Assistant Professor of Physiology, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (PRISM lab), University of Bologna, Italy.
Born 1984, February 15th.
2006: graduated at the University of Bologna in Biological Sciences cum laude. Thesis title: “Valutazione dell’effetto di alcuni solventi organici sulla vitalità di linee cellulari portatrici di mutazioni responsabili della LHON: “Neuropatia ottica ereditaria di Leber”, supervisor Prof.ssa Anna Ghelli.
2008: graduated at the University of Bologna in Biological Sciences cum laude. Thesis title: “La pressione arteriosa durante il ciclo veglia-sonno in topi con deficienza congenita di leptina”, supervisor Prof. Alessandro Silvani.
2008: officially recognized as Biologist (Abilitazione).
2012: PhD in Applied Physiology and Pathophysiology. Thesis title: “Effect of ambient temperature on cardiovascular regulation during sleep in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic mice”, supervisor Prof.ssa Giovanna Zoccoli
2012-2013: Post-doc at Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna
2013-2014: Post-doc at Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna
2015-2016: Post-doc at Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna
2015: Researcher fellow at Civic Hospital of Lugano, Neurocenter of Italian Switzerland
2016-2017: Post-doc at Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna
2017-2018: Post-doc at Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna
2017: Research fellow at Williams College, Williamstown, (MA, USA) under the supervision of Professor Steve Swoap.
Since October 2018: Assistant Professor in Physiology Medical School, University of Bologna.
Since October 2021: Senior Assistant Professor in Physiology Medical School, University of Bologna.
2019: National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Phhysiology (05/D1)
Scientific courses
2009: Annual meeting of PhD students in Physiology organized by the Italian Society of Physiology (Pisa)
2010: Training Course “ESRS Marie Curie Project” (Bertinoro)
2010: Final symposium “ESRS Marie Curie Project” (Kloster Seeon, Monaco)
2015: ESRS travel grant for young researcher (Lugano)
2014: Prize "Franco Ferrillo" of the Italian Association of Sleep Medicine for the best oral communication.
2014: Prize achieved by the Swedish foundation Stiftelsen Samariten, project title: “Cotinine: a potent but unrecognized developmental cardiovascular toxin?”
2015: Prize achieved by the Swedish foundation Sallskapet Barnavard, project title: “Cotinine: a potent but unrecognized developmental cardiovascular toxin?”
Research activity
Since 2004 participates in the experimental activity of the research group of Prof. Giovanna Zoccoli aimed at studying the physiological regulation of blood pressure, body temperature and breathing during the wake-sleep cycle in genetically modified mice, at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of Bologna.
In 2015 she was hired as a research biologist with a fixed-term contract at the Cantonal Hospital, Lugano Civic Hospital, with the specific objective of developing a pharmacological model of Restless Leg Syndrome in the rat.
Since 2015 she participates in the experimental activity of the group directed by Prof. Elisabetta Ciani, aimed at the development of a therapy for CDKL5 syndrome, at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of Bologna.
In 2017 she began a collaboration with Prof. Steve Swoap, Williams College, Williamstown, MA, USA, at whose laboratory she conducts research in 2017, dealing with the study of the physiological mechanisms of torpor in mouse.
International collaborations
Prof. J.-L. Elghozi, INSERM U652 Physiologie et Pharmacologie vasculaire et rénale, Medical School René Descartes, Paris, France.
Dr. G. Cohen and Prof. Hugo Lagercrantz, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Neonatal Unit, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
Prof. J.S. Lin, INSERM U628 Physiologie intégrée du système d’éveil, University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France.
Prof. H. Ohtsu, Applied Quantum Medical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
Dr. M. Manconi, Neurocentro della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.
Prof. Q. Padiath, Department of Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Prof. S. Swoap, Dept. of Biology, Williams College, Williamstown, MA, USA.
Prof. Thomas E. Scammell, Department of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA.
Prof. Mayumi Kimura, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany.
2009: PRIN project "Role of the hypocretinergic system in thermoregulatory cardiovascular control during waking and sleep" coordinated by Prof. Carlo Franzini, participant.
2009: PRIN project "Hypnic and circadian mechanisms of alterations in blood pressure in animal models of diet-induced obesity " coordinated by Prof. Giovanni Zamboni Gruppioni, participant.
2010: Travel Grant, XX Congress of the ESRS (Lisbona)
2010: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna project entitled "Role of hypothalamic neurogenesis in the development of obesity and its hypnotic and cardiovascular co-morbidities”, participant.
