Foto del docente

Alessandra Bendini

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-07/A Food Science and Technology

Director of First Cycle Degree in Food Technology

Curriculum vitae


Alessandra Bendini got the degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology in 1995 (University of Bologna) and in 1999 she achieved the PhD degree in Food Biotechnology (University of Florence). In the following years, thanks to several research contracts and Post-PhD contract, she continued the scientific research.

In March 2006, she became AGR/15 researcher afferent to Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna (DISTAL) and in 2009 senior researcher (Assistant Professor).

Alessandra Bendini obtained the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for admission to the role of University Professor (second level) for both the sectors 07/F1 (Food Science and Technologies) and 03/D1 (Chemistry and Technologies of Pharmaceutical, Toxicological and Food-Nutraceutical area) in the competition announcements 2012 and 2013, respectively; later, in the competition announcements 2016 (IV four month period) she obtained the National Scientific Qualification for admission to the role of University Professor (first level) for the sectors 07/F1 (Food Science and Technologies).

In 2019 she became AGR/15 Associate Professor in AGR/15 concorsual sector of DISTAL, University of Bologna.

From November 2021 to March 2023 was the Delegate for International Relations od the Department of DISTAL.

From September 2018 to July 2024 was the Responsable of the Operative Unit 4 - "Processes and Food Products" and Responsible for Instruments of the Interdepartmental Center of Agrofood Industrial Research (CIRI-Agro) of the University of Bologna

Since 2005, she has been enrolled to the list of expert assessors of virgin olive oils and currently works as Deputy Panel Leader in the professional Panel of DISTAL, recognized by MIPAAF.

Since 2014, each year up to now, she has been achieved the Sensory Project Manager title from the Italian Society of Sensory Science (SISS).


Since 2003, Alessandra Bendini has been university lecturer for several bachelor degree programmes in the subjects: "Chemical, Physical and Sensory Analysis of Food Products" (University of Verona, Sciences Faculty), "Food Chemistry" (First Cycle Degree course in Food Technologies, University of Bologna), "Food Analysis" (First Cycle Degree course in Food Technologies and Second Cycle Degree course in Chemistry, University of Bologna), "Exercises on Application of Unit Operations" (First Cycle Degree course in Food Technologies, University of Bologna).

Currently, she is member of the Quality Assurance Commission and of the Teaching Board of the Food Technology bachelor degree programme.

She is supervisor of several students’ final elaborates within the Bachelor Degree Programme of Food Technology and the Master Degree in Food Science and Technology (University of Bologna).


Alessandra Bendini is responsible for the following bilateral agreement for the Erasmus Program:

  • E PALMA01 Food Science and Technology Area - Universitat de les Illes Balears Palma de Maillorca (active since 2012-2013 academic year).
  • E GRANADA01 Food Science and Technology Area - Universitad de Granada (active since 2014-2015 academic year).


She was, and currently is, supervisor of PhD students (Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology program, topic in Food Science and Biotechnolgy, University of Bologna).


Alessandra Bendini works in the research area of Food Sciences and Technology, group of Chemistry, Instrumental and Sensory Analysis of Food at DISTAL, University of Bologna and her main interests lie in the topics:

  • Processing of virgin olive and other cold-pressed vegetable oils i) studying the effect of technological variables on the quality of the product ii) testing mechanical co-milling for the enrichment of vegetable oils with bioactive molecules and flavours iii) setting up new technological solution (e.g. application of ultrasounds, clarification with inert gases).
  • Characterization and valorisation of by-products i) studying the by-products obtained from olives milling and tomato products ii) investigating on the possible reuse of specific molecules (e.g. phenolic compounds, lycopene).
  • Analytical determination for assuring the quality and the authenticity of virgin olive oils i) monitoring possible modification induced by processing, storage and transportation ii) assess the quality grade by chemical-physical and sensory analysis iii) setting-up of rapid and innovative method for detection of markers of quality and authenticity (high performance chromatographic techniques, spectroscopic tools).
  • Chemical and sensory characterization of food by i) determination of volatile molecules responsible for pleasant odours and off-flavours ii) analysis of the profiles in major (e.g. fatty acid composition) and minor compounds (e.g. phenolic molecules) iii) measurement of the antioxidant activity of specific fractions iv) applying quantitative-descriptive or profile methods, discriminatory tests, affective or consumer test to evaluate food acceptability and preference.


  • She was the co-coordinator of the H2020 EU Project OLEUM “Advanced solutions for assuring authenticity and quality of olive oil at global scale” (2016-2020, Grant Agreement n. 635690, coordinator Prof. Tullia Gallina Toschi). This role was obtained by unanimity vote of the General Assembly of the project Consortium (16th of December 2016) and reception of the related amendment by the European Community (7th July 2017). She was the WP leader (WP4 “Analytical solutions addressing olive oil authentication issues”) and task leader (of Task 3.1 "Quantitative Panel Test development and rapid screening by instrumental methods" and Task 4.4 "Increasing consumer’s confidence on the geographical origin of EVOOs: development of analytical tools").

