Foto del docente

Alessandro Piras

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: MEDF-01/A Physical Training Sciences and Methodology


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Publications prior to 2004


Piras, A ., Lobietti, R., Squatrito, S. (2014). “Reaction time, visual search strategy and anticipatory skills in volleyball players”. Journal of Ophthalmology.

Raffi M, Persiani M, Piras A, Squatrito S. (2014) Optic flow neurons in area PEc integrate eye and head position signals. Neuroscience Letters, 568, 23-28.

Piras, A. , Pierantozzi, E., Squatrito, S. (2014) “Visual search strategy in Judo fighters during the execution of the first grip”. International Journal of  Sport Science and Coaching 9(1)185-198

Raffi M, Piras A, Persiani M, Squatrito S (2014) Importance of optic flow for postural stability of male and female young adults. European Journal of Applied Physiology 114 (1): 71-83

Piras, A. , Vickers, J.N. (2011). “ The effect of fixation transitions on quiet eye duration and performance in the soccer penalty kick: instep versus inside kicks”. Cognitive Processing 12 (3): 245-255.

Piras, A. , (2010). “Visual scanning in sports actions: comparison between soccer goalkeepers and judo fighters”. Doctoral Dissertation,

Piras, A. , Lobietti, R., Squatrito, S. (2010). “A study of saccadic eye movement dynamics in volleyball. Comparison between athletes and non-athletes”. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 50(1), 99-108.

Pierantozzi, E., Nerozzi, E., Piras, A., Lubisco, A. (2008) “Analisi della fase di Combattimento che precede le prese nelle finali del Campionato Mondiale di Judo 2007”. Athlon, 10, 56-59.


Toni G, Belvederi Murri M, Zanetidou S, Menchetti M, Ermini G, Tripi F, Piras A, Mussi C, Piepoli M, Amore M (2013) Physical exercise for late life major depression: the SEEDS study for the group safety and efficacy of exercise for depression in seniors (SEEDS) European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 8-10 May, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Persiani M, Raffi M, Piras A, Squatrito S (2012) Postural sway adaptation induced by optic flow, Acta Physiologica, Vol. 206, Supplement 692, p.144. 63rd meeting of the Italian Society of Physiology (SIF), Verona 21-23/09/2012.

Raffi M, Persiani M, Piras A, Squatrito S (2012) Importance of optic flow for postural stability, Acta Physiologica, Vol. 206, Supplement 692, p.36. 63rd meeting of the Italian Society of Physiology (SIF), Verona 21-23/09/2012.

Piras A., Raffi M., Persiani M., Squatrito S. (2012) “Effect of central vs. peripheral optic flow stimuli on postural responses revealed by surface electromyography” Perception Vol. 41 supplement, p. 251, 35th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), 2-6 September 2012, Alghero – Italy.

Piras A. , Persiani M., Raffi M., Squatrito S. (2012) “Influence of optic flow stimuli on postural response. I. Electromyography” 17th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Book of Abstracts, p.79, 4-7 July 2012, Bruges – Belgium.

Persiani M., Piras A., Raffi M., Squatrito S. (2012) “Influence of optic flow stimuli on postural response. II. Stabilometry” 17th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Abstract Book, p.79, 4-7 July 2012, Bruges – Belgium.

Toni G, Belvederi Murri M., Senaldi R., Ferrara S., De Bei L, Rizzo R., Tola G., Comastri D., Piras A., Cerri M., Spezia C., Magagnoli M., Morini M., Buffa A., Zanetidou S., BagnoliL., Ermini G., Zocchi D., Amore M. , Neri M. (2012) “Physical exercise and geriatric major depression: the SEEDS study” XXXII World Congress of Sport Medicine, Abstract Book, 27-30 September, Rome - Italy

Piras A, Lobietti, R., Squatrito, S. (2011). “Reaction time and ocular movements in volleyball” (Ed.). IASK library series: vol.28. Final Program & Book of Abstracts of 12th Conference of Sport Kinetics, “ The Present and Future of Researches on Science about Human Movement”. Cracow, 22-24.09.2011p.68-69.

Piras A, Scott, M., Vickers, J.N. (2010). “Visuomotor control of soccer goalkeepers in a penalty kick situation”. Oral presentation at the 2nd World Conference on Science and Soccer,  8-9 June 2010, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Pierantozzi E, Nerozzi E, Piras A, Lubisco, A. (2008). “Analysis of the first grip in the finals of the Judo World Championship 2007”. I European Scientific Congress of Judo, 10th April, 2008, Lisbon- Portugal.