Academic qualifications and positions:
- Associate Professor of Navigation Law (Maritime and Transport Law), ADL:
IUS/06 - CPS: 12/E3, at the Department of Legal Studies of the
University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum.
- 2017: she passed the National Scientific Qualification exam (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) for Associate Professor for the Academic Recruitment Field 12/E3 - Economics, Financial and Agri-food Markets Law and Regulation and Navigation Law (2016 session).
- Tenured Assistant Professor (in Italian: "Ricercatore confermato") of Navigation Law (Maritime and Transport Law), at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum.
- 15.10.2007 - 14.10.2009: Post-PhD Scholarship awarded by the
University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum (first place at the
comparative procedure) for a research on "Ports and Airports
Privatization" (R.D. No 1376, 28.09.2007).
- 08.06.2007: PhD in European Transport Law (XIX course) with excellent evaluation. PhD
thesis on "State aids within the air transport sector. Legal and case-law framework according to the acquis communautaire and
the EU recent trends", supervisor: Prof. Chiara Alvisi.
- A.y. 2003/2004: PhD candidate in European Transport Law
with scholarship of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
Bologna (first place at the entrance examination). Main headquarters of the PhD: University
of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, Department of Legal Sciences
"A. Cicu". Other Universities co-operating within the PhD:
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – Facultat de Dret – Departament
de Dret Privat; Université de Nantes – Centre de Droit Maritime et
Océanique; Universitetet i Oslo – Nordisk Institutt for Sjørett
(Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law); University of Sassari –
Faculty of Economics; University of Southampton – School of Law –
Institute of Maritime Law.
- Since the A.a. 2014/2015, Research Scholar (in Italian: "Cultore della materia") and member of the examining commission of "International Contracts in Global Markets" at the School of Political Sciences of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Campus of Forlì, international curriculum of "International Politics and Markets", two-year postgraduate degree programme in "International and Diplomatic Sciences". Co-operation in the teaching and tutoring activity of the Course.
- Since the 21.11.2004, Research Scholar (in Italian: "Cultore della
materia") and member of the examining commissions in Navigation Law and in Transport Law. Co-operation in the teaching and tutoring activity of the Courses belonging to this ADL.
- 1998/99-2001/02: Graduation in Law magna cum laude, at the
University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, Law Faculty.
Graduation thesis on "Anticompetitive practices in ports and
airports". Four years
undergraduate degree course (so-called Old University System),
curriculum consisting of 23 exams, 22 of which passed with
30 cum laude and one with 30/30.
Visiting Professorship, Traineeship in English, Papers and Reports to Conferences and Workshops, Seminars, Lectures and Teaching Activities:
- 29 October 2022: presentation, upon invitation, on "The importance of negotiating and incorporating the correct Incoterms® Rule in the contract of sale" at the Union Internationale des Advocats - UIA's 66th annual congress, Dakar.
- 8 September 2022: presentation, upon invitation, on "Sustainability in Transports and Logistics – Legal Issues and Challenges" at the international conference "Maritime and Transport Law Colloquium 2022", IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- 17 June 2022: presentation, upon invitation, on “Incoterms rules and contracts of carriage” at the international conference "International Commercial Sales Between Challenges in Contract Drafting, Transport Risks and Documentary Fraud", organized by the Union Internationale des Advocats - UIA, Confindustria Emilia Area Centro and the Associazione Italiana Giovani Avvocati, Bologna, under the patronage of the Department of Legal studies, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
- 10 May 2022: Opening remarks "Sustainable Transport: An Overview" and chairmanship of the first Session on "Corporate and Financial Issues", at the international and interdisciplinary conference "Enhancing Sustainable Transport. Interdisciplinary Issues", Jean Monnet Project "Assessing the EU Strategy on Green Finance and ESG factors", University of Pisa, Sapienza, Aula Magna Storica.
- 16 September 2021: presentation "Dante navigatore e il mondo dei mercanti della sua epoca" ("The seaman Dante and the world of merchants at his time") at the conference "Dante e Diritto. Un cammino tra storia e attualità" ("Dante and the Law. A path through history and modernity"), organized by the Department of Legal Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Ravenna, Sala Dantesca, Biblioteca Classense, Ravenna.
- 8 September 2021: presentation on "The Development of Transport Infrastructures in the EU States under the EU Digital Strategy and the Green Deal within the Constraints of the EU State Aid Policy" at the "International Maritime and Transport Law Course - Maritime and Transport Law Colloquium - Transport Law de Lege Ferenda 2021", IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 6-10 September 2021.
