Foto del docente

Alessio Bonaldo

Full Professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: AGR/20 Aquaculture, Poultry and Rabbit Science

Curriculum vitae

Full Professor at the University of Bologna since September 2021. He carries out research activities in the field of aquaculture. The research interests specifically focus on feeding and nutrition of aquatic animals with particular reference to the Mediterranean marine species and the development of sustainable and circular aquafeed formulations for European seabass and gilthead seabream. He has recently been involved in projects related to sustainable shellfish farming practices.


Graduated cum laude in Veterinary Medicine in 1998 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bologna

He obtained his PhD in "Improvement of food quality of animal products" in 2004.

Academic career

From 2005, Researcher in the disciplinary sector AGR/18 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna

From 2014 Associate Professor in the disciplinary sector AGR/20 at the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna.

From 2021, Full Professor in the same University.


Scientific activity

Author or co-author of 64 scientific papers published in ISI/Scopus journals (citations: 1239; h index: 20) (as of June 30, 2023).

He is project coordinator,  scientific responsable for the University of Bologna or involved in important European research projects:

FishEutrust, European integration of new technologies and socio-economic solutions for increasing consumer trust and engagement in seafood productsor increasing consumer trust and engagement in seafood products, Horizon Europe, 48 months 2022-2026, member of the research group of the University of Bologna. Project budget: 5 million €.

NewTechAqua, New Technologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture, H2020-BG04-2019, 48 months, 2020-2023, Project Coordinator. Project budget: €6 million.

NextGenProteins, Bioconversion of Underutilized Resources into Next Generation Proteins for Food and Feed, H2020-LC-SFS17-2019, 48 months, 2019-2023, Principal Investigator of the University of Bologna and leader of the Workpackage "Feed". Project budget: €7 million.

Sustainfeed, Development of highly sustainable less/zero competing-food aquafeeds for European aquaculture using low carbon and zero waste ingredients, EIT Food, 24 months, 2021-2022, Principal Investigator of the University of Bologna adn WP leader. Project budget 709.053 €.

Novofeed, Novel feed ingredients from sustainable sources, Eranet – Marine Biotech, 48 months, 2017-2020, Principal Investigator of the University of Bologna and WP leader. Project budget: €1.28 million.

EU Projects on sustainable shellfish farming systems

Lifemuscles, Life MUssel Sustainable production (re) cyCLES, Project aimed at reducing the environmental impact of polypropylene socks and promoting the use of biodegradable socks in mussel farming, Life, 36 months, 2021-2023, Principal Investigator of the University of Bologna.

Bivalvi, Advancing European bivalve production systems, Eranet Bioblue, 36 months, 2022-2025, Principal Investigator of the University of Bologna and WP leader. Project budget: € 1.2 million.

Projects on Training and Education

AQUATechInn 4.0, Erasmus+, the projects aims to develop advanced training tools based on digital blended learning, with the use of simulators, gamification and open educational resources for the aquaculture sector. 36 months, 2023-2026. Principal Investigator of the University of Bologna and WP leader. Project budget: 1,2 Mio €

BoutCar EMFAF Project Grants, the project aims to develop a training pathway for young people and adults who want to engage in blue economy by providing them with contents, skills and competences necessary to get attractive and sustainable jobs and develop competences and skills needed to support EU Green Deal initiatives promoting sustainable blue economy. Principal Investigator of the University of Bologna and WP leader. Project budget: 970,000 €

He participated to several research projects commissioned by public and private bodies such as the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies, Emilia Romagna Region, Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna.

At regional level, he obtained funds for a two-year research project for the development of sustainable aquaculture funded by the Emilia Romagna Region under the Feamp Programme 2014-2020 Measure 2.47 "Innovation in Aquaculture" – Public Notice Annuality 2019.

As part of the framework agreement between Eni and the University of Bologna signed in 2017 for joint research activities, he was scientific responsable, in 2017 and 2018, of two international cooperation projects for the development of a new aquaculture site at the Governorate of Port Said, Egypt.

Scientific responsible in the period 2013-2020 of 20 research contracts commissioned by national or foreign companies in the aquaculture feed sector.


Teaching activities

Since 2004 he teaches in the field of veterinary medical sciences, with particular reference to aquaculture and fish nutrition and feeding.

Teacher at the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Aquaculture and Hygiene of Fish Productions of the University of Bologna in:

Feeding of Aquatic Animals and Feed Technologies (60 hours)

Mariculture (40 hours)

Innovative Systems in Aquaculture (20 hours)

Supervisor in 40 thesis in the Bachelor's Degree Courses in Aquaculture and Ichtiology and Aquaculture and Hygiene of Fish Products.

Supervisor in 6 thesis in the courses of Safety and Quality of Animal production and Health and Quality of Products of Animal Origin related to topics of feeding and nutrition of farmed fish.

Director of the Master in First Level in Aquaculture and Ichthiopathology for A.A. 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 and holder of the teaching module in Maricoltura (25 hours).

Member of the PhD board in Veterinary Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna, during the 35th and 34th cycle.

Lecturer of the Course "Sustainable Fishing and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean" in the three editions of 2006 (42 hours), 2008 (30 hours) and 2010 (28 hours) funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized by the University Residential Center of Bertinoro. The course was intended for people from ministerial offices, fisheries offices and research institutes in Mediterranean countries. In the 2008 edition he was also Deputy Scientific Director.

Scientific responsible, organizer and lecturer of the Course "Hatchery techniques and technology for production of Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)", 14-25 March 2016, commissioned by FAO for the training of Arab-Saudi technicians. 

Institutional activities and academic assignments

Since January 2015, for two consecutive terms, Head of the University Center for Blue Growth of the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna.

Since 2010, member of the Board of the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna.

Responsible since 2018 for two consecutive terms for the Operational Unit of Fish Productions of the Animal Production Service of the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna.

From 2018 to 2020, Board Member of the Marine Research Center Foundation on the appointment of the Rector of University of Bologna.

From 2022, Program Committee Member of the The Decade Collaborative Center for Coastal Resilience, where he gives his contribute for the activities and events related to aquaculture.

From 2023 Coordinator of the Technical Advisory Group on Innovation and Technology of the General Fishery Commission for Mediterranean and Black Sea - FAO

Membership of scientific and editorial committees

Chair of the Organizing Committee of the International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, 2022 (ISFNF2022), Sorrento. This conference represents the most important scientific event on fish nutrition and nutrition worldwide with more than 400 participants.

Member of the Organizing Committee of the XX Aspa Congress, 2013, Bologna.

Guest editor of Aquaculture (Elsevier), in 2022-2023.

Section Editor of the Italian Journal of Animal Science (Taylor & Francis) from 2018 to 2023.

Since 2015, member of the Editorial Board of Aquaculture (Elsevier).

Reviewer of the most important scientific journals related to the aquaculture sector and animal production such as Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition, AquacultureQuacultur Research, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, Italian Journal of Animal Science.


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