Education and training:
2000-2004: European University Institute, Dept. of History and Civilization, PhD. Title of thesis: “La città più artigiana d’Italia: Firenze 1861-1929”. Commission: Maurice Aymard, Gerard Delille, Peter Becker, Luigi Tomassini.
1998-1999: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Diplôme d’études approfondis (DEA) in Histoire et civilisation (Très Bien). Directeur d’études Maurice Aymard, rapporteurs A. Cottereau, A. Dewerpe.
1997: University of Florence, Degree in Lettere e Filosofia (indirizzo storico)110/110 cum laude
February 2022 : “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” - Full Professor 11/A3 (Contemporary History) obtained on 02/02/2022 valid until 01/2/2031.
december 2013: “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” - Associate Professor 11/A3 (Contemporary History) obtained on 04/12/2013
february 2014: “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” - Associate Professor 13/C1(Economic History) obtained on 19/02/2014
Work Experience
2023- 2024 Associate Professor University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage
2021-2022 Associate Professor University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage
2020-2021 Associate Professor University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage
2019-2020 Associate Professor University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage
2018-2019 Assistant Professor, University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage
2017- 2018 Assistant Professor, University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage
2016-2017 Assistant Professor, University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage
2015-2016 Senior Research Fellow, University of Padua, Department of History
2011-2014 Senior Research Fellow, University of Padua, Department of History
2009-2011 Junior Research Fellow, University of Padua, Department of History
2008-2009 Research Fellow, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers of Paris
2007-2008 Research Fellow, Maison de Sciences de l’Homme (Paris)
2007-2008 Research Assistant, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales of Paris
2004-2005 Research Assistant, University of Bologna. Dept. of Department of Cultural Heritage
1997-1998 Research assistant, University of Florence, Dept. of History
Fellowships and Grants
2015- 2016: Research Grant (assegno di ricerca) at University of Padua Department of History
2010-2011: Visiting Scholar EHESS
2011-2012: Visiting Scholar Paris Diderot 7 (now Paris Citè)
2009- 2011: Research Grant (assegno di ricercar) at University of Padua
2008-2009: Research Grant – “Research in Paris” at the Conservatoire Nationales des Arts et Métiers
2007 – 2008 Research Grant at The Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris).
2005-2007: Research Grant of Duccio Bigazzi Association Milan (Italy)
2005-2007 : Research Grant Post-doctoral University of Padua
2000-2004: Research Grant at the European University Institute (Phd)
2001: Research Grant of the international institute of economic history “F. Datini” (Prato)
1998-1999: Research Grant at EHESS Paris (DEA)
Teaching experience
In 2019 she was nominated Associate professor at the Department of Cultural Heritage (University of Bologna).
Her teachings include:
From 2019 to date :
Storia Contemporanea, (60 hours in the course of Cultural Heritage bachelor degree - 40/50 students per year); The course offers a critique of the historical, social, political and cultural evolution of Europe through long-term historiographical paths from the Industrial Revolution to the present and the formation of an artistic, architectural, scientific and technical heritage in Europe also through the phenomenon of European national and universal exhibitions from 1898 to the present.
Storia sociale e culturale dell’età contemporanea, (60 hours in the course of Cultural Heritage bachelor degree – 60-80 students per year): The course offers an educational pathway that enables the acquisition of basic knowledge on the history of European society and culture from the 19th century to the present day, also with a view to the historical framing of cultural, material and non-material heritage. The themes of cultures and heritage are addressed through historiographic modules and primary sources from the main digital archives of European history.
Since 2019 – 2020 : Director and scientific manager of the teaching laboratory: Italia/ Italie. Patrimonio culturale, identità nazionale e patrie locali fra XIX e XX secolo. Documentazione storica e tecnologie digitali/ Italy/ Italies. Cultural heritage, national identity and local homelands between the 19th and 20th centuries. Historical documentation and digital technologies (15 hours in the course of Cultural Heritage bachelor degree - Digital history workshop limited to 15 students.
In 2016 she was nominated Assistant professor at the Department of Cultural Heritage (University of Bologna).
Her teachings include:
2016- 2019 : Storia della Città e del Territorio: The course, taught over three years (60 hours each year) offered students (optional course of Cultural Heritage bachelor degree - 30/40 students per year;) the main tools for understanding the evolution of the urban space of the main European cities between the 19th and 21st centuries, bearing in mind both the urban planning elements, the social and cultural, the historical-artistic and the environmental elements; the themes of perception and enhancement of urban, environmental and landscape heritage. In particular, it dealt with the issues of territorial transformations in the light of European policies for the conservation of the monumental, artistic and environmental heritage.
