Foto del docente

Alessandro Gabrielli

Full Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-01/A Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions and Applications

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Physics


Collaboration with:
BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory
United States of America
The LHC Accelerator at CERN in Geneva will be updated in the next years from various points of view. In fact, research and development of electro-optical data acquisition systems are in progress to interface with the experiment detectors. In particular, for the Pixel detector of ATLAS the cards called FELIX are constantly updated, finding applications in different research fields. These are boards with programmable FPGA components that allow interfacing the signals produced by the detectors and leaving the physics community the freedom to design the firmware and software to build the events. In this context the DIFA and the INFN section of Bologna have been collaborating for a long time with BNL through an exchange of PhD students and a sharing of responsibility and research.
Formal collaboration with:
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Collaboration on research activities in nuclear and subnuclear physics at national and international laboratories. Building electronic equipment for experiments in high-energy physics.
Formal collaboration with:
International Cooperation ATLAS at the CERN laboratory Ginevra for the ATLAS experiment.
Formal collaboration with:
Science and Technology Facility Council - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
United Kingdom
Design, fabrication and testing of a miniaturized system on a microchip with a view to using it as an implantable device to perform in vivo dosimetry. This system could find applications in the field of radiotherapy, allowing accurate information on the amount of dose of absorbed radiation in biological tissues.
Formal collaboration with:
Politecnico di TORINO
Collaboration with the Section "Center for Human Space Robotics" @ IIT POLITO for the design of wireless sensor read-out systems for space applications and radiation-resistant. The collaboration involves the production of microchips.

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