Course contents for students attending Institutes in Criminal law by Professor Vittorio Manes – A.A. 2017/18
Course contents for students attending Institutes in Criminal law by Professor Vittorio Manes – A.A. 2017/18
Insolera - Mazzacuva - Pavarini - Zanotti (a cura di), Introduzione al sistema penale, IV ed., Torino, 2012, only referring to:
- part III: chapter first and second;
- part IV: chapter first, second, third, fourth, fifth and seventh.
Extra materials:
On prevention and repression:
Case-Law: ECtHR, De Tommaso v. Italia, 23 february 2017;
Scholarship (optional):
- F. Viganò, La Corte di Strasburgo assesta un duro colpo alla disciplina italiana delle misure di prevenzione personali, in Dir. pen. cont., 2017;
- M. Ceresa-Gastaldo, Misure di prevenzione e pericolosità sociale: l’incolmabile deficit di legalità della giurisdizione senza fatto, in Dir. pen. cont., 2015;
- Articles on “Il Mattino”, Interview dott. R. Cantone, articles of Professors G. Fiandaca, V. Maiello, V. Manes
on the legality principle for criminal charges
Case-law: ECtHR, Contrada v Italy, 14 April 2015;
Scholarship (optional):
- A. Cadoppi, Giurisprudenza e diritto penale, in Digesto delle discipline penalistiche, Agg.;
- G. Maggiore, Diritto penale totalitario nello Stato totalitario, in Riv. it. dir. pen., 1939, XVII;
on the harm principle:
Case-law: Italian Constitutional Court, decisions 189/1987; 519/1995; 354/2002; 225/2008; 249/2010; 250/2010; 29/1960; 120/1968; 263/2000; 519/2000;
Scholarship (optional):
- V. Manes, La pervicace resistenza dei “reati di sospetto”, in Giur. cost., 2008, 3 ss. (nota a Corte cost. n. 225/2008);
- V. Manes, I recenti tracciati della giurisprudenza costituzionale in materia di offensività e ragionevolezza, in Dir. pen. cont., 2011;
On the relations between criminal law and freedom of expression:
Case-law: Italian Constitutional Court, decision 65/1970;
On the void of vagueness and the ban of analogy:
Case-law: Italian Constitutional Court, decisions 96/1981; 172/2014; Decision GIP Bologna, 2016;
On the mens rea:
Case-law: Italian Constitutional Court, decisions 364/1988; 1085/1988;
On the aims of the punishment:
Materials ofthe seminar on 30 november 2017;
Case-law: Italian Constitutional Court, decision 313/1990;
On the principle of proportionality of the punishmente:
Case-law: Italian Constitutional Court, decisions 68/2012; 236/2016;
On the rang of the ECHR, especially in criminal matters:
Case-law: Italian Constitutional Court, decisions 348/2007; 349/2007; 196/2010;
All the decision of the Italian Constitutional Court are freely available on or on
All the decision of the European Court of Human Rights are freely available on
It is also advisable reading the Constitutional Court’s notebook by V. Manes, Principi costituzionali in materia penale, 2014 available at the Constitutional Court official website.