr. Alexander Heichlinger, EIPA expert and manager of European Public Sector Award, and Mr. Jan Ole Vanebo, Professor at University College of Nord Trøndelag, Norway) for the project “Excellence in Local Public Management in Europe” of European Institute for Public Ad-ministration (EIPA), Barcelona (ES) and Maastricht (NL); the project aims to compare the key factors and the different stories of success of seven European cities (Bilbao ES, Birmingham UK, Mannheim DE, Milan IT, Tampere FI, Tallinn EE, Trondheim NO) more information here:
* 2012--current. Serving as Independent Assessment Body (“Organismo Indipendente di Valutazione – OIV”) at the Municipality of Faenza (ca. 60,000 residents).
* 2012. Scientific responsible for the project “Atlante delle partecipate” which analyses financial and nonfinancial performance of the 400+ public-owned corporations that manage infrastructures such as sea ports, airports, highways, intermodal and logistic centres; project by Uniontrasporti, consortium of the Italian chambers of commerce for infrastructures.
* 2012. Advisory for the improvement of the performance measurement system of Unioncamere (Rome), national public agency of the chambers of commerce.
* 2011--2012. Advisory for the Municipality of Cesena with the aim to assess the overall financial situation and improve the efficiency of revenues collection.
* 2010. Independent external expert selected to participate to draw the first issue of the first Guideline for Performance Measurement and Management for the Italian public sector, Italian Indipendent Commission for Evaluation, Transparency, Integrity in Public Sector (CIVIT – Commissione indipendente per la valutazione, la trasparenza, e l'Integrità delle amministrazioni pubbliche).
* 2009-current. Co-developer (with Professor Giuseppe Farneti) of a model of financial distress evaluation for Italian local governments (municipalities, provinces, public consortiums, regions, and healthcare organizations) on behalf of Bureau Van Dijk Electronic Publishing (Belgium), world leader in databases containing public and private organizations' financial and non-financial information, such as AMADEUS, ORBIS, FAME, DIANE, DAFNE, AIDA databases (
* 2009. Independent external expert for evaluation of projects presented for the European Public Sector Award - EPSA 2009, European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht (NL), European Union.
* 2008--current. External expert for national and international banks for the computation of the “loss given default” (LGD) rate for Italian regional, provincial and municipal governments according to “Basel 2” rules.
* 2008--current. Advisory for several activities concerning the assessment of fiscal distress and analysis of financial reports of local governments for “CGIL” union in several regional areas (Emilia-Romagna, Piemonte and Lombardia).
* 2007--08. Member, juridical-administrative committee of the delegated commissioner with extraordinary powers, designated by the Prime Minister, in charge of contributing to the solution of an environmental emergency concerning the management of waste and wastewater in the Calabria region (Southern Italy, 2 million pop.), Department of Civil Protection, Prime Minister Bureau.
* 2007--09. Member, scientific committee for the rearrangement of municipal rules and norms, Municipality of Forlì (Emilia Romagna, Italy, 110,000 pop.); the objective is to link the rules and norms to the municipality's management control system.
* 2006-08. Consultant for the design of a Management Control System for the Town of Levanto (Liguria, Italy, 6,000 pop.).
* 2006--07. Member, workgroup “Laboratorio Cantieri” at the Department of Home Office, Rome, with the goal of developing a handbook for public officials on "Measuring for Decisions" (see within the publication section "Misurare per decidere").
* 2004--08. Member, scientific committee at the Audit Court, regional branch of Tuscany, Florence, with the goal of contributing to the development of auditing frameworks for local governments.
* 2000--09. Member, scientific steering committee and coordinator of the permanent project "Osservatorio Bilanci & Servizi Enti Locali", granted by the Province of Forlì-Cesena, with the goal of developing a benchmarking project among local governments in the local area; the scientific objective is to build a framework that can help public institutions (such as the Ministry of the Interior or the National Audit Court) in developing measurement systems for auditing and accountability; this project has been the precursor of the model of financial distress evaluation then elaborated with Bureau van Dijk (see above).
* 1999--06. Research fellow, CRESEM, Centro di Ricerche e Studi Economico-Manageriali e Giuridici (Research Centre on Accounting, Management and Law), Forlì Campus, School of Economics, University of Bologna.
Some of the already published articles and some of the working papers can be accessed via Social Science Research Network (SSRN):
International Publications – Books
[1] E. PADOVANI, D. W. YOUNG (2012). Managing Local Governments. Designing Management Control Systems that Deliver Value. ROUTLEDGE MASTERS IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SERIES, p. 1-352, LONDON:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-78330-9, ISSN: 2155-465X
[2] E. PADOVANI, J. BOSSE, A. HEICHLINGER, J.O. VANEBO (2013). In Search of Local Public Management Excellence. Seven Journeys to Success, p. 1-169, Maastricht NL: EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, ISBN 978-90-6779-217-2
International Publications – Journal Articles
[3] Agnoletti V., Buccioli M., Corso R.M., PADOVANI E., Perger P., Piraccini E., Orelli L.R., Maitan S., Dell'Amore D., Garcea D., Vicini C., Montella M.T., Gambale G. (2013) Operating Room Data Management: Improving Efficiency and Safety in a Surgical Block. BMC SURGERY, vol 13(7), doi:10.1186/1471-2482-13-7
[4] PADOVANI E., ORELLI R.L., YOUNG D.W.(2013) Implementing change in a hospital management accounting system, PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW, vol (Published online: 16 May 2013), doi:10.1080/14719037.2013.792383
[5] DEL SORDO C., ORELLI R.L., PADOVANI E. (2012). Accounting practices in Italian higher education system. EKONOMSKA ISTRAžIVANJA, vol. 3, p. 825-845, ISSN: 1331-677X
[6] SCORSONE E., PADOVANI E. (2010). The Comparative Analysis of Local Government Performance Measurement Systems: A Global Perspective (editorial). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC SECTOR PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT, vol. 1 (4), p. 325-329, ISSN: 1741-1041
[7] PADOVANI E., YETANO A., ORELLI R. L. (2010). Municipal Performance Measurement in Practice: Which Factors Matter?. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION QUARTERLY, vol. 34(3), p. 591-635, ISSN: 0734-9149
[8] PADOVANI E., YETANO A., ORELLI R. L. (2010). Time-related factors affecting performance management systems implementation in municipalities. PUBLIC, vol. 20, p. --, ISSN: 2013-2530
[9] PADOVANI E., SCORSONE E. (2009). Comparing Local Governments' Performance Internationally: A Mission Impossible?. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES, vol. 75(2), p. 219-237, ISSN: 0020-8523
[10] PADOVANI E., YOUNG D. W. (2008). Toward a Framework for Managing High-Risk Government Outsourcing: Field Research in Three Italian Municipalities. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT, vol. 8(2), p. 215-247, ISSN: 1535-0118
[11] PADOVANI E., YOUNG D. W. (2006). Managing High-Risk Outsourcing. PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, vol. 88 (1), p. 29-32, ISSN: 0033-3611
International Publications – Book Chapters
