Foto del docente

Andrea De Pascale

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-06/A Fluid Machinery

Curriculum vitae

Current position

Associate Professor in Fluid Machinery (Academic discipline: ING-IND/08) at the University of Bologna - Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN), since 2017.


Education and professional titles

2000 - Master Degree “cum laude” in Mechanical Engineering, University of Bologna.

2000 - Professional Qualification, Mechanical Engineer.

2005 - PhD in Fluid Machinery and Energy Systems, University of Bologna; phD thesis title: “Combustion and NOx formation modelling in DLN burners for industrial gas turbines”.

2012 - National Scientific Qualification, role of Associate Professor, 09/C1 (Fluid Machinery, Systems for Energy and Environment).

2020 - National Scientific Qualification, role of Full Professor, 09/C1 (Fluid Machinery, Systems for Energy and Environment).


Current Research

He is currently working at the Energy System Group of DIN, where he carries out both numerical and experimental research activities. His scientific activity deals with thermodynamics of advanced energy systems, advanced gas turbines, CHP and micro-CHP systems, power-to-gas, renewable based and waste heat recovery technologies.

He is responsible of the “Laboratory of Technologies for Micro-CoGeneration” developed in the framework of the CIRI-EA, financed by POR-FESR 2014-2020. Within this lab, research is currently carried out by implementing test benches and developing numerical and experimental studies on micro-generators, with special reference to the ORC technology.


Scientific outcomes and awards

- Author of more than 120 scientific publications in international Journals and Congresses, mainly collected in the Scopus database with more than 2100 citations and h-index = 23 (June 2022);

- Awarded in 2015 with the “John P. Davis Award” by the ASME, for a study on gas turbine, selected among 1051 papers of that year, “in recognition of the technical paper that most significantly describes new or continuing gas turbine applications; identifies planning, installation, operating and/or maintenance problems and their solutions; and exemplifies candid exposure of real-world problems and solutions and is judged, therefore, to be of exceptional value to others supplying or using gas turbines and their support systems”;

- Winner of the “Best Application Paper Award”, form the Industrial and Cogeneration Committee of the ASME-IGTI, for a papers presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2005;

- Winner of the “Best Technical Paper Award”, form the Industrial and Cogeneration Committee of the ASME-IGTI, for a papers presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2008;

- Winner of the “Best Paper Award”, form the Industrial and Cogeneration Committee of the ASME-IGTI, for a papers presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2015;

- Winner of the “Best Paper Award”, form the Industrial and Cogeneration Committee of the ASME-IGTI, for a papers presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2020;

- Winner of the “Best Paper Award”, form the Industrial and Cogeneration Committee of the ASME-IGTI, for a papers presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2021;

- Winner of the “Outstanding Review Award” from the Journal Applied Energy, in 2013.


Current Teaching Activity

He is professor of “Environmental Impact of Energy Systems”, “Advanced Energy Systems and Cogeneration” and “Fluid Power Systems” in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Engineering master courses at the University of Bologna.


Previous positions

- (2010-2017) he was Assistant Professor at University of Bologna;

- (2009-2010) he held a senior post-doc Research Fellowship at University of Bologna on the subject of micro-CHP energy systems;

- (2007-2008) he held a senior post-doc Research Fellowship at University of Bologna on the subject of numerical simulation of combustion for micro gas turbines with reference to syngas fuels;

- (2005-2007) he got a two-years post-doc Research Fellowship from ENEA on the subject of integration of advanced energy systems into district heating networks, financed by “Laboratorio ERG - Emilia Romagna region” performed also in collaboration with an energy utility company;

- (2002-2004) he was a phD student. During the phD he spent one year at the ALSTOM Power Research Center, in Switzerland, working in the CFD and Combustion Team, developing numerical models for NOx pollutant formation in gas turbine engines;

- (2002) he held a one-year Research Fellowship financed by “Consorzio Spinner - Regione Emilia Romagna” on fuel cell energy systems;

- (2001) he worked as Trainee at the ALSTOM Power Research Center, Switzerland, in the team for Aerodynamic Design of gas turbines.


Research Projects

- Principal investigator of the National PRIN 2022 project: “REHP-4-TUNE: Renewable Electric High-temperature Heat Pumps For Thermal Users in Neutral CO2 Environments", Cod. 2022C48ERR.