2013-2014: Teaching Assistant in Economic History, University of Padua
2011-2012: Seminars and invited lectures at the EHESS in Sociologie des professions techniques
2011- 2012: Teaching Assistant in Economic History, University of Padua
2010-2011: Adjunct Professor, University of Milan Bicocca, at the Advanced Course in “Anthropological Cultural Heritage”.
2009-2010: Adjunct Professor, Master in “Conservazione, gestione e valorizzazione del patrimonio industriale University of Padua directed by Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana.
2010-2011 : Teaching Assistant in Early Modern European History University of Padua
2009- 2010 : Teaching Assistant in Early Modern European History University of Padua
2008- 2009: Teaching Assistant in Histoire des Tecniques at the CNAM
2006-2007: Teaching Assistant in Economic History, University of Padua
2007-2008 Teaching Assistant in Early Modern and Contemporary History at the EHESS (Doctoral seminar of Prof. Maurice Aymard)
2005- 2006: Teaching Assistant in Economic History, University of Padua
2004-2005: Teaching Assistant in Contemporary History and History of Photography and Visual Arts at University of Bologna
2003-2004: Adjunct Professor in “History of Photography and Visual Arts” at University of Bologna
2002-2003: Adjunct Professor, “Master in Conservazione e gestione delle raccolte e collezioni in archivio e biblioteche”, University of Bologna (Department of Cutural Heritage).
Participation in International Research Projects and Networks
2022 to date : Member of the research project “Pour une dictionnaire historique des mondes du travail” (DICOTRAV), promoted within the European Labour History Network by the Association française d’histoire des mondes du travail (AFHMT) and the Società italiana di storia del lavoro (SISLav).
2022 to date : Member of the research project “Enfermements. Histoire comparée des enfermements monastiques et carcéraux. Comparer les enfermements monastiques et carcéraux”. Project “Beau livre” « Cellules de religieuse », maquettes et couvents féminins (XVIIIe-XXe siècle). Directed by : Élisabeth Lusset and Isabelle Heullant-Donat - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
2019 to date : Member of the research project “Les cultures de l’Assurance XIXe -XXe siècle” - “Dictionnaire critique des cultures de l’Assurance XIXe-XXe siècle”. Directed by Raymond Dartevelle : Directeur scientifique de la Chaire « Assurance et Société » - Université Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne e Fatiha Cherfouh-Baïch, Maître de conférences (Histoire du droit des assurances) à l’Université Paris Descartes.
2022 to date : Collaboration in the Digital Project from Sorbonne Université "The Encyclopaedia of digital History of Europe", directed by Olivier Dard Paris IV.
2019 to date : Member of the international research project «Littérature et culture matérielle XIXe-XXIe s.», directed by Marta Caraion, Formation doctorale interdisciplinaire, University of Lausanne - FondsNational Suisse (FNS) 2019-2023.
2022 to date :Member of the international research project or a series of trilateral research conferences at Villa Vigoni, the German-Italian Centre for European Dialogue (2023, 2024 and 2025), promoted by Filippo Carlà-Uhink, Universität Potsdam, Thibaut Clément, Sorbonne Université, Marxiano Melotti, Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano. The conferences will concernes the theme: Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland als Themenräume: immersive emische und etische Darstellungen im historischen und kulturellen Kontext/ France, Italie et Allemagne comme espaces thématiques : représentations immersives émiques et étiques dans leur contexte historique et culturel /Francia, Italia e Germania come spazi tematici: Rappresentazioni immersive emiche ed etiche nel loro contesto storico e culturale.
2021 – 2023 : Member referent for the Italian case of the project « MISS. Made Ins SweatShops. Worker, Technology and Gender (comparison Paris-Shanghai, Late 19th-Late 20 th c.), directed by Audrey Millet Researcher Fellow Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, of the European Commission at the University of Oslo in Norway, from 2021 to 2023.
2019 to date : Coordinator (whit Nathalie Ponsard, Mike Sanders and Luisa Veloso) of the international Working Group, within the European Labour History Network "Speak, Look, Listen! The Cultural Production of Work.
2017- 2019 : Member of the international research group coordinated by Natalie Ponsard and Timoty Asplan inside the European Labour History Network: Workers' Writing in Europe (19th & 20th Centuries). A contribution to the cultural history of the worlds of work, 2017-2019.
2010- 2014: Member of international research project The Sites of Art HAR2010-19406, University Computense of Madrid- Ministero de Economia y a Competitividad, Gobierno de Espana, Directora e Investigadora Principal Sofia Dièguez Patao, role member (october 2013-2014)
2013- 2014: Member of the bilateral project La circulations des ouvriers qualifiés Paris Diderot 7/University of Udine with Manuela Martini, David Ndiaye, Lilian Hilarie Perez, Javier Grossutti and Alessio Fornasin (Démographie historique).
