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Alessandra Gigli

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Curriculum vitae


Alessandra Gigli is Associate Professor in General and Social Pedagogy at the Department of Educational Sciences 'G.M. Bertin', University of Bologna

PhD in Pedagogy from the Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Bologna; degree in Pedagogy from the Faculty of Education, University of Bologna; diploma as professional educator APRIS course Emilia Romagna Region 1998/99; professional qualification as "Operator in Community Mediation" from the Municipality of Bologna Socio-Health and Safety Sector (400-hour course) 1997/1998; professional qualification "Operator in Music Therapy" at the Professional Training Course of the Marches Region in 1990; qualification as trainer and consultant of European programmes delegated by the Italian Youth Agency for Europe for the Emilia Romagna Region (1998).

Academic position and career

Since 1 NOVEMBER 2020 associate professor in General and Social Pedagogy at the Department of Education Sciences, University of Bologna.
Since 1 NOVEMBER 2008 researcher in General and Social Pedagogy at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna. (Qualified as full professor in the 11/D1 concurring sector pedagogy and history of pedagogy).
Collaboration, teaching, tutor and teaching support activities (prior to 2008 pre-tenure): from 1993 to 2008 she was a lecturer and provided teaching support for courses in General and Social Pedagogy at the Facultỳ of Education Sciences at the Universitỳ of Bologna; she also held contract teaching positions from 1996 to 2008 in courses in Methodologies and Techniques of Group Work, General Pedagogy, Family Pedagogy, workshops, teaching specialisation schools at SISS, the University of Bologna and Modena Reggio Emilia, the COBASLID School of Specialisation for Secondary Teaching Academy of Fine Arts Bologna.

Research grants
- Research grant year 2005 (12 months) on project "Analysis of the relationship between the real and represented dimension of educational work in 0-3 services" Department of Educational Sciences University of Bologna.
- Research grant year 2006 (12 months) on the project "Le relazioni conflittuali nel sistema nido" (Conflict relationships in the nursery system) Department of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna.
- Research grant year 2007-2008 (12 months) on the project "Perception of the sense of self-efficacy of mothers and fathers of children in nurseries, preschools and primary schools in the Emilia Romagna region. Evaluations for a parental empowerment project." Department of Educational Sciences University of Bologna.

Teaching activities
Since 2008, he has been continuously teaching as the holder of various lectures for Degree and Master's degree courses at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna.
He currently lectures in: Family Pedagogy (LM Pedagogy and Cdl Educator in early childhood services); Pedagogy of social marginality (LM Pedagogy); Experiential and nature-based education and training (cdl Social and Cultural Educator).
She is a lecturer in various Masters and Advanced Training Courses, she  has been teaching seminars at the Doctoral School in Pedagogical Sciences Department of Education University of Bologna since 2014. He has held teaching positions at the Doctorate School in Educational Sciences, Department of Education and Cultural and Formative Processes, University of Florence, A. A. 2012- 2013 and 2013/2014.
She organises and coordinates in-depth seminars on his own disciplines.

Scientific activity
-From 2016 to present, Scientific Director and Coordinator of the Research Centre on Childhood and Families (CREIF) Department of Education Sciences University of Bologna.
- From 2017 to present, Founder and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Research Centre on Experiential and Outdoor Education and Training (CEFEO) Department of Education Sciences University of Bologna.
Her research activity in recent years has mainly concerned:
- the new parenting styles in nuclear and plural families
- the educational problems of contemporary families with reference to social mutations, intergenerational and intergenerational relations;
- the educational alliance between parents and professionals in early childhood services and schools;
- the influence of new communication technologies on parenting styles and the educational alliance;
- conflict management in educational settings and work groups,
- the nature-based and experiential approach in education.
- adventure education in out-of-school education.