- Principal investigator of the scientific collaboration between University of Bologna (DIN) and CNR (DIITET), for the activities: “Analisi delle prestazioni energetiche del sistema P2G complessivo, in condizioni di input elettrico variabile", "Analisi termo-economica del sistema P2G complessivo, eventualmente integrato con sistemi di restituzione, ed in scenari di applicazione con input elettrico variabile” in the framework of Ricerca di Sistema, AdP MSE-CNR, PTR 2019-21 (years 2020-21).

- Principal investigator of the scientific collaboration between University of Bologna (DIN) and CNR (DIITET), on the topic of “Completamento delle indagini termodinamiche per valutare le prestazioni di un Sistema di Accumulo energetico di tipologia Power-to-gas alimentato da fonte rinnovabile e sua applicazione alle infrastrutture del gas naturale” in the framework of Ricerca di Sistema, AdP MSE-CNR, PAR 2016-17 (year 2018).

- Principal investigator of the scientific collaboration between University of Bologna (DIN) and CNR (DIITET), on the topic of “Messa a punto di un modello di calcolo per l’analisi delle prestazioni di un Sistema di Accumulo energetico di tipologia Power-to-gas alimentato da fonte rinnovabile” in the framework of Ricerca di Sistema, AdP MSE-CNR, PAR 2015 (year 2017).

- Principal investigator of the scientific collaboration between University of Bologna (DIN) and CNR (DIITET), on the topic of “Performance analysis of an Energy Storage System based on Renewable Energy” in the framework of Ricerca di Sistema, AdP MiSE-CNR, PAR 2013-14.

- Principal investigator of the scientific collaboration between University of Bologna (DIN) and CNR (DIITET), on the topic of “Thermal integration of ZEBRA battery and high temperature fuel cell”, in the framework of Ricerca di Sistema, AdP MiSE-CNR, PAR 2011-12.

- Responsible of a research collaboration, since 2018, between University of Bologna (DIN) and Solar Turbines International Company, on the topic of natural gas compression stations, with gas turbines and waste heat recovery, using electric motor generators.

- Responsible of a scientific collaboration, since 2013, between University of Bologna (DIN) and Turboden company (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries group), on the topic of ORC application to natural gas compression stations, with different papers produced.

- Participant in the scientific collaboration between University of Bologna (CIRI-EA) and GRAF company (oil and gas division), on the topic of fluid machines for cryogenic applications, in the framework of POR-FESR, 2014-2020.

- Participant in the Project “CLEANPORT – Study and design of LNG systems on board of ships - Studio e progetti di installazioni LNG a bordo nave” 2016-2018 funded by POR-FESR 2014-2020.

- Participant in the Project “EFFICITY – Efficient energy systems for smart urban districts – Sistemi energetici efficienti per distretti urbani intelligenti” 2017-2018 funded by POR-FESR 2014-2020.

- Participant in the Project “FRIMAG – Development of a refrigerator prototype for food storage– Sviluppo di un prototipo di refrigeratore per la conservazione degli alimenti” 2017-2018 funded by POR-FESR 2014-2020.

- Participant in the scientific collaboration between University of Bologna (DIN) and ENEA on the topic of “Analisi di strategie per la gestione ottimizzata di reti complesse di distribuzione dell'energia termica”, in the framework of Ricerca di Sistema, AdP MiSE-CNR, PAR 2015.

- Participant in the scientific collaboration between University of Bologna (DIN) and ENEA on the topic of “Analisi di soluzioni progettuali per la trasformazione di reti di teleriscaldamento esistenti in reti poligenerative con presenza di scambio attivo”, in the framework of Ricerca di Sistema, AdP MiSE-CNR, PAR 2013-14.

- Participant in the industrial research project "Programma pilota per lo sviluppo sperimentale di tecnologie a idrogeno per i primi mercati e la decarbonizzazione", in the framework of an Agreement between University of Bologna and Ravenna municipality, 2011-2012.