- 7-9 September 2020: presentation on "Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts in Transportation and International Sales Contracts" at the "International Maritime and Transport Law Course - Colloquium on judicial sale of ships - Legal Aspects of digitalisation in trasport and recent developments of Maritime Law - Transport Law de Lege Ferenda 2020", IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 7-9 September 2020.
- 16 June 2020: seminar on "Gli effetti della pandemia da Covid-19 e delle misure adottate dalle Autorità nazionali sull'esecuzione dei contratti del commercio e dei trasporti internazionali", PhD in Legal Studies, Department of Legal Studies, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
19-21 September 2019: paper , upon invitation, on "Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts and Their Implementation in the Shipping Sector", at the International and Comparative Maritime Law Conference – "Current Developments and Trends", IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 19-21 September 2019.
- 7 June 2019: masterclass, upon invitation, on "Passing of Risk and Insurable Interest in International Sales on CIF and FOB Terms" at the “8th International Research Seminar in Maritime, Port and Transport Law”, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, in co-operation with the University of Teramo, AIDINAT, AIDIM, the review “Il Diritto marittimo”. The event fell also in the program of the PhD in Legal Studies, – Curriculum: Navigation and Transport Law, Department of Legal Studies, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.
- 23 May 2019: presentation in English, upon invitation, on “Recent developments on public financing of sea port infrastructures and services according to EU law and case law”, at the IV Adriatic Maritime Law Conference (AMLC), organizzed by AIDIM and the Croatian and Slovenian Associations of Maritime Law, Portorose, 23- 25 May 2019.
- 20 May 2019: presentation, upon invitation, on “Le potenziali applicazioni degli smart contracts nel commercio e nel trasporto internazionale di merci”, at the conference “Blockchain Networking Event”, organized by the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Chair of Legal Computer Science, in co-operation with the European Law Students Association – ELSA, and the Blockchain Education Network (BEN).
- 8-11 May 2019: Visiting Professorship at the Department of Law, Faculty of Economics, University "Aleksandër Xhuvani" of Elbasan, Albania. Seminar on “The Public Financing of Transport Services and Infrastructures under the EU Law”, within the Course of “Public Transport Law”, Juridical Sciences in Public Administration.
- 17 April 2019: Visiting Professorship at the Department of Maritime and Transport Law, Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, Croatia. Seminar on "The EU law on ship-source pollution implementing the MARPOL Convention and the Italian regime", within the Course of Marine Environment Protection Law, fourth year of Integrated undergraduate / graduate University Study of Law, and the “Rijeka lectures in comparative law”, open also to the general public.
- 27-28 September 2018: paper and presentation in English, upon invitation by the organizing committee, on “The Electronic Transport Record and the Current Challenges of E-logistics and International Trade”, approved by the conference's Scientific Committee, at the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Maritime Law “Modern Challenges of Marine Navigation”, Split, Croatia.
- 13 November 2017: presentation, upon invitation, on "The relationship between the bill of lading and the contract of carriage also according to the Rotterdam Rules" at the end of the general assembly of AIDIM - the Italian Association of Maritime Law.;
- 19 October 2017: presentation "ART ed ENAC: regolazione, vigilanza, controllo e tutela dei diritti dei passeggeri nel settore dell’aviazione civile" (the Italian Transport Regulation Authority and ENAC), at the conference "I nuovi orizzonti del Diritto della Navigazione aerea", Rome, 19-20 October 2017, organized by AIDINAT, in co-operation with ENAC, the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the University La Sapienza of Rome.
22 June 2017: masterclass in English on "Containerization: Effects on the Contracts Involved in an International Trade Operation" at the 6th International Research Seminar in Maritime, Port and Transport Law, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, in co-operation with the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law - Swansea University, Marmara University, University of Zagreb, University of Southampton and ASLA - Associazione degli Studi Legali Associati.
26 May 2017: presentation in English, upon invitation, on “Contracts used for the Charter or Hire of Pleasure Crafts and Other Vessels in Pleasure Navigation: an Italian Perspective”, at the II Adriatic Maritime Law Conference, Opatija, 25- 27 May 2017.
27 and 28 March 2017: entrusted with a traineeship, as trainer, in English on "The international and EU Law concerning the transport sector de iure condito and de iure condendo", under a service contract with the College of Europe, addressed to officers of an important EU body.