In particular, he has worked on the following research projects over the past five years:

In 2023/2024 she is scientific coordinator of the research National Programme "Metropolitan Cities" 2021-2027 (PN METRO plus and Southern medium-sized cities) Priority 4 - Action for a total of 50.000 euro for 3 research actions. Action 1 survey Survey on the opinions, experiences and needs of the parents of children attending the 0-6 Education Services of the Municipality of Bologna; action: Survey on the opinions, experiences and views of the operators of the 0-6 services of the Municipality of Bologna. on the needs of families and the educational alliance; action 3: Survey on the experimentation of the participatory setting in the nurseries of the Municipality of Bologna.
- In 2022/23: coordinated the research "Lissent to parents: i: survey on the opinions of parents of children attending the early childhood education services of the Municipality of Livorno.
- In 2020 she conducted the research project "Being parents in the time of Covid19. Discomforts, needs, resources".

- From 2018 to 2020 she is part of the research team of the project entitled "Green empowerment. in the garden to re-live and to learn" coordinated by Dr. F. Meneghello and Prof. A. Pileri and carried out with the Salesian University Institute of Venice Mestre.

- From 2017 to 2019, she coordinates and participates in the research project of the Centre for Research on Experiential and Outdoor Education and Training (CEFEO) entitled "Lo stato dell'arte dei progetti nature-based in the educational, training, recreational field in Italy: i dati di una ricerca di mappatura".
- From 2019 to date, she coordinates and participates in the research project of the Centre for Research on Experiential and Outdoor Education and Training (CEFEO) entitled: Presentation of the research project "Monitoring on evaluation practices in nature-based educational, therapeutic and training projects"..
- From 2018 to 2020 she participates in the innovative project under the international cooperation agreements FIBRA "Establishment of an international network for research and intervention on the culture of violence, aggressive behaviour, and the promotion of well-being and social inclusion in adolescence" University of Bologna in partnership with University of Victoria Brazil.

- From 2018 to 2020 she is part of the research team of the project entitled "Green empowerment. in the garden to re-live and to learn" coordinated by Dr. F. Meneghello and Prof. A. Pileri and carried out with the Salesian University Institute of Venice Mestre.
- From 2017 to 2019, she coordinates and participates in the research project of the Centre for Research on Experiential and Outdoor Education and Training (CEFEO) entitled "Lo stato dell'arte dei progetti nature-based in the educational, training, recreational field in Italy: i dati di una ricerca di mappatura".
- From 2019 to date, she coordinates and participates in the research project of the Centre for Research on Experiential and Outdoor Education and Training (CEFEO) entitled: Presentation of the research project "Monitoring on evaluation practices in nature-based educational, therapeutic and training projects"..

Institutional activities and academic appointments

- Member of the Quality Assurance Commission of the cdl Laurea Magistrale in Pedagogy since  A.A 2017/2018.

- Member of the Third Mission Commission since A.A 2023/24

- Member of the teaching board, lecturer and thesis supervisor in the Doctoral School in Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna, from 2016 to present.

- Erasmus exchange contact person since A.A 2018 for agreements with F PARIS010 - Université Paris Nanterre - FRANCE.
- Emergency Implementation Officer and Security Team at the Department of Education from 2016 to 2019.
- Since A.A. 2008/2009 supervisor of internships in the degree courses Childcare Educator and Master's Degree in Pedagogy
- Doctoral thesis tutor: from 2016 to 2018 in cotutela with the University Paris Nanterre Doctoral Research Unit in Pedagogical Sciences Cycle XXIX Competitive Sector: 11/D1 Scientific Disciplinary Sector: M-PED/01; from 2019 Doctoral Research Unit in Pedagogical Sciences Cycle XXIX Competitive Sector: 11/D1 Scientific Disciplinary Sector: M-PED/01.
- Participation in the teaching board of the Masters: Master in "Outdoor Education", University of Bologna, A.A. 2018/19 and 20219/2020, and Master in "Body communication in education and psychomotor strategies " A.A. 2015/2016; 2016/2017 and 2017/2018.

Membership of scientific and editorial boards

- Scientific co-director of the series 'New paradigms. La pedagogia generale tra sfide sociali e complessità culturale" Edizioni Junior since 2014

- Member of the editorial and scientific board of the Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare since 2014;

- Member of the scientific committee of the journal Woman&Education since 2024.