- Participant in the scientific collaboration between University of Bologna (DIN) and CNR (ITAE) on the topic of “Definizione delle linee guida per la progettazione dell’integrazione termica tra il sistema di accumulo elettrochimico ZEBRA ed il sistema di generazione elettrica IT-SOFC”, in the framework of Ricerca di Sistema, AdP MSE-CNR, PAR 2009-10.

- Participant in the scientific collaboration between University of Bologna (DIN) and CNR (ITAE) on the topic of “Analisi delle prestazioni di sistemi di generazione complessi di elettricità e calore per utenze domestiche utilizzanti accumulatori operanti ad alta temperatura”, in the framework of Ricerca di Sistema, AdP MSE-CNR, PAR 2008.

 - Participant in National Research Project PRIN 2008 prot. 2008X733PJ_002 (Principal investigator Prof. G Bidini, University of Perugia), on the topic of biogas derived syngas combustion in micro-turbines.

- Participant in National Research Project PRIN 2007 prot. 2007RW9A3Z (Principal investigator Prof. P. Spina, University of Ferrara), on the topic of distributed micro co-generation.

- Participant in National Research Project PRIN 2006 prot. 2006098398_003 (Principal investigator Prof. G. Bidini, University of Perugia), on the topic of simulation and test of a microturbine fed with syngas.


Other important information

- Editorial Board Member of the peer-reviewed open access journal "Energies"
(ISSN 1996-1073, Indexed on Scopus and Web of Science, CiteScore (2018 Scopus data): 3.18)
(Topic: Thermal Management).

- referee for various international Journals, mainly: Applied Energy; Energy; Energy Conversion and Management; Applied Thermal Engineering; Energies; Entropy; Journal of Fuel Cell Science & Technology; Journal of Power Sources.

- referee for Postdoctoral Fellowship admission at the Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO) in 2017.

- Member of the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and member of the ASME committees “Industrial and Cogeneration” and “Oil and Gas applications”;

- Member of the Academic Board, since 2018, and of the Admission Board in 2013 and 2017, of the PhD course in Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Sciences (DIMSAI) at University of Bologna.

- Member of the scientific committee for the second level Master course in Energy Management, University of Bologna.

- Member of the quality assurance committee for the course in Energy Engineering, University of Bologna.

- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the international congress "Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2019".

- Member of the Scientific Committee for the international congress "ASEE19 (International conference on advances in energy systems and environmental engineering) 2019".


Int. Conferences (with peer review paper) speeches

2005 ASME TURBOEXPO 2005 – June 6–9, 2005, Reno-Tahoe, Nevada, USA - 1 speech

2007 ASME TURBOEXPO 2007 – 14-17/5/2007 – Montreal, Canada - 1 speech

2008 ASME TURBOEXPO 2008 – 9-13/6/2008 – Berlin, Germany - 2 speeches

2010 ASME TURBOEXPO 2010 – June 14 -18 Glasgow, Scotland - 1 speech

2010 ASME-ATI-UIT 2010 - 16 – 19/5/2010, Sorrento, Italy - 1 speech

2011 ASME TURBOEXPO 2011 – 6-10/6/2011 – Vancouver, Canada - 1 speech

2011 ICAE 2011 - 16-18 May 2011 - Perugia, Italy - 2 speeches

2012 ASME TURBOEXPO 2012 – 11-15/6/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark - 1 speech

2012 ICAE 2012 - Jul 5-8, 2012, Suzhou, China - 2 speeches

2013 MicroGEN III - 15-17 April 2013 Naples, Italy – 1 speech

2013 ICAE 2013 - 2-5/7/2013 – Pretoria, South Africa - 1 speech

2014 ASME TURBOEXPO 2014 - 16-20/6/2014 – Dusseldorf, Germania - 2 speeches

2015 ICAE2015 - 23-31/3/2015 – Abu Dhabi - 2 speeches

2016 ASME TURBOEXPO 2016 – 13-17/6/2016 – Seoul, South Korea – 1 speech

2016 ICAE 2016 – 18-11/10/2016 – Beijing, China - 1 speech

2018 ASME TURBOEXPO 2018 - Oslo, Norway - 1 tutorial invited speech (no peer)

2018 ICAE 2018 - 21-25/8/2018 - Hong Kong - 1 speech

2018 SDEWES 2018 - 30/9-4/10/2018 - Palermo - 1 invited speech


last update 2018