- 22 October 2016: presentation on E-bill of lading with its effects on the obligation of delivery in the international sale with carriage by sea ("La polizza di carico elettronica e riflessi sulla obbligazione di consegna nella vendita marittima") at the conference "I nuovi orizzonti del Diritto della Navigazione marittima", Genoa, 21st and 22nd October 2016, organized by the University of Genoa, School of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, Chairs of Navigation Law and Transport Law, in co-operation with AIDINAT.
- 6 and 7 October 2016: papers and presentations in English on invitation at the international conference "60 years CMR: Future proof or time for a reform?", organized by the Erasmus School of Law, University of Rotterdam:
- "The Interpretation and Enforcement of Art. 29 CMR in the Italian Law", 6 October,
- "Multimodal Transport, CMR and the Effects on the Liability Regime of the Persons Involved in the Whole Carriage Operation", 7 October.
- 23 September 2016: lecture on "The Italian ports reform" for the PhD "Law, Market and Person", Department of Economics, University Ca' Foscari, Venice.
- 30 June 2016: masterclass in English on "The issues related to the juridical status of offshore oil rigs in the Law of the Sea and Admiralty Law" at the 5th International Research Seminar in Maritime, Port and Transport Law, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, in co-operation with ASLA - Associazione degli Studi Legali Associati, Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law - Swansea University, Universidad Jaume I - Castellón de la Plana and Universiteit Gent.
- 15 April 2016: presentation “Navigazione” at the seminar “Le parole nel diritto: introduzione a un vocabolario delle scienze giuridiche”, School of Law, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
- 10 March and 25 October 2016: cycle of lectures on Multimodal Transport for the PhD in "Stato, Persona e Servizi nell'Ordinamento Europeo e Internazionale" and in Legal Sciences, School of Law, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna:
- "Multimodal transport: research perspectives",
- "Multimodal transport: issues concerning the liability regime of MTO's auxiliaries and subcontractors".
- 11 December 2015: presentation, upon invitation, on public transport services' planning and financing in Italy according to the acquis communautaire ("La programmazione ed il finanziamento dei servizi di trasporto pubblico locale su strada in Italia alla luce dell'acquis communautaire") at the international conference "Il trasporto pubblico locale: il modello italiano e la riforma della normativa albanese", organized by the School of Law of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, in co-operation with the University Aleksander Xhuvani of Elbasan.
- 29 June-3 July 2015: attendance, upon invitation, to the international conference "4th International Research Seminar in Maritime Port and Transport Law", School of Law, Ravenna Campus, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
- 6 March 2015: presentation “Temerarietà e consapevolezza”, at the seminar “Le parole nel diritto: introduzione a un vocabolario delle scienze giuridiche”, School of Law, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
- 11 September 2014: presentation, upon invitation, on "Unexpected
Circumstances in Shipping Contracts", at the VIII European
Colloquium on Maritime Law Research (ECMLR) "Common Core, PECL
and DCFR: could they change shipping law?", 11-12.9.2014,
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Presentation selected by the
Colloquium Scientific Committee.
- 12 June 2014: presentation, upon invitation, on “The regime of
multimodal carriers' liability with particular regard to the
Italian legal system” at “The Young Transport Law Community
- International Research Seminar in Maritime, Transport and
Mobility Law”, School of Law, Ravenna Campus, Alma Mater
Studiorum - University of Bologna, in co-operation with the
Rotterdam Institute for Shipping & Transport Law (RISTL),
Erasmus University di Rotterdam.
- 5. June 2014: 2-hour lecture about "The Protection of Air
Passengers", PhD in "Stato, Persona e Servizi
nell'Ordinamento Europeo e Internazionale", School of Law, Alma Mater
Studiorum - University of Bologna.
- 26 May 2014: 2-hour lecture on "The ICC Incoterms®", within the Course for Maritime Brokers and
Freigh Forwarders of Ravenna, Ravenna Campus, Alma Mater Studiorum
- University of Bologna.
- 22 June 2012: lecture, upon invitation, on "EU Regulation of Public
Financial Support of the Transport Activities", at the
invitation of the Scientific Board of the "Colloquium on
Recent Trends in European Port, Maritime and Transport Law",
at the "International Research Seminar in Maritime &
Transport Law", Faculty of Law, Alma Mater Studiorum -
University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus, Italy.
- 28 November - 1 December 2011, LLP-Erasmus Programme - Teaching Mobility at the Westminster University London. The following lectures were held:
- 28.11.2011, 5-8 pm: " The Incoterms Rules", LLM Commercial Law;
- 30.11.2011, 2-4 pm: "The Rotterdam Rules 2009", LLB option module "Law of International Trade".