[12] PADOVANI E., ORELLI R.L., AGNOLETTI V., BUCCIOLI M. (2013) Low Cost and Human-Centered Innovations in Healthcare Services: A Case of Excellence in Italy. In: Saeed, S. and Reddick, C.G. (eds.) Human-Centered System Design for Electronic Governance, IGI Global, p. 239-252
[13] DEL SORDO C., ORELLI R. L., PADOVANI E. (2012). E-Government Challenges in European Countries. In: Handbook of Research on E-Government in Emerging Economies: Adoption, E-Participation, and Legal Frameworks. p. 699-716, HERSHEY PA:IGI Global, ISBN: 9781466603240
[14] DEL SORDO C., ORELLI R. L., PADOVANI E. (2012). From E-government to E-governance in Europe. In: From Government to E-Governance: Public Administration in the Digital Age. p. 195-206, HERSHEY PA:IGI Global, ISBN: 9781466619098
[15] DEL SORDO C., ORELLI R. L., PADOVANI E., DEIDDA GAGLIARDO E. (2012). Bridging E-Government and Performance in the Italian Public Sector. In: Public Sector Transformation through E-Government: Experiences from Europe and North America. p. 60-73, New york:Routledge, ISBN: 0415527376
[16] CARLOTTA DEL SORDO, REBECCA L. ORELLI, EMANUELE PADOVANI, SILVIA GARDINI (2012). Assessing Global Performance in Universities: An Application of Balanced Scorecard. In: 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences - 2012. PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, vol. 46, p. 4793-4797, ISSN: 1877-0428, Barcelona- University of Barcelona - Spain, 01 - 04 February 2012
[17] E. PADOVANI, E. SCORSONE (2011). Measuring Financial Health of Local Governments: A Comparative Framework. In: Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences. p. 93-104, WINTERTHUR:Swiss Society of Administrative Sciences, ISBN: 978-3-905839-13-5
[18] FARNETI F., PADOVANI E., YOUNG D. W. (2010). Governance of outsourcing and contractual relationships. In: The New Public Governance? Emerging Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Public Governance. p. 255-269, LONDON:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-49463-2
[19] ORELLI R. L., PADOVANI E., SCORSONE E. (2010). Information Systems, Accountability, and Performance in the Public Sector. In: Handbook of Public Information Systems (third edition). p. 455-479, New york:Routledge, ISBN: 9781439807569
[20] ORELLI R.L, PADOVANI E., SCORSONE E. (2010). E-government, Accountability, and Performance: Best-in-Class Governments in European Union Countries. In: Comparative E-government. INTEGRATED SERIES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS, p. 561-586, NEW YORK LONDON:Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4419-6535-6, ISSN: 1571-0270
[21] E. PADOVANI (2010). La medicion del desempeno en el reporting social. In: El Control Social De La Administracion Publica. Escenario, avances y dilemas en Brasil. p. 181-200, MADRID:INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA, ISBN: 978-84-7351-399-9
[22] DEL SORDO C., ORELLI R.L., PADOVANI E. (2009). Accounting Practices in Italian Higher Education System. In: Global Management 2009. Proceedings of the International Association for the Scientific Knowledge (IASK ) International Conference. Seville, Spain, 22-24 June 2009, p. 264-272
[23] PADOVANI E. (2008). A medição do desempenho no reporting social. In: Controle social da administração pública. p. 209-232, SAN PAOLO:Editora Unesp, ISBN: 978-85-98605-29-6
[24] PADOVANI E., YOUNG D. W. (2006). Managing High-Risk Outsourcing. In: Public Policy and Administration (ninth edition). p. 56-58, MILANO:The McGraw-Hill Companies, ISBN: 0073516260
National Publications – Books
[25] PADOVANI E. (2004). Il governo dei servizi pubblici locali in outsourcing. Il controllo dell'efficacia. p. 1-341, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-6525-3
[26] Farneti G, Padovani E (2003). Il Check-Up dell'ente locale. Una proposta per gli amministratori e i responsabili comunali. p. 1-200, MILANO:Il Sole 24 Ore, ISBN: 88-324-5029-1
National Publications – Journal Articles
[27] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). La «sana gestione finanziaria» dei comuni. Analisi dei parametri di deficitarieta` n. 4, 5 e 6 del D.M. 29 settembre 2009. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 4/2010, p. 271-278, ISSN: 0394-2155
[28] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). La «sana gestione finanziaria» dei comuni. Analisi dei parametri di deficitarieta` n. 1, 2 e 3 del D.M. 29 settembre 2009. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 3/2010, p. 181-191, ISSN: 0394-2155
[29] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). Il piano strategico territoriale: la prospettiva economico-aziendale. FOEDUS, vol. 26/2010, p. 72-83, ISSN: 1594-8447
[30] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). Gli indicatori negli enti locali: caratteristiche e opportunità gestionali. Utilizzo nelle attività di programmazione e controllo. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. I corsi 2/2010, p. 1-56, ISSN: 0394-2155
[31] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). Gli indicatori negli enti locali: caratteristiche e opportunità gestionali. Definizioni e tipologie. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. I Corsi 1/2010, p. 1-42, ISSN: 0394-2155
[32] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). La «sana gestione finanziaria» dei comuni. Analisi dei parametri di deficitarieta` n. 7, 8, 9 e 10 del D.M. 24 settembre 2009. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 5/2010, p. 351-359, ISSN: 0394-2155
[33] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). La rendicontazione territoriale in ottica di network governance: il Bilancio Consolidato Territoriale Provinciale. ECONOMIA AZIENDALE ONLINE, vol. 3bis/2010, p. 197-208, ISSN: 2038-5498
[34] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2009). Rendicontazione territoriale: una proposta di modello di Bilancio Consolidato Territoriale. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. Inserto 11/2009, p. 1-24, ISSN: 0394-2155
[35] PADOVANI E. (2009). Misurazione della performance e confronti per la 'nuova' PA (locale). AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 6/09, p. 413-418, ISSN: 0394-2155
[36] PADOVANI E., SOLDATI M. (2007). La programmazione nei comuni capoluogo di provincia. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 4/07, p. IV-X, ISSN: 0394-2155
[37] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E., SOLDATI M. (2007). L'approccio dei comuni capoluogo di provincia alla programmazione, contabilita` economica e pianificazione strategica. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 4, p. I-XIX, ISSN: 0394-2155
[38] Padovani E (2003). Dalla contabilita' finanziaria informazioni preziose per il controllo strategico: un modello di analisi. AZIENDAITALIA, p. I-XIX, ISSN: 0394-2155
[39] Padovani E (2001). Osservatorio Bilanci & Servizi Enti Locali: lo schema d'analisi economico-finanziaria comparata. AZIENDAITALIA, p. III-XXXI, ISSN: 0394-2155
[40] Mazzara L, Padovani E (2001). Servizi pubblici e misurazione dei risultati. Lezione 1: il benchmarking negli enti locali. AZIENDAITALIA, ISSN: 0394-2155
[41] Padovani E (2000). Le prime esperienze di benchmarking nelle amministrazioni comunali: studio di un caso concreto. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI RAGIONERIA E DI ECONOMIA AZIENDALE, p. 488-505, ISSN: 1593-9154
[42] Padovani E (2000). Servizi pubblici: primo approccio al benchmarking nella Provincia di Forli'-Cesena. AZIENDAITALIA, p. 121-127, ISSN: 0394-2155
National Publications – Book Chapters
