Foto del docente

Yvonne Huetter-Almerigi

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: GERM-01/B German Literature

Curriculum vitae


2021: Habilitation

2010: Ph.D. (Dr. phil.), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München, Germany.

2007: M.A. in German Literature, Philosophy, and Ethnology, LMU München, Germany.



2023-ongoing: senior assistant professor (tenure track) at the Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna, Italy.

2022: invited visiting researcher of the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature research group, project n° 100272171, Department of Philosophy, University of Oslo, Norway.

2021-2023: Research fellow ALMArie CURIE-programme of the University of Bologna, Italy.

2019-2021: Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Fellow at the university of Bologna with the Horizon2020-MSCA-IF-2018 Project RELEVANT REALISM, Grant agreement n° 832636; secondment at the University of Oslo.

2019: invited visiting researcher of the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature research group, Department of Philosophy, University of Oslo, Norway.

2016 – 2019: Lecturer and Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of German Philology, German Literature, LMU München, Germany.

2015 – 2016: Maternity leave.

2014: Visiting Lecturer, Inter-University-Center (IUC) Dubrovnik, Croatia.

2013: Visiting Lecturer, IUC Dubrovnik, Croatia.

2012 – 2015: Lecturer and Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of German Philology, German Literature, LMU München, Germany

2011 – 2012: Assistant research professor at the Faculty of German Philology, German Literature, LMU München, Germany.

2010 – 2011: Lecturer and Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of German Philology, German Literature, LMU München, Germany



Major research Grants/Fellowships/Elite-networks

2023-2025: Co-investigator of DeCo - Democratizing Concepts,, PRIN 2022 Italian Ministry of Science

2022: Invited visiting fellow to the Department of Philosophy, University of Oslo, HUMevaL-funding of the Norwegian Research Council

2019-2021: Horizon2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Standard Individual Fellowship at the University of Bologna and the University of Oslo, MSCA-2018 Project Nr. 832636, Acronym Relevant Realism,

2019: Invited visiting fellow of the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN)-Research-Group, University of Oslo, HUMevaL-funding of the Norwegian Research Council

2014: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Andrea von Braun Foundation, PI
of the project: "The semantic foundations of Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty",

2011-2012: Membership in the LMUexcellent Mentoring program

2008-2010: Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Fazit Foundation

Minor research Grants

2019: Workshop financing, together with Bjørn Ramberg, HUMevaL-funds of the Norwegian Research Council

2017: Conference Travel Grant, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

2016: Conference Travel Grant, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

2014: Conference Travel Grant, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

2014: Master Class Travel Grant, Guardini Foundation

2014: Visiting-Lectureship at the Inter-University-Center (IUC) Dubrovnik, Croatia, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

2013: Conference Travel Grant, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

2013: Visiting-Lectureship at the Inter-University-Center (IUC) Dubrovnik, Croatia, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

2012: Conference Travel Grant, LMUExcellent

2011: Conference Travel Grant, A.T Kearney

2010: Publication Grant, Fazit Foundation



Conference-organization, together with Laura Schütz (Munich) e Margit Dirscherl (Munich) 2024: „Biografisches Schreiben – Festtagung für Sven Hanuschek zum 60ten“; hosted by the Department for German Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, Germany, June 7-8, 2024.

Conference-organization, together with Michela Bella (Molise) and Maria Regina Brioschi (Milano) 2023: “Pragmatismo e le arti”, speakers: Rosa Calcaterra (Rome), Giovanni Matteucci (Bologna), Guido Baggio (Rome), Gioia Laura Ianilli (Bologna), Nicola Ramazotto (Pisa); hosted by the Department of philosophy, Università di Bologna, Italy, 24 November 2023.

Symposium-organization, together with Céline Henne (Toronto) and Jonathan Knowles (Trondheim) 2023: “Three Varieties of Antirepresentational Realism”, speakers: Céline Henne (Toronto), Jonathan Knowles (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Yvonne Huetter-Almerigi (Università di Bologna), at “ECAP 11 - European Congress of Analytic Philosophy”, University of Vienna, August 21-25, 2023.

Panel-organization, together with Céline Henne (Cambridge) 2022: “Making Progress” – Variations on a Pragmatist Maxime”, speakers: Neil Gascoigne (Royal Holloway, London), Michael Bacon (Royal Holloway, London), Céline Henne (Cambridge), Yvonne Huetter-Almerigi (Università di Bologna), at the “Forth European Pragmatism Conference”, University College London, England, 3-5 August 2022.

