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Full Professor, in Methods and Didactics of Motor Activities, research in the field of education, prevention and health, in developmental age, through Physical Education, play, sport and the application of Outdoor Education and Cooperative Learning in school and extra-curricular settings. He is Director of the Qualification Course for the teaching of Physical Education in secondary schools (A048, A049) for the Teaching Training Centre of the University of Bologna. Member of the Board of Doctorates in Sport, Health and Wellness (UNIBO) and of the National Doctorate in Digital Learning (UNIMORE) as well as of the Center for Research and Training on Outdoor Education (UNIBO). Engaged in national and international research projects, he collaborates with various accredited institutions (Sport and Health, MIM, AUSL): He is a trainer in the educational field of various Italian Municipalities, associations and educational institutions, o the issues of physical education and outdoor education.
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