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Vittoria Colla

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-01/A General and Social Pedagogy


Nicola Nasi; Vittoria Colla, Children’s invoking of school rules in directive sequences with adults at home and school : mobilizing the teacher and school artefacts as authoritative sources, «TEXT & TALK», 2024, aop, pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article]

Lehner‐mear, Rachel; Colla, Vittoria, Crossing the line? Exploring situated, interactional negotiations of parental involvement in primary homework in England and Italy, «BRITISH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL», 2024, 50, pp. 2640 - 2662 [Scientific article]Open Access

Caronia, Letizia; Colla, Vittoria, I compiti a casa : linguaggio e apprendimento quando la scuola entra in famiglia, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore srl, 2024, pp. 248 (PEDAGOGIE DELLO SVILUPPO). [Research monograph]

Colla, Vittoria, La cultura nelle parole di tutti i giorni : per una pedagogia della vita quotidiana, Como - Pavia, Ibis, 2024, pp. 208 (FORMAZIONE E CULTURA). [Research monograph]

Colla, Vittoria; Nasi, Nicola, Linguaggio e socializzazione : interazioni quotidiane in famiglia e a scuola, in: CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics, Bologna, CLUB Università di Bologna, 2024, pp. 153 - 174 (CLUB WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS) [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Caronia, Letizia; Colla, Vittoria, Shaping a moral body in family dinner talk : children's socialization to good manners concerning bodily conduct, «APPETITE», 2024, 199, Article number: 107502 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access

Colla, Vittoria; Margutti, Piera; Urlotti, Daniele; Barbieri, Valeria, “The oncologist told me” : reported speech as a patients’ resource to volunteer concerns in oncological visits, «JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS», 2024, 229, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]Open Access

v.colla, "Doing being an involved parent” : practices for building the family-school partnership in parent-child homework dialogues, «LANGUAGE AND DIALOGUE», 2023, 13, pp. 277 - 299 [Scientific article]Open Access

v.colla, "The teacher said that at school” : Negotiating epistemic and deontic rights in parent-child homework conversations = “L’ha detto l'insegnante a scuola” : La negoziazione dei diritti epistemici e deontici nelle conversazioni genitori-figli sui compiti a casa, «STUDIUM EDUCATIONIS», 2023, 24, pp. 14 - 28 [Scientific article]Open Access

L. Caronia, v. Colla, Beyond school-related learning : parent-child homework talk as a morality building activity, «LEARNING, CULTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION», 2023, 43, Article number: 100778 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access

Colla, Vittoria, Education in everyday family life : language, culture, and morality in homework interactions, Pisa, Edizioni ETS srl, 2023, pp. 208 (EDUCATION). [Research monograph]

Vittoria Colla, More than learning : parent-assisted homework as an arena for moral education, «CIVITAS EDUCATIONIS», 2023, 12, pp. 153 - 172 [Scientific article]Open Access

Letizia Caronia, Federica Ranzani, Vittoria Colla, Silvia Demozzi, Giulia Benericetti, Polyphony in the pediatric clinic : parents reporting teachers’ talk as a resource for building deontic and epistemic (dis)alliances among caregivers, «DISCOURSE STUDIES», 2023, 1, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]Open Access

Letizia Caronia, Federica Ranzani, Vittoria Colla, Pursuing understanding or engaging the patient? “Making the body speak” as a dilemma-overcoming practice in triadic primary care visits with unaccompanied foreign minors, in: A Pragmatic Agenda for Healthcare. Fostering inclusion and active participation through shared understanding., Amsterdam/Philadelphia/New York, Johhn Benjamins, 2023, pp. 144 - 170 (PRAGMATICS & BEYOND. NEW SERIES) [Chapter or essay]

v. colla, Teacher Martina wants you to write in cursive’ : parents invoking school morality in directive sequences during homework, «RESEARCH ON CHILDREN AND SOCIAL INTERACTION», 2023, 7, pp. 65 - 91 [Scientific article]

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