Workshop-organization, together with Sandro Mezzadra (Bologna) 2022: “Dividualism/Individualism - a controversy”; speakers: Gerald Raunig (ZHdK Zurich) and Yvonne Huetter-Almerigi (Università di Bologna), hosted by the University of Bologna,, 14 June 2021.

Conference-organization, together with Céline Henne (Cambridge) 2021: “Traditional Entanglements of Conceptual Engineering: Cambridge and American Pragmatism”; speakers: Spencer Albert (University of Toronto), Maria Regina Brioschi (University of Milano), Neil Gascoigne (Royal Holloway, University of London), David Hommen (Universität Trier), Sigurd Jorem (University of Oslo) & Guido Loehr (Radboud University Nijmegen), Takaaki Matsui (Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo), Matthieu Queloz (University of Oxford), Jonas Raab (University of Manchester), Jared Riggs (University of Toronto) & Elizabeth Cantalamessa (University of Miami), Matteo Santarelli (University of Bologna), Matthew Shields (University College Dublin), Katja Stepec (independent), Tullio Viola (Maastricht University), Oscar Westerblad (University of Cambridge), hosted by the Department of Arts, University of Bologna,, via Zoom, 8-9 July 2021.

Workshop-organization, together with Bjørn Ramberg (Oslo) 2019: “Truth vs. the Rhetoric of Truth: Authority, Realism, and Power”; speakers: Giacomo Marramao (Roma Tre, Italy), Gabriella Bonacchi (Fondazione Basso, Italy): Federico Penelas (CONICET, Argentina), Veronica Tozzi (UBA, Argentina), Tracy Llanera (Connecticut, USA), Kristian Bjørkdal (University of Oslo, Norway), Elin Danielsen Huckerby (University of Cambridge), Bjørn Ramberg (university of Oslo, Norway), Yvonne Hütter-Almerigi (LMU Munich), hosted by the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN), University of Oslo, Norway, ttps://, 27-29 June 2019.

Panel-organization 2018: “Truth and Authoritarianism in Post-Truth-times”, speakers: David Kretz (Paris), Steven Levine (Boston), Martin Müller (Munich), Yvonne Hütter (Munich), at the “Third European Pragmatism Conference”, University of Helsinki, Finland, 13-15 June 2018.



"Comments on Chapter 8 of Making it Explicit"; invited talk to the Seminar Cycle of the Argentinian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SADAF) celebrating "30 Years of Robert Brandom’s Making it Explicit", CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina, via Zoom, 4 December 2024.

"Zwischen Genieästhetik und Bitterfelder Weg - Vitaliano Trevisans und Stefanie Sargnagels Inszenierung schreibender Arbeiter:innen"; talk at the annual meeting of the South-East-European Association for German Studies (SOEGV), University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 31 October-3 November 2024.

"Linguistic agency tra le discipline"; invited talk to the conference "Il pragmatismo tra le discipline", University of Milan, Italy, 27 September 2024.

Discussant of the talk "Immaginari tecno-realistici per l’Antropocene" of Luca Lo Sapio at the conference "Scritture della natura, letteratura, arte, filosofia", University of Rome 3, Roma Tre, 14-16 September 2024.

"Meaning without Agreement Over Content – A New Take on Davidsonian Hermeneutics"; invited talk to the roundtable “Pragmatism and Values: Reconceptualizing normativity” at the World Congress of Philosophy, University of Rome 1, La Sapienza, Italy, 1-8 August 2024.

"Language and reality without the analytic-synthetic distinction"; invited talk to the conference "Language and Reality. Historical, Systematic and Methodological Perspectives", University of Düsseldorf, Germany, 21-22 June 2024.

"Who governs the game of giving and asking for reasons? Agency and rule-following in Rorty, Brandom, and Spivak"; invited talk to the conference "Recevoir Brandom: Situations et usages", EHESS and Sorbonne University, Paris, France, 3-5 June 2024.

“‘Materialism without identity’ – Rorty’s antirepresentational materialism”; “Richard Rorty Society Conference”, University of Guadalajara, Mexico, 30 November-2 December 2023.

“Conceptual engineering and formal ontologies: How to account for change and translation?”, invited talk to the conference “Formal Ontologies, Applied Sciences and Data”, University of Bologna, 2-4 October 2023.