2012- 2015 : Member of the International Bilateral Seminar Alicante-Padova on Economic History.
2013- 2015 : Collaborative activity with the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE Paris).
2011- 2012: Member of the international research project Le rôle sociétal de l'entreprise en Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècle : science, technique, industrie - Coordinateur Petia KOLEVA Projets interdisciplinaires Paris Diderot 7- UMR 7533 LADYSS (Laboratoire Dynamiques sociales et recomposition des espaces).
2007- 2012 : Member of the international research group Les expositions universelles en France. Public, tecnique, Patrimoine, coordinated by Lilian Hilarie Perez and Christiane Demaulenaere-Doyere, Paris Diderot/7, CNAM- EHESS Centre Koirè Paris and National Archive (Paris).
2011- 2017 : Member of Histoire du travail Histoire ouvrière - international research group coordinated by Nicolas Hatzfeld (Université d'Evry) et Xavier Vigna (Université de Bourgogne and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris.
since 2008 : Member of AFHE-SISE - Comité franco-italien d’histoire économique AFHE-SIS.
2010- 2016 : Member of research group Université technologique Belfort-Montbéliard- Laboratoire RECITS: Recherche sur le Choix industriels, Technologiques et Scientifiques.
Since 2011: Reaserch associate at the University of Paris Diderot 7 since 2011 (now Paris Citè), Laboratoire Identités-Cultures-Territoires (ICT) (EA 337) – Member of Axe 1: Territoires, mobilités et pouvoirs et dell’Axe 4: Savoirs, représentations, transferts.
Since 2008: Reaserch associate at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) Paris Laboratoire Centre d'Histoire des Techniques et de l'Environnement (CDHTE).
2019-2023: Medici e scienziati italiani nell’Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro. L’Italia e la costruzione di un sistema globale per la salute e la sicurezza al lavoro (1919- 1999) - scientific responsibility of Operative Unit 2 of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage –National project Call BRIC INAIL 2019, ID 21. Operating units involved in addition to the University of Bologna, University of Milan-Bicocca, Department of Medicine and Surgery (lead partner), University of Turin Department of Historical Studies, Institute for Mediterranean Studies (ISMed) - National Research Council, Giuseppe Di Vittorio Foundation.
2017- 2021- “The Economy of Excellence. Italian craftsmanship in international networks: traditional knowledge, technological innovations and communication strategies (19th-20th century). The project participated in a 'Starting Grants' call from the Cariparo Foundation (Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo) in cooperation with the University of Padua. The three-year project was one of five winning projects in the humanities and social sciences area, and was funded with € 210.000, Coordinator together with Giovanni Luigi Fontana.
2016- 2018: "Il patrimonio di esperienze e conoscenze in materia di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro: documentazione e valorizzazione del caso italiano nel contesto internazionale dall’inizio del XX secolo ai nostri giorni" - Scientific responsibility for the local research unit of the University of Bologna - Department of Cultural Heritage, Ravenna Campus, entitled: “Ricostruzione storiografica della evoluzione della cultura scientifica e delle aree di interesse tematico della medicina del lavoro italiana in relazione alla cultura scientifica internazionale”. Director, Prof. Luigi Tomassini; local units at the Universities of Milan, Padua and Bologna. The research, which started in June 2017, has a two-year duration, and is funded for a total amount of € 140,000 on a national competitive research c INAIL, [research BRIC 2016 - ID 34]
2015-2016: "The construction of an industrialist imaginary in Europe between Enlightenment and social utopias: From the Encyclopédie to the World’s Exhibitions/La costruzione dell’immaginario industrialista in Europa fra Illuminismo e Utopie sociali. Dall’Encyclopédie alle Esposizioni Universali". The project was awarded a Senior Research Grant under the "Call for the award of Senior Research Grants to support research of an innovative and excellent nature proposed by young non-structured researchers within the University Science Area no. 13 - Decr. Rep. 1302-2015, Prot. no. 111450 of 16 April 2015. : Director of the Projects.
2011- 2014: Arte e industria. I prodotti di eccellenza alle esposizioni universali at the University of Padua. The project participated in the "Bando Giovani Studiosi per il conferimento di Assegni di ricerca Senior per il sostegno di ricerche di carattere innovativo e di eccellenza proposte da giovani non strutturati" " (Decree Rep. 805, Prot. no. 16285 of 23 March 2011 - to) and was awarded a two-year research grant (Senior). By virtue of his "Added value" he was further supported by the university with a grant that led to the international conference entitled: “World Exhibitions in Europe. Players, publics, cultural heritages between metropolis and colonies 1851-1939", (Padova 13-15 novembre 2014). The project and conference were also sponsored by the Bureau international des Expositions (BIE) and by University Paris 7 Diderot. Director of the Projects.