2010: ESRS-EU Marie-Curie funding, for the participation in the "Training in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine" for the training of young scientists in the field of sleep research.
2011: Travel Grant, XVI congresso SIRS (L’Aquila)
2013: Travel Grant, XVIII congresso SIRS (Roma)
2014: Travel grant, XXIV congress AIMS (Pisa)
2015: ESRS Travel Grant for young researchers funded by the European Sleep Research Society.
2015: Travel grant, XXV congress AIMS (Santa Margherita di Pula)
Peer review
Plos One
Fédération pour la recherche sur le cerveau
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Frontiers Physiology
Membership to Scientific Societies
Italian Sleep Research Society
Italian Physiology Society
European Sleep Research Society
Italian Association of Sleep Medicine
Visiting Scientist
2010: Montpellier, Service de Neurologie, Hospital Gui de Chauliac under the supervision of Dr. Yves Dauvillers, funded by the ESRS-EU Marie-Curie Project, Training in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine.
2015: Lugano, Cantonal Hospital Agency, Civic Hospital, Neurocenter of Italian Switzerland, Sleep Center, under the supervision of Dr. Mauro Manconi.
2017: Williamstown (MA, USA), research laboratory of Prof. Steve Swoap at Williams College.
Invited lectures
2010: Marie Curie Symposium "New Trends in Basic and Clinical Sleep Research in Europe", Bologna, 10 May. Report "Sleep-related Hypertension in narcoleptic mice".
2010: Seminar held on October 15 at the Service de Neurologie, Hospital Gui de Chauliac, Montpellier, at the invitation of Dr. Yves Dauvillers: "Sleep-related changes in blood pressure in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic mice".
2014: Symposium of young researchers of the Italian Association of Sleep Medicine (XXIV National AIMS Congress - Pisa, 5-8 November 2014) Report: "Paroxysms of theta waves during REM sleep in congenitally histamine-free mice".
2015: Seminar held in March 9th at the Neurocentre of Italian Switzerland, Cantonal Hospital, Civic Hospital of Lugano, invited by Dr. Mauro Manconi, title "Cardiovascular phenotype during the wake-sleep cycle in animal models of human pathology".
2017: Seminar held on May 10th at Williams College, Williamstown, MA, USA, invited by Prof. Steve Swoap, title "Physiological regulations during wake-sleep states in mice".
2015: symposium “Nuove Tendenze in Medicina del Sonno”, XXV congress AIMS, Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari, Italy).
Teaching activity
A.A. 2011-2012, 2013-2014, 2015-2016, 2016-2017: Tutor for the course of Applied Physiology for the degree course in Medicine and Surgery Dentistry, University of Bologna.
Co-supervisor and supervisor of 12 Bachelor and Master thesis in Physiology at the School of Medical Biotechnology, Biological Sciences and Medicine and Surgery.
Assistant Professor A.A 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 (Applied Physiology, Medicine and Surgery; Physiology of nutrition, Dietetics)
Scientific translations
“Essentials of Cognitive Neuroscience”, Bradley R. Postle, Wiley Blackwell, 2016
“The Central Nervous System”, 5° edizione, Per Brodal, Piccin, Nuova Libraria, 2018
Peer reviewed papers
1) Lo Martire V, Berteotti C, Bastianini S, Alvente S, Valli A, Cerri M, Amici R, Silvani A, Swoap SJ, Zoccoli G. The physiological signature of daily torpor is not orexin dependent. Journal of Comparative Physiology B
2) Hitrec T., Bastainini S., Luppi M., Squarcio F., Berteotti C., Lo Martire V., Martelli D., Occhionegro A., Tupone D., Zoccoli G., Amici R., Cerri M. Neural control of fasting-induced torpor in mice. Scientific Reports | (2019) 9:15462 |
3) Bastianini S., Alvente S., Berteotti C., Bosi M., Lo Martire V., Silvani A., Valli A., Zoccoli G. Post-sigh sleep apneas in mice: Systematic review and data-driven definition. J Sleep Res. 2019 Mar 28 : e12845. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12845.
4) Lo Martire V., Caruso D., Palagini L., Zoccoli G., Bastianini S. Stress & sleep: A relationship lasting a lifetime. Neuroscience & Behavioral Reviews, in press.
5) Lo Martire V, Valli A, Bingaman MJ, Zoccoli G, Silvani A, Swoap SJ. Changes in blood glucose as a function of body temperature in laboratory mice: implications for daily torpor. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2018 Oct 1;315(4):E662-E670.