“Relevance for Action: what exactly do we need to get right in realism?”; talk in the symposium “Three varieties of antirepresentational realism” at “ECAP 11 - European Congress of Analytic Philosophy”, University of Vienna, August 21-25, 2023.

“(Not) going on in the same way… Indeterminacy, No-Fault-Disagreements, and the Coordination of Action”; invited talk to the conference “Topic-continuity and conceptual engineering”, University of Uppsala, June 15-16, 2023.

“Outgrowing Representationalism - semantic remarks on Tracy LLanera’s Richard Rorty: Outgrowing Modern Nihilism”; talk in the invited symposium on Richard Rorty: Outgrowing Modern Nihilism di Tracy Llanera at the American Philosophical Association (APA) Pacific Division Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 5-8 April 2023.

“Was ist das Reale am Realismus? Sprachphilosophische Schlaglichter auf eine literaturtheoretisch-ästhetische Debatte“; invited talk to the conference: „‚Ich ergreife Partei / für alles was Leben macht‘: Realismus revisited. Zum 100. Geburtstag von Heinar Kipphardt“, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany, 14-16 Oktober 2022.

„Making Progress in Semantics: Punctual Revolutions or Continuous Reforms?“ ; Panel: “Making Progress” – Variations on a Pragmatist Maxime” at the Forth European Pragmatism Conference, University College London, England, 3-5 August 2022.

“Defending strategic Individualism”; invited talk at the workshop “Dividualism/Individualism – a controversy”, University of Bologna, Italy, 14 June 2022.

"Beyond Imagination: Expressing Individuality with Price and Rorty"; invited talk to the Centre for Knowledge and Cognition, University of Bologna, Italy, 17 June 2022.

“Two faces of one coin – Expressing Individuality and Community with Rorty and Price”; “The Individual and the Community in American Philosophy Today and in the Twentieth Century”, Polish Academy of Science, via zoom, 7-9 April 2022.

“Die (Metapher der) Fessel als poetologischer Möglichkeitsraum in Ilse Aichingers ‚Der Gefesselte‘“; “Seuchen Schreiben Leben: Diskurse des Ausnahmezustandes in Geschichte und Gegenwart“, Annual meeting of the South-East-European Association for German Studies (SOEGV), via Zoom, 10-11 November 2021.

“Answering or dissolving? Donald Davidson’s and Richard Rorty’s ways to deal with the skeptic”; Conference: “The varieties of anti-skepticism, from past to present”, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 15-17 September 2021.

“Rorty on Liberalism and Intuitions”; invited talk to the Conference: “Living Democracy”, University of Hildesheim, via Zoom, 28-29 May 2021.

“Two forms of inescapability of norms: intentionality, causality, and the distinctiveness of the mental vocabulary”; invited talk to the Argentinian Society for Analytic Philosophy, CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina, via Zoom, 20 April 2021.

„Realism: (What) is it? (What) do we want it to be?”; invited talk to the annual conference of the Italian Society for Pragmatism (Associazione Pragma), via Zoom, 26. November 2020.

„Realism: (What) is it? (What) do we want it to be?”; invited talk to the research group BoBoPa (analytic philosophy in Bologna, Padova, Bonn) via Zoom, 23 November 2020.

“Do you value topic-continuity? The moral philosophy of philosophy”; invited talk to the research group Oslo Mind group, University of Oslo, Norway, via Microsoft teams, 25 September 2020.

“Subjectivity as tool”; invited talk to the Argentinian Society for Analytic Philosophy, CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina, via Zoom, 28 July 2020.

“Different forms of inescapability of norms: Brandom, Ramberg, and Rorty on causality and normativity”; “Women in Pragmatism Conference”, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, 28-30 January 2020.

“Action without Truth – Rorty on Orwell and Revolutionary Practice”; “Second meeting of the Richard-Rorty-Society”, Pennsylvania State University, USA, 22-24 November 2019.

“Rorty on Subjectivity – From Theory to Strategy”; invited talk to the conference “Philosophy, Poetry, and Utopian Politics – the Relevance of Richard Rorty”, University of Cambridge, Trinity College, England, 12-13 September 2019.

“’Getting things right’ Without Substances or Essences – On Truth Beyond the Scheme-Content-Distinction”; “Truth vs. the Rhetoric of Truth: Authority, Realism, and Power”, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, University of Oslo, Norway, 27-29 June 2019.