Awards and acknowledgements

Italian Pedagogy Prize announced by the Italian Society of Pedagogy year 2018. Awarded volume: Gigli A., (2016) Evolved Families. Understanding and supporting the educational functions of plural families. p. 9-164, Parma: Edizioni Junior, ISBN: 978-88-8434-797-8.

Other activities

Current activities: lecturer, consultant, supervisor in training courses and seminars for teachers, educators, pedagogues, social workers, volunteers on the following topics: the educational alliance with families; group work methodologies and techniques; conflict management in education, community work, use of theatrical and play techniques in training settings, homo-parental family, experiential and nature-based education, adventure education.

Previous non-university work experience
Worked from 1985 to 2000 in the socio-educational field dealing in particular with social marginality, conflict mediation, community animation, educational groups, street work, harm reduction, educational support for adolescents at risk of deviance.

Since 1993 she has carried out more than 100 consultancy, supervision and training assignments for groups of educators, teachers and volunteers; in particular, she has held courses and seminars on: the educational alliance with families; group work methodologies and techniques; conflict management in education, community work, the use of theatre and play techniques in educational settings, homogenisation, experiential and nature-based education, adventure education.

She is an expert and trainer in Theatre of the Oppressed, has collaborated in numerous projects and participated in forum theatre performances.
She has worked in various European programmes (youth exchanges for Youth for Europe, seminars and study visits for Leonardo programme, design in Social platform in city and social cohesion).

As a pedagogist since 1992, she has worked as a consultant, supervisor, and trainer for groups of educators, teachers and volunteers; in particular, she has held courses and seminars on: the relationship between early childhood services and families; methodologies and techniques for group work; conflict management in education; community work; use of theatre and play techniques in training settings. From 2006 to 2008 she worked as pedagogical coordinator, on a permanent basis, for the Municipality of Bologna Settore Istruzione e Politiche delle Differenze.



  • Gigli A., Orientarsi nei conflitti. Teorie e strumenti per conoscerli e gestirli in contesti educativi [, Bergamo, Edizioni Junior-Bambini, 2022.
  • Gigli A., Famiglie evolute. Capire sostenere le famiglie plurali, Ed, Junior, Bergamo, 2016.
  • Gigli A., Famiglie mutanti. Per una pedagogia delle famiglie nella società globalizzata, ETS edizioni, Pisa, 2007
  • Gigli A., Teatro dell'Oppresso e processi educativi, con A. Tolomelli e A. Zanchettin, Carocci Bussole, Roma, 2008.
  • Gigli A., Conflitti e contesti educativi. Dai problemi alle possibilità, ed. Junior, Bergamo, 2004.


  • Gigli A., (ed.): The alliance with families: a powerful educational resource, Parma, Edizioni Junior-Bambini, 2021, pp. 148.
    Gigli A., (2021) (ed.): Oltre l'emergenza. Sguardi pedagogici su infanzia, famiglie, servizi educativi e scolastici nel Covid-19. Parma: Edizioni Junior-Bambini.
    Gigli A., (ed.) Maestra, Sara ha due mamme? Le famiglie omogenitoriali nei servizi scolastici ed educativi, Guerrini, Milano, 2011
    Contini M., Gigli A. (eds.), "Per una pedagogia delle famiglie: contesti, criticità e risorse", Issue Monografico Rivista Infanzia, September 2011
    Manuzzi P., Gigli A., (edited by) "Per una pedagogia del nido", Guerini Editore, Milan, 2005

