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Cristian Balducci

Associate Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies


Keywords: psychosocial risks mobbing/workplace bullying work-related stress workaholism counterproductive work behaviors work engagement

Work-related psychosocial risks, particularly mobbing/workplace bullying; work-related stress; counterproductive work behavior (organizational withdrawal, abuse/hostility, etc.); work engagement; workaholism. 

A first area of research concerns the measurement and evaluation of the effects of psychosocial risk factors (i.e. workload, job control, role conflict and role ambiguity, etc.). In this area my research has focused on the Italian validation of assessment tools which quantify exposure and on the investigation of the effects of such exposure.

A more specific area of research is on mobbing/workplace bullying, i.e. an extreme psychosocial risk factors. Here my research has investigated the individual effects of exposure to bullying. More recently the interest has shifted towards the understanding of the potential antecedents of workplace bullying, particurly by adopting the theoretical framework of the so called 'work environment hypothesis' of bullying, according to which dysfunctional conflicts and bullying are triggered by a poor work organization. The role of individual factors is also explored.

A further theme concerns counterproductive work behavior, which regards negative behaviors such as abuse/hostility, production deviance, theft, etc. Here one of the aims is to explore bullying behavior from the actor (rather than victim) perspective, with the end of understanding the organizational reasons that promote frustration and aggression and thus the enactment of bullying and other forms of counterproductive behavior.      

More recently I developed an interest towards work engagement and workaholism. The former is considered a motivational outcome of the availability of personal (e.g. self-efficacy) and job (e.g. social support, autonomy and feedback) resources at work. My studies here focused on the Italian validation of a Dutch measure of work engagement and an exploration of the potentially mediating role of job-related affective experiences in the relationhip between organizational factors and work engagement. As far as workaholism is concerned, my work focused on the Italian validation of a screening tool for the assessment of work addiction and on the investigation of its effects by using also physiologic measures (e.g. blood pressure).