Foto del docente

Daniela Piana

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: GSPS-02/A Political Science


Reading List Team Work 6. EU - US


Sloan, S. R. (2010). Permanent alliance?: NATO and the Transatlantic Bargain from Truman to Obama. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Geir Lundestad, Just Another Major Crisis: The United States and Europe Since 2000, Oxford University Press, 2008 (on library reserve and optional).


Cox, M. (2007). Another transatlantic split? American and European narratives and the end of the Cold War. Cold War History, 7(1), 121-146.

Pouliot, V. (2006). The alive and well transatlantic security community: A theoretical reply to Michael Cox. European Journal of International Relations,12(1), 119-127.

John L. Harper, “American Vision of Europe and the World.” Colloquium CERI-GMF February 2004. Working Paper

Michael Cox, Too Big To Fail?: The Transatlantic Relationship from Bush to Obama” Global Policy Volume 3 . Supplement 1 . December 2012.

Ulrich Krotz, “The (Beginning of the) End of the Political Unity of the West? Four Scenarios of North Atlantic Futures” EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2008/31.

Abdelal, R., & Krotz, U. (2012). Disjoining Partners: Europe and the American Imperium. Manuscript, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University and Harvard Business School.

Ilgen, T. L. (Ed.). (2013). Hard power, soft power and the future of transatlantic relations. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..

Tocci, N., & Alcaro, R. (2014). Rethinking transatlantic relations in a multipolar era. International Politics, 51(3), 366-389.

Peterson, J., Tocci, N., & Alcaro, R. (2012). Multipolarity and transatlantic relations: multilateralism and leadership in a new international order.Transworld. The Transatlantic Relationship and the Future Global Governance.

Published on: March 04 2015