Essays in volumes

  • Gigli A., Borelli C., Scarpini M. (2022) La natura maestra di resilienza: aspetti teorici e metodologici delle soluzioni nature-based per gli interventi educativi in situazioni di emergenza, in Annacontini G., Vaccarelli A., Zizioli E. (a cura di) Prospettive per una Pedagogia dell’Emergenza. Bari: Progedit, pp. 190-200
  • Borelli C., Gigli A. Melotti G. (2022) Il rapporto tra esseri umani e natura ai tempi del Covid-19: orizzonti di possibilità e nuove problematicità nell’ambito dell’educazione esperienziale nature-based, in Dozza L, Cardinaletti C., Questa é l'outdoor education. Bergamo: Zeroseiup, pp. 89-97.
  • Gigli A. (2021) Essere genitori durante il lockdown nel Covid-19: i dati di una rilevazione. In Gigli A. (a cura di): Oltre l’emergenza. Sguardi pedagogici su infanzia, famiglie, servizi educativi e scolastici nel Covid-19. Parma: Edizioni Junior-Bambini, pp. 28-48.
  • Gigli A. (2020). Il benessere dei minorenni nei nuclei familiari contemporanei: riflessioni pedagogiche, in (a cura di) Macinai E. e Biemmi I. (2020) I DIRITTI DELL’INFANZIA IN PROSPETTIVA PEDAGOGICA. Equità, inclusione e partecipazione a 30 anni dalla CRCa, Franco Angeli, Milano.
  • Gigli A. (2018). Educare fuori: strategie integrate di lavoro di strada, sviluppo di comunità e adventure education. In: (a cura di): Cerrocchi L., Dozza L., Contesti educativi per il sociale. p. 309-317, MIlano:Franco Angeli, ISBN: 978-88-917-7941-0.
  • Gigli A. (2018). L'adventure education nel lavoro socio educativo: riflessioni pedagogiche ed esperienze. In: (a cura di): Farné R. Bortolotti A. Terrusi M., Outdoor Education: prospettive teoriche e buone pratiche. p. 119-138, ROMA:Carocci Editore, ISBN: 978-88-430-9367-0.
  • Gigli A. (2016). Padri in evoluzione. Riflessioni sulle coordinate educative delle paternità oggi, in Caldini R., Cinotti A., (a cura di), in L’educare dei padri. Teorie, ricerche, prospettive e disabilità, Liguori.
  • Gigli A. (2014) Tutti nella stessa barca: un comune denominatore pedagogico per le famiglie plurali, in Formenti L. (a cura di), Sguardi di famiglia, Guerini, Milano.
  • Gigli A. (2012). La mediazione scolastica, in Zannoni F., La società della discordia, Clueb, Bologna.
  • Gigli A. (2011). Le parole chiave della pedagogia delle famiglie come sostegno al lavoro di insegnanti ed educatori” in, Gigli A. (a cura di), Maestra, Sara ha due mamme? Le famiglie omogenitoriali nei servizi scolastici ed educativi, Guerrini, Milano.
  • Gigli A. (2010) Nuove donne per nuove famiglie, in Contini M., Ulivieri S., (a cura di), Donne, famiglia, famiglie, Guerini, Milano.
  • Gigli A. (2010) Molte famiglie: quelle normali e… le altre, in Contini M. (a cura di), Molte infanzie Molte famiglie, Carocci, Roma.
  • Gigli A. (2007). Mamme e papà e lo sguardo delle educatrici, in Contini M. e Manini M., La cura in educazione. Tra famiglie e servizi, Carocci, Roma.
  • Gigli A. (2007) Il lavoro educativo di strada, in L. Cerocchi, L. Dozza, (a cura di) Contesti educativi per il sociale, Erickson, Trento.
  • Gigli A. (2005) Svelare l’implicito: il gruppo di lavoro come luogo di pratiche riflessive, in Per una pedagogia del nido, a cura di A. Gigli e P. Manuzzi, Guerini Editore, Milano.
  • Gigli A. (2000). Il lavoro di strada, in Professioni educative per il sociale, a cura di L. Dozza, ed. D’Adda, Bari.
  • Gigli A. (2000). Esplorare i conflitti in gruppo: un’esperienza di formazione, in Il gruppo Educativo, a cura di M. Contini, Carocci Ed., Roma.