[43] PADOVANI E. (2013-forthcoming). Albero della performance, Ciclo di gestione della performance, Costo del servizio (misurazione del), Misurazione e valutazione della performance (processo di), Efficacia, Efficienza nell'impiego delle risorse (ambito di misurazione della performance organizzativa), Indicatori di performance (input, output, di risultato, di outcome). In: HINNA L. (a cura di). Il glossario della riforma della pubblica amministrazione. p. (varie), RIMINI:Maggioli, ISBN: 9788838778438
[44] PADOVANI E. (2007). La gestione delle informazioni. In: FARNETI G.. Economia d'Azienda. p. 219-228, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 978-88-464-9011-7
[45] E. CANTONI, E. PADOVANI, B. SIBONI (2007). Le funzioni aziendali e i processi operativi. In: G. FARNETI. Economia d'Azienda. p. 201-228, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 978-88-464-9011-7
[46] FARNETI F., ORELLI R. L., VISANI F., MAZZARA L., SIBONI B., PADOVANI E., GIANFELICI C., CASTELLANI M., DEL SORDO C. (2006). La verifica del rispetto dei principi contabili. Approfondimenti sulla gestione e sul sistema informativo. In: I principi di reporting per le pubbliche amministrazioni. L'evoluzione italiana e la prospettiva internazionale. p. 47-140, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 8846480732
[47] PADOVANI E. (2006). bilancio consolidato territoriale: l'esperienza della Provincia di Forli'-Cesena. In: FARNETI G.. Gestione e contabilita' dell'ente locale (VIII edizione). p. 672-687, Rimini:Maggioli, ISBN: 8838732922
[48] PADOVANI E. (2006). Identificare i target di miglioramento mediante il benchmarking. In: DIPARTIMENTO DELLA FUNZIONE PUBBLICA. Misurare per decidere. La misurazione delle performance per migliorare le politiche pubbliche e i servizi. p. 165-169, SOVERIA MANNELLI:Rubbettino, ISBN: 884981688X
[49] PADOVANI E. (2006). La misurazione delle strategie nel Comune di Forli'. In: DIPARTIMENTO DELLA FUNZIONE PUBBLICA. Misurare per decidere. La misurazione delle performance per migliorare le politiche pubbliche e i servizi. p. 103-120, SOVERIA MANNELLI:Rubbettino, ISBN: 884981688X
[50] PADOVANI E. (2005). Gli indicatori. In: Bilancio Sociale di Mandato. Il ciclo integrato di strategia e controllo sociale. p. 300-322, MILANO:IPSOA, ISBN: 88-217-2166-3
[51] PADOVANI E. (2005). Il bilancio consolidato. In: Bilancio Sociale di Mandato. Il ciclo integrato di strategia e controllo sociale. p. 338-355, MILANO:IPSOA, ISBN: 88-217-2166-3
[52] PADOVANI E. (2005). Gli indicatori nell'analisi comparata della performance degli enti locali: l'esperienza dell'Osservatorio Bilanci & Servizi Enti Locali. In: FARNETI G.. Gestione e contabilità dell'ente locale (VII edizione). p. 273-285, Rimini:Maggioli, ISBN: 8838728461
[53] PADOVANI E. (2005). Il metodo del Check-Up (analisi economico-finanziaria comparata) per il controllo sulla gestione operato dalla Corte dei conti. In: FARNETI G.. Gestione e contabilità dell'ente locale. p. 584-604, Rimini:Maggioli, ISBN: 8838728461
[54] PADOVANI E. (2005). Il controllo dell'efficacia nei servizi pubblici locali gestiti in outsourcing: il caso dei servizi di igiene urbana. In: Le aziende dei servizi pubblici locali. Firenze, 23 luglio 2004, p. 479-499, Rimini:Maggioli, ISBN: 8838728437
[55] PADOVANI E. (2004). Gli indicatori e le varie necessità informative. In: FARNETI G.. Ragioneria pubblica. Il "nuovo" sistema informativo delle aziende pubbliche. p. 179-186, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-5751-X
[56] PADOVANI E., VISANI F. (2004). I sistemi informativi evoluti. In: FARNETI G.. Ragioneria pubblica. Il "nuovo" sistema informativo delle aziende pubbliche. p. 212-221, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-5751-X
[57] PADOVANI E. (2004). Dai dati di contabilità finanziaria un modello d'analisi per individuare aspetti critici e punti di forza nella gestione delle amministrazioni comunali. In: AA.VV.. L'evoluzione del controllo di gestione. Facoltà di Economia - sede di Forlì, 18 luglio 2003, p. 525-545, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 8846457889
[58] Padovani E, Farneti V, Orelli R L (2002). Gli indicatori nell'analisi comparata dell'economicita' della gestione dei servizi pubblici locali: l'esperienza dell'Osservatorio Bilanci & Servizi Enti Locali. In: Farneti G. Gestione e contabilita' dell'ente locale, VI edizione . p. 322-338, RIMINI:Maggioli Editore, ISBN: 88-387-2129-7
[59] Padovani E (2001). L'analisi economico-finanziaria dei servizi pubblici locali: oggetto dell'indagine, premesse metodologiche e caratteristiche del campione. In: Analisi economico-finanziaria dei servizi pubblici locali. vol. 2, p. 11-36, PADOVA:CEDAM, ISBN: 88-13-23882-7
[60] Padovani E (2001). Analisi dei principali risultati economico-finanziari. In: Analisi economico-finanziaria dei servizi pubblici locali. vol. 2, p. 40-203, PADOVA:CEDAM, ISBN: 88-13-23882-7
[61] Padovani E (2000). Il monitoraggio dei servizi pubblici nell'esperienza di un osservatorio provinciale. In: Farneti G. Gestione e contabilita' dell'ente locale, V edizione. p. 318-332, RIMINI:Maggioli Editore, ISBN: 8838718857
Italian: Mother tongue; English: Fluent; French: Tourist
Some of Emanuele Padovani's teaching cases are distributed by Harvard Business School Press.
He has published articles in the main domestic financial newspaper ("Il Sole 24 Ore") and in other domestic newspapers and journals on various subjects of his research. He has also been interviewed by Italian broadcast channels and several national and international newspapers (amongst which Financial Times and Wall Street Journal), concerning the financial distress of Italian local governments.
* * *
* 2004. Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Ferrara, Italy
* 2002 (summer). Visiting Scholar, Boston University School of Management, U.S. sponsor: Professor David W. Young
* 2001. Summer School on Pedagogy, University of Turin and Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale, Italy
* 2000. Summer School on Research Methodology, University of Messina and Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale, Italy
* 1999. Laurea summa cum laude, Economics and Management, University of Bologna, Italy.
(all at University of Bologna, Italy)
* 2006-present. Associate Professor of Business Administration at School of Economics Management and Statistics, Department of Management
* 2005-07. Course Coordinator, International Summer School on Public Management (first, second and third editions), (in cooperation with: The University of Sydney, Australia, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, Methodist University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), Forlì Campus
* 2002-06. Assistant Professor and Lecturer of Management at School of Economics Management and Statistics, Department of Management, Forlì Campus
* 2000-02. Research Fellow at School of Economics, Forlì Campus
Teaching activities at School of Political Sciences, Bologna Campus, University of Bologna:
* 2012-13 (academic year). FUNDAMENTALS IN HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT, 6 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), Master in Healthcare Economics and Management (joint degree program with Management Center of Innsbruck, University of Oslo, Erasmus University di Rotterdam starting from 2013-14), taught with David W. Young, Professor Emeritus, Boston University School of Management (course in English).
Teaching activities at School of Economics Management and Statistics, Forlì and Bologna Campuses, University of Bologna:
* 2012-13. PUBLIC PERFORMANCE, GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE DELIVERY, 6 ECTS, Master in Business Administration (course in English).
* 2012-13. ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING IN PUBLIC SECTOR, 6 ECTS, Master in Business Administration (course in English).
