Reading List Team Work 3. Regionalism
Fawn, R. (2009). ‘Regions’ and their study: wherefrom, what for and whereto? . Review of International Studies, 35(S1), 5-34. In generale la special issue di RIS
Hurrell, A. (2007). One world? Many worlds? The place of regions in the study of international society. International Affairs, 83(1), 127-146.
Mark Beeson, ‘Rethinking Regionalism: Europe and the East Asia in Comparative Historical Perspective’, Journal of European Public Policy, 12:6 (December 2005), p. 969.
Acharya, A. (2007). The emerging regional architecture of world politics. World Politics, 59(04), 629-652. American imperium. Cornell University Press.
Buzan, B. (2011). The Inaugural Kenneth N. Waltz Annual Lecture A World Order Without Superpowers
Decentred Globalism. International relations, 25(1), 3-25. 25
Buzan, B. (2012) ‘How regions were made, and the legacies for world politics: an English School reconnaissance’, in T. V. Paul (ed) International Relations Theory and Regional Transformation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 22- 46.
Väyrynen, R. (2003). Regionalism: old and new. International Studies Review,5(1), 25-51.
Pubblicato il: 04 marzo 2015