Graduated in Physics in 1985 (University of Bologna), PhD in
Physics in 1990 (University of Bologna), Expert in Material Science
(University of Parma) in 1992. Researcher and senior lecturer at
the Science Faculty of University of Bologna she teached General
Physics, Physics of materials, Physics Laboratory for
different Diploma Courses. Starting from 2014 Associate Professor
at the Physics and Astronomy Dept University of Bologna.
In the last few years she is involved in Projects relevant to
the dissemination of Physics to the students of the secondary
Her research activity is related to experimental studies of
semiconductor materials.
She was involved in several European Research Projects in the
field of renewable electricity, in the field of materials for
photovoltaic applications. She is also expert evaluator of Research
Projects founded by the European Union in the field of renewable
She is author of several pubblications in international