“Subjectivity as pragmatic tool – agency and cultural change in Rorty’s Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity and beyond”; invited talk to the conference “Rorty’s Challenge for Political Philosophy – 30 Years of Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity”, Academy for Political Education, Tutzing, Germany, 20-22 May 2019.

“Ripensare il realism a partire da Rorty e Davidson”; invited talk to the conference “Humanity – between lost paradigms and new trajectories”, Università di Salerno e Università Federico II Napoli, Italy, 15-17 April 2019.

“Relevant realism – reconciling weak and strong thought”; “Third European Pragmatism Conference”, three-annual meeting of the European Pragmatism Association, University of Helsinki, Finland, 13-15 June 2018.

“Orientalismus-Kenntnis als Bildungsbürger-Accesscoire – Leserlenkung in Jonas Lüschers Frühling der Barbaren”; invited talk to the annual meeting of the South-East-European Association for German Studies (SOEGV), Inter University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 14-18 November 2017.

“(Un)visionary Utopia – normalizing Rorty in order to strengthen his mission”; Master class with Richard Bernstein (New School for Social Research, New York), Munich School of Philosophy (Hochschule für Philosophie), Munich, Germany, 20-22 March 2017.

“Literatur, Pluralismus und demokratische Utopie? Ambivalenzen in Richard Rortys Literaturbegriff zwischen ‘l’art pour l’art’ und ‘social engineering’”; invited talk to the annual meeting of the South-East-European Association for German Studies (SOEGV), Bar, Montenegro, 9-13 November 2016.

“Ethical Implications of Jonas Lüscher’s Barbarian Spring”; invited talk to “Literature and Ethics”, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-10 September 2016.

“Die literarischen Fundamente von Heisenbergs Unschärferelation”; “Argumente und Rhetorik in der Physik”, Center for Literature and Natural Sciences, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 12-14 December 2014.

“Ästhetizismus, Gewalt, Kriegstreiberei? Christian Kracht und die Wiener Moderne”; invited talk to the annual meeting of the South-East-European Association for German Studies (SOEGV), University of Sarajevo, Bosnia, 15-19 October 2014.

“Rorty vs. Gadamer – Some considerations on liberal utopia”; “Eine heile Welt?/An Ideal World?” Salzburg Institute, Salzburg, Austria, 31 July 2014.

“Friedrich Schlegels Parodiebegriff in den 1790er Jahren”; invited talk to "Philosophie und Philologie in der Frühromantik III”, Inter University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 9-14 June 2014.

“Ludwig Tiecks und Novalis’ Perspektiven auf Goethes Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre”; invited talk to the annual meeting of the South-East-European Association for German Studies (SOEGV), University of Pristina, Kosovo, 15-19 October 2013.

“‘Return to philology’, Edward Said als Erbe von Friedrich Schlegels ironisch-kritischer Haltung”; invited talk to “Philosophie und Philologie in der Frühromantik II”, Inter University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2-6 June 2013.

“Ironie ist immer noch Pflicht! Die Zähmung der Wissen durch Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft”; Annual meeting of the Portuguese Association for German Studies (APEG), University of Coimbra, Portugal, 28-30 June 2012.

“Breaking the Walls of the Two Cultures: Dealing with Reality in Theoretical Physics and Literature”; FallingWallsLab, Falling Walls Foundation, Berlin, Germany, 2-3 November 2011.

“Mimesis – Die physikalische Darstellung der Wirklichkeit (Newton, Rorty, Heisenberg) ”; invited talk to the conference “Mimesis”, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Seeon, Germany, 29-31 July 2011.

“Komik und romantische Ironie. Ludwig Tiecks ‘Rotkäppchen’”; Annual meeting of the Association for German Studies (AGS), Queen-Mary-University, London, England, 13-15 April 2011.

“Michelstaedter postmoderno. Il concetto di scienza in Carlo Michelstaedter e Richard Rorty”; talk at the conference “Carlo Michelstaedter e la società contemporanea”, University Roma III, Rome, Italy, 23-24 November 2010.


2021: MSCA-Event: Science is wonderful! Meet the scientist! (November 22-26, 2021,

2021: Organization of the round-table: Dov'è finito il discorso sulle fake-news? (July 13, 2021, )

2021: talk at the Vernissage of the Exhibition “Platform Urbanism and Its Discontent”,

2019: “Whose Freedom?” - Public interview with Franco Bifo Berardi at the Secession Vienna, concept of the talk-series: Antonia Rahofer;,

Regular contributor to various media enterprises, e.g. the Pop-Philosophy-Journal Hohe Luft (Germany), on topics such as Blockchain-Technology's impact on our collective imaginary, Art and Fake-news, Art and Capitalism, and Conceptual Engineering.



