Raffi Milena, Trofè Aurelio, Meoni Andrea, Piras Alessandro, The speed of optic flow stimuli modulates microsaccades’ characteristics, in: Atti del COngresso P3.32 71st SIF National Congress, The Italian Society of Physiology, Milan (Online) • 7-9 September 2021, 2021, pp. 199 - 199 (atti di: 71st SIF National Congress, The Italian Society of Physiology, Milan (Online), Milan, 7-9 September 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access
Piras A.; Timmis M.; Trofè A.; Raffi M., Understanding the underlying mechanisms of Quiet Eye: The role of microsaccades, small saccades and pupil-size before final movement initiation in a soccer penalty kick, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE», 2021, 21, pp. 685 - 694 [Scientific article]Open Access
Alessandro Piras, Matthew A. Timmis, Aurelio Trofè, Milena Raffi, Visual Strategies Underpinning the Spatiotemporal Demands During Visuomotor Tasks in Predicting Ball Direction, «JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY», 2021, 43, pp. 514 - 523 [Scientific article]Open Access
Francesco Campa, Alessandro Piras, Milena Raffi, Aurelio Trofè, Monica Perazzolo, Gabriele Mascherini, Stefania Toselli, The effects of dehydration on metabolic and neuromuscular functionality during cycling, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH», 2020, 17, Article number: 1161 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access
Raffi M, Meoni A, Piras A, Analysis of microsaccade direction during learning of an attentional task in the macaque monkey., «ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA», 2019, 227, pp. 65 - 65 [Abstract]
Trofè A, Raffi M, Campa F, Toselli S, Muehsam D, Piras A, Effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) on the VO2 kinetics, «ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA», 2019, 227, pp. 182 - 182 [Abstract]
Trofè A, Raffi M, Muehsam D, Piras A, Effect of stimulation with pulsed electromagnetic fields during sport activity., «SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH (ONLINE)», 2019, 15, pp. S101 - S102 [Abstract]
Campa, Francesco; Piras, Alessandro; Raffi, Milena; Toselli, Stefania, Functional Movement Patterns and Body Composition of High-Level Volleyball, Soccer and Rugby Players, «JOURNAL OF SPORT REHABILITATION», 2019, 28, pp. 740 - 745 [Scientific article]
Raffi, Milena; Piras, Alessandro, Investigating the Crucial Role of Optic Flow in Postural Control: Central vs. Peripheral Visual Field, «APPLIED SCIENCES», 2019, 9, Article number: 934 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access
Gatti S., Raffi M., Di Michele R., Cortesi M., Trofè A., Piras A., Lifetime exposure of swimming training: its effects on baroreflex sensitivity, «SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH (ONLINE)», 2019, 15, pp. s105 - s105 [Abstract]
Mazzetti M., Raffi M., Di Michele R., Cortesi M., Trofè A., Piras A., Lifetime exposure of swimming training: its effects on cardiac autonomic responses, «SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH (ONLINE)», 2019, 15, pp. s105 - s105 [Abstract]
Piras, Alessandro; Raffi, Milena; Perazzolo, Monica; Malagoli Lanzoni, Ivan; Squatrito, Salvatore, Microsaccades and interest areas during free-viewing sport task, «JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES», 2019, 37, pp. 980 - 987 [Scientific article]
Piras A, Trofè A, Perazzolo M, Raffi M, Microsaccades could indicate the locus of attention during self-motion perception., «ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA», 2019, 227, pp. 54 - 54 [Abstract]
Piras, Alessandro; Campa, Francesco; Toselli, Stefania; Di Michele, Rocco; Raffi, Milena, Physiological responses to partial-body cryotherapy performed during a concurrent strength and endurance session, «APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, NUTRITION AND METABOLISM», 2019, 44, pp. 59 - 65 [Scientific article]Open Access
Piras, Alessandro; Cortesi, Matteo; Campa, Francesco; Perazzolo, Monica; Gatta, Giorgio, Recovery time profiling after short-, middle- and long-distance swimming performance, «JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH», 2019, 33, pp. 1408 - 1415 [Scientific article]