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Valentina Garulli

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies


Keywords: Inscribed Poetry Epigram Greek Philology Ancient Biography History of Classical Scholarship Hellenistic Poetry Greek Grammar Greek Epigraphy Didactics of Ancient Greek Dyslexia

Main interests include Greek and Latin poetry on stone, Greek and Latin epigram, the new and the old Posidippus, Hellenistic poetry. Other research themes include Callimachus, ancient biography, history of classical scholarship, didactics of Ancient Greek especially in case of dyslexia.

Greek and Latin poetry on stone is the main research interest. While epigram is the most prevalent – and best-known – inscribed genre, the panorama of Greek and Latin inscribed poetry is by far more various and only partly investigated. Hymns, oracles, commemorations and encomia: these are only a few of the songs preserved as carved on a visible and lasting surface. Several studies on Greek and Latin carmina epigraphica, especially those focusing on their literary features, have cast a fresh light on the numerous and complex ties between inscribed and literary poetry. These results show how necessary is to approach a corpus of texts as rich and various as that of the carmina epigraphica in order to study Greek and Latin inscribed poetry properly, keeping its general profile and features in mind without missing the details.

A research on Greek and Latin epigram cannot be separated from that on inscribed poetry, since epigram is the inscribed poetry par excellence. Among literary epigrams a special attention is paid to those by Posidippus from Pella, both the so-called old Posidippus and the new Posidippus (the epigrams preserved by P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309), and those by Callimachus.

Another research subject is Greek and Latin biography, with a special regard to Lobon of Argos' On Poets, which offers an interesting example of Hellenistic biography with features common to other learned genres.

Several works were devoted to the history of classical scholarship: some unpublished texts by Wilhelm Otto Croenert were brought to light for the first time; a special attention was paid also to Tadeusz Zielinski and Bruno Snell.

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