Foto del docente

Daniela Piana

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento delle Arti


EU External Relations Next week

Monday, 2nd Comparative Regionalism, lecturer Dr Matteo Dian
17/19 Aula Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani

Tuesday 3rd Comparative Regionalism, Prof. Piana and Dr Dian
17/19 Aula B, Santa Cristina

The meeting with the teams planned on Tuesday 3rd with Prof. Piana are confirmed. They will take place in Sala Romei, Via Bersaglieri, 6.

The seminar planned on EU Judicial Policies on Monday March, 2nd will be hosted in April (date to be fixed).   
The seminar on EU Migration Policy planned on Tuesday March 3rd will be postponed to March, 17th.

Upcoming event!

Round Table Tuers 12th March, 11/13: The Ukraine Crisis

Official information will be published on the web site of the degree program.

Pubblicato il: 27 febbraio 2015