Foto del docente

Alessandro Piras

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: MEDF-01/A Physical Training Sciences and Methodology


Persiani M.; Piras A.; Raffi M.; Squatrito S., Influence of optic flow stimuli on postural response. II. Stabilometry, in: 17th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Book of Abstracts, BRUGES, Meeusen, R., Duchateau, J., Roelands, B., Klass, M, 2012, pp. 79 - 80 (atti di: 17th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Bruges, Belgium, 4-7 July 2012) [Abstract]

Persiani M.; Raffi M.; Piras A.; Squatrito S.;, Postural sway adaptation induced by optic flow, in: Acta Physiologica - Abstract of the 63rd national congress of the italian physiological society, «ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA», 2012, 206, Suppl. 692, pp. 144 - 144 (atti di: 63rd meeting of the Italian Society of Physiology (SIF), Verona, 21-23/09/2012) [Abstract]

Piras A; Lobietti R; Squatrito S, Reaction time and ocular movements in volleyball, in: The Present and Future of Researches on Science about Human Movement, Krakowie, Dział Projektów Wydawniczych AWF w Krakowie, 2011, 28, pp. 68 - 69 (atti di: 12th Conference of Sport Kinetics 2011, Krakowie, 22/09/2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Alessandro, Piras; Joan, N. Vickers, The effect of fixation transitions on quiet eye duration and performance in the soccer penalty kick: instep versus inside kicks, «COGNITIVE PROCESSING», 2011, 3, pp. 245 - 255 [Scientific article]

Piras A.; Lobietti R.; Squatrito S., A study of saccadic eye movement dynamics in volleyball: comparison between athletes and non-athletes, «JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS», 2010, 50, pp. 99 - 108 [Scientific article]

Pierantozzi E.; Nerozzi E.; Piras A.; Lubisco A., Analysis of the fighting phase before the first grip in the finals of the judo world championship 2007, in: SACRIPANTI A., Advances in Judo Biomechanics Research: " Modern Evolution on Ancient Roots", SAARBRUCKEN, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, pp. 207 - 207 [Chapter or essay]

E. Pierantozzi; E. Nerozzi; A. Piras; A. Lubisco, La prima presa nel combattimento di judo, «ATHLON», 2008, 10, pp. 56 - 59 [Scientific article]