2008- 2011: Porti e strutture marittime in Italia tra storia economica e patrimonio industriale - Coordinator and Head of research Prof. Giovanni Luigi Fontana (Unità di Padova), role member of PRIN.
2006- 2007 : Member of the project research unit : “Storie di impresa” (Centro Studi sull’Impresa e sul Patrimonio Industriale di Vicenza, responsabile scientifico prof. G.L. Fontana, Università di Padova)
2006- 2007: Protezione della salute dei lavoratori: evoluzione del ruolo delle istituzioni in Italia con particolare attenzione all'Ispettorato del Lavoro" financed by (N.A00050000222/06) “Istituto Superiore Prevenzione e Sicurezza Lavoro - role member B1/59/DML/04. September 2006-August 2007.
2005-2008 : Associazionismo popolare e sicurezza sociale in Italia dall'età giolittiana al fascismo 1901-1922 - Coordinator Prof. Maurizio Guadagna - Head Prof. Luigi Tomassini, role member of PRIN (2005).
2000- 2003: Lo spirito militare degli italiani in età moderna e contemporanea- Coordinator Prof. Pietro del Negro- Head Prof. Luigi Tomassini, role member of PRIN (2000).
2017: Award from the Ministry's Funding Fund for Basic Research Activities (FFABR2017).
2013 : Awards SISSCO ANCI-STORIA 2013 for the book La città più artigiana d’Italia. Firenze 1861-1929, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2012. (SISSCO : Italian Society of Studies on Contemporary History- ANCI: Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani).
Research evaluation and scientific committees
Since 2023 Member of scientific board of “A òpra. Annali di storia e studi della FVL.
Since 2022 : Member of Research Group SISLav “Labour Public History”.
Since 2020 : Member of Research Group SISLAv “Ambiente, salute e lavoro”.
Since 2018: Member of PhD College in CULTURAL HERITAGE STUDIES (DBC).
2021-2022: International Selection Referee for The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS, and University of Freiburg within the framework Marie Curie Junior and Senior Fellowships for the academic year 2021/22, inside THE FRIAS COFUND Fellowship Programme (FCFP).
Since 2020 : Member of the scientific committee of LUDI - Laboratorio Universitario di Documentazione e Informazione - director Fiammetta Sabba.
Since 2019: Member of the scientific committee of Personal Digital Memories – Centro di ricerca internazionale sugli archivi digitali di persona - director by Stefano Allegrezza.
2018-2019: Member of the Exhibition scientific committee: Lessico femminile. Le donne tra impegno e talento 1861-1926, Galleria degli Uffizi-Palazzo Pitti Galleria d’arte moderna, Sala del Fiorino 7 marzo- 26 maggio 2019, Ministero per i Beni culturali.
Since 2016 Member of the scientific board of series the “Histoire des Tecniques” edited by Classique Garnier (Paris) and directed by Anne-Francoise Garçon, André Grelon and Virginie Fonteneau.
Since 2015 - Member of the editorial board of the journal «Ricerche Storiche» dal 2015 (“Class A” scientific journal in Italy for Contemporary History) and referee and corrispondente since 201.
2015 - Member of the jury of the national Award SISSCO ANCI STORIA 2014 whit Guido Melis (President), Giancarlo Monina and Stefano Cavazza.
2015 - Member of the Committee for the evaluation and selection of Cantieri SISSCO 2015 (national annual Conference of the Italian Society for the Studies on Contemporary History) whit Giovanni Orsina (President), Salvatore Adorno, Leonardo Rapone, Maurizio Ridolfi and Daniela Saresella.
Since 2012 - Member of the international board of the journal «ARTEFACT. Technique, Histoire et Sciences Humaines» (CNRS- EDITIONS- Centre Alexandre Koyrè Paris). La rivista promuove le ricerche sulla storia delle tecniche e la materialità delle pratiche nelle società umane nella lunga durata e in una propsettiva globale. La candidata porta il suo contributo nel comitè international grazie alla sua specializzzazione sul ruolo della tecnica nelle esposizioni universali. La rivista comprende un comité de lecture, un comité international e un comité scientifique.
2006 -Member of reaserch group directed by Pietro Redondi University of Milan Bicocca or the organisation of the International Conference and Historical Exhibition on the occasion of the Centenary of the Milan Exhibition of 1906 “La scienza, la città, la vita. Milano 1906: L’Esposizione internazionale del Sempione”, Milan, 2006.
