Foto del docente

Anna Morelli

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Curriculum vitae

Anna Lina Morelli, graduated in Ancient History at the University of Bologna in AY 1978/1979 (07/03/1979), with a final score of 110/110 with honors, received the title of PhD in Ancient History at the same University in AY 1993/1994 (06/09/1994).


From 15/09/2014 she is Associate Professor of Numismatics (SSD L-ANT/04) at the University of Bologna (Department of History and Cultures).


At the University of Bologna (School of Arts, Humanities and Cultural Heritage), she is currently teaching Numismatics for both First Cycle Degrees in Arts and in History and for both Second Cycle Degrees in Historical Sciences and in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World (campus of Bologna). She's also teaching Greek and Roman Numismatics for the First Cycle Degree in Cultural Heritage and Ancient and Medieval Numismatics for the Second Cycle Degree in History, Preservation and Enhancement of Artistic and Archaeological Heritage and Landscape (campus of Ravenna).


Between 2000/2001 and 2008/2009 she taught Didactics of History at the School of Specialization in Secondary Education (SSIS, University of Bologna). In 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2008/2009 and 2010/2011 she organized a workshop activity ("Monete e Computer") for the First Cycle Degrees in Arts and in History and for the Second Cycle Degrees in Historical Sciences and in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World at the University of Bologna.


Between 2007/2008 and 2011/2012 she was member of the School Committee of the PhD in Ancient History at the University of Bologna. In AY 2012/2013 she was member of the School Committee of the PhD in History at the same University.


She took part in several research programmes of national interest supported by government funding, including the projects COFIN 2000 ("L'immaginario e il potere: per un lessico iconografico monetale") and COFIN 2003 ("L'immaginario del potere e il Lexicon Iconographicum Numismaticae").


She was in charge of the local unit of research at the University of Bologna for the project PRIN 2009 “Moneta e identità territoriale: dalla ‘polis' antica alla ‘civitas' medievale” (national coordinator: Prof. M. Caccamo Caltabiano).


Anna Lina Morelli has took part in several national and international conferences.


Her research interests are focused in particular on:


• Analysis of the institutional implications of the ancient coins as historical documents in different geographical and chronological ambits (but with particular reference to the Roman coinage), with a specific interest in the iconographic aspects that characterize coins as a medium of official ideologies and messages, in connection with the project for the realization of the Lexicon Iconographicum Numismaticae (LIN).


• Specific researches on the imperial women's role. About this, she wrote a monograph on the meaning of the maternal role in the imperial age expressed through the medium of coins (Ante Quem, Bologna 2009).


• Researches aimed at promoting the use of digital resources in the study of ancient coins, with the realization and the implementation (in collaboration with E. Filippini) of a database centred around the computerized census of the numismatic evidence about the imperial family women from the Augustan age to the death of Theodosius I (c. 27 BC – AD 395).


• Studies on ancient coins as archaeological data and sources for the reconstruction of the history of specific local areas, with special focus on the territories of Ferrara and Ravenna and with particular reference to the analysis of the numismatic evidence in funerary contexts.


• Researches on coin jewellery. Since 2009 she has organized (in collaboration with I. Baldini) annual conferences on several different topics about ancient precious metal objects. In this regard, she was also in charge of the specific section of coin jewellery for the project "Jewelry in Context: an Interactive Data-Base in the Web".


• Specific investigations on the localization and the activity of the mint of Ravenna in late antiquity and the Middle Age and studies on the coinage of the Ferrara's mint during the Middle Age and Renaissance.


Her research interests are also extended to the following areas:


• Analysis of the more technical aspects related to the scientific cataloguing of numismatic materials (both coins and medals, as well as dies and punches).


• Specific investigations on ancient coins as historical sources for the reconstruction of the social, economic and cultural ambits of reference in different chronological and geographical contexts, in conjunction with the collaboration to the organization of public exhibitions, such as " Romanizzazione e moneta. La testimonianza dei rinvenimenti dall'Emilia Romagna" (Castelfranco Emilia, 5 May-20 June 2004) and "Immagini divine. Devozioni e divinità nella vita quotidiana dei Romani. Testimonianze archeologiche dall'Emilia Romagna" (Castelfranco Emilia, 15 December 2007-17 February 2008).


• Special attention to the history of collecting ancient coins, with particular focus on its genesis and its characteristics.


• Collaboration with extra-university institutions, such as the “Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Bologna e le province di Modena, Ferrara e Reggio Emilia” and the “Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena e Rimini”. In this regard, she carried out specific studies finalized to the reorganization and cataloguing of coins and medals in the collections of the "Museo Nazionale" and the "Biblioteca Classense" of Ravenna.


Anna Morelli Lina is member of the International Numismatic Council (INC) / Conseil international de numismatique (CIN), as representative of the Department of History and Cultures of the Bologna University. She is also ordinary member (“socio ordinario”) of the “Società Italiana di Numismatica” and effective member (“socio effettivo”) of the “Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Province di Romagna”.


Anna Lina Morelli is author of several scientific papers, including two monographs.