Born in Bologna, Italy, September 29, 1975
Citizenship: Italian
Work Address: Nuclear Medicine, Pad. 30, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria (AOU) di Bologna, Policlinico di S.Orsola, Via Massarenti 9, 40138 Bologna, Italia
Tel. +39 051 2143187; FAX: +39 051 2143956; E-mail:
Associate Professor, University of Bologna, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC), scientific sector MEDS-22/A – Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy (ex MED/36-Diagnostic Imaging).
Full-time employed Physician in Nuclear Medicine, IRCCS AOU di Bologna, Policlinico di S.Orsola
Certified Specialist in Nuclear Medicine and Respiratory Medicine
PhD in Respiratory-Cardiac-Thoracic Sciences of medical and surgical interest.
1994 Diploma di Maturità Scientifica (score 58/60), Liceo Scientifico "E.Fermi", Bologna
1994-2000 Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (M.D), University of Bologna; 19/10/2000 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (M.D.), University of Bologna (score 110/110 cum laude; Thesis title: “Experimental study on the natural history of asthma: from childhood to adulthood”)
2001- I session Abilitazione all’esercizio della Professione di Medico-Chirurgo (Professional Certification), Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna (score 108/110)
2000-2004 Specialty School in Respiratory Medicine, University of Bologna; 11/11/2004 Diploma di Specializzazione in Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio (Certified Specialist in Respiratory Medicine), University of Bologna, (score 70/70 cum laude; Thesis title: “Role of HRCT in the evaluation of idiopathic interstitial lung disease: analysis of 239 cases”)
March 2003-November 2003 Honorary Research Fellow in Respiratory Medicine, Interstitial Lung Disease Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital, Clinical Genomics Group, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College of ScienceTechnology and Medicine, London, UK
2005-2007 PhD course in Respiratory-Cardiac-Thoracic Sciences of medical and surgical interest, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna; 3/3/2008 PhD diploma in Respiratory-Cardiac-Thoracic Sciences of medical and surgical interest, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna (Thesis title: “Pre-Clinical Imaging: Small Animal PET and CT applications in Pneumology, Oncology and Cardiology”)
19/03/2008-19/03/2012 Specialty School in Nuclear Medicine, University of Bologna, 20/3/2012 Diploma di Specializzazione in Medicina Nucleare (Certified Specialist in Nuclear Medicine) University of Bologna (score 70/70 cum laude; thesis title: “Role of 68Ga-DOTANOC PET/TC in patients with neuroendocrine tumour”)
2/4/2012-14/9/2014: Full-time Assistant Professor, University of Bologna, scientific sector MED/36-Diagnostic Imaging
15/9/2014 to present: Associate Professor, University of Bologna, scientific sector MEDS-22/A (diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy (ex. MED/36-Diagnostic Imaging)
Member of the Comitato Ordinatore (organizing commitee) of the School of Specialty in Nuclear Medicine (since March 2017)
Director of First Cycle Degree of Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (elected December 2017- resigned September 2018)
National Academic qualification as Full Professor (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale a professore di I fascia 2016-2018 - I quadrimestre): since 2017
Head of Scuola di Specializzazione in Medicina Nucleare (dal 5/6/2024)
Author (since 2003; of 153 scientific articles published on peer-reviewed international or national journals (overall impact factor >485, Jan2022); Scopus (May 2024): H-index=45, total cities 6532).
Author of >170 abstracts presented at national and international meetings. Invited Speaker at several international and national events. Author of 18 book chapters. coAuthor and coEditor of the book “PET/CT in Neuroendocrine Tumours”, as part of Clinicians’ Guides to Radionuclide Hybrid Imaging. PET/CT Series. Editors: Jamshed B. Bomanji, Gopinath Gnanasegaran, Stefano Fanti, Homer A. Macapinlac. British Nuclear Medical Society. Springer. coAuthor and coEditor of the book “Compendio di diagnostica Medico nucleare”, Esculapio.
Reviewer for the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (EJNMMI), Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM), Nuclear Medicine Communication, Quarterly journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.
Reviewer for the annual conference: EANM (year: 2024,2023,2022,2021,2020,2019,2018,2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013); ECCO(year: 2016), AIMN (year: 2022, 2023, 2024)
Member of the Editorial Board of : Journal of Nuclear Medicine (since 01/01/2017), Cancers (since 07/2020)
Associate Editor of Frontiers in nuclear medicine PET and SPECT (2021-2024)
Member of the ESMO-Faculty staff- NET (2017-2025), ENETS-Advisory board (2019-2025) and ENETS theranostic task force Lead (since 2019); EANM-Oncology and theranostic committee (since 1/1/2021), ITANET-scientific committee (2015- 2024) and ITANET-task force lead (2022-2024).
NET Bologna multidisciplinary team, European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (ENETS) center of Excellence ( Center coordinator)
Member of the “Centro di Studi e di Ricerca (CSR) sui tumori neuroendocrini del Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche (“Center for research and study on neuroendocrine tumours”, Department of medical and surgical sciences) of the University of Bologna.
Author of the guidelines: EANM for the use of PET/CT in neuroendocrine tumours (version 2010 and 2017), AIMN guidelines (2017) for imaging with DOTApeptides, AIOM guidelines for neuroendocrine tumours (version: 2015, 2016, 2017,2019, 2020); ENETS guidelines for colorectal neuroendocrine tumours (2023) and neuroendocrine carcinoma (2023).
Reviewer of: AIOM 2022 guidelines for neuroendocrine tumours; of ESMO-EURACAN Clinical Practice Guidelines 2020 on Adrenocortical carcinomas and malignant pheochromocytomas.
Member of the panel of the Regione Emilia-Romagna of “Appropriate use criteria of PET in lung cancer (Dossier n. 219/2012 - Criteria for appropriate use of FDG-PET in lung cancer. Orientamenti 6).