2006 - Member of gruppo di ricerca “The Press of the Republic of Salò”, directed by Prof. Luigi Ganapini at the ISEC foundation, Institute for the History of the Contemporary Age in Milan.
Conference organiser and panel
2021 : session organiser of the Working Group: Speak, Look, Listen! The Cultural Production of Work/ Parler, Regarder, Ecouter! La Production Culturelle du Travail (whit Nathalie Ponsard, Mike Sanders, Luisa Veloso) at the Fourth Conference of the European Labour History Network , 30 August - 3 September 2021: Vienna, Austria.
2019 : conference organiser Giuseppe Dolfi. Il “capopopolo” del 1859, fra sovranità nazionale, democrazia, diritti sociali”, Florence, Sala del Consiglio regionale, 27 aprile 2019.
2018 - International Conference - La salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro. Il patrimonio di esperienze e conoscenze italiane nel contesto internazionale", Ravenna, 10 e 11 ottobre 2018, presso la sede del Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell'Università di Bologna e la Biblioteca Oriani di Ravenna.
2017: National workshop Sissco (Lecce-Bologna-Macerata 2017-2018): “I ceti medi nell’Italia del Novecento. Politica, rappresentanza, impresa e welfare in una prospettiva internazionale. Secondo incontro Bologna/Ravenna Dipartimento DBC 30 novembre 2017.
2017 : Organiser of two sessions B Viaggio e conoscenza: lo sguardo sulle città, sui territori, sul paesaggio at the VIII CONGRESS of Italian Urban History Association La città, il viaggio, il turismo. Percezione, produzione e trasformazione. Session titles: B11 – Il Grand Tour della civiltà industriale: tecnici e operai alle esposizioni; Sessione B12- Baedeker del progresso: l’odeporica delle esposizioni universali, Napoli, 7-9 settembre 2017.
2014 - Scientific organisation of The International Conference: “World Exhibitions in Europe. Players, publics, cultural heritages between metropolis and colonies 1851-1939” (Padua 13-15 november 2014).
Papers presented as invited speaker at national and international conferences
2022: The “reform nebula” in Italy in the early 20th century and occupational healt” at the International Conference Networks of Labour. International officers and social networks in the history of the International Labour Organization (Rome, ILO, 27-28 october 2022).
2022 : "Expositions Universelles: objets exposés et culture matérielle", at the Colloque international Littérature et culture matérielle XIXe-XXIe s., (Lausanne 16-18 february 2022).
2021: "La medicina del lavoro in Italia: studi, progetti, prospettive di ricerca", at the ASMI CONFERENCE 2021 "Labour and the Making of Italy from Cavour to Covid": - Italian Cultural Institute, London 3-5 December 2021.
2021 : « La solidarité : temps et espaces sociaux 1789- 1989 », Plenary Lecture at the international conference “Pratiques de solidarité et critique sociale”-Maison des Sciences de l’Homme di Clermont-Ferrand (France) - CENTRE D’HISTOIRE « ESPACES ET CULTURES » - CHEC / Université Clermont Auvergne – UCA 1-2 december 2021.
2021 : “Écouter les femmes de «la Proletaria»: vendeuses, associées, administratrices 1944–2000”at the Fourth Conference of the European Labour History Network - Working Group: Speak, Look, Listen! The Cultural Production of Work/ Parler, Regarder, Ecouter! La Production Culturelle du Travail (coordinated by Anna Pellegrino, Nathalie Ponsard, Mike Sanders, Luisa Veloso) in the sessio « When Social Actors Make the Experience of Work Audible and Visible /Dire et rendre visibles les expériences de travail par les acteurs sociaux”; 30 August - 3 September 2021: Vienna, Austria.
2021 “Dante nelle Vite d’Illustri italiani narrate al popolo”, at the International Conference Alma Dante, session 2.2. “Letture dantesche fra Otto e Novecento”, Ravenna 15 - 18 settembre 2021.
settembre 2021 : “Militari, medici, ingegneri di fronte al problema della salute dei lavoratori durante la prima guerra mondiale” at the 83° National Congress of Occupational health - Società Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro (SIML) - Parma, 15-17 settembre 2021.
2020 : “L’Histoire de la cooperation de consommation en Italie: Archives, méthodologie, questions" lecture at the Comité de la Maison de Salins Université - Universitè de Tours, 6 luglio 2021.
2019 : « L’artisanat en Europe occidentale», at the Journée d’études : « Le travail en Europe occidentale des années 1830 aux années 1930. Mains-d’oeuvre artisanales et industrielles, pratiques et questions sociales », APHG, l’AFHMT et la Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle dans le cadre de la préparation de la question d’histoire contemporaine pour la session 2021 du Capes et de l’agrégation. Paris, Université de Nanterre, 17 octobre 2020.
