Foto del docente

Alessandra Gigli

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-01/A General and Social Pedagogy


Keywords: family pedagogy educational alliance between school and families nature based socio educational projects outdoor experiential training

Scientific director of CREIF (Centre for Educational Research on Infancy and Families: and member of CEFEO (Centre for Research on Experiential and Outdoor Education and Training:

The research activity of the last few years has mainly concerned:

1 The educational problems of contemporary families with reference to social changes, intergenerational and intergenerational relationships.
In particular

- the theoretical and methodological aspects which, in the pedagogical field, can support contemporary families in their educational task;
- the main educational and social problems emerging at the present time and their implications for the family;
- the new educational styles implemented in the plurality of contemporary family models and in the management of everyday life, in relations between genders and between generations and with educational and scholastic services;

- the new models of fatherhood and motherhood;
- the use of new information technologies by parents.

2 The educational alliance between parents and service providers in early childhood and in primary and secondary schools.

In particular:

- definition of the pedagogical coordinates of the concept of an "educational alliance" between early childhood service operators and families;
- detection of models and operational strategies implemented in different contexts in terms of the relationship between educators and parents, with particular attention to critical issues, resources, needs expressed by different subjects;
- identification of the variables (relational, organisational, institutional, etc.) that can favour or hinder the collaborative relationship;
- define the quality indicators that can be found in practice;
- elaboration of qualitative survey tools for the analysis of contextual factors and dynamic relationships and communication; field survey: observations, focus groups, interviews with operators and parents in different types of services and in different local realities.

3 The reception of homogeneous families in school and educational services

4 The management of conflicts and interpersonal dynamics in educational settings, working groups, local communities.

4 The natural environment as an educational and training background and as a resource in projects of discomfort prevention, adventure education; outdoor experiential training projects, team buliding, leadership management.

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