PhD thesis entitled “Pre-Clinical Imaging: Small Animal PET and CT applications in Pneumology, Oncology and Cardiology” is archived at the University of Bologna and legally deposited at the Central National Library of Florence and Rome.
Winner of three prizes issued by the Society of Nuclear Medicine, the Federazione italiana per la ricerca sulle radiazioni e Società Italiana per le ricerche sulle radiazioni, and University of Bologna.
One nomination for the Marie Curie award: 2009
Member of the evaluation committee of a PhD thesis issues by the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, entitled “FDG-PET/CT in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Early response evaluation and clinical utility of FDG-PET/CT” (2014)
Member of the VQR 2011-2014 team of the DIMES, University of Bologna
1. Lectures at courses of the University of Bologna: School: Medicine
- Degree programme: First cycle degree programmes (L) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques 39386 – Nuclear medicine imaging- 3 cfu- Module of Radiological Imaging V (I.C.)
AY: since 2013/2014 to present
- Degree programme: Single cycle degree programmes (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery; 20756 - Imaging Diagnostics and Radiotherapy (A-K) (AK-A) - 4 cfu- Module of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy (C.I.)
AY: since 2014/2015 to present
- Degree programme: Single cycle degree programmes (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery; 71021 - Neuroendocrine Tumors Diagnosis - 1 cfu- Module of Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Gastroenteropancreatic Tract (NET-GEP): Medical-Surgical Diagnosis and Therapy
AY: since 2015/2016 to 2022/2023
- Degree programme Single cycle degree/Combined Bachelor and Master - 300/360 ECTS- 1cfu as part of DIAGNOSTIC TECHNOLOGY (I.C.): Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Radioprotection (Language: English)
AY: since 2019/2020 to present
- Residency programs: Teachings to the residents of several School Medical Specialties (Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Radiotherapy).
2. Thesis:
- 2007-2012: students tutoring for the design, start up, review and completion of the thesis projects (main supervisor Prof Fanti).
- since 2012: I was main supervisor of eight thesis of the degree programme in Medicine and Surgery and of four specialty thesis in Nuclear medicine.
3. Director of First Cycle Degree of Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques: December 2017-September 2018
Foreign languages
English: Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (1993).
French: Good scholastic Knowledge
-BLSD (Basic life support defibrillation) (2004, 2014, 2018,2023) AOU, Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi).
-Post-graduate course. Molecular mechanisms of lung carcinogenesis: translational applications. American Thoracic Society San Diego, 20-25 May 2005.
-European Pediatric Immediate Life Support (EPILS). Italian Resuscitation Council. 9/12/2013, Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna
Clinical applications of PET/CT, mostly in oncology, with FDG and non-FDG radiopharmaceuticals (68Ga-DOTANOC, 18F-DOPA, 11C-Colina, 11C-Metionina, 68Ga-PSMA) for staging, early assessment of therapy response, identification of the primary tumour site in patients with known secondary lesions, early detection of disease relapse after therapy. In particular, use of PET/CT and theranostic applications in neuroendocrine neoplasms.
- ‘Sviluppo dell’imaging molecolare in vivo’ (in vivo experimental molecular imaging). Progetto Pluriennale. Università di Bologna. Anni 2004-2006. Dipartimento Clinico di Scienze Radiologiche e Istopatologiche. Coordinatore: Prof Stefano Fanti (MED36). PhD Student - ‘Valutazione del ruolo della PET nel follow-up dei pazienti con linfoma maligno (Evaluation of the role of PET in the follow-up of lymphoma patients). Progetti di ricerca fondamentale orientata. Università di Bologna RFO (ex60%). Anno 2005. Coordinatore: Prof Stefano Fanti (MED36). PhD Student - Valutazione del ruolo della 18F-di-idrossi-fenil-alanina (18F-DOPA) nella diagnostica per immagini mediante Tomografia ad Emissione di Positroni (PET) nello studio di neoplasie umane di derivazione neuroendocrina. Progetto Strategico di Ateneo 2005. Coordinatore: Prof Stefano Fanti (MED36). PhD Student - Progetti di ricerca fondamentale orientata. Università di Bologna RFO (ex60%). Anno 2006. Coordinatore: Prof Stefano Fanti (MED36). Principali linee di ricerca: PET/TC nella stadiazione oncologica, nella valutazione della terapia oncologica, nella valutazione di efficacia di nuovi traccianti PET. PhD Student - Progetti di ricerca fondamentale orientata. Università di Bologna RFO (ex60%). Anno 2007. Coordinatore: Prof Stefano Fanti (MED36). Principali linee di ricerca: Preclinica nuovi traccianti PET; Preclinica valutazione efficacia nuove terapie; PET/TC valutazione della terapia oncologica; PET/TC stadiazione oncologica; PET/TC clinica nuovi traccianti; PhD Student - Progetti di ricerca fondamentale orientata. Università di Bologna RFO (ex60%). Anno 2008. Coordinatore: Prof Stefano Fanti (MED36). PhD Student - Progetti di ricerca fondamentale orientata. Università di Bologna RFO (ex60%). Anno 2009. Coordinatore: Prof Stefano Fanti (MED36). Resident in Nuclear Medicine - Progetti di ricerca fondamentale orientata. Università di Bologna RFO (ex60%). Anno 2010. Coordinatore: Prof Stefano Fanti (MED36). Resident in Nuclear Medicine -Progetti di ricerca fondamentale orientata. Università di Bologna RFO (ex60%). Anno 2011. Coordinatore: Prof Stefano Fanti (MED36). Resident in Nuclear Medicine - Yearly founding Università di Bologna RFO (ex60%). years 2012-2013 (applicant Valentina Ambrosini).