Foto del docente

Anna Sirinian

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: L-OR/13 Armenian, Caucasian, Mongolian and Turkish Studies

Director of First Cycle Degree in Anthropology, Religions, Oriental Civilizations

Curriculum vitae

Researcher of Armenian language and literature since January 2000 and then (September 2014) Associate Professor in the same field. Her studies look at ancient and medieval Armenian literature and relations with nearby cultures. She has edited the critical edition of the Armenian version of Gregory of Nazianzus' two invectives against Julian the Apostate (Orations 4 and 5) and continues to interest herself in both published and unpublished texts (manuscripts) that document the intense literary activity of the Armenian people over the centuries and their constant devotion to and care for the preservation and transmission of knowledge.


Academic career

Since January 2000 she has been enrolled as a Researcher in the scientific sector L-OR/13 (armenistica, caucasologia, mongolistica e turcologia) and since September 2014 she has been Associate Professor in the same field.


Teaching activity

Since the academic year 2004-5 she has been teaching Armenian Culture and Language and Armenian Language and Literature at the University of Bologna for the School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage (both first and second cycle degree programmes). She organizes and coordinates seminars in the same field. Among the more seminars, there figure: "Colofoni armeni a confronto. Le sottoscrizioni dei manoscritti in ambito armeno e nelle altre tradizioni scrittorie del mondo mediterraneo" (International workshop under the aegis of the A.I.E.A., Bologna 12-13 October 2012); "I tparani... Giornata internazionale di studi per i 500 anni della stampa armena in Italia" (Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna, 6 Dicember 2012), in collaboration with Paolo Tinti; "L'Armenia medievale epicentro di mobilità tra Oriente e Occidente" (Bologna, 18-19 May 2017), in collaboration with Irene Bueno and Federico Alpi; "Testi greci cristiani e traduzioni armene: un viaggio di andata e ritorno", in collaboration with Antonio Cacciari and Daniele Tripaldi, Bologna, 12 october 2018.


Scientific activity

PhD in Armenology in 1995, during the years 1990-1992 she collaborated with the Centre d'études sur Grégoire de Nazianze at the Institut Orientaliste of the Université Catholique de Louvain, under the direction of prof. Bernard Coulie. During the years 2005-2009 she coordinated scientific cooperation projects between Italy and Armenia. Currently she takes part in several national and international projects.


Institutional activity

Member of the Academic Board of the PhD programme "Literary and Philological Cultures". 

 Academic supervisor of the exchanges between Unibo and Armenian Universities and Research Centers.


Scientific comitees

Full member of the Association Internationale des Etudes Arméniennes (A.I.E.A.)

Secretary of the Italian Armenologists Section of the Associazione Padus-Araxes.

Member of the editorial board of the periodical Rassegna Armenisti Italiani, edited by the Associazione Padus-Araxes.



Since 2010 she has been nominated academician in the Classe di Studi sul Vicino Oriente of the Accademia Ambrosiana, Sezione Armena

In 2014 she was awarded the degree of Doctor honoris causa by the Armenian Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.