Foto del docente

Alessandro Gabrielli

Full Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-01/A Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions and Applications

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Physics

Curriculum vitae

  • Academic Career

    1993: Degree in Physics UniBo (110/110)

    1994: Postgraduate Course in Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DIFA), UniBo

    2000: PhD in Physics, "Design and development of high-speed VLSI architectures for high energy physics"

    2012: Researcher at the DIFA, UniBo

    2016: Qualification as Associate Professor of Physics (02/A1 FIS/01).

    2018: Qualification as Full Professor of Physics (02/A1 FIS/01).

    2020: Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the UniBo

         2024: Full Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the UniBo


  • Affiliations

    1993: Associated Member of INFN

    2000: Associated Member of CERN in Geneva for the ALICE and ATLAS experiments

  • Appointments

    2018: Member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Physics of the UniBo

    2020: Member of the Didactic Board, Mechatronics Engineering and Mechatronics, UniBo

    2016-2022: Reviewer Journal MDPI Electronics,

    2021: Review Assessment Dutch Research Council (NWO) for a 280000 € grant,

   2023: Coordinator of the Academic Board of the PhD in Physics,UniBo

   2020: Member of the Didactic Board, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UniBo

  • Editorships

   2021 Editor in Chief for “MDPI Journals: Electronics EISSN 2079-9292, MDPI (Impact Factor 2.3)

   2023 Guest Editor special Issue “Feature Review Papers in Microelectronics” of Electronics  

   2023 Guest Editor special Issue “Feature Papers in Microelectronics” of Electronics

   2023 Editor dal 2023 di Frontiers in Detector Science and Technology – Electronic ISSN 2813-8031

  • Research Grants

    2010-2015: Head of Procedure (RUP) and technical consultant for tenders for the construction of equipment at CERN for the ATLAS Pixel Detector, for a total of over € 400k

    2017: P.I. of the Research Grant Board of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the UniBo, December 2017, ID [34567], Title of the grant: "Digital electronic technologies for upgrading the ATLAS HEPE at CERN (front-end ASIC and FPGA) ”For this grant, AG provided 6 months of external co-financing for € 12k

    Head of procedure (RUP) for the negotiated procedure call for tenders, deed G.E. INFN n. 9615, of 21 November 2012, CIG 4801259C41, DELIBERATION No. 9744 of GE INFN, for the production of 15 cards for the ATLAS IBL experiment at CERN, for a total of € 48,750.00 + VAT,

    Head of procedure (RUP) for the negotiated procedure call for tenders, deed G.E. INFN n. 10181, of 21 February 2014, CIG 5634119E11, Resolution No. 10272 of GE INFN, for the production of 40 cards for the ATLAS Pixel Layer 2 experiment at CERN, for a total of € 75,000.00 + VAT,

    Head of the procedure (RUP) for the negotiated procedure call for tenders, deed G.E. INFN n. 10793, of 15 July 2015, CIG 6347695B9D, for the production of 45 cards for the ATLAS Pixel Layer 1 experiment at CERN, for a total of € 88,650.00 € excluding VAT,

    President of the INFN technical commission, appointed by the Executive Council 11201 of 16/11/2016, for the evaluation of the adequacy of the offer for the production of electronic cards for the ATLAS Pixel Detector, for a total of € 153k,

    Research grant for € 29,000.00 from the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Bologna, December 2017, ID [34567], 2017, Title of the grant: "Digital electronic technologies for upgrading the ATLAS high energy physics experiment at CERN (front-end ASIC and FPGA) ". For this grant, the candidate provided 6 months of external co-financing for € 12,000 again through the company Link Engineering Srl,

    P.I. Grant ANVUR basic research activities n. 20/2017 for € 3k, June 2017,

    P.I. INFN Grant for a two-year research grant through the Call of Gruppo V ARCADIA for € 24.000,

    Co-financing of the INFN two-year research grant through the Call of Gruppo V HIDRA2 for € 25.000,

    P.I Grant for a collaboration between the DIFA and the MW.FEP company on technological activities with a unilateral contribution of € 16,000 for the funding of scholarships for recent graduates in Physics,

       P.I. Grant AlmaIdea 2022 for 24.000 € for the research and development of a FireWall Hardware

       P.I. PRIN 2022 "High performance microelectronics for low-noise cryogenic applications" 173k€

  • Visiting Positions

    “Visiting Scientist” at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, in 2009

    “Visiting Professor” contractor at the Center for Human Space Robotics, Italian Institute of Technology, seat of the Polytechnic of Turin, in the years 2012-2013. The specific research activity for this collaboration was aimed at the study, design and construction of integrated rad-hard microelectronic devices with Ultra-Wide Band wireless data transmission

    “Project Associate” contractor at CERN in Geneva in the years 2008-2010 for the design of electro-optical microelectronic devices resistant to radiation for applications to the LHC experiments of CERN;

  • Main teaching activities

    2012-2017: Electronic Design Laboratory, Master's degree program in Physics, School of Sciences, UniBo,

    2017-2022: Laboratory of Electronic Design and Applied Electronics (course in English), Master's degree program in Physics, School of Sciences, UniBo,