Articles in scientific journals

  • Gigli, A., Melotti, G., Borelli, C., Galiazzo, M., Segato, N., & Finocchiaro, G. (2024). Adolescents on the move: the application of an integrated model for documentation and evaluation of “Back Into The Wild” adventure education project aimed at promoting psychophysical and relational well-being. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1–19.
  • Gigli A., Ridurre il potenziale distruttivo dei conflitti : alcune coordinate per farlo nei contesti educativi , «BAMBINI», 2024, 40, pp. 18 - 22.
  • Gigli A., (2023) Riflessioni sul ruolo delle madri nella determinazione e nel superamento del divario di genere nel lavoro di cura familiare : l’evoluzione si attiva dal basso, «WOMEN & EDUCATION», 2023, 2/2023, pp. 16 - 21
  • Melotti G, Borelli C., Gigli A., Boffa E, Ambrosani A, D'Alessio M., Sailing Away the Pain: Evaluating an Adventure Sailing Therapy Program for Adults Living in a Drug Rehabilitation C «JOURNAL - ADVENTURE THERAPY», 2023, 1, pp. 1 - 13

  • Gigli A. (2023) L’impatto dell’emergenza pandemica in ambito familiare e scolastico : riflessioni su nuove prospettive di alleanza educativa , «CULTURA PEDAGOGICA E SCENARI EDUCATIVI», 2023, 1, pp. 81 - 87
  • Gigli A., Borelli C., Ur Rehman S. (2022) Famiglie pakistane in Italia nel Covid-19: una rilevazione su problemi, bisogni e risorse nel rapporto con le istituzioni educative e scolastiche = Pakistani families in Italy during Covid-19: a survey on problems, needs and resources in the relationship with education and school services [], «FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO», 2022, 20, pp. 64 - 78 [articolo]
  • Gigli A., Borelli C., Saif Ur Rehman Raja (2021) Pakistani families in Italy during Covid-19: a survey on problems, needs and resources = Famiglie pakistane in Italia durante il Covid-19: un’indagine su problemi, bisogni e risorse [], «STUDIUM EDUCATIONIS», 2021, 22, pp. 4 - 17 [articolo]
  • Cino D., Gigli A., Demozzi S., “That’s the only place where you can get this information today!” An exploratory study on Parenting WhatsApp Groups with a sample of Italian parents [], «STUDI SULLA FORMAZIONE», 2021, 24, pp. 75 - 96 [articolo]
  • Gigli A., Borelli C., Raja Saif Ur Rehman, Famiglie pakistane in Italia nel Covid-19: una rilevazione su problemi, bisogni e risorse nel rapporto con le istituzioni educative e scolastiche = Pakistani families in Italy during Covid-19: a survey on problems, needs and resources in the relationship with education and school services [], «FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO», 2022, 20, pp. 64 - 78 [articolo]Open Access

