Foto del docente

Antonio Clemente Domenico Panaino

Full Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: L-OR/14 Iranian Philology, Religions and History


PANAINO A., Lunar and Snake Omens among the Zoroastrians, in: Officina Magica. Essay on the Practice of Magic in Antiquity, LONDON, University College, 2005, 4, pp. 73 - 89 (atti di: IJS Studies in Judaica. Conference Proceedings of the Institute of Jewish Studies, University College, London, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

A. Panaino, Ottobre Giapponese, 2005. [Exhibition]

A. Panaino, Pahlavi GWCYHL: gozir o gawcihr?, in: Scritti in onore di Giovanni M. D'Erme, NAPOLI, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", 2005, pp. 795 - 826 (Series Minor) [Chapter or essay]

PANAINO A., Parola d'Ordine Teodora, RAVENNA, Longo, 2005, pp. 9-10 . [Editorship]

PANAINO A., Prefazione, in: Parola d'Ordine Teodora. Convegno di Studi nel 60° anniversario della Liberazione della città di Ravenna, RAVENNA, Longo, 2005, pp. 11 - 12 [Brief introduction]

Antonio Panaino, Prefazione., in: AAVV, Attraverso il dialogo. Percorsi per l'integrazione degli alunni stranieri. Esperienze didattiche 20001-04., Milano, Mimesis, 2005, pp. 9 - 10 [Preface]

A. Panaino, The "Rook" and the "Queen". Some Lexicographic Remarks about the Sasanian Chess Pieces, in: Languages of Iran: Past and Present. Iranian Studies in memoriam David Neil MacKenzie, WIESBADEN, Harassowitz, 2005, pp. 129 - 140 [Chapter or essay]

A. Panaino, Tistrya, in: Encyclopaedia Iranica, COSTA MESA, Mazda Publisher, 2005 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]

Panaino A., Welcome Address of the President of the Societas Iranologica Europaea, in: Middle Iranian Lexicography. The Vocabulary of the Middle Iranian Languages, ROMA, IsIAO, 2005, 1, pp. 15 - 25 (atti di: Middle Iranian Lexicography, Roma, 9-11 April 2001) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

A. Panaino, Yt. 8, 8: staro krma o staro.krma? "Stelle infuocate" o "Stelle-verme"?, in: Indogermanica. Festschrift Gert Klingenschmidt. Indische, Iranische und Indogermanische Studien dem Verehten Jubilar dargebracht zu seinem funfundsechzigsten Geburtstag., TAIMERING, Schweriger, 2005, pp. 455 - 463 [Chapter or essay]

Panaino A., A proposito di acque "navigabili" e "canalizzate". Una nota esplicativa su avestico nauuaia-, in: La tutela e la valorizzazione dei manufatti di interesse storico in archeologia navale, BOLOGNA, s.n., 2004, pp. 274 - 287 [Chapter or essay]

Panaino A., Aspects of the "Interiorization" of the Sacrifice in the Zoroastrian Tradition, in: Zoroastrian Rituals in Context, LEIDEN, Brill, 2004, pp. 233 - 252 ("Numen Book Series. Studies in History of the Religions", 102) [Chapter or essay]

PANAINO A., Astral Characters of Kingship in the Sasanian and Byzantine Worlds, in: La Persia e Bisanzio, ROMA, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2004, 1, pp. 555 - 594 (atti di: La Persia e Bisanzio, Roma, 14-18 ottobre 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Antonio Panaino, Astral Characters of Kingship in the Sasanian and Byzantine Worlds, in: La Persia e Bisanzio (Roma, 14-18 ottobre 2002)., Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2004, 201, pp. 555 - 594 (atti di: 201, Roma, 14-18 ottobre 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Panaino A., Commerce and Conflicts of Religions in Sasanian Iran between Social Identity and Political Ideology, in: Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World. Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction, Melammu Symposia V, INNSBRUCK, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004, 1, pp. 385 - 401 (atti di: Fifth Annual Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project, Innsbruck, 3-8 October 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]