Timothy Raeymaekers, Captured lives: the precarious space of youth displacement in eastern {DRC}, in: Displacement economies in Africa, London, Zed Books, 2014, pp. 230 - 250 [Chapter or essay]
Raeymaekers T, Introduction Europe’s Bleeding Border and the Mediterranean as a Relational Space, «ACME», 2014, 13, pp. 163 - 172 [Scientific article]Open Access
Raeymaekers T., Violent capitalism and hybrid identity in the Eastern Congo: Power to the margins, THE PITT BUILDING, TRUMPINGTON ST, CAMBRIDGE CB2 1RP, CAMBS, ENGLAND, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 191 . [Research monograph]
Korf B; Raeymaekers T, Border, Frontier and the Geography of Rule at the Margins of the State, in: Violence on the margins: states, conflict, and borderlands, London, Palgrave, 2013, pp. 3 - 27 [Chapter or essay]
Raeymaekers T., Post-war Conflict and the Market for Protection: The Challenges to Congo's Hybrid Peace, «INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING», 2013, 20, pp. 600 - 617 [Scientific article]
Raeymaekers T, The migration regime as an embodied experience, in: The islands full of noises... The city ghettoes of today, Warsaw, Strefa WolnoSłowa Foundation, 2013, pp. 33 - 36 [Chapter or essay]
Raeymaekers Timothy, The Social Geography of Armed Conflict, in: A Micro-Level Perspective on the Dynamics of Conflict, Violence, and Development, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 30 - 49 [Chapter or essay]
Raeymaekers T; Korf B, Violence on the Margins: : states, conflict, and borderlands, HOUNDMILLS, BASINGSTOKE RG21 6XS, ENGLAND, PALGRAVE, 2013, pp. 289 . [Editorship]
Raeymaekers T., African Boundaries and the New Capitalist Frontier, in: A Companion to Border Studies, Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2012, pp. 318 - 331 [Chapter or essay]
Raeymaekers T., Reshaping the state in its margins: The state, the market and the subaltern on a Central African frontier, «CRITIQUE OF ANTHROPOLOGY», 2012, 32, pp. 334 - 350 [Scientific article]
Raeymaekers T., Protection For Sale? War and the transformation of regulation on the congo-ugandan border, «DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE», 2010, 41, pp. 563 - 587 [Scientific article]
Timothy Raeymaekers, Review of: Review essay: Borders in a 'borderless' world, «POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY», 2010, 29, pp. 177 - 181 [Review]
Raeymaekers T.; Jourdan L., Economic opportunities and local governance on an African frontier: the case of the Semliki Basin (Congo-Uganda), «JOURNAL OF EASTERN AFRICAN STUDIES», 2009, 3, pp. 317 - 332 [Scientific article]
Raeymaekers T; Vlassenroot K, Kivu's Intractable Security Conundrum, «AFRICAN AFFAIRS», 2009, 108, pp. 475 - 484 [Scientific article]
Raeymaekers T., The silent encroachment of the frontier: A politics of transborder trade in the Semliki Valley (Congo-Uganda), «POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY», 2009, 28, pp. 55 - 65 [Scientific article]