Alberto Danielli is Associate Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Bologna (UniBO), Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology. He has a strong background in fundamental aspects of gene regulation and molecular cell biology of infectious pathogens and disease vectors. He is actively involved in phage nanobiotechnological research, using synthetic biology approaches to exploit filamentous phages as therapeutic vectors, as well as nanobiotechnological scaffolds for biosensors and bio-conjugations.
Education and career
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Molecular Biology), UniBO Faculty of Science - 2005-2015
POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP, Department of Biology, University of Bologna - September 2001-2004 Gene regulation in the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori (supervisor V. Scarlato);
PHD DEGREE IN BIOLOGY, University of Heidelberg – 19 December 2002 (academic supervisor H. Bujard);
PHD PROGRAMME of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) – October 1997-September 2001 (supervisor F.C. Kafatos);
GRADUATION cum laude in Agricultural Sciences, University of Bologna – June 1996 (supervisor A. Bertaccini).
Atomium Culture –– Featured Scientist. Selected by the EU-funded Permanent Platform for European Excellence for the dissemination of leading European research. A newspaper article presenting my scientific breakthroughs to the large public has been published on several authoritative European newspapers.