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Elisabetta Lalumera

Associate Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies


Collaboration with:
Univ. Southern Denmark, Padova, Geneve, Strathclyde and other partners
PREMIO COLLAB Personalised response monitoring in oncology: co-creating clinical trials in advanced breast cancer Call: HORIZON-MISS-2023-CANCER-01 (Research and Innovation actions supporting the implementation of the Mission on Cancer) Topic: HORIZON-MISS-2023-CANCER-01-03 PREMIO COLLAB’s vision is to prolong overall survival and improve the quality of life for patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) by providing refined guidance for managing response monitoring. PREMIO COLLAB strives to facilitate improved patient care and streamlined clinical workflows addressing the needs of patients, healthcare professionals, and society. The work will be done in multiple European centres and living labs with patient representatives, clinicians, and relevant stakeholders aiming to provide knowledge for updated recommendations with a view to subsequent clinical implementation. Role Task 9 leader: Ethics (2024-2028)
Collaboration with:
Univ. Bologna, Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Parma, Palermo, Enna, Tor Vergata, Padova e altri partner (29)
DigitAl lifelong pRevEntion (DARE), Project on digital health for prevention, coordinate initiative financed by the Italian Ministry of Research, PI Lorenzo Chiari (Bologna). In charge of Task 5, Communication and Dissemination, and supervisor of the Communication Manager Francesco Ellia.
Formal collaboration with:
University of Birmingham
United Kingdom
EPIC EPistemic injustice in healthcare. Wellcome Foundation Discovery Award, PI Havi Carel, University of Bristol. I am a member of the reserach team coordinated by co-PI Lisa Bortolotti, University of Birmingham, also involving prof Rabih Chattat, Psychology Dept.
Collaboration with:
Università di Rijeka (Fiume)
RAD investigates the ethical issues raised by translating scientific advances in the study of antisocial personalities to the social practices of a democratic society. The aim is to interface the most remarkable results of current science of antisocial behaviour with a normative framework that should underpin ethical recommendations on the treatment, intervention, enhancement and prevention that target offenders and other individuals with these disorders. My involvement is not formal and includes: - regular participation in the working and reading groups - participation as a speaker in workshops and summer schools on the philosophy of psychiatry (June 2019, June 2022, July 2022, March 2023)