Foto del docente

Alessandro Piras

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: MEDF-01/A Physical Training Sciences and Methodology


Toni, G; Belvederi Murri, M; Piepoli, M; Zanetidou, S; Cabassi, A; Squatrito, Salvatore; Bagnoli, L; Piras, Alessandro; Mussi, C; Senaldi, R; Menchetti, Marco; Zocchi, Donato; Ermini, Giuliano; Ceresini, G; Tripi, F; Rucci, Paola; Alexopoulos, Gs; Amore, M., Physical Exercise for Late-Life Depression: Effects on Heart Rate Variability, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY», 2016, 24, pp. 989 - 997 [Scientific article]

F.Merni; G.Semprini; L.Gubellini; F.Nigro; R. Di Michele; M.Perazzolo; V. Totti; A. Piras; L. Trotta, Studio di validità per la determinazione delle soglie ventilatorie in un test incrementale al cicloergometro, «MEDICINA DELLO SPORT», 2016, 69, pp. 504 - 504 [Abstract]

Di Michele, R.; Raffi, M.; Merni, F.; Piras, A., The metabolic demands of running with the ball in soccer players, «SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH», 2016, 12, pp. S11 - s12 [Abstract]

Piras A, Malagoli Lanzoni I., Raffi M, Persiani M, Squatrito S., The within-task criterion to determine successful and unsuccessful table tennis players, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING», 2016, 11, pp. 523 - 531 [Scientific article]

Raguzzoni M.; Campa F.; Servadei S.; Cortesi M.; Gatta G.; Piras A., Effetti migliorativi post-gara con il costume a compressione, «LA TECNICA DEL NUOTO», 2015, 42, pp. 39 - 42 [Scientific article]

Persiani, M.; Piras, A.; Squatrito, S.; Raffi, M., Laterality of Stance during Optic Flow Stimulation in Male and Female Young Adults, «BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL», 2015, 2015, Article number: 542645 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

Piras, A.; Raffi, M.; Lanzoni, I.M.; Persiani, M.; Squatrito, S., Microsaccades and prediction of a motor act outcome in a dynamic sport situation, «INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE», 2015, 56, pp. 4520 - 4530 [Scientific article]

Piras, A.; Persiani, M.; Damiani, N.; Perazzolo, M.; Raffi, M., Peripheral heart action (PHA) training as a valid substitute to high intensity interval training to improve resting cardiovascular changes and autonomic adaptation, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY», 2015, 115, pp. 763 - 773 [Scientific article]

Milena Raffi;Alessandro Piras;Michela Persiani;Salvatore Squatrito, Importance of optic flow for postural stability of male and female young adults, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY», 2014, 114, pp. 71 - 83 [Scientific article]

Raffi M;Persiani M;Piras A;Squatrito S, Optic flow neurons in area PEc integrate eye and head position signals., «NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS», 2014, 568, pp. 23 - 28 [Scientific article]

Alessandro Piras;Roberto Lobietti;Salvatore Squatrito, Response Time, Visual Search Strategy, and Anticipatory Skills in Volleyball Players, «JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY», 2014, 2014, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]

Alessandro Piras;Emanuela Pierantozzi;Salvatore Squatrito, Visual Search Strategy in Judo Fighters During the Execution of the First Grip, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING», 2014, 9, pp. 185 - 198 [Scientific article]

Piras A.; Raffi M.; Persiani M.; Squatrito S., Effect of central vs. peripheral optic flow stimuli on postural responses revealed by surface electromyography, in: Perception, «PERCEPTION», 2012, 41 supplement, pp. 251 - 251 (atti di: 35th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Alghero, Italy, 2-6 September 2012) [Abstract]

Raffi M.; Persiani M.; Piras A.; Squatrito S.;, Importance of optic flow for postural stability, in: Acta Physiologica - Abstract of the 63rd national congress of the italian physiological society, «ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA», 2012, 206, Supplement 692, pp. 36 - 36 (atti di: 63rd meeting of the Italian Society of Physiology (SIF), Verona, 21-23/09/2012) [Abstract]

Piras A.; Persiani M.; Raffi M.; Squatrito S., Influence of optic flow stimuli on postural response. I. Electromyography, in: 17th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Book of Abstracts, BRUGES, Meeusen, R., Duchateau, J., Roelands, B., Klass, M, 2012, pp. 79 - 79 (atti di: 17th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Bruges, Belgium, 4-7 July 2012) [Abstract]