2019 : “Chorégraphies prolétariennes. Autour de la documentation visuelle des messages et des langages dans les manifestations ouvrières en Italie 1900- 1970”, at the III Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELNN) - Working group “Workers' Writing” coordinated by Timothy Ashplant, Natalhie Ponsard, Luisa Veloso e Michael Sanders, Amsterdam 18-21 september 2019, International institute of Social History Amsterdam.
2019 : Entre atelier et fabrique. Formation professionnelle des travailleurs italiens au début du XX siècle Colloque international, De la loi Astier au baccalauréat professionnel Les jeunes et le travail : apprentissages, formation et orientation professionnelle - Colloque organisé par le laboratoire LARHRA - Université de Lyon et le laboratoire CREHS - Université d’Artois, Lyon, 4, 5 et 6 juin 2019.
2019 : Il popolo di Dolfi: patria, democrazia e lavoro nella Fratellanza artigiana d’Itali, at the national conference, Giuseppe Dolfi. Il “capopopolo” del 1859, fra sovranità nazionale, democrazia, diritti sociali - giornata di studi in occasione del 150 anniversario della morte di Giuseppe Dolfi, Florence, Sala del Consiglio regionale, 27 aprile 2019.
2018 : “Le fonti iconografiche per la storia della sicurezza sul lavoro”, at the International Conference "La salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro. Il patrimonio di esperienze e conoscenze italiane nel contesto internazionale", Ravenna, 10 e 11 ottobre 2018 - Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell'Università di Bologna.
2018 : “Protagonisti per le libertà dal Risorgimento alla Liberazione. Al Cimitero Monumentale Evangelico agli Allori-Firenze il ricordo di vite esemplari. La famiglia Minuti”, at the IV Settimana delle Associazioni culturali Firenze - Comitato fiorentino per il Risorgimento e Circolo Piero Gobetti – Florence, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, 4-9 dicembre 2018.
2017 : associée e discussant at the International Workshop Fashion Without Fashion (18th-20th centuries), - Université Paris 7, C. Koyré/EHESS, IDHES, Université Paris 8/EHESS, Fiesole - European University Institute, 11-12 Aprile 2017.
2017 : Labour Conflicts: The Case of labour Arbitration in Italy during the early twentieth century at the 3° International Conference in Economic and Social History Labour History: production, markets, relations, policies (from the late Middle ages to the early 21st century); GREEK ECONOMIC HISTORY ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY OF IOANNINA, FACULTY OF HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, 24-27 May 2017, University of Ioannina, Ioannina.
2017 : « Le pain refusé par la Patrie ». Perceptions de la nation dans les « Expositions sur les Italiens à l'étranger au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles » at the Colloque international "L’Italie pour bagage. Migration circulations et italianité XIX-XXI siècles", Paris Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration/ Institut culturel italien 15-17 juin 2017.
2017 : Virtual travels. The circulation of the architectural models of expo in the European illustrated press of the nineteenth century, at the 8° Congress of Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana (AISU): “City, travel, tourism - Perception, production and processing” in the session Travels of knowledge, collections and buildings in International and Universal Exhibitions, Naples 7-9 Sept.
2017 : Itinerari «fantasmagorici». A spasso per Parigi con l’allegro colibri, at the 8° AISU Congress “City, travel, tourism - Perception, production and processing” in the B12- Baedeker del progresso: l’odeporica delle esposizioni universali, Naples, 7-9 settembre 2017.
2017: Femmes et Coopération en Italie. Élan émancipatoire et contradictions encore ouvertes 1945- 2000 at the Séminaire international «Histoire de la coopération : expériences et pratiques », organisé par le Centre Georges Chevrier UMR CNRS uB 7366, Université de Bourgogne, en trois session (Juin- octobre 2017, fevrier 2018) - Session du 19 octobre 2017 “Travailler en Coopérative” Dijon 19 octobre 2017.
2017 :
“Chrétiens excellents, bons citoyens, vaillants ouvriers”. L’ « Asile des petits orphelins et petits artisans Florentins” 1899, at the 2nd Congress of European Labour History Network, Atelier
Religion et Manufacture, Coordordinators : Andrea Caracausi (Padova), Corine Maitte (UPEM), Paris 2-4 november, 2017.
2015: Arguments politiques, échos littéraires, lexique populaire dans les écrits des travailleurs italiens aux expositions universelles paper at The first Conference of the European Labour History Network, Turin 14-16 december 2015.
2015: Milan 2015 vs. Milan 1906: a comparative analysis of the imaginery of Expo, paper presented at the International Conference The World’s Fair Sice 1945, The University of Milan, June 2015.