    2013-2018: General Physics 2013-2022, Management Engineering, School of Engineering and Architecture, UniBo

    2016: Teaching of Excellence: "Radiation hardening techniques and applications", course in English for the PhD schools of the Politecnico di Torino, January 2016

    2017: "Basic and Applied Electronics for HEPE", course in English carried out for the PhD and Master Thesis school in Physics at the Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics in Bern, June 2017,

    2018-2022: General Physics, Mechatronics, School of Engineering and Architecture, UniBo

    2021-2022: Laboratory of Mathematics and Applied Physics, Mechatronics, School of Engineering and Architecture, UniBo

  • Publications

    Over 1000 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, monographic articles, 5 book chapters

    Over 50 presentations at international conferences, 3 internal notes for CERN experiments, and 5 manuals for the use of microelectronic silicon components used in HEPE

    Co-author of the physics textbook for high schools, “Capire la Fisica”, CLIO EDIZIONI, February 2003

    H-Index 104, Citazioni 49201 Fonte SCOPUS dicembre 2023

  • Advisorships

    Supervisor 6 PhD thesis in Physics, UniBo

    Supervisor 1 PhD thesis in Data Science and Computation, UniBo (Giacomo Levrini of the DIFA RU)

    Supervisor 14 Masters’ thesis in Physics, DIFA, UniBo

    2011-2014 and 2015-2019: Auditor VQR

  • Main activities in High-energy physics experiments (HEPE)

1998-2005: Design for the ALICE DRIFT experiment at CERN of a 250 nm CMOS technology chip for two-dimensional data compression of the data acquisition chain of the front-end detectors. The device designed, after passing a test-beam at CERN in 2003

2000-2004: Experiments for the detection of neutrinos. INFN's NEMO experiment has set itself as its objective the detection of very high energy galactic and extragalactic neutrinos by means of an underwater detector, the size of one cubic km, which exploits the Cherenkov effect induced by secondary muons to muon neutrinos

2005-2009: Designs for DACEL, SLIM5, and VIPIX experiments of monolithic sensors including a pixel matrix and a sparsified readout logic for reading the space-time coordinates of the hits, with a resolution of the order of 1μs respectively, and 10μm. These researches have been oriented to the development of future fast trackers, also data-driven, for applications proposed in LHC and B-factory (SuperB) upgrade experiments.

2008-2009: microelectronics designs for the GBT project at CERN in Geneva as part of the "Link Radiation Hard Optical Project" which made it possible to develop a bi-directional rad-hard link for the upgrade of all LHC experiments.

2010-2020: Coordinator for the INFN Section of Bologna of INFN experiments and collaborative WPs (DACEL, LEPIX, TOPEM, TIMESPOT).

2012-2018: Coordinator for the Bologna section of the INFN for the realization of the ROD (ReadOut Driver) card of the data acquisition system. This electronics is part of the phase 0 upgrade of all the ATLAS Pixel Detector at CERN, and for the ATLAS-Insertable B-Layer.

Experiments with radiation-resistant microelectronic technologies. INFN's DACEL experiment had set itself the goal of designing and characterizing "deep sub-micron" structures in 130 nm CMOS technology for future applications in particle detectors and accelerators. For this experiment DACEL

2010: Coordinator for the Bologna section of the INFN in 2010 for the TOPEM experiment proposed the study of a multimodal time-of-flight platform, positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis and follow-up of prostate cancer. For this activity, the custom HPTDC and NINO chips used in the ALICE and CMS experiments of LHC have been re-proposed for the preliminary study of the time of flight, with a temporal resolution of less than 100ps, as a parameter associated with traditional measurements for PET.

2018-2021: Bologna coordinator for INFN's TIMESPOT experiment aims to develop and implement a complete integrated system for tracking with very high spatial (100 μm) and temporal (100 ps) precision for each detection channel, coordinator for the Bologna Section and responsible for WP5: “Design and implementation of high-speed readout boards” for fast readout activities using the latest generation FPGAs.

2010-2018: Coordinator for the INFN section of Bologna of the upgrade of the ROD (ReadOut Driver) card of the data acquisition system for the PIXEL and SCT experiments of ATLAS at CERN in Geneva.

In total, 150 ReadOut Driver (ROD) cards have been produced, already installed in layers IBL, 1, 2 and being installed in layer 0 and end-cap disks, to guarantee a higher reading speed of the ATLAS pixels with trigger over 100KHz and peak brightness higher than 1 * 10^34cm-2s-1. The new Pixel Detector readout has thus contributed (and will continue to do so) to the acquisition of the statistics necessary for data analysis. In particular for the IBL layer (14 cards), for the Layer 2 (26 cards) and the Layer 1 (38 cards), the system is already in operation. For the B Layer (22 cards) and for the discs (12 cards), commissioning is in progress and will be completed in February 2018.

2019-2020: Coordinator for the ATLAS Hardware Track Trigger of the firing activity for the upgrade of the trigger for the ATLAS experiment at CERN in Geneva (Responsibility L3 ATLAS / CERN)

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