* 2011-12. INNOVATIVE GOVERNANCE, Advanced Executive Program in "Economia e Management delle Organizzazioni nonprofit a movente ideale" (Nonprofit Economics and Management).
* 2007-08--in progress. MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING ISSUES IN PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS (also MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS), 4 ECTS, Master in Social Economics, taught with David W. Young (Boston University School of Management) (course in English).
* 2009-10. MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS IN NONPROFITS, 4 ECTS, Bachelor in Business Adminsitration.
* 2008-09--2010-11. AUDITING IN PUBLIC SECTOR, 8 ECTS, Master in Business Administration and Public Management.
* 2008-09--2010-11. POLICIES AND STRATEGIES IN PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANIZATIONS, 8 ECTS, Master in Business Administration and Public Management.
* 2004-05--2006-07. PUBLIC SECTOR ENVIRONMENT e MANAGING HIGH RISK OUTSOURCING, teaching unites of 3 hours each per academic year at the Summer School in Public Management (SSPUM).
* 2005-06. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, module within Advanced Executive Program in “Strategy formulation and control in local governments”.
* 2005-06. MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTING, 8 teaching units at the International Master for Creation and Development of Innovative SME in transition countries (CESPEM), (in cooperation with the University of Belgrade) (course in English).
* 2004-05--in progress. POLICIES AND STRATEGIES IN PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANIZATIONS, 8 ECTS, Master in City Management.
Teaching activities in cross-disciplinary courses at the University of Bologna:
* 2003-04--2008-09. MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING, 4 ECTS, Bachelor in Internet Economics (School of Economics Management and Statistics, School of Political Sciences “Roberto Ruffilli”, School of Mathematics Physics and Natural Sciences).
* 2006-07. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, 8 ECTS, Bachelor in Government Administration and Management of Territory (School of Economics Management and Statistics and School of Political Sciences “Roberto Ruffilli”).
* 2003-04--2008-09. MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS IN PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANIZATIONS, 4 to 8 ECTS (depending on academic year), Bachelor in Government Administration and Management of Territory (School of Economics Management and Statistics and School of Political Sciences “Roberto Ruffilli”); in 2004-05 taught with David W. Young, Professor Emeritus Boston University School of Management.
Teaching activities in other universities than University of Bologna:
* 2013 & 2013. Invited lecturer, teaching unit on “The financial reporting of local governments”, Master in Local Governments' Performance Management, Departments of Economics Institution and Territory, University of Ferrara.
* 2010. Invited lecturer, teaching unit on "The financial rating in local governments", Master in Public Sector Organization's General Management, University of Salerno.
* 2005-06. Invited lecturer, teaching unit on “Measuring performance in local governments”, Master in Public Sector Organization's General Management, University of Salerno.
* 2007-08. Invited lecturer, teaching unit “The financial reporting of local governments”, Advanced Executive Program in Government and Management of Local Governments, University of Salento, Lecce.
* 2002-03. Invited lecturer, teaching unit on “Measuring performance in local governments”, Master in Internal Audit in Local Governments and Public Sector Organizations, University of Pisa.
* 2002-03. Seminar on “Management control in little local governments”, Departments of Economics Institution and Territory, University of Ferrara.
* 2001-02. Seminar on “Management and accounting in local governments”, master course, LUISS Management, Universty LUISS Guido Carli, Roma.
* 2013. Seminar on "Excellence in local/regional public management as a precondition for economic success in the territory - Critical success factors for a local public administration being fit for growth" (half a day), at the "Summer School on EU Economic Integration and Regional Development", organized by the European Institute of Public Administration, EIPA Barcelona, in Barcelona (ES), 24-28 June 2013
* 2010 & 2011. Visiting lecturer (1 month each year), Master Public Administration (international students) and Public Management Research Master, Institut de Management Public et Gouvernance Territoriale (IMPGT), Paul Cézanne University, Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, France: seminars on “Performance Measurement in Public Sector Organizations” and “Managing Outsourcing in Local Governments” (taught in English).
* 2010. Research seminar for faculty members on "Municipal Performance Measurement and Management in Practice: Which Factors Matter?", Grenoble Ecole de Management, Grenoble, France (taught in English).
* 2009. Course on Management Accounting in Public Sector Organizations, Summer University Program, master degree, Aarhus Business School, Aarhus University, Aarhus - Denmark, 4 ECTS, 25 sessions (taught in English) (students' evaluation: 4.5 on a 0-5 scale).
* 2009. Research seminar for faculty members and Ph.D. students on "Conceptualizing Performance Across Continents: The Case of Performance Expectations Prior to and After Public Crises in Europe and North America", Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (USA).
* 2009. Seminar for elected official at the 4th Annual Lynn R. Harvey State and Local Government Speaker Series, Michigan State University's State and Local Government Program, and Michigan Local Government Benchmarking Consortium: "Innovation in Public Management: Managing High-Risk Outsourcing", Ferndale/Detroit, MI (USA).
* 2008-09 and 2007-08. Visiting Lecturer, Master in Tourism Organization and Management, University of Valencia, Spain: seminar on Managing High Risk Outsourcing in the Public and Private Sector with Special Emphasis on the Hotel Industry.
* 2007. Invited Lecturer on "Social Control: An Integrated Approach to Public Policies. The Impact of Performance Measurement on Financial Forecasting in Italian Municipalities", by Methodist University in São Paulo; the meetings were opened to public servants of local governments in São Paulo's metropolitan area, undergraduate and postgraduate (master and Ph.D.) students.
* 2007. Invited Lecturer on "Public control on outsourced services" ("Controle Público de Concessões e Serviços Terceirizados") by Secretaria Municipal de Relações Internacionais, Secretaria Municipal de Governo, Municipality of São Paulo do Brasil and Cátedra Gestão de Cidades, Methodist University at São Paulo, at São Paulo's Central Public Library 'Mário de Andrade'.
For those teaching activities under quality assurance programs, scores of perceived quality by students are provided:
* August 2009, course “Management Accounting in Public Sector Organizations”, Summer University Program, master degree, Aarhus Business School, Aarhus University, Aarhus - Denmark, 4 ECTS, 25 sessions, score 4,5 out of 5 (scale 0--5);
* 2011-12 (academic year), University of Bologna, average score reached in all courses taught (percentage of positive scores to the question “In general, are you satisfied how this course has been taught?” of the official questionnaire “Opinioni degli studenti sulle attività didattiche”): 87,4 percent;
* 2010-11, University of Bologna: 87,3 percent;
* 2009-19, University of Bologna: 84,9 percent;
* 2008-09, University of Bologna: 84,1 percent;
* 2010--in progress. Faculty member for public management and accounting disciplines of "Joint PhD Programme in Diversity Management and Governance” (DOT0903BD3), joint program of University of Bologna (Italy), Karl-Franzens-University Graz (Austria), University of Primorska (Slovenia), New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria).
Supervision of Ph.D. candidate Mrs. Katrin Elliott with a dissertation (tentative title): "Parenthood Variable in School Leadership: A Wall or a Bridge for Students' Academic Achievement within Diverse Learning Environments?” (defense: June 2013).
(all at University of Bologna)
* 09/2012--in progress. Member of Executive Committee, Department of Management.
* 2005--2007. Coordinator, International Summer School on Public Management (first, second and third editions), in cooperation with The University of Sydney (Australia), University Federico II (Naples, Italy), Methodist University of Sao Paulo (Brazil); participation of students from 20 different countries.
