Foto del docente

Elisabetta Pasquini

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PEMM-01/C Musicology and Music History

Curriculum vitae

Elisabetta Pasquini is full professor at Bologna University, where she teaches History of Music: Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries, as well as History of Instruments and the Orchestra. She has written about the Esemplare, o sia Saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto”: padre Martini teorico e didatta della musica (Florence, Olschki, 2004) and about the life and works of Giambattista Martini (Palermo, L’Epos, 2007). For the publisher UtOrpheus of Bologna she co-directs, along with Francesco Lora, the critical edition series «Tesori musicali emiliani», where she has published an oratorio by Giovanni Battista Bassani (Giona; 2009) and the first two volumes of the Complete Sacred Music by Domenico Gabrielli (2012 and 2019). As a philologist, she also published the critical edition of Francesca da Rimini by Saverio Mercadante (Bologna, UtOrpheus, 2015), which was staged in 2016 as part of the XLII Festival della Valle d’Itria (then in Tokyo, Erl and Frankfurt). She is the head of «Artes – Rivista di arte, letteratura e musica dell'Officina San Francesco Bologna». She is honorary member of the Accademia Filarmonica in Bologna (2023).



1985 scientific high school certificate at the “A. Righi” High School, Bologna
1991 Bachelor’s degree in Drama, Art and Music Studies at the University of Bologna, with honours
2002 Doctorate Degree in Musicology at the University of Bologna
2002-2005 post-Doc fellowship at the University of Bologna


Academic career

2005-2014 Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia of the University of Bologna, referring to the Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo
2014-2021 Associate Professor at the Dipartimento delle Arti of the University of Bologna
2021-present Full Professor at the Dipartimento delle Arti of the University of Bologna


Teaching activity

Since 2005 she has regularly pursued her teaching activity, being in charge of several subjects for the DAMS degree programme, the BA in Music and Theatre Studies, and the Scuola di specializzazione in Beni musicali of Bologna University.


Institutional activity

Since 2019 member of the Working group for Innovative teaching of the Dipartimento delle Arti.
At the Dipartimento delle Arti, she handles relations with Collegium Musicum Almae Matris – the Choir and Orchestra of Bologna University, and Bologna’s Museo internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica

from 2013 to 2017 member of the teaching staff of the Doctoral Program in Arti visive, performative, mediali
from 2014 to 2018 scientific coordinator of the Laboratori delle Arti
from 2017 to 2018 technical referent of the Laboratori delle Arti
from 2015 to 2017 member of the Council of the School of Lettere e Beni culturali
from 2015 to 2021 member of the Dipartimento delle Arti Board
from 2016 to 2019 director of the Music Section of the Dipartimento delle Arti
from 2018 to 2021 coordinator of the Teaching commission of the Dipartimento delle Arti
from 2016 to 2022 director of the DAMS Degree Program
from 2020 to 2023 TOLC-SU (Test On-Line di Studi Umanistici) referent for the Dipartimento delle Arti


Membership in scientific and editorial boards

since 2009 co-director of the publishing series «Tesori musicali emiliani» (with Francesco Lora; Bologna, UtOrpheus)
since 2010 member of the scientific committee for the publishing series «Patrimoni culturali e ricerca educativa» (Lecce, Pensamultimedia)
since 2018 member of the editorial and scientific board for the publishing series «DAR - Dipartimento delle Arti» (Bologna, BUP)
since 2020, member of the International Editorial Board di «Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti» («Collection of Papers of the Academy of Arts») of the University of Novi Sad, Serbia
since 2022 director of «Artes – Rivista di arte, letteratura e musica dell'Officina San Francesco Bologna»

Furthermore, from 2016 to 2021 member of the board of directors for the journal «Il Saggiatore musicale», as editor-in-chief (Florence, Olschki)



– L. Cherubini, Romances du “Roman d’Estelle”, ed. critica a cura di E. Pasquini, London, Consonarte, 2020 («Canto Recital», 9)
– D. Gabrielli, Integrale della musica sacra, II: Domine ad adiuvandum, Beatus vir, Confitebor, crit. ed. by E. Pasquini, Bologna, Ut Orpheus, 2019 («Tesori musicali emiliani», 7)
– S. Mercadante, “Virginia”. Cantata per Soprano e pianoforte, crit. ed. by E. Pasquini, London, Consonarte, 2016 («Piano Cantata»)
– S. Mercadante, Francesca da Rimini, crit. ed. ed. by E. Pasquini, 2 vols., Bologna, Ut Orpheus, 2015 («Napoli e l’Europa», 11)
– G. B. Bassani, Giona. Oratorio for 5 Voices (SSATB), Strings and Continuo (Modena 1689), crit. ed. and piano score by E. Pasquini, Bologna, Ut Orpheus, 2014 («Tesori musicali emiliani», 1R)
– G. B. Martini, Esemplare, o sia Saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto (Bologna 1774-76), 2 vols., facsimile ed. and introduction by E. Pasquini, Lucca, LIM, 2012 («Musurgiana», 11)
– D. Gabrielli, Integrale della musica sacra, I: Messe, crit. ed. by E. Pasquini, Bologna, Ut Orpheus, 2012 («Tesori musicali emiliani», 4)
– G. B. Bassani, Giona. Oratorio a 5 voci (SSATB), archi e basso continuo (Modena 1689), crit. ed. by E. Pasquini, Bologna, Ut Orpheus, 2009 («Tesori musicali emiliani», 1)
– E. Pasquini, Giambattista Martini, Palermo, L’Epos, 2007
– E. Pasquini, L’“Esemplare, o sia Saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto”. Padre Giambattista Martini teorico e didatta della musica, Firenze, Olschki, 2004 («Historiae musicae cultores», CIII)
– E. Pasquini, Catalogo della discoteca “Arrigo ed Egle Agosti” di Reggio Emilia, II: Pezzi staccati e recitals, Firenze, Olschki, 2001 («Historiae musicae cultores», XC)
– E. Pasquini, Catalogo della discoteca storica dell’Istituto nazionale di Studi verdiani, I: Opere complete e selezioni, Parma, Istituto nazionale di Studi verdiani, 2000
– E. Pasquini, Libri di musica a Firenze nel Tre-Quattrocento, Firenze, Olschki, 2000 («Studi e testi per la storia della musica», 12)