- 10 November 2011: classes within the "Doctorate on the European Law
of civil, commercial and labour contracts", Department
of Economics, University Ca' Foscari, Venezia:
- 9.30 - 12.30 am: State aids in the transport sector ("Gli aiuti di Stato nel settore dei trasporti");
- 2.30 - 5.30 pm: the legal qualification and regime of off-shore platforms ("La configurazione giuridica delle piattaforme petrolifere: stato dell'arte e questioni aperte").
- Paper on the "Trends and proposals for the legal
framework of the relationships among airport operators
and companies and airport users", admitted by the
Scientific Committee of the international conference IV
Congreso internacional de derecho aéreo: cuestiones actuales del
derecho aéreo , Sevilla, Spain, 15-16 September 2011.
- 1 April 2011: Presentation on the "Public Service Obligations and
Contracts in the EU and Italian Policy on Maritime Transport",
at "The Maritime Law and Policy Postgraduate Research Student
Conference 2011", University of Westminster, Londra, UK, after the report had been accepted by the conference's
Scientific Board.
- 16-18 April 2008: "III International Conference on Transport:
Reform and Liberalization", organised by CEDIT – Centro de
Derecho del Transporte Internacional, Universidad Jaume I di
Castellón de la Plana. Paper on “The Public Financing for
the Construction and Operation of Airport Infrastructures”, selected by the conference's Scientific Committee.
- 27-28 May 2005: presentation on “Off-shore platforms and units”.Conference "Maritime Law in the third
millenium", in the honour of Prof. Guido De Vita, organised by
the University of Udine, Law Faculty, Department of Legal
Sciences, in co-operation with the Department of Civil Law Sciences of the University of Teramo, the Departiment of Common and
Property Law of the University “Federico II” of Naples and the PhD
in Law and Economics of Productive Systems, Transports and Logistics of the University of Udine.
- 20 May 2005: Opening presentation and paper "Setting the scene: current organisation of port services in the EU", at the international workshop The Second EU Ports Package: the good or the last try?, organised by the
University of Antwerp, European Institute of Maritime and Transport
Law, Faculty of Applied Economics, and by European Sea Ports
Organisation (ESPO). The paper was published also on the European Sea Ports Organisation's website:
Main Research Activities:
The current research topics concern mainly the International Contracts Law (e.g., international sale contract, international carriage, payment methods, insurance, agency and distributorship, factoring and forfaiting, etc.).
The research subject-matters concern, in particular, the delivery obligation in the international sale and carriage, along with its effects on the regime of insurance contract and the identification of the insurable interest; the ICC Incoterms Rules and the commercial terms developed at international level in the trade, carriage and insurance sectors; the legal relationships among the different persons involved in an international trade operation under different contracts; transport documents, with particular regard to the bill of lading and the e-bill of lading; the multimodal transport contract and logistic services contracts; unexpected circumstances in shipping contracts, as shown by several articles, such as the following:
- Elena Orrù, The Electronic Transport Record and the Current Challenges of E-logistics and International Trade, to be published in the proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Maritime Law “Modern Challenges of Marine Navigation”, Split, 27-28 September 2018.
- Elena Orrù, Contracts used for the charter or lease of pleasure vessels in pleasure navigation: an Italian perspective, in Poredbeno pomorsko pravo (Comparative Maritime Law Journal), 57 (2018), 172, pp. 75–95.
- Elena Orrù, Containerization: Effects on the Contracts of Carriage by Sea and of Sale Involved in an International Trade Operation, in F. Berlingieri – M. Musi (ed.s), Maritime, Port and Transport Law: Current Scenarios and Emerging Issues, “Il Diritto Marittimo-Quaderni” book series, Bologna, 2017, pp. 271 – 286.
- Elena Orrù, Multimodal Transport of Goods, CMR and the Effects on the Liability Regime of the Persons Involved in the Whole Carriage Operation, in European Journal of Commercial Contract Law, 2017, 1/2 (June), pp. 56 – 60, and in W. Verheyen (ed.), CMR 60 years. Time for retirement or future proof?, “International Commercial Contracts Series”, Zutphen, 2017, pp. 113 - 121
- Elena Orrù, The Interpretation and Enforcement of Article 29 CMR in the Italian Law, in Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht, 2017, 2017/3, pp. 81 – 86, and in Wouter Verheyen (ed.), CMR 60 years. Time for retirement or future proof?, "International Commercial Contracts Series”, Zutphen, 2017, pp. 79 – 88.
