Foto del docente

Valentina Ciriello

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CEAR-01/A Idraulica

Temi di ricerca

Parole chiave: risorse idriche sotterranee mezzi porosi gestione dei prelievi idrici sistemi idrici urbani riduzione delle perdite idriche risparmio idrico in agricoltura legame acqua-energia energia geotermica applicazioni biomediche modelli surrogati metodo della superficie di risposta ottimizzazione progettuale analisi di rischio analisi di sensitività globale machine learning polynomial chaos expansion dynamic mode decomposition transfer learning

Reduced-order models. Response surface methods (Polynomial Chaos Expansion); Dynamic Mode Decomposition; Machine Learning; Transfer learning; Multi-fidelity data.

Uncertainty quantification. Risk analysis; Global sensitivity analysis.

Flow and transport processes. Flow and transport in porous and fractured media; Groundwater hydrology; Seawater intrusion; Nitrate contamination; Multiphase flow; Complex rheology.

Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus. Strategies to increase sustainability of freshwater withdrawals; optimization of water supply in agriculture. Energy and environmental efficiency of urban water systems; Reduction of water losses in the water supply network; Geothermal energy; Hydropower; satellite data.

Biomedical applications. CFD and meta-modeling to predict cardiovascular diseases.


Supervision Activity:

Jul 2022 - Jun 2023, Supervisor of Master Student, Project: "Modeling and analysis of water treatment processes" (12 months)

Sept 2021 - Aug 2022, Supervisor of Postdoc, Research Project: "Analysis of blood flow to predict disease progression" (12 months)

Aug 2019 - Aug 2020, Supervisor of Postdoc, Research Project: "Numerical modeling of groundwater nitrate contamination and evaluation of impact on water withdrawals" (13 months)

May 2019 - Oct 2020, Supervisor of Master Student, Research Project: "Impact of climatic conditions on pipe breaks in water supply networks: development of modeling tools, definition of risk indicators and implementation in GIS environment" (18 months)

Apr 2018 - Sept 2019, Supervisor of Master Student, Research Project: "Innovative monitoring and modeling strategies and meta-modeling techniques for water saving in agriculture" (18 months)


Nov 2021 - Oct 2024, Supervisor of PhD Student (cycle XXXVII), PhD thesis: "Data-driven approaches and meta-modeling for diagnostic research in hydraulic-related problems"

Nov 2020 - Oct 2023, Supervisor of PhD Student (cycle XXXVI), PhD thesis: "Forecast of failures in natural and artificial hydraulic networks"

Nov 2015 - Oct 2018, Supervisor of PhD Student (cycle XXXI), PhD thesis: "Sustainable groundwater management based on probabilistic risk analysis"

Jan 2012 - Dec 2014, Co-supervisor of PhD Student (cycle XXVII), PhD thesis: "Dynamics of coastal aquifers: data-driven forecasting and risk analysis"





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