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Timothy Raeymaekers

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: GEOG-01/B Economic and Political Geography


Raeymaekers (a cura di): Raeymaekers, Timothy: Ippolito, Italia; Perrotta, Domenico, Braccia rubate dall'agricoltura: pratiche di sfruttamento del lavoro migrante, Torino, SEB27, 2021, pp. 196 . [Editorship]

Ippolito I; Perrotta D; Raeymaekers T, I braccianti migranti e la crisi sanitaria da covid-19, in: Braccia Rubate dall'Agricoltura: Pratiche di Sfruttamento del Lavoro Migrante, Torino, SEB27, 2021, pp. 171 - 186 [Chapter or essay]

Timothy Raeymaekers, Impermanent Territories: The Mediterranean Crisis and the (Re-)production of the Black Subject, in: The Black Mediterranean: : Bodies, Borders and Citizenship, London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2021, pp. 117 - 144 [Chapter or essay]

Proglio G; Hawthorne C; Danewid I; Khalil Saucier P; Pesarini A; Raeymaekers T; Grechi G; Gerrand V, Introduction, in: The Black Mediterranean: Bodies, Borders and Citizenship, London, Palgrave McMillan, 2021, pp. 9 - 27 [Chapter or essay]

Perrotta D; Raeymaekers T, Introduzione, in: Braccia Rubate dall'Agricoltura: Pratiche di Sfruttamento del Lavoro Migrante, Torino, SEB27, 2021, pp. 5 - 19 [Chapter or essay]

Timothy Raeymaekers, Scales of grey: The complex geography of transnational crossborder trade in the African Great Lakes region, in: The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling, London, Routledge, 2021, pp. 134 - 143 [Chapter or essay]

Proglio G; Hawthorne C; Danewid I; Khalil Saucier P; Grimaldi G; Pesarini A; Raeymaekers T; Grechi G; Gerrand V, The Black Mediterranean: Bodies, Borders and Citizenship, London, Palgrave McMillan, 2021, pp. 266 . [Editorship]

Raeymaekers T., Speaking back to sovereign power on the concept of nested authority, «COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF SOUTH ASIA, AFRICA, AND THE MIDDLE EAST», 2020, 40, pp. 474 - 477 [Scientific article]

Raeymaekers T; Ungolo G, The border of shame: migrations, agriculture, and R-urban settlements, in: Atlas of Shame: A collective psychoanalytic session for european architecture, Siracusa, LetteraVentidue, 2020, pp. 136 - 150 [Chapter or essay]

Raeymaekers T, Archaeology of a Frontier / Archeologia di una frontiera, 2019 [Audiovisuals]

Raeymaekers; Timothy, On the Politics of Claiming Peripheral Space, «TRACCE URBANE», 2019, 5, pp. 124 - 138 [Scientific article]

Raeymaekers T, The laws of impermanence: displacement, sovereignty, subjectivity, in: HANDBOOK ON CRITICAL GEOGRAPHIES OF MIGRATION, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2019, pp. 58 - 68 [Chapter or essay]

Raeymaekers T; Ungolo G, new rural landscape / vedere i ghetti rurali, 2019. [Exhibition]

Korf B.; Raeymaekers T.; Schetter C.; Watts M.J., Geographies of limited statehood, in: The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 167 - 187 [Chapter or essay]

Vogel C.; Raeymaekers T., Terr(it)or(ies) of Peace? The Congolese Mining Frontier and the Fight Against “Conflict Minerals”, «ANTIPODE», 2016, 48, pp. 1102 - 1121 [Scientific article]

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