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Andrea Ceciliani

Full Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: MEDF-01/A Physical Training Sciences and Methodology


Keywords: Educational Care Play and sport Outdoor Education and Learning Motor development and prevention Didactic and educational care


a- Free play observation in children aged 3 to 10, as a field of educational experiences. In this field will be studied didactics of PA, PE and Sport,  educational care behavior in teacher (PE) and trainer (sport).

b-    Study on Outdoor Education and Learning strategies and their correlation with cognitive, emotional and motivational aspects in children and youth education.

c - Motor development analysis in children aged 6 – 14 correlated with sport didactics. In this field of research will be analyzed children posture development correlated with prevention aspects, health   and exercise.

The purpose of the proposed lines of reseach is to assess the different aspects that affect the expression of children's play in the free time and also in the early sport practice. In this approach is essential the figure of the educator (teacher or coach). The starting point is the expression of a child's free play, his observation, the identification of the different elements that compose it and the condition in which it's realized. Only with this knowledge it's possibile to introduce in the youth sports practice. The basic concept is to start from the childen's play to arrive to the sport practice, not vice versa. In this context the method and the tools of ecological research, we will explore some aspects of spotanuous play highlighted in previous pilot studies. The analysis of educational care must be clear in who, young and less young, has the responsablity to guide children's education in the first approach to the sport.   
An other important line of research, close to the previous one, concerns the use of the strategy of  Outdoor Education and Learning as an emergin field in children's education. In this context we highlight interesting aspects related to the cognitive, emotional  and motivational development. The external environmente becomes an important educational environment for the current generation of young people. The age of the preprimary and primary school is important to maintain  this great need of natural movement, in particular situations relegated to the extesnal landscape and natural environment in which to measure the confidence and self efficacy, the responsible autonomy, the conscious learning experience and the confidence withe nature (Biophilia) towards to sustinability education. In this context, we develop research in collaboration with schools and other educational agencies that oek with children and young people.   
Finally, the appearance of motor development,quantified by measuring motor skills, postural development, strength development, becomes a further moment of knowledge of the preventive aspects and health in children and young people.

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