6) Lo Martire V, Alvente S, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Valli A, Manconi M., Zoccoli G, Silvani A. Sleep and tibialis anterior muscle activity in mice with mild hypoxia and iron deficiency: implications for the restless legs syndrome. Front. Physiol. - Integrative Physiology, 2018
7) Fuchs C, Gennaccaro L, Trazzi S, Bastianini S, Bettini S, Lo Martire V., Ren E, Medici G, Zoccoli G, Rimondini R, Ciani E. Heterozygous CDKL5 Knockout Female Mice Are a Valuable Animal Model for CDKL5 Disorder. Neural Plast. 2018 May 27;2018:9726950. doi: 10.1155/2018/9726950. eCollection 2018.
8) Trazzi S, De Franceschi M, Fuchs C, Bastianini S, Viggiano R, Lupori L, Mazziotti R, Medici G, Lo Martire V, Ren E, Rimondini R, Zoccoli G, Bartesaghi R, Pizzorusso T, Ciani E.Cdkl5 protein substitution therapy rescues neurological phenotypes of a mouse model of Cdkl5 disorder. Hum. Molec. Genet. 2018 Feb 20. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddy064.
9) Lo Martire V, Silvani A, Alvente S, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Valli A, Zoccoli G. Modulation of sympathetic vasoconstriction is critical for the effects of sleep on arterial pressure in mice. J Physiol. 2017 Dec 20. doi: 10.1113/JP275353
10) Lo Martire V, Alvente S, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Bombardi C, Calandra-Buonaura G, Capellari S, Cohen G, Cortelli P, Gasparini L, Padiath Q, Valli A, Zoccoli G, Silvani A. Mice overexpressing lamin B1 in oligodendrocytes recapitulate the age-dependent motor signs, but not the early autonomic cardiovascular dysfunction of autosomal-dominant leukodystrophy (ADLD). Exp. Neurol. 2017 Dec 17; 301(Pt A):1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2017.12.006.
11) Bastianini S, Lo Martire V, Silvani A, Zoccoli G, Berteotti C, Lagercrantz H, Arner A, Cohen G. Long-term cardiovascular reprogramming by short-term perinatal exposure to nicotine's main metabolite cotinine. Acta Paediatr. 2017 Dec 9. doi: 10.1111/apa.14181.
12) Silvani A, Ferri R, Lo Martire V, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Salvadè A, Plazzi G, Zucconi M, Ferini-Strambi L, Bassetti CL, Manconi M, Zoccoli G. Muscle Activity During Sleep in Human Subjects, Rats, and Mice: Towards Translational Models of REM Sleep Without Atonia. Sleep. 2017 Apr 1;40(4).
13) Lo Martire V, Alvente S, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Silvani S, Valli A, Viggiano R, Ciani E, Zoccoli G. CDKL5 deficiency entails sleep apneas in mice. Journal of Sleep Research. 2017 Aug; 26(4):495-497.
14) Bastianini S, Alvente S, Berteotti C, Lo Martire V, Silvani S, Swoap SJ, Valli A, Zoccoli G, Cohen G. Accurate discrimination of the wake-sleep state of mice using non-invasive whole body plethysmography. Scientific Reports. 2017 Jan 31;7: 41698. doi: 10.1038/srep41698.
15) Bastianini S, Silvani A, Berteotti C, Lo Martire V, Ohtsu H, Lin JS, Zoccoli G. High-amplitude theta wave bursts characterizing narcoleptic mice and human are also produced by histamine deficiency in mice. J Sleep Res 2016 Oct; 25(5):591-595. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12404
16) Bastianini S, Silvani A, Berteotti C, Lo Martire V, Choen G, Ohtsu H, Lin JS, Zoccoli G. Histamine Transmission Modulates the Phenotype of Murine Narcolepsy Caused by Orexin Neuron Deficiency. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 16; 10(10).
17) Silvani A, Lo Martire V, Salvadè A, Bastianini S, Ferri R, Berteotti C, Baracchi F, Pace M, Bassetti C, Zoccoli G, Manconi M. Physiological time structure of the tibialis anterior motor activity during sleep in mice, rats, and humans. J Sleep Res 2015 Dec; 24(6):695-701.
18) Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Gabrielli A, Del Vecchio F, Amici R, Alexandre C, Scammell TE, Gazea M, Kimura M, Lo Martire V, Silvani A, Zoccoli G. SCOPRISM: A new algorithm for automatic sleep scoring in mice. J Neurosci Methods. 2014 Sep 30; 235:277-84.
19) Silvani A, Berteotti C, Bastianini S, Cohen G, Lo Martire V, Mazza R, Pagotto U, Quarta C, Zoccoli G. Cardiorespiratory Anomalies in Mice Lacking CB1 Cannabinoid Receptors. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 20;9(6): e100536.
20) Silvani A, Berteotti C, Bastianini S, Lo Martire V, Mazza R, Pagotto U, Quarta C, Zoccoli G. Multiple sleep alterations in mice lacking cannabinoid type 1 receptors. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 20;9(2): e89432.
21) Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Lo Martire V, Silvani S, Zoccoli G. A critical role of hypocretin deficiency in pregnancy. J Sleep Res 2014 Apr;23(2):186-8.
22) Silvani A, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Cenacchi G, Leone O, Lo Martire V, Papa V, Zoccoli G. Sleep and Cardiovascular phenotype in middle-aged hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic mice. J Sleep Res 2014 Feb;23(1):98-106.
23) Silvani A, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Lo Martire V, Zoccoli G.Treating hypertension by targeting orexin receptors: potential effects on the sleep-related blood pressure dipping profile. J Physiol. 2013 Dec 1; 591(Pt 23):6115-6. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2013.265504.
24) Lo Martire V, Silvani A, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Zoccoli G. Effects of ambient temperature on sleep and cardiovascular regulation in mice: the role of hypocretin/orexin neurons. Plos One. 2012 Oct; 7 (10):e47032.
25) Silvani A, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Lo Martire V, Zoccoli G. Control of cardiovascular variability during undisturbed wake-sleep behavior in hypocretin-deficient mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2012 Apr 15; 302(8): R958-64.
26) Bastianini S, Silvani A, Berteotti C, Lo Martire V, Zoccoli G. Mice show circadian rhythms of blood pressure during each wake-sleep state. Chronobiol Internat 2012 Feb; 29(1):82-6.
27) Bastianini S, Silvani A, Berteotti C, Lo Martire V, Zoccoli G. High-amplitude theta wave bursts during REM sleep and cataplexy in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic mice. J Sleep Res 2012 Apr; 21(2).
28) Bastianini S, Silvani A, Berteotti C, Elghozi JL, Franzini C, Lenzi P, Lo Martire V, Zoccoli G. Sleep-related changes in blood pressure in hypocretin deficient narcoleptic mice. SLEEP 2011 Feb 1; 34(2):213-8.
29) Silvani A, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Franzini C, Lenzi P, Lo Martire V, Zoccoli G. Dysregulation of Heart Rhythm during Sleep in Leptin-deficient Obese Mice. SLEEP 2010 Mar 1; 33(3):355-61.
30) Silvani A, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Franzini C, Lenzi P, Lo Martire V, Zoccoli G Central and baroreflex control of heart period during the wake-sleep cycle in consomic rats with different genetic susceptibility to hypertension. Clin Exp Pharmacol 2010 Mar; 37(3):322-7.
31) Silvani A, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Franzini C, Lenzi P, Lo Martire V, Zoccoli G Sleep modulates hypertension in leptin-deficient mice. Hypertension 2009, vol. 53; p. 251 – 255
1. Lo Martire V, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Silvani A, Zoccoli G. High amplitude theta wave bursts: a novel electroencephalographic feature of REM sleep. Arch. Ital. Biol. 2015 Sep 1; 153(2-3):77-86.
2. Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Gabrielli A, Lo Martire V, Silvani A, Zoccoli G. Recent developments in automatic scoring of rodent sleep. Arch. Ital. Biol. 2015 Sep 1; 153(2-3):58-66.
3. R. Amici, S. Bastianini, C. Berteotti, M. Cerri, F. Del Vecchio, V. Lo Martire, M. Luppi, E. Perez, A. Silvani, G. Zamboni, G. Zoccoli. Sleep and bodily functions: the physiological interplay between body homeostasis and sleep homeostasis. Arch. Ital. Biol. 2014 Sep; 152(2-3):66-78.
4. Lo Martire V., Caruso D., Palagini L., Zoccoli G., Bastianini S. Stress & sleep: A relationship lasting a lifetime. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2019 Sep 3. pii: S0149-7634(19)30149-6. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.08.024.