- Elena Orrù, Riflessi sull’assicurazione delle merci derivanti dall’impiego delle Regole Incoterms® nel contratto di compravendita internazionale, in Il Diritto Marittimo, 2016, III/2016, pp. 477 – 513.
- Elena Orrù, Unexpected Circumstances in Shipping Contracts, in F. Smeele, W. Verheyen, M. Hoeks (ed.s), Common core, PECL and DCFR: could they change shipping and transport law?, "Ius Commune Europaeum" book series, Cambridge, Intersentia Publishing Ltd, 2015, pp. 67 – 90.
- Elena Orrù, Contratti di compravendita internazionale e clausole di consegna: la Corte di Cassazione si discosta dalla sentenza Electrosteel in punto di giurisdizione?, in Il Diritto Marittimo, 2014, 2, pp. 545 – 568.
- Elena Orrù, The Regime of Multimodal Carrier's Liability for the Transport of Goods, Passengers and their Baggage, with Particular Regard to the Italian Legal System, within International and Comparative Perspectives, in M. Musi (ed.), New Comparative Perspectives in Maritime, Transport and International Trade Law, “Seminari del Master in Diritto ed economia dei trasporti e della logistica e del Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto dei Trasporti Europeo” book series, Bologna, 2014, pp. 411 – 444.
- In 2017 she was granted the FFABR, a fund meant to finance the basic research, by ANVUR after a national competitive procedure meant to assess the research products of Associate and Assistant Professors.
- Since September 2016 she is a member of the international research group formed by Professors and researchers from the Universiteti “A. Xhuvani” of Elbasan – Albania, and the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, for a comparative study of the main issues of Maritime and Air Law within the Albanian and Italian legal systems and the relevant international conventions.
- Since 2016 participates in the Oslo Law of the Sea Forum - OSLOS,
- Since 2014, "The emerging EU Contract Law and the Navigation Law".
- Since 2013, "Airport charges and the fees for the use of airport services and infrastructures according to EU and national law".
- In 2012, port services and air transport passengers' rights.
- 28.11 - 1.12.2011: research on Incoterms Rules and Rotterdam Rules, at the Westiminster University London, within the LLP-Erasmus Programme - Teaching Mobility.
- From 21.7.2011 to 31.12.2014, "The liability regime and insurance framework with regard to the carrier, his servants and the other persons involved in transport activies within Italian and international law", financed by the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna with a starting grant.
- 15.10.2007-14.10.2009: research on "Ports and airports' privatization", within the above mentioned post-PhD scholarship.
- Member of the research group on the powers of Regions on ports and airports, on the new law on seaports also with reference to the Constitutional Law No 3/2001, to the principle of subsidiarity, to the agreements between State and Regions and to the procedures for clear the discord between State and Regions, with fundings of the University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, RFO 2007.
- Member of the research group on the reform of road transport, the Italian tariff system for haulage, on the road carrier's liability, on road safety, on controls for granting road safety, on the contract of road carriage, with fundings of the University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum - RFO 2006.
- From 2005 to 2006: Member of the Athens Correspondence Group, chaired by Prof. Dr. Erik Røsæg, Nordisk Institutt for Sjørett (Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law), Oslo, Norway.
- 14.04-14.05 2005: Visiting researcher at the Nordisk Institutt for Sjørett (Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law), Oslo, Norway, in order to develop a research on the compulsory insurance for the maritime transport of passengers, vehicles and baggage according to the 2002 IMO Convention, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Erik Røsæg, the Institute's Director, and of Dr. Henrik Ringbom.
- 2005: research activity on off-shore oil platforms and facilities.
- Member of the research group on "The reform of air transport according to the law No 96 of 09.05.2006", with fundings of the University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, RFO 2005.
- Member of the research group on the law on haulage in some of the EU Member States where that activity is more developed (Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Poland and Spain), therefore according to a comparative approach.
- Member of the research group on the EU law on public transport and on the enforcement of its reform within each Italian Region, with particular regard to the infrastructures for rail tranport of a local and regional character and public service contracts.
- 2004-2007: research activity on State aids, with particular regard to the transport sector.
- Member of the research group on "The reform of leisure navigation according to the law No 172 of 08.07.2003", with fundings of the University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, RFO 2004.