  • Gigli A., Trentini M., Despite the Virus. A Survey with Parents on Early Childhood Education Services and Families, in Covid-19, in Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare, Vol. 18 No. 1 (2021): n° 1 gennaio-giugno 2021, pp. 29-60,
  • Silva C., Gigli A., Il “virus rivelatore”. Nuovi scenari, emergenze e prospettive di ricerca sulle relazioni educative e familiari, in Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare, Vol. 18 No. 1 (2021): n° 1 gennaio-giugno 2021, pp. 5-17.
  • Borelli C., Gigli A., Melotti G., (2020) The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Italian Nature-Based Programs in the Educational, Therapeutic, Training and Leisure Areas [], «EDUCATION SCIENCES», 2020, 10, pp. 1 – 10
  • Gigli A., (2020) Il contributo della pedagogia nei progetti «Green empowerment» in contesti ospedalieri: riflessioni per un’ottica interdisciplinare nelle pratiche nature-based [], «JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE», 2020, 2, pp. 13 – 25.
  • Gigli A., Melotti G., Borelli C. (2020). Lo stato dell’arte dei progetti nature-based in ambito educativo, formativo, ricreativo in Italia: i dati di una ricerca di mappatura. In stampa su Formazione & Insegnamento 1-2020
  • Cino D., Gigli A., Demozzi S. (2020). “That’s the only place where you can get this information today!” An exploratory study on Parenting WhatsApp Groups with a sample of Italian parents, Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil,
  • Gigli A. (2019). Information and Communication Technologies in school-family communication and parental involvement in children's schooling: data from a research. PEDAGOGIA PIÙ DIDATTICA, vol. Vol. 5, n. 2, ottobre 2019, p. 1-8, ISSN: 2421-2946.
  • Demozzi S., Gigli A., Cino D. (2019). I media digitali come strumenti per “esercitare e performare” la genitorialità (parte 1): literature review e presentazione della ricerca. pp.79-92. In RIVISTA ITALIANA DI EDUCAZIONE FAMILIARE - ISSN:2037-1861 vol. Vol 15 No 2 (2019) N° 2 Luglio Dicembre.
  • Demozzi S., Gigli A., Cino D. (2019). I media digitali come strumenti per “esercitare e performare” la genitorialità (parte 2): analisi e discussione dei risultati. pp.79-92. In RIVISTA ITALIANA DI EDUCAZIONE FAMILIARE - ISSN:2037-1861 vol. Vol 15 No 2 (2019) N° 2 Luglio Dicembre.
  • Gigli A., Demozzi S., Castillo M. P. (2019), La alianza educativa escuela/familia y los grupos de chat de padres: una mirada a la situación italiana, «Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado», 2019, 22, pp. 15 – 30.
  • Contini M., Gigli A (2016) Stili educativi e modelli relazionali in trasformazione. Luci ed ombre dell’essere genitori oggi, Bambini, Spaggiari, Ottobre 2016.
  • Gigli A., Zanchettin A., (2014). Emozioni in campo. Una ricerca su genitori e sport, in Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica, Vol 9, No 2.
  • Gigli A. (2013) Andare oltre la crisi educativa delle famiglie: quali i compiti della pedagogia?, Pedagogika, Anno 2013 - XVII – 1.
  • Gigli A. (2013) Maestra ma Sara ha due mamme?, Bambini, Spaggiari ed., Bergamo, marzo 2013.
  • Gigli A. (2011) La faccia nascosta della “crisi educativa” delle famiglie: riflessioni sulla “evoluzione” delle funzioni genitoriali, in Contini M., Gigli A., (cura di), “Per una pedagogia delle famiglie: contesti, criticità e risorse”, Numero Monografico Rivista Infanzia.
  • Gigli A. (2010) La legge sull’affido condiviso: problemi e prospettive pedagogiche della co-genitorialità, in Rivista Infanzia, Numero 1-2010.
  • Gigli A. (2009) Una ricerca sulla qualità della vita scolastica di bambini e bambine affetti da malattie emorragiche congenite. Analisi dei dati e considerazioni pedagogiche, su Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica.
  • Gigli A. (2009) La parola a mamme e papà: cosa pensano i genitori della propria efficacia educativa e dei bisogni delle famiglie. Report di ricerca”, su Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica.
  • Gigli A. (2007) Quale pedagogia per le famiglie contemporanee?, su Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare n°2, Pisa.
  • Gigli A. (2007). Mamme e papà attraverso gli occhi delle educatrici. Indagine su reciproche rappresentazioni, problematiche relazionali, conflitti, in Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica, 2007.
  • Gigli A. (2006). Nuove donne per nuove famiglie, in Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica, 2006.
  • Gigli A. (2004). Un percorso di formazione per la lettura del disagio dei bambini e delle bambine nella prima infanzia ovvero: La “nostra idea di Cesarino, Bambini, ed Junior, Bergamo, aprile 2004.
  • Gigli A. (2004). Le pratiche educative nelle reti sociali e nelle comunità locali riflessioni e indicazioni metodologiche, Studi sulla Formazione Bologna, Marzo, 2004.
  • Gigli A. (1999). Il contributo pedagogico delle tecniche del Teatro dell’Oppresso nella formazione degli educatori, in Ricerche Pedagogiche, rivista a cura di G. Genovesi luglio/dicembre 1999.



Adventure education in the socio-educational field.
Adventure education in the socio-educational field.
Adventure education in the socio-educational field.

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