Foto del docente

Andrea Pascucci

Full Professor

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: MATH-03/B Probability and Mathematical Statistics


Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.

First cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • A History of the Central Limit Theorem
  • Breve introduzione al proof assistant Lean ed alcuni esempi di codici
  • Derivati Americani e strategie ottimali d’esercizio nel modello binomiale
  • Il metodo Monte Carlo e tecniche di riduzione della varianza
  • Il moto Browniano
  • Moti Browniani: simulazioni e applicazioni alla finanza
  • Strategie ottimali nel Tennis: semplici modelli probabilistici.

Second cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • Connection between stochastic games and the p-Laplace equation
  • Dal Modello di Black&Scholes ai Modelli a volatilità stocastica
  • Existence and uniqueness of degenerate SDEs with Hölder diffusion and measurable drift
  • Formalizing information theory in Lean 4: divergences, hypothesis testing and the data processing inequality
  • Metodo di Eulero per equazioni stocastiche degeneri a coefficienti holderiani
  • Strong existence and pathwise uniqueness for SDE with rough coefficients
  • The Bass Local Volatility Model: Properties, Convergence Of The Fixed-Point Iteration, and Connections with Martingale Optimal Transport
  • Weak existence for degenerate McKean-Vlasov equations