Foto del docente

Daniela Piana

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: GSPS-02/A Political Science

Useful contents

Programma per studenti RILM

The program comprises three parts. The first part is devoted to the analysis of the functioning of the institutions, namely the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of Ministers, the European Council, the European Central Bank. The second part is devoted to the analysis of the European public policies, in the field of energy, regional development, infrastructural development, enlargement, democracy promotion. The third part consists into five seminars where students present their own research and participate to a collective debate.

Sessions scheduled in the first three week Paul Pierson, The path to European Integration. A Historical Institutionalist Analysis, Comparative Political Studies, 1999, 29, 2, 123-163.
G. Marks et al., European Integration from 1980s: State-centric vs multi-level governance, Journal of Common Market Studies, 1996, 34, 3, pp. 341-378. S. Hix, Parliamentary Behavior with Two Principals: Preferences, Parties, and Voting in the European Parliament, 2002, American Journal of Political Science, 46, 3, pp. 688-698. K. Alter, Who are the Masters of the Treaty? European Governments and the European Court of Justice, International Organization, 1998, 52, 1, pp. 121-147. Sandholtz and Stone Sweet (eds.) European integration and supranational governance, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998.

On the European political system see S. Hix, The political system of the European Union, 2. ed. - Basingstoke : Palgrave MacMillan, 2005 (available at the Political and Social Sciences Dep. Library).

The final assessment is made of three partial evaluations, out of which one is not mandatory and can be compensated. The other two evaluations are instead mandatory: presentation during the seminars: 1/3 of the final evaluation; written paper: 1/3 final evaluation; oral discussion during the exam session: 1/3 of the evaluation. The discussion includes also the subjects developed during the course. If the student does not make any presentation, she or he will have a final evaluation made of two parts, the paper and the discussion, 1/2 of the evaluation each. The paper can be written in English, French, and Spanish.