* 2006--2012. Member of the International, Internship, Orientation and Visiting Scholars committees at School of Economics Management and Statistics at Forlì Campus.
* 2007--2010. Chair, Bachelor in Internet Economics at School of Economics Management and Statistics at Forlì Campus, School of Political Sciences “Roberto Ruffilli” at Forlì Campus, School of Mathematics Physics and Natural Sciences at Cesena Campus.
This is the list of topics, and related funded projects, of past and current academic research activity. For the complete list of research outputs, see the ‘international conferences' and ‘publication' sections.
* 2011--2012. “e-Health Cost Management (e-HCM). Implications of Automation and Cost Management In the Operating Room”; research manager and member of scientific committee composed of two clinical managers and two professors of management and accounting; manager of a group of three junior researchers; private funding (Daisy srl); this project has been awarded with a special nomination by the European Institute for Public Administration within the European Public Sector Award 2011; more details at; total amount: €18.000.
* 2008--09. “Performance Measurement and Management in the Local Public Sector: Comparison between Italy and Spain”; leader of research team that included Dr. Federica Farneti, Dr. Carlotta del Sordo, Dr. Benedetta Siboni, Dr. Emiliano Cantoni; other universities involved: University of Saragoza (leader: Prof. Lourdes Torres); funding source: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación, “Azioni Integrate Italia-Spagna” funds; total amount: €17.000.
* 2007--in progress. “Comparing and Managing Local Governments' Performance Internationally”; partnership with Scorsone E., Michigan State University, East Lansing MI; project funded by RFO Ministry of Research and University; total amount: €7.000.
* 2006. “Reporting Consolidated Performance of Local Government's Enterprises”; leader of research team that included Dr. Massimiliano Soldati and Dr. Emanuela Valtancoli; funding source: Confartigianato Forlì (a local small enterprises' association); amount: 3.000 EUR.
* 2006--09. “Measurement for Management Control Systems and Accountability in Local Governments”; member of research team that included Professor Giuseppe Farneti (leader), Professor Massimo Bianchi, Dr. Rebecca Levy Orelli, Dr. Valerio Melandri; funding source: Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì (local bank foundation); amount: €48.000.
* 2006--2008. “Research and Teaching Cooperation Agreement between University of Bologna-Forlì Campus and Methodist University of Sao Paulo”; responsible of a project involving 18 amongst professors, researchers and junior faculty members.
* 2004--06. “Accounting Principles and Internal and External Communication in Public Sector”; member of research team that included Professor Giuseppe Farneti (leader), Professor Giuseppe Savioli, Associate Professor Luca Mazzara, Dr. Rebecca L. Orelli, Dr. Siboni Benedetta, Dr. Carlotta del Sordo; the University of Bologna's team was the national co-ordinator of a network of four universities: University of Bologna, University of Ferrara, University of Catania, University of Napoli Parthenope; funding sources: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, “PRIN” funds (Relevant National Interest Programs funds) for an amount of 78.000 EUR, plus “RFO” funds (Oriented Fundamental Research funds) for an additional €15.000.
* 2002--04. “Cost Management Techniques in Different Contexts of Public Sector”; member of research team that included Professor Giuseppe Farneti (leader), Dr. Luca Mazzara, Dr. Rebecca L. Orelli; funding source: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, “RFO” funds (Oriented Fundamental Research funds) for an amount of €12.000/year (€36.000 total).
* 2000--02. Research Fellowship “Compared Performance Analysis of Public Local Services”; funding source: University of Bologna; amount 27.000 EUR.
* 2000--02. “Public Local Services. A performance analysis”; member of research team that included Professor Giuseppe Farneti (leader), Dr. Emidia Vagnoni, Dr. Rebecca L. Orelli, Dr. Luca Mazzara, Dr. Marco Castellani; other Universities within the national research network: University of Bologna, Bologna Campus, University of Pisa, University of Siena, University of Trieste; funding source: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, “PRIN” (Relevant National Interest Programs) funds for an amount of about €70.000.
1999--2009. “Benchmarking in Local Governments”; co-director of research team that included Professor Giuseppe Farneti (co-director), Associate Professor Luca Mazzara, Dr. Rebecca L. Orelli, Dr. Marco Castellani, Dr. Federica Farneti, Dr. Carlotta del Sordo, Dr. Benedetta Siboni; funding source: Province of Forlì-Cesena; amount: €280.000 (total).
Euro Mediterranean Public Management Dialogue (MED) (member of scientific committee), Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA); European Group for Public Administration (EGPA); International Public Management Network (IPMN); Public Performance Measurement & Reporting Network (IPMRN); Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD).
Chair or co-chair of:
* 2013. Workshop “3: Remaining competitive: managing performance for efficient and effective urban service delivery”, 9th Transatlanting Dialogue (9TAD), 12-15 June 2013, University of Baltimore, College of Public Affairs, Baltimore MD (USA).
* 2012. Track “Fiscal Distress Management: Comparing Industrialized and Emerging Countries”, Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), 11-13 April 2012, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
* 2010. Track “City Management”, 1st IRSPM.PMRA.ASIA Public Management Research Conference - PMRC2010, 14-16 October 2010, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Presentation of one or more papers at the following international conferences:
* 2012. XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Special Interest Group on Innovation and Change in Public Services (SIGIPS), 11-13 April 2012, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
* 2010. 1st IRSPM.PMRA.ASIA Public Management Research Conference - PMRC2010, 14-16 October 2010, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
* 2010. 4eme Université de la Fonction Publique Territoriale, “L'emploi public local en Europe: Quel est l'impact des réformes territoriales ?” 11 June 2010 at University of Aix-Marseille III “Paul Cézanne”, Aix-en-Provence, France.
* 2010. 10th EURAM Conference, Track 14 “Public Management”, 19-22 May 2010, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
* 2010. 4th International Research Symposium on Public Management - IRSPM Conference, Track 10 “New Public Financial Management”, 7-9 April 2010, University of Bern, Switzerland.
* 2009. 1st International SMOG Conference on Sustainable Management of Public and Not for Profit Organisations, 1-3 July 2009, University of Bologna at Forlì Campus.
* 2009. International Public Management Network Conference (“Government Performance in Comparative Perspective”) 22-24 June 2009, the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
* 2009. Second Annual Performance Measurement and Reporting Conference, 23-24 January 2009, Rutgers University, Newark NJ (USA)
* 2008. European Group for Public Administration Conference 2008 (EGPA 2008), 3-6 September, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
* 2008. Fourth Transatlantic Dialogue (4TAD) Conference, 12-14 June 2008, Università Bocconi, Milan
* 2007. Association for Budgeting & Financial Management (ABFM) 19th Annual Conference, 25-27 October 2007, Washington Marriot, 1221, Washington, D.C.
* 2007. European Group of Public Administration Conference 2007 (EGPA 2007), 19-22 September 2007, INAP Madrid, Spain.
* 2006. European Group of Public Administration Conference 2006 (EGPA 2006), 6-9 September 2006, Università Bocconi, Milan.
* 2005. Ninth International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM IX), 8 April 2005, Università Bocconi, Milan.
* H-index: 5 (updated to 14 November 2012)
* Social Science Research Network: 2.700 downloads of full papers; listed as SSRN Top Economics Author ranking (updated to 14 November 2012)
* 2012--current. Guest Editor (with Eric Scorsone, Michigan State University USA) special issue “Local Governments and Bankruptcy” of Public Finance and Management journal.
* 2012--current. Ad hoc reviewer, International Review of Administrative Sciences.
