Valeria Zotti has been working as a tenured lecturer/researcher
(“ricercatore confermato”) in ‘French Language and Translation'
(L-Lin/04) at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures
(University of Bologna) since 2006.
She obtained the ASN "Abilitazione
Scientifica Nazionale" for the function of Associate Professor in
the field 10/H1 (valid until 20/12/2017). In
March 2005 she obtained a Ph.D. in French Linguistics
(Francesistica) at the University of Bari. During her PhD
(2001-2004) she participated regularly to the activities of the
Research Laboratory MétaDif (Centre de recherches
Métalexicographiques et Dictionnairiques Francophones) directed by
J.Pruvost at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). In
September 2005 she obtained the Master
Degree LTTAC (Lexicographie, Terminographie et Traitement
automatique des Corpus), under the supervision of P. Corbin and N.
Gasiglia at the University of Lille III. In 2006 EURALEX (European
Association for Lexicography) awarded her the Laurence Urdang Award
2005 for her PhD thesis. From March to October 2006 she got a
three-years research scolarship (“assegno di ricerca”) at the
Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Romanze e Mediterranee
(University of Bari).
Since 2006 she is member of the expert committee in
“French-Italian Bilingual dictionaries” of the online
review DicoRevue,
directed by J. Pruvost ( ). Since 2007 she is
member of the research laboratory LaBLex (Laboratoire
Bilingue de Lexicographie, diretto da G. Dotoli) at the University
of Bari, where she has been expert consultant and responsible for
the training in bilingual and computational lexicography of
She has been editor-in-chief from 2006 to 2009 w ithin the
National Research Project PRIN 2008 “Lexicography and
Metalexicography : the bilingual dictionary. The creation of a
new French-Italian/Italian-French Bilingual Dictionary and of new
Specialized Dictionaries, directed by G. Dotoli at the University
of Bari. She is member of the scientific committee of the Journées
Italiennes des Dictionnaires, a series of international congresses
in lexicography organized in collaboration with the LDI Research
Laboratory (University of Cergy-Pontoise and Paris XIII) and the
LiCoRN Research Laboratory (Université de Bretagne-Sud). Since 2009
she is member of the European network, now International
Association, “Lexicology Terminology Translation” (Agence
Universitaire de la Francophonie), where she attended different
Training Course about the corpus analysys tool 'Nooj' (Lisboa,
LTT2009) and about the methods and tools of Automatic Treatment of
Language (Paris, LTT2011). Since 2010 she collaborates as Lecturer
on “ Translation and Information Technology” with the
Translators Centre of the Bologna Children's Book Fair (Bologna
Within her research on Quebecois French, in 2010 and 2011, she
undertook two internships at the Research Laboratory of the Trésor de la Langue Française au
Québec (Laval University in Quebec city:, under the direction of Claude Poirier, and a
few Terminological Training courses at OQLF (Office Québécois
de la Langue Française au Québec) and at the Laboratorio di
terminologia e traduzione assistita of the SSLMIT Forlì -
Università di Bologna. From 2012 she is member of the research
group in lexicography and terminography MLT “Modena Lexi-Term”,
coordinated by Luciana Soliman and Giuseppe Palumbo at the
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. From 2010 to 2011 she has
been responsible of the Bologna unit of CISQ (Centro
Interuniversitario di Studi Quebecchesi) and from 2012 she is its
national secretary. From January 2013 she participates to the
research group “Corpus Multilingues (Parallèles, comparables)” of
the Consortium Corpus Ecrits, directed by ILF (Institut de
Linguistique Française).
She organized the International Conference “Words and
Worlds : linguistic variation, translation” in honour of
Claude Poirier (Florence, 28-29 juin 2011), University of Florence
and Bologna, CISQ. She directed (with Annick Farina) a special
issue of the review « Etudes de Linguistique Appliquée », in press,
about Traduire des français: des mots et des mondes. She is editing
a miscellany on La variation lexicale: dictionnaires, bases de
données, traductions (in press) for the Parisian editing
house Honoré Champion.
She was editor of the Canadian Studies Review (AISC)
and of the journal Les Cahiers du
Dictionnaire (Schena - Garnier). She is currently member of
the permanent review panel of Synérgies Italie and she
contributes to the review of the press Carnets de
lecture of the on line journal Publif@rum. editor. She is
member of the following associations: AIEQ (Association
Internationale des Etudes Québécoises), ASL (Association des
Sciences du Langage), EURALEX (European Association for
Lexicography), SUSLLF (Società Universitaria per gli Studi di
Lingua e Letteratura Francese).