Since 2024 Senior Fellow of Una Europa, European University Alliance, cluster "Learning, Values and Impact"

Since 2023 Executive Committee of the Richard Rorty Society.

Since 2017 Editorial Board of “Shift/Philosophical Series”, Mimesis International, Italy.

Since 2017 Scientific Advisory Board, review “Shift – International Journal of Philosophical Studies”.

Since 2014 Scientific Advisory Board of the book-series “Vita Nova”, Le Lettere, Florence, Italy.



Since 2022 Member of the research network “RaMo”, Radici e Motivi del Pragmatismo, University of Bologna, Italy.

Since 2020 member of the research network “BoBoPa”, analytic philosophy in Bologna, Bonn, Padova, Italy-Germany.

Since 2019 member of the research networks “Concept lab” and “Mind Group”, University of Oslo, Norway.

From 2015 to 2022 member of the research network in cultural studies “Arbeitskreis Kulturanalyse”, University of Vienna, Austria.


2020 – present: Mentoring activity in the “Women in Pragmatism”-research network; current mentee: Céline Henne.



University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy, from 2024 on:

  • Literature and Philosophy Studies, permanent course in the master's programme in philosophy
  • Poetica e Retorica (together with Elenora Caramelli), permanent course in the bachelor's programme in philosophy

University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy, 2023:

  • History of Aesthetics: “Art and reality - debates on realism”.
  • Seminar in Philosophy of Language: "Antirepresentationalism - classical texts"

University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy, 2022:

invited lecture to the course in philosophy of history: Freud as a moral philosopher (“La ricezione di Freud nella filosofia morale”):

  • “Rorty on Freud - living the good life in times of radical contingency” (in Italian).

University of Düsseldorf, invited lecture to the lecture series "Positions in Philosophy of Education" 2021:

  • „The concept of critique in Michael Hampe’s und Richard Rorty’s philosophy“ (in German).

University of Bologna, Summerschool of the Academy of Global Humanities and Critical Theory, edition 2021:

  • Panel: Reality and Linguistic Agency – An Advanced Guide to Conceptual Engineering (

Inter University Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia: Co-instructor of the following courses:

  • Philologie und Philosophie in der Frühromantik III, 2014
  • Philologie und Philosophie in der Frühromantik II, 2013

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany, from 2010-2018 lead instructor of the following courses at graduate and undergraduate level the Department of German Philology, Division of German Literature (some courses repeatedly):

  • Melancholy
  • Early German Romanticism
  • Political Beauty
  • Fin de siècle – Vienna Modernism
  • Fairy tales
  • Bildungsromans and their parodies from the Goethezeit until today
  • Novalis
  • Friedrich Nietzsche’s Twilight of the Idols
  • Irony and comicality in Antiquity, Early German Romanticism, and Postmodernism
  • Fantastic, grotesque, or magical realism? Kafka, Perutz, Dürrenmatt, Hildesheimer
  • Leo Perutz
  • Ludwig Tieck’s Phantasus



2017 Masterclass in Philosophy with Prof. Dr. Richard Bernstein (New York, New School for Social Research) at the Munich School of Philosophy (Hochschule für Philosophie), Munich, Germany.

2014 Masterclass in Philosophy with Prof. Dr. Sergio Givone (Florence, Università degli studi) at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.

2013 Masterclass in German Literature with Prof. Dr. Andreas Huyssen (New York, Columbia) at Università di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy.



Since 2023 Elected member at large, Richard Rorty Society.

Since 2020 Member, Scientific Society, Associazione Pragma.

Since 2019 Member, Scientific Society, Richard Rorty Society.

Since 2017 Member, Scientific Society, European Pragmatism Association.

Since 2013 Member, Scientific Society, South-East-European Association for German Studies (Süd-Ost-Europäischer Germanistenverband).

2013-2021 Member, Scientific Society, German Association for German Studies (Deutscher Verband der Hochschulgermanistik).



German: mother tongue.

Italian: near native speaker skills; Certificate CELI5= C2-level.

English: excellent reading and writing skills.

French, Latin, Ancient Greek: intermediate reading skills.



01/02/2015 – 31/03/2016: 14 months maternity leave after the birth of my son.