* 2011--current. Ad hoc reviewer, Public Administration.
* 2010--current. Member of editorial board, Azienditalia (publisher: Wolders Kluwer), leader Italian magazine for public management and accounting in local governments.
* 2010--current. Reviewer, Annual International Public Procurement Conference.
* 2009--current. Ad hoc reviewer, Public Management Review.
* 2009--current. Ad hoc reviewer, International Journal of Public Sector Management.
* 2009--current. Ad hoc reviewer per Australian Accounting Review
* 2009. Reviewer, 1st Sustainable Management of Public and Not for Profit Organistions (SMOG) Conference
* 2008--current. Member of editorial board, International Journal of Public Sector Performance Manage-ment (IJPSPM) (publisher: Inderscience Publishers)
* 2008--2009. Guest Editor (with Eric Scorsone, Michigan State University USA), special issue “The Comparative Analysis of Local Government Performance Measurement Systems: A Global Perspective” Vol. 2, Issue 3, International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management.
Teaching projects with national and international public and private institutions, amongst which:
* INET – Institut National des Etudes Territoriales (France);
* Department of Home Office;
* National Audit Court (national and regional branches);
* Ministry of Treasury;
* ABI – Italian Bank Association;
* SSPA – National School of Public Administration;
* SSPAL – National School of Local Public Administration;
* Il Sole 24 Ore (leading financial newspaper);
* CGIL (union);
* CISL (union);
* several associations of chartered accountants;
* several local governments and agencies.
* 2012--current. Member of scientific committee (also composed by Mr. Alexander Heichlinger, EIPA expert and manager of European Public Sector Award, and Mr. Jan Ole Vanebo, Professor at University College of Nord Trøndelag, Norway) for the project “Excellence in Local Public Management in Europe” of European Institute for Public Ad-ministration (EIPA), Barcelona (ES) and Maastricht (NL); the project aims to compare the key factors and the different stories of success of seven European cities (Bilbao ES, Birmingham UK, Mannheim DE, Milan IT, Tampere FI, Tallinn EE, Trondheim NO) more information here:
* 2012--current. Serving as Independent Assessment Body (“Organismo Indipendente di Valutazione – OIV”) at the Municipality of Faenza (ca. 60,000 residents).
* 2012. Scientific responsible for the project “Atlante delle partecipate” which analyses financial and nonfinancial performance of the 400+ public-owned corporations that manage infrastructures such as sea ports, airports, highways, intermodal and logistic centres; project by Uniontrasporti, consortium of the Italian chambers of commerce for infrastructures.
* 2012. Advisory for the improvement of the performance measurement system of Unioncamere (Rome), national public agency of the chambers of commerce.
* 2011--2012. Advisory for the Municipality of Cesena with the aim to assess the overall financial situation and improve the efficiency of revenues collection.
* 2010. Independent external expert selected to participate to draw the first issue of the first Guideline for Performance Measurement and Management for the Italian public sector, Italian Indipendent Commission for Evaluation, Transparency, Integrity in Public Sector (CIVIT – Commissione indipendente per la valutazione, la trasparenza, e l'Integrità delle amministrazioni pubbliche).
* 2009-current. Co-developer (with Professor Giuseppe Farneti) of a model of financial distress evaluation for Italian local governments (municipalities, provinces, public consortiums, regions, and healthcare organizations) on behalf of Bureau Van Dijk Electronic Publishing (Belgium), world leader in databases containing public and private organizations' financial and non-financial information, such as AMADEUS, ORBIS, FAME, DIANE, DAFNE, AIDA databases (
* 2009. Independent external expert for evaluation of projects presented for the European Public Sector Award - EPSA 2009, European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht (NL), European Union.
* 2008--current. External expert for national and international banks for the computation of the “loss given default” (LGD) rate for Italian regional, provincial and municipal governments according to “Basel 2” rules.
* 2008--current. Advisory for several activities concerning the assessment of fiscal distress and analysis of financial reports of local governments for “CGIL” union in several regional areas (Emilia-Romagna, Piemonte and Lombardia).
* 2007--08. Member, juridical-administrative committee of the delegated commissioner with extraordinary powers, designated by the Prime Minister, in charge of contributing to the solution of an environmental emergency concerning the management of waste and wastewater in the Calabria region (Southern Italy, 2 million pop.), Department of Civil Protection, Prime Minister Bureau.
* 2007--09. Member, scientific committee for the rearrangement of municipal rules and norms, Municipality of Forlì (Emilia Romagna, Italy, 110,000 pop.); the objective is to link the rules and norms to the municipality's management control system.
* 2006-08. Consultant for the design of a Management Control System for the Town of Levanto (Liguria, Italy, 6,000 pop.).
* 2006--07. Member, workgroup “Laboratorio Cantieri” at the Department of Home Office, Rome, with the goal of developing a handbook for public officials on "Measuring for Decisions" (see within the publication section "Misurare per decidere").
* 2004--08. Member, scientific committee at the Audit Court, regional branch of Tuscany, Florence, with the goal of contributing to the development of auditing frameworks for local governments.
* 2000--09. Member, scientific steering committee and coordinator of the permanent project "Osservatorio Bilanci & Servizi Enti Locali", granted by the Province of Forlì-Cesena, with the goal of developing a benchmarking project among local governments in the local area; the scientific objective is to build a framework that can help public institutions (such as the Ministry of the Interior or the National Audit Court) in developing measurement systems for auditing and accountability; this project has been the precursor of the model of financial distress evaluation then elaborated with Bureau van Dijk (see above).
* 1999--06. Research fellow, CRESEM, Centro di Ricerche e Studi Economico-Manageriali e Giuridici (Research Centre on Accounting, Management and Law), Forlì Campus, School of Economics, University of Bologna.