2015: Gli spettacoli del capitale. Le radici storiche delle esposizioni universali - Conference at Fondazione Zaninoni Bergamo, June, 2015.
2015: La strada, il mercato, la bottega: professioni e arti alimentari a Firenze dall’Unità d’Italia alla grande guerra, paper presented at the VII Congresso Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana (AISU), Milano- Padova 2-5 september 2015, Food and the city/ Il cibo e la città.
2014: curator and organizer of the conference: “World Exhibitions in Europe. Players, publics, cultural heritages between metropolis and colonies 1851-1939” (Padova 13-15 novembre 2014), introduction
2014: « Démocratie et Empires. Une bataille d'images: la célébration de la grande révolution à l’Exposition de 1889 dans la presse illustrée italienne », panel « Les expositions internationales confrontées aux déchirures du siècle (conflits internationaux, colonisation…), 1850-1950», the International Congress of ENIUGH “Encounters, Circulations and Conflicts” (Paris 4 september 2014)
2014 : « Langages, modèles et techniques de la propagande aux images dans la presse périodique du mouvement des travailleurs italiens (1892-1914) ». Colloque international « Quand l’image (dé)mobilise... Iconographie et mouvements sociaux aux XIXe et XXe siècle», University of Namur (Belgium), Namur, 18-19-20 march 2014.
2013: « Entrare in fabbrica / andare a bottega. Modelli, percorsi e agenzie dell’accesso al lavoro a Firenze fra artigianato e industria (1861-1922) », National conference, SISLAV, « Entrare a lavoro. Formazione e reclutamento nella storia italiana ». (Florence 4 juin 2013)
2013 : « Des ouvriers intellectuels ». Formation professionnelle et cultures du travail chez les ouvriers italiens envoyés aux expositions universelles. Conference, IRTES-RECITS (Université de technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard), l’IUFM de l’Université de Franche-Comté et le Laboratoire des Sciences Historiques (LSH, EA 2273) de l’Université de Franche-Comté: “CULTURES ET FORMATIONS TECHNIQUES DES OUVRIERS ET DES TECHNICIENS (XVIIIe-XXe siècles), Belfort 7 june 2013.
2013: « La perception de la nocivité sociale du risque d'accidents du travail à travers la documentation photographique en Italie au XIXe et au XXe siècle ». International Conference “Risques et accidents industriels (fin XVIIe - fin XIXe siècle)”, EHESS, CNRS, CRH, MFO, Paris 18-19 december 2013.
2013: Entre art classique et «arts industriels». L'image du « Beau Pays » dans les expositions universelles du XIXe siècle. International workshop « The Sites of Art », organized by
the University Complutense of Madrid, October, 2013.
2013 : Il cuore nero di Firenze. San Frediano, un quartiere popolare ai margini della legalità tra Otto e Novecento, at the International Congress Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana (AISU) : Visibile e invisibile : percepire la città tra descrizioni e omissioni Catania (13-14 15 september 2013)
2013: « L’artisanat en Italie et en Europe, 1880-1930 », international workshop “Histoire des travailleurs au XIX siècle: Belgique, France, Grande-Bretagne, Italie », University of Dijon (Dijon 24-25 January 2013).
2012: «Réseaux associatifs, solidarité sociale et identité nationale lors de l'unification de l'Italie», a the
International workshop Pratiques et défis de l'entreprise sociale et de l'économie solidaire, Paris Diderot with LADYSS ; Coordinateur : Petia Koleva.
2012: "Des ouvriers intellectuels". Formation professionnelle et cultures du travail chez les ouvriers italiens envoyés aux expositions universelles”, seminar at the EHESS, "Sociologie des professions techniques" (A. Grelon) june 2012..
2012 : «Paris vaut bien plus que toute exposition ». L'image de Paris dans les récits des ouvriers italiens envoyés aux Expositions Universelles parisiennes : 1878-1900, «Rencontres autour de l'histoire des expositions universelles : nouveaux chantiers de recherche, Paris, University of Paris Diderot 7, 11 june 2012.
2011: « Les ouvriers professionnels aux expositions. Imprimeurs, mécaniciens, couturiers e cordonniers face à l'introduction des nouvelles technologies au XIX siècle », EHESS, "Sociologie des professions techniques" (A. Grelon) june, 2011.
2011: "Le grandi esposizioni del XIX secolo: da vetrine dell'industria nazionale a luoghi di conoscenza delle civiltà dei popoli del mondo", University of Milan Bicocca “Corso di perfezionamento in Beni Culturali Antropologici” organized by Marinella Carosso.