She participated, as a member of the UNIBO unit, to the following projects:

  • SUSTAINOLIVE "Novel approaches to promote the sustainability of olive groves in the Mediterranean" (PRIMA 2019-2023, Grant Agreement n. 1811, coordinated by the Jaen University)
  • EIT Food 2021 project, call Innovation, “REIMS-based analysis platform for improved traceability and consumer purchase intention of high-end food products”, January 2021 - December 2021.
  • H2020 EU Project AUTHENT-NET "Food Authenticity Research Network" (2016-2018, Grant Agreement n. 696371).
  • European project ECROPOLIS “Organic Sensory Information System (OSIS): Documentation of sensory properties through testing and consumer research for the organic industry” (2009-2011, Grant Agreement no. 218477-2).

She is involved in research activities in several European projects:

  • FOODLAND "FOOD and Local, Agricultural and Nutritional Diversity" (Horizon 2020 2020-2024 Grant Agreement n. 862802) coordinated by Università di Bologna
  • INTAQT "INnovative Tools for Assessment and Authentication of chicken meat, beef and dairy products’ QualiTies" (Horizon 2020 2021-2026 - Grant Agreement n. 101000250) coordinated by INRA France.
  • PRIMA SECTION 1 “Circular and Inclusive utilisation of alternative PROteins in the MEDiterranean value chains" (CIPROMED), 2023-2026.


  • She is co-leader of WP4.2 "Product characterization by advanced analytical approaches" in the context of Spoke 4 "Food quality and nutrition" project PE10-ONFOODS "Research and Innovation for Sustainable Food and Nutrition".
  • She participated as responsible for the research line on the tomato by-product in the project FOOD CROSSING DISTRICT (POR-FESR 2014-2020) funded by Emilia-Romagna Region (2016-2018, coordinator Prof.ssa Tullia Gallina Toschi).
  • She was the responsible for the setting-up and validation of sensory test procedures of food products in the ITALIAN TASTE project (organized by the Italian Society of Sensory Studies) aimed to the study the food preferences of Italian people (2015-2017, coordinator Prof. Erminio Monteleone).
  • She participated in the project "MEAting - Sensory and fast Instrumental analyses of meat and meat products: an integrated approach for quality control and communication" FARB funded by the University of Bologna (2014-2016, coordinator Prof.ssa Tullia Gallina Toschi)
  • She was the scientific responsible for UNIBO unit for the two-years (2011-2013) National project PRIN 2009 "Innovative technologic applications to improve the extraction yield of virgin oils from olives and seeds and for rapid controls of their quality" (number 2009KCP5TY_002, Principal Investigator: Prof. Natale Frega).
  • She participated in the APQ project (Framework Program Agreement between the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Calabria Region), POR FESR 2007/2013, Action 3 “Study, planning and developing of technological system for the recovery and extraction of bioactive compounds from by-products of olive oil industry for innovative applications” (2009-2012, coordinator APOR).
  • She participated in the project PON01_01545 OLIO-PIU' “New technological systems and processes in the olive oil sector for increasing the value of products and by-products, for the developing development of new sectors to and the creation of ecological processing” (2011-2014, coordinator Prof. Marco Poiana).


She is author of 226 scientific papers, published on national and international journals (h-index Scopus: 49, total citations 8314, id: and more of one hundred publications on national and international Workshop Proceeding. She is referee for several international and national journals with impact factor in the field of Food Science and Technology and she is an evaluator for MIUR (REPRISE platform e.g. VQR, FIRB). She is component of the Editorial Board of the international research journals, peer-reviewed and open access, "FOODS" (MDPI) and "MEASUREMENTS: FOOD" (Elsevier) .


Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Congress 5th MS Food Day (11-13 October 2017, Bologna).

Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the VI National Congress of the Society of the Sensory Studies (SISS) (30 November – 2 December 2016, Bologna).

Member of the Scientific Committee for developing and validation of sensory test procedures in the Italian Taste project.

Advisor to the Italian Society of Sensory Studies (SISS) and co-organizing of the Workshop SISS "Sensory in Action: dagli aspetti di ricerca alle applicazioni in azienda" held in Bologna - Aula Prodi, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte - on April 14, 2023.


Alessandra Bendini is member of i) Italian Society of Food Sciences and Tecnologies ii) Italian Society of Oil and Lipids iii) European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids, Olive Oil Division iv) Italian Society of Sensory Studies v) Italian Society of Chemistry-Food Chemistry Division.

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