- Member of the research group on "The law concerning facilities and infrastructures for tourist purposes and leisure navigation: trends", with fundings of PRIN 2003.
- Member of the research group on "Legal issues on project financing for the development of transport infrastructures", with fundings of the University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, RFO 2003.
- 14.08.2003-16.10.2003: Visiting researcher on the project "The Commission's Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Market Access to Port Services and its possible impact on national regulations" at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Facultet der Rechtsgeleerdheid, under the direction of Prof. Ralph De Wit and of Prof. Dr. Eric Van Hooydonk (Universiteit Antwerpen - University of Antwerp, European Institute of Maritime and Transport Law), with scholarship of the University of Bologna, Faculty of Law.
Editorial Boards:
- Since 2010: member of the Editorial Board of
the "Rivista Italiana del Diritto della Navigazione"
("Italian Review of Navigation Law"), established by Antonio
Scialoja, resumed by Antonio Lefebvre D'Ovidio and continued by
Elda Turco Bulgherini, Managing Director, Aracne Editrice,
- Since 2010: member of the Editoril Board of
the "Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Turismo"
("Italian Review of Tourist Law"), Director: Francesco
Morandi, FrancoAngeli Edizioni, Milan. In 2010/2011 she was member of the Editorial Board of the Review.
- Since 2014: member of the Editorial Board of the
review "Il Diritto Marittimo" ("Maritime Law"),
established in 1899 by Francesco Berlingier Sr., Director:
Francesco Berlingieri.
- Since 2015: member of the Editorial Board of "Il Diritto Marittimo – Quaderni" series.
- Since 2016: member of the Editorial Board of "International Transport Law Review".
- Since 2017: member of the international Editorial Board of the review "Poredbeno pomorsko pravo" ("Comparative Maritime Law").
Appointments within examination boards and academic
- She was member of examining Boards for appointing a students tutor in Navigation Law and in Transport Law at the School of Law, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
- 2013, I session: member of the PhD board for the PhD in
European Transport Law at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
di Bologna, appointed with R.D. No 170/2013, Prot. No 12098, of
- Since the A.y. 2012/2013: member of the "A. Cicu" Library Broad
Comittee of the Department of Legal Studies, Alma Mater Studiorum -
University Bologna, as referent for the ADL IUS/06.
- 30/08/2011: member of the examining Board for a
post-PhD Temporary Research Fellowship in Navigation Law
under the call No 380 -III/13.3 of 01/08/2011, at
the Department of Legal Studies - University of Bologna.
- Since the A.y. 2010/2011: member of Graduation Boards at the School
of Law, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
- Since the 21.11.2004, member of the examining boards for the
courses of Navigation Law and Transport Law of the previous Faculty
of Law, now School of Law of the University of Bologna.
- Paolo Cagnoni Prize 2001/2002 for the best graduation thesis in
Navigation Law, awarded by the Law Faculty of the University of
Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum.
- June 2003: Rotary Prize for the Faculties of the University of
Bologna, for having achieved the best degree in Law in the Academic
year 2001/2002.
Other activities:
- 2003/2004: Tutoring activity in Transport Law, at the Faculty
of Law, Course for Business Legal Operator, University of Bologna -
Alma Mater Studiorum.
- 14.05.2003: research activity with the Department of Economical
Sciences, University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, within the
research project "Organisation and development of transport
services and employment of Incoterms".
Memberships of Scientific Associations:
- Since 2010, member of the International Propeller Club, Port of Bologna;
- Since November 2010, member of AIDINAT - Associazione Italiana di Diritto della Navigazione e dei Trasporti;
- Since December 2015, member of AIDIM - Associazione Italiana di Diritto Marittimo, Regional Committee of Genoa.
- Since 2015, member of TPER - Transport Pricing & Economic Regulation - WCTRS SIG E2 - Transport Pricing & Economic Regulation.
- Since 2019, member of I.S.Di.T. - Istituto per lo Studio del Diritto dei Trasporti.
Language Skills:
- English: Listening/Reading: C2; Speaking: C2; Writing: C2. Certificate of English for Law - Inglese Giuridico, level excellent/ottimo at the CILTA, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, A.y. 1998/99; EF SET Plus certificate 2018: C2 Proficient.
- French: Listening/Reading: A1/2; Speaking: A1/2; Writing: A1/2.
Role as Referee:
She was referee in the VQR 2011-2014, on PhD thesis and research projects and for the reviews "Il diritto marittimo", "International Transport Law Review" and "Poredbeno pomorsko pravo".