Foto del docente

Alessandro Tolomelli

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Curriculum vitae

Current positions:

Full Professor and University Researcher - Department of Education “Giovanni Maria Bertin”- University of Bologna.

Member of "RPD. Journal of Theories and Research in Education" board, online open access international scientific journal,

Member of the Academic Board of the PhD Degree of "Sciences of Education and Psychology", University of Florence.

Education and training:

2002-2005: PhD in Quality of Education, Evaluation of the research: excellent.

Final Dissertation: Connexions between Complexity Paradigm by Edgar Morin and Pedagogical Problematicism

Supervisor: prof. Paolo Orefice

University of Florence (IT) Faculty of Sciences of Education

1995-1999: 2nd level degree (MA) in Educational Sciences

Final Dissertation: Theatre of the Oppressed and education: hypothesis of pedagogical integration. Evaluation: 110/110 cum laude.

Supervisor: prof. Mariagrazia Contini

University of Bologna (IT) Faculty of Sciences of Education



2017-2019: Research team coordinator: project "ATOMS and Co", Erasmus+ Programme, Coordinator: CEC, Brussels.

2012-2016: Fellow and evalutation coordinator: project "TOgether. Comminty Based Theatre of the Oppressed in Europe", Grundtvig LLP Programme, Coordinator: GTO, Lisbon.

2009-2012: Research project fellow: “Educational trajectories in Europe. Comparing the accessibility, manage-ability and relevance of school for children and young people in European knowledge societies” GOETE, FP 7 Cooperation Work Programme SSH: Socioeconomics Sciences and Humanities, SSH -2007-8.1.1.European Commission, Coordinator: Dr. Andreas Walther, Institute of Education, University of Tübingen.

2007-2009 : Post-Doc Grant, Department of Sciences of Education “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, University of Bologna

2006-2010 : Scientific committee member , Institution IRidES in Bologna, nominated by Department of Sciences of Education “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, University of Bologna.

2010: Research grant as guest Researcher at Brown University (USA) for a short term research project on “Empowerment and Education”.

2008-2010 : Fellow of research group: “Educational care” a research by Department of Sciences of Education-University of Bologna. Coordinator: Mariagrazia Contini.

2007-2009: Post-Doc Research Project: “Empowerment, pedagogical Paradigm and educational process”, Department of Sciences of Education “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, University of Bologna, Supervisor: Mariagrazia Contini

2007-: Member of scientific editorial board of on line open source review “RDP Ricerche di didattica e pedagogia” of Department of Sciences of Education “Giovanni Maria Bertin” – Bologna University.

2005- : Fellow of research group: Self Empowerment, Organizational Empowerment, Counselling and coaching empowerment oriented, Institute RISFOR-Sources for Adult Education-Milan. Coordinator: Massimo Bruscaglioni (University of Padova).

2005:Guest scholar grant: invitation from International Center for Civic Engagement - Denver University for a short term research about “The role of University on development of social participation culture”. Coordinator: Roberta Waldbaum

2000: Guest scholar grant: “Educational use of Theatre of the Oppressed in Sweden” short term research, Stockholm Institute of Education

a.a. 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018 : Course of General and Social Pedagogy, Bachelor Degree "Social Education", University of Bologna.

a.a. 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018 : Course of General and Social Pedagogy, Bachelor Degree "Professional Education", University of Bologna.

Current other experiences:
2005-: Consultant and cousellor of "Empowerment approach", Risfor, Milan (
2004-: Trainer and Director of "Theatre of the Oppressed", Krila-Il camaleonte, Bologna (

Previous teaching experiences as member of University staff:

2004 - 2010 : Contract Lecturer, Faculty of Science of Education, University of Bologna

2004 - 2009 : Contract Professor of General Pedagogy, Academy of Arts of Bologna

Previous professional experiences:

1994-2000: Social worker and Educator in Italian NGOs.