Foto del docente

Veronica Innocenti

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts


Collaboration with:
Università degli Studi di UDINE
Collaboration to the project and organization of X, XI, XII e XIII International Film Studies Conference. Collaborato project and organization of I, II, III e IV edition of MAGIS - Gradisca Film Studies Spring School (Multiple and Multiple-Language Versions, 21-28 march 2003; Multiple Versions at the Beginning of the Sound Era: Film and Other Media, 19-27 march 2004; Moving People, Moving Images, 10-19 march 2005; Cinema and Contemporary Visual Arts, 31 march – 7 april 2006).
Formal collaboration with:
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
March-June 2006, Collaboration to the research project titled "ANEC: Le condizioni del cinema" and aimed to understanding narrative strategies in Italian contemporary cinema. Research project has been coordinated by Prof. Francesco Casetti and Prof. Mariagrazia Fanchi and by Prof. Severino Salvemini (Università Bocconi).