2010: "The Olympic Games of work: technology, progress, craft in the reports of the Italian workers attending the 19th century Universal Exhibitions". Symposium "The World Exhibitions and the display of science, technology and culture: moving boundaries", organized by SCHCT, 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (Barcelona 18-20 nov).
2010: "Les machines : "fées " ou "monstrueux mécanismes"? Technologie et progrès dans les comptes rendus des travailleurs italiens aux Expositions Universelles de Paris (1867 1900), Colloque International "Les expositions universelle en France au XIX siècle" organized by CHDTE-CNAM, BIE, CAK-CRHST e INPI, (Paris 14-16 June).
2010: "Continuité et innovation dans la fabrication de la céramique à Florence entre XIXe et Xxe siècles". XXVII Congrès Préhistorique de France (Bordeaux 1-5 Juin 2010),"Transition, ruptures et continuités en Préhistoire", organized by PACEA, INRAP, CNRS, Université de Bordeaux 1.
2010 : "La giusta misura dell'autorità. I conflitti di lavoro nelle sentenze dei probiviri fiorentini nel primo Novecento", Journée d'études « Liens d'autorité : subordination et insubordination dans le monde du travail (19e-20e siècles), Université de Bourgogne, 28 avril 2010.
2009: "Le Olimpiadi del progresso: comunicazione, pubblico, scambi di saperi tecnici nelle Esposizioni Universali nel XIX secolo", seminar "Culture in movimento. Trasmissioni di idee, esperienze, tecnologie dall'antichità all'età contemporanea" organized by University of Padua for Ph.D. students.
2009: "Le "luxe asiatique" des artisans florentins. Qualité, mode et publicité dans une ville en transformation, at the Colloque International « Luxes et internationalisation (Xve-XIXe siècles) », organized by University of Neuchâtel and AFHE-SISE, Neuchâtel 25-27 giugno.
2007: "The beginnings of the Medical Inspectorate of Work in Italy: 1904-1914" at the Third International Conference on the History of Occupational and Environmental Health, Birmingham. Organized by the School of Medicine e ICOH.
2007: "Images de l'art, de la mode et de l'industrie italienne aux expositions universelles dans le revues illustrées européennes du XIX siècle, international conference “L'économie du luxe en France et en Italie" organized by the Comitato franco-italiano di storia economica (AFHE-SISE) (Lille- 4-5 maggio 2007).
2007: Immagini e rappresentazioni della moda, dell'arte e dell'industria italiana nelle riviste europee illustrate del '900", national workshop organized by University of Naple Federico II, University of Padova, University of Brescia "Made in Italy e internazionalizzazione del prodotto italiano", February, 2007.
2007: "Culture del mestiere e del lavoro artigiano a Firenze", National conference “Culture operaie e culture sindacali nel secolo del lavoro” organized by CGIL, Florence, january 2007.
2006: "Viaggi nel Progresso: gli operai italiani alle esposizioni universali", opening report to the national seminar organized by the Associazione Duccio Bigazzi di Milano per la storia dell'impresa e delle culture del lavoro, University of Milan, november 2006
2005: "La mente del visitatore: Milano industriale vista dagli operai", Milano 1906: L'Esposizione internazionale del Sempione. La Scienza, la città, la vita". International Conference, University of Milan Bicocca, october, 2005.
2005: “Dal Gorilla ammaestrato all’uomo flessibile”. Le rappresentazioni del lavoro nel cinema contemporaneo at the series of seminars "Tra Storia e Memoria. Il lavoro nella società del Secolo Breve", organized by the Associazione G. Biondi G. Bartolini per la Ricerca e la Formazione sulla Storia e la cultura del Movimento Operaio, march 2005.
2001: Languages of class, lecture at the seminar "Construction des identités sociales. Colporteurs et soldats", organized by Laurence Fontaine at European University Institute (Fiesole), march 2001
1999 : « Le culte des héros dans Thomas Carlyle », lecture at the seminar « Biographies et configurations sociales », organisé par Maurizio Gribaudi., EHESS Paris, march 1999.
Membership of international and Italian scientific associations
Member of European Labour History Network (coordinatrice di un gruppo di ricerca)
Member of The Association Artefact, Techniques, Histoire et Sciences Humaine (Centre Koiré-Parigi).
Member of The Association for the Study of Modern Italy (UK)
Membro della Società Italiana per lo studio della Storia Contemporanea (SISSCO)
Membro della Società Italiana di Storia Economica (SISE)
Membro e socio fondatore della Società Italiana di Storia del Lavoro (SISLAV)
Membro dell’Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana (AISU)
Membro dell’Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale (AIPAI)
Membro della Società Italiana per lo Studio della Fotografia (SISF)
Membro dell’Associazione degli amici di Ricerche Storiche
Membro dell’EUI Alumni Association dal 2004.