Some of the already published articles and some of the working papers can be accessed via Social Science Research Network (SSRN):
International Publications – Books
[1] E. PADOVANI, D. W. YOUNG (2012). Managing Local Governments. Designing Management Control Systems that Deliver Value. ROUTLEDGE MASTERS IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SERIES, p. 1-352, LONDON:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-78330-9, ISSN: 2155-465X
[2] E. PADOVANI, J. BOSSE, A. HEICHLINGER, J.O. VANEBO (2013). In Search of Local Public Management Excellence. Seven Journeys to Success, p. 1-169, Maastricht NL: EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, ISBN 978-90-6779-217-2
International Publications – Journal Articles
[3] Agnoletti V., Buccioli M., Corso R.M., PADOVANI E., Perger P., Piraccini E., Orelli L.R., Maitan S., Dell'Amore D., Garcea D., Vicini C., Montella M.T., Gambale G. (2013) Operating Room Data Management: Improving Efficiency and Safety in a Surgical Block. BMC SURGERY, vol 13(7), doi:10.1186/1471-2482-13-7
[4] PADOVANI E., ORELLI R.L., YOUNG D.W.(2013) Implementing change in a hospital management accounting system, PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW, vol (Published online: 16 May 2013), doi:10.1080/14719037.2013.792383
[5] DEL SORDO C., ORELLI R.L., PADOVANI E. (2012). Accounting practices in Italian higher education system. EKONOMSKA ISTRAžIVANJA, vol. 3, p. 825-845, ISSN: 1331-677X
[6] SCORSONE E., PADOVANI E. (2010). The Comparative Analysis of Local Government Performance Measurement Systems: A Global Perspective (editorial). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC SECTOR PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT, vol. 1 (4), p. 325-329, ISSN: 1741-1041
[7] PADOVANI E., YETANO A., ORELLI R. L. (2010). Municipal Performance Measurement in Practice: Which Factors Matter?. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION QUARTERLY, vol. 34(3), p. 591-635, ISSN: 0734-9149
[8] PADOVANI E., YETANO A., ORELLI R. L. (2010). Time-related factors affecting performance management systems implementation in municipalities. PUBLIC, vol. 20, p. --, ISSN: 2013-2530
[9] PADOVANI E., SCORSONE E. (2009). Comparing Local Governments' Performance Internationally: A Mission Impossible?. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES, vol. 75(2), p. 219-237, ISSN: 0020-8523
[10] PADOVANI E., YOUNG D. W. (2008). Toward a Framework for Managing High-Risk Government Outsourcing: Field Research in Three Italian Municipalities. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT, vol. 8(2), p. 215-247, ISSN: 1535-0118
[11] PADOVANI E., YOUNG D. W. (2006). Managing High-Risk Outsourcing. PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, vol. 88 (1), p. 29-32, ISSN: 0033-3611
International Publications – Book Chapters
[12] PADOVANI E., ORELLI R.L., AGNOLETTI V., BUCCIOLI M. (2013) Low Cost and Human-Centered Innovations in Healthcare Services: A Case of Excellence in Italy. In: Saeed, S. and Reddick, C.G. (eds.) Human-Centered System Design for Electronic Governance, IGI Global, p. 239-252
[13] DEL SORDO C., ORELLI R. L., PADOVANI E. (2012). E-Government Challenges in European Countries. In: Handbook of Research on E-Government in Emerging Economies: Adoption, E-Participation, and Legal Frameworks. p. 699-716, HERSHEY PA:IGI Global, ISBN: 9781466603240
[14] DEL SORDO C., ORELLI R. L., PADOVANI E. (2012). From E-government to E-governance in Europe. In: From Government to E-Governance: Public Administration in the Digital Age. p. 195-206, HERSHEY PA:IGI Global, ISBN: 9781466619098
[15] DEL SORDO C., ORELLI R. L., PADOVANI E., DEIDDA GAGLIARDO E. (2012). Bridging E-Government and Performance in the Italian Public Sector. In: Public Sector Transformation through E-Government: Experiences from Europe and North America. p. 60-73, New york:Routledge, ISBN: 0415527376
[16] CARLOTTA DEL SORDO, REBECCA L. ORELLI, EMANUELE PADOVANI, SILVIA GARDINI (2012). Assessing Global Performance in Universities: An Application of Balanced Scorecard. In: 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences - 2012. PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, vol. 46, p. 4793-4797, ISSN: 1877-0428, Barcelona- University of Barcelona - Spain, 01 - 04 February 2012
[17] E. PADOVANI, E. SCORSONE (2011). Measuring Financial Health of Local Governments: A Comparative Framework. In: Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences. p. 93-104, WINTERTHUR:Swiss Society of Administrative Sciences, ISBN: 978-3-905839-13-5
[18] FARNETI F., PADOVANI E., YOUNG D. W. (2010). Governance of outsourcing and contractual relationships. In: The New Public Governance? Emerging Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Public Governance. p. 255-269, LONDON:Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-49463-2
[19] ORELLI R. L., PADOVANI E., SCORSONE E. (2010). Information Systems, Accountability, and Performance in the Public Sector. In: Handbook of Public Information Systems (third edition). p. 455-479, New york:Routledge, ISBN: 9781439807569
[20] ORELLI R.L, PADOVANI E., SCORSONE E. (2010). E-government, Accountability, and Performance: Best-in-Class Governments in European Union Countries. In: Comparative E-government. INTEGRATED SERIES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS, p. 561-586, NEW YORK LONDON:Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4419-6535-6, ISSN: 1571-0270
[21] E. PADOVANI (2010). La medicion del desempeno en el reporting social. In: El Control Social De La Administracion Publica. Escenario, avances y dilemas en Brasil. p. 181-200, MADRID:INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ADMINISTRACION PUBLICA, ISBN: 978-84-7351-399-9
[22] DEL SORDO C., ORELLI R.L., PADOVANI E. (2009). Accounting Practices in Italian Higher Education System. In: Global Management 2009. Proceedings of the International Association for the Scientific Knowledge (IASK ) International Conference. Seville, Spain, 22-24 June 2009, p. 264-272
[23] PADOVANI E. (2008). A medição do desempenho no reporting social. In: Controle social da administração pública. p. 209-232, SAN PAOLO:Editora Unesp, ISBN: 978-85-98605-29-6
[24] PADOVANI E., YOUNG D. W. (2006). Managing High-Risk Outsourcing. In: Public Policy and Administration (ninth edition). p. 56-58, MILANO:The McGraw-Hill Companies, ISBN: 0073516260
National Publications – Books
[25] PADOVANI E. (2004). Il governo dei servizi pubblici locali in outsourcing. Il controllo dell'efficacia. p. 1-341, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-6525-3
[26] Farneti G, Padovani E (2003). Il Check-Up dell'ente locale. Una proposta per gli amministratori e i responsabili comunali. p. 1-200, MILANO:Il Sole 24 Ore, ISBN: 88-324-5029-1
National Publications – Journal Articles
[27] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). La «sana gestione finanziaria» dei comuni. Analisi dei parametri di deficitarieta` n. 4, 5 e 6 del D.M. 29 settembre 2009. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 4/2010, p. 271-278, ISSN: 0394-2155
[28] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). La «sana gestione finanziaria» dei comuni. Analisi dei parametri di deficitarieta` n. 1, 2 e 3 del D.M. 29 settembre 2009. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 3/2010, p. 181-191, ISSN: 0394-2155
[29] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). Il piano strategico territoriale: la prospettiva economico-aziendale. FOEDUS, vol. 26/2010, p. 72-83, ISSN: 1594-8447
[30] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). Gli indicatori negli enti locali: caratteristiche e opportunità gestionali. Utilizzo nelle attività di programmazione e controllo. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. I corsi 2/2010, p. 1-56, ISSN: 0394-2155
[31] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). Gli indicatori negli enti locali: caratteristiche e opportunità gestionali. Definizioni e tipologie. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. I Corsi 1/2010, p. 1-42, ISSN: 0394-2155
[32] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). La «sana gestione finanziaria» dei comuni. Analisi dei parametri di deficitarieta` n. 7, 8, 9 e 10 del D.M. 24 settembre 2009. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 5/2010, p. 351-359, ISSN: 0394-2155
[33] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2010). La rendicontazione territoriale in ottica di network governance: il Bilancio Consolidato Territoriale Provinciale. ECONOMIA AZIENDALE ONLINE, vol. 3bis/2010, p. 197-208, ISSN: 2038-5498
[34] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E. (2009). Rendicontazione territoriale: una proposta di modello di Bilancio Consolidato Territoriale. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. Inserto 11/2009, p. 1-24, ISSN: 0394-2155
[35] PADOVANI E. (2009). Misurazione della performance e confronti per la 'nuova' PA (locale). AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 6/09, p. 413-418, ISSN: 0394-2155
[36] PADOVANI E., SOLDATI M. (2007). La programmazione nei comuni capoluogo di provincia. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 4/07, p. IV-X, ISSN: 0394-2155
[37] FARNETI G., PADOVANI E., SOLDATI M. (2007). L'approccio dei comuni capoluogo di provincia alla programmazione, contabilita` economica e pianificazione strategica. AZIENDAITALIA, vol. 4, p. I-XIX, ISSN: 0394-2155
[38] Padovani E (2003). Dalla contabilita' finanziaria informazioni preziose per il controllo strategico: un modello di analisi. AZIENDAITALIA, p. I-XIX, ISSN: 0394-2155
[39] Padovani E (2001). Osservatorio Bilanci & Servizi Enti Locali: lo schema d'analisi economico-finanziaria comparata. AZIENDAITALIA, p. III-XXXI, ISSN: 0394-2155
[40] Mazzara L, Padovani E (2001). Servizi pubblici e misurazione dei risultati. Lezione 1: il benchmarking negli enti locali. AZIENDAITALIA, ISSN: 0394-2155
[41] Padovani E (2000). Le prime esperienze di benchmarking nelle amministrazioni comunali: studio di un caso concreto. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI RAGIONERIA E DI ECONOMIA AZIENDALE, p. 488-505, ISSN: 1593-9154
[42] Padovani E (2000). Servizi pubblici: primo approccio al benchmarking nella Provincia di Forli'-Cesena. AZIENDAITALIA, p. 121-127, ISSN: 0394-2155
National Publications – Book Chapters
[43] PADOVANI E. (2013-forthcoming). Albero della performance, Ciclo di gestione della performance, Costo del servizio (misurazione del), Misurazione e valutazione della performance (processo di), Efficacia, Efficienza nell'impiego delle risorse (ambito di misurazione della performance organizzativa), Indicatori di performance (input, output, di risultato, di outcome). In: HINNA L. (a cura di). Il glossario della riforma della pubblica amministrazione. p. (varie), RIMINI:Maggioli, ISBN: 9788838778438
[44] PADOVANI E. (2007). La gestione delle informazioni. In: FARNETI G.. Economia d'Azienda. p. 219-228, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 978-88-464-9011-7
[45] E. CANTONI, E. PADOVANI, B. SIBONI (2007). Le funzioni aziendali e i processi operativi. In: G. FARNETI. Economia d'Azienda. p. 201-228, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 978-88-464-9011-7
[46] FARNETI F., ORELLI R. L., VISANI F., MAZZARA L., SIBONI B., PADOVANI E., GIANFELICI C., CASTELLANI M., DEL SORDO C. (2006). La verifica del rispetto dei principi contabili. Approfondimenti sulla gestione e sul sistema informativo. In: I principi di reporting per le pubbliche amministrazioni. L'evoluzione italiana e la prospettiva internazionale. p. 47-140, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 8846480732
[47] PADOVANI E. (2006). bilancio consolidato territoriale: l'esperienza della Provincia di Forli'-Cesena. In: FARNETI G.. Gestione e contabilita' dell'ente locale (VIII edizione). p. 672-687, Rimini:Maggioli, ISBN: 8838732922
[48] PADOVANI E. (2006). Identificare i target di miglioramento mediante il benchmarking. In: DIPARTIMENTO DELLA FUNZIONE PUBBLICA. Misurare per decidere. La misurazione delle performance per migliorare le politiche pubbliche e i servizi. p. 165-169, SOVERIA MANNELLI:Rubbettino, ISBN: 884981688X
[49] PADOVANI E. (2006). La misurazione delle strategie nel Comune di Forli'. In: DIPARTIMENTO DELLA FUNZIONE PUBBLICA. Misurare per decidere. La misurazione delle performance per migliorare le politiche pubbliche e i servizi. p. 103-120, SOVERIA MANNELLI:Rubbettino, ISBN: 884981688X
[50] PADOVANI E. (2005). Gli indicatori. In: Bilancio Sociale di Mandato. Il ciclo integrato di strategia e controllo sociale. p. 300-322, MILANO:IPSOA, ISBN: 88-217-2166-3
[51] PADOVANI E. (2005). Il bilancio consolidato. In: Bilancio Sociale di Mandato. Il ciclo integrato di strategia e controllo sociale. p. 338-355, MILANO:IPSOA, ISBN: 88-217-2166-3
[52] PADOVANI E. (2005). Gli indicatori nell'analisi comparata della performance degli enti locali: l'esperienza dell'Osservatorio Bilanci & Servizi Enti Locali. In: FARNETI G.. Gestione e contabilità dell'ente locale (VII edizione). p. 273-285, Rimini:Maggioli, ISBN: 8838728461
[53] PADOVANI E. (2005). Il metodo del Check-Up (analisi economico-finanziaria comparata) per il controllo sulla gestione operato dalla Corte dei conti. In: FARNETI G.. Gestione e contabilità dell'ente locale. p. 584-604, Rimini:Maggioli, ISBN: 8838728461
[54] PADOVANI E. (2005). Il controllo dell'efficacia nei servizi pubblici locali gestiti in outsourcing: il caso dei servizi di igiene urbana. In: Le aziende dei servizi pubblici locali. Firenze, 23 luglio 2004, p. 479-499, Rimini:Maggioli, ISBN: 8838728437
[55] PADOVANI E. (2004). Gli indicatori e le varie necessità informative. In: FARNETI G.. Ragioneria pubblica. Il "nuovo" sistema informativo delle aziende pubbliche. p. 179-186, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-5751-X
[56] PADOVANI E., VISANI F. (2004). I sistemi informativi evoluti. In: FARNETI G.. Ragioneria pubblica. Il "nuovo" sistema informativo delle aziende pubbliche. p. 212-221, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 88-464-5751-X
[57] PADOVANI E. (2004). Dai dati di contabilità finanziaria un modello d'analisi per individuare aspetti critici e punti di forza nella gestione delle amministrazioni comunali. In: AA.VV.. L'evoluzione del controllo di gestione. Facoltà di Economia - sede di Forlì, 18 luglio 2003, p. 525-545, MILANO:FrancoAngeli, ISBN: 8846457889
[58] Padovani E, Farneti V, Orelli R L (2002). Gli indicatori nell'analisi comparata dell'economicita' della gestione dei servizi pubblici locali: l'esperienza dell'Osservatorio Bilanci & Servizi Enti Locali. In: Farneti G. Gestione e contabilita' dell'ente locale, VI edizione . p. 322-338, RIMINI:Maggioli Editore, ISBN: 88-387-2129-7
[59] Padovani E (2001). L'analisi economico-finanziaria dei servizi pubblici locali: oggetto dell'indagine, premesse metodologiche e caratteristiche del campione. In: Analisi economico-finanziaria dei servizi pubblici locali. vol. 2, p. 11-36, PADOVA:CEDAM, ISBN: 88-13-23882-7
[60] Padovani E (2001). Analisi dei principali risultati economico-finanziari. In: Analisi economico-finanziaria dei servizi pubblici locali. vol. 2, p. 40-203, PADOVA:CEDAM, ISBN: 88-13-23882-7
[61] Padovani E (2000). Il monitoraggio dei servizi pubblici nell'esperienza di un osservatorio provinciale. In: Farneti G. Gestione e contabilita' dell'ente locale, V edizione. p. 318-332, RIMINI:Maggioli Editore, ISBN: 8838718857
Italian: Mother tongue; English: Fluent; French: Tourist
Some of Emanuele Padovani's teaching cases are distributed by Harvard Business School Press.
He has published articles in the main domestic financial newspaper ("Il Sole 24 Ore") and in other domestic newspapers and journals on various subjects of his research. He has also been interviewed by Italian broadcast channels and several national and international newspapers (amongst which Financial Times and Wall Street Journal), concerning the financial distress of Italian local governments.