Foto del docente

Susanna Villani

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Legal Studies

Curriculum vitae


Junior Assistant Professor in EU law, Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna. 


2014-2017: PhD in EU law - University of Bologna and Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) - Spain. Thesis title “The concept of solidarity within EU disaster response law: a legal assessment”. Supervisors: Prof. Federico Casolari (Università di Bologna) e Prof.ssa Yolanda Gomez Sanchez (UNED). Defence on 09/05/2018.

2014: International Disaster Law Course (28 April – 2 May) - International Institute of Humanitarian Law in cooperation with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), International Disaster Law Project and Italian Red Cross.

2011-2013: Master’s Degree in International Relations – University of Florence, Political Science School, grade: 110/110 cum laude. Thesis title: “La Responsabilità di Proteggere: una norma emergente del diritto internazionale?”. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Micaela Frulli.

2007-2011: Bachelors’ Degree in International Studies - University of Florence, Political Science School, grade: 110/110 cum laude. Thesis title: “Il matrimonio forzato come nuovo crimine contro l’umanità? La giurisprudenza della Corte Speciale per la Sierra Leone”. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Micaela Frulli.


1° April 2022/16 February 2023: Post-doc Research Fellow in EU Law, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna. Research topic: “Legal instruments and judicial protection in the field of climate change within the EU legal order”. Supervisor: Prof. Marco Borraccetti

1 April 2020/31 March 2022: Post-doc Research Fellow in EU Law, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna. Research topic: “The climate change and its implications: supranational legal instruments and emergency mechanism in the management of migrations related to it”. Supervisor: Prof. Marco Borraccetti.

2018/2019: Post-doc Research Fellow in EU Law, Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna. Research topic: “Diritti umani e tutela giurisdizionale negli accordi commerciali dell’UE”. Supervisor: Prof. Federico Casolari.


2020/current time: Member of the research unit UNIBO in the national PRIN Project International legal obligations related to Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery from CBRN events and status of their implementation in Italy (CBRN-ITALY), (20175M8L32_003).

2021/presente: Member of the research unit UNIBO in the Erasmus +/Capacity Building Project Repensando la migración desde la frontera de Venezuela: nuevo programa académico en movilidad humana y convivencia en la Comunidad Andina (REMOVE) (Project ID: 400618506).

2020/2022: Member of the research unit UNIBO in the DEAR Project End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change - #ClimateOfChange (Grant n° CSO-LA/2019/410-153).

2018/2019: Member of the research unit UNIBO in the Erasmus +/Jean Monnet Network LAwTTIP – Legal Ambiguities withstanding TTIP (Project Number 575478-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPJMO- NETWORK).

2014/2017: Staff member of the Jean Monnet Chair CIBELIS - Citizens beyond Lisbon (Project Number 55310-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR).

2014/2015: Staff member of the Jean Monnet Chair YES - Young Europeans at School (Project Number 553128-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-EPPJMO-PROJECT).

2014/2016: Member of the research unit UNIBO in the FIRB Project International Disaster Law (Ref. n. RBFR12Y56K_002).


A.A. 2021/2022 Adjunct professor of EU Internal Market and International Trade Law - LM International Politics and Economics (IPE), Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus).

A.A. 2020/2021 Adjunct professor of EU Internal Market and International Trade Law - LM International Politics and Economics (IPE), Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus).

A.A. 2019/2020: Adjunct professor of EU Law - Laurea Triennale in Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus).

A.A. 2019/2020: Tutor of International Law (ITA) - LT Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche (SID), Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus).

A.A. 2018/2019: Adjunct professor of EU Internal Market and International Trade Law - LM International Politics and Markets (IPM), Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus).

A.A. 2018/2019: Tutor of International Law (ITA) - LT Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche (SID), Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus).

A.A. 2017/2018: Tutor of International Law (ITA) - LT Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche (SID), Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna (Forlì Campus).


9-14 November 2022: Adjunct professor, China-EU School of Law (CESL) – Beijing (China) “EU External Relations and Common Commercial Policy”, Module ‘European Union Law’’ – Master of European and International Law (12 hours).

1 July 2021: Primer curso de capacitación del proyecto REMOVE – Lecture “Normas sobre migración en la UE y diálogo entre tribunales a escala europea”.

22 June 2021: Primer curso de capacitación del proyecto REMOVE – Lecture “Derechos y Jurisdicciones sobre Cambio Climático: un enfoque comparado”.

1 June 2021: Shaping Fair Cities Blended International Summer School on Migration and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development – Lecture “The EU strategy in facing climate change: from prevention to adaptation”.

29 April 2021: Georgetown University, Course “EU Environmental Governance” – Lecture “Environmental migrants: searching instruments of protection in the EU context”.

19 April 2021: Arab Master in Democracy & Human Rights, Global Campus – Arab World (Beirut), Course “Global Compacts and Environmental Migration within the Refugees, Migration and Mobility Rights” – Lecture “Environmental migration”.

12 April 2021: Arab Master in Democracy & Human Rights, Global Campus – Arab World (Beirut), Course “Global Compacts and Environmental Migration within the Refugees, Migration and Mobility Rights" – Lecture “The Arab world and the Global Compacts on migration and on refugees”.

14 March 2021: Adjunct professor, I level Master “Esperto Progetti di Finanziamenti e Fondi Europei”, University of Bologna - Lecture “Programmi EACEA”.

9-12 November 2020: Adjunct professor, China-EU School of Law (CESL) – Beijing (China) “EU External Relations and Common Commercial Policy”, Module ‘European Union Law’’ – Master of European and International Law (12 hours).

16-17 January 2020: Adjunct professor, I level Master “Esperto Progetti di Finanziamenti e Fondi Europei”, University of Bologna - Lecture “Programmi EACEA”.

11-15 November 2019: Adjunct professor, China-EU School of Law (CESL) – Beijing (China) “EU External Relations and Common Commercial Policy”, Module ‘European Union Law’’ – Master of European and International Law (12 hours).

5-9 November 2018: Adjunct professor, China-EU School of Law (CESL) – Beijing (China) “EU External Relations and Common Commercial Policy”, Module ‘European Union Law’’ – Master of European and International Law (12 hours).

26 June 2018: Summer School The Protection of fundamental rights in Europe, University of Bologna, Université de Strasbourg, King's College London – Lecture “The protection of fundamental rights within EU disaster response law”.


17 June 2022, Speaker, Convegno giovani AISDUE “Recenti sviluppi della politica ambientale dell'UE tra lotta ai cambiamenti climatici e accesso alla giustizia”, intervention on: “La conservazione delle risorse del mare nell’Unione europea: limiti e prospettive in ottica (eco)sistemica”.

10 May 2022, Speaker, Workshop “Interdisciplinary perspectives on climate change”, intervention on: “Lights and Shadows of EU Climate Law”, University of Bologna.

7 April 2022, Speaker, Workshop Giuridico, intervention on: “La solidarietà nel diritto dell’UE: questione di fatto o anche di diritto?”, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano.

28-29 October 2021, Speaker, Conference “Imagining solidarity in international and regional law” [Asser Institute], intervention on: “Solidarity in Times of Emergency: Reflections on its Legal Content under the Lens of the Covid-19 Pandemic”.

17 September 2021, Speaker, Conference “Law in a Time of Covid: Regional Perspectives on the Role of Law in a Global Pandemic” [International Disaster, Emergency and Law Network (IDEAL)], intervention on: “Beyond the States’ Boundaries: Lights and Shadows of The EU In-Kind and Financial Strategy Vis-À Vis the Covid-19 Pandemic”.

23 April 2021, Speaker, DIEcon Webinars 2021 Enforcement & Law-Making of the EU Trade Policy, “The Panel Reports EU/Ukraine and EU/Korea” [SIDI Gruppo di interesse DIEcon], intervention on: “Nuovi orizzonti per la rilevanza sistemica delle disposizioni del capitolo Commercio e Sviluppo negli accordi commerciali dell'UE: riflessioni a margine del panel report nel caso UE c. Ucraina nell’ambito dell’Accordo di Associazione”.

13-14 April 2021, Speaker, PRIN Research Workshop, intervention on: “Regional perspective: CBRN terrorism related obligations under EU law”.

23 February 2021, Speaker, Webinar “Migranti ambientali: alla ricerca di strumenti di protezione”, Discussant: Prof. Marcello di Filippo (Università di Pisa).

12 December 2020, Speaker, Webinar “Il Covid-19 nell'ottica dell'international Disaster Response Law”, [Italian Red Cross], intervention on “Il Meccanismo Unione Di Protezione Civile e gli Strumenti di Solidarietà dell'Unione europea ai Tempi del Covid-19”.

24 September 2020, Speaker, UN General Assembly Side-Event “Youth Perspectives on Climate Migration”, [UN MGCY], intervention on “Legal Paths for Environmental Migration”.

21-22 March 2019, Speaker, III LAwTTIP Joint Conference, “EU Law, Trade Agreements, and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Contemporary Challenges”, [Centre of European Law of King's College London], intervention on “Settling Disputes on TSD Chapters of EU FTAs: some recent trends and future challenges”.

29-30 October 2018, Speaker, Roundtable debate on “International Business, Trade and Human Rights”, [University of Bologna], intervention on “Is there place for human rights in the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement?”.

6-7 July 2017, Speaker, 3 rd Geneva Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop, “The EU as a global actor in...” [Centre d’études juridiques européennes, Gineva], intervention on “The multifaceted contribution of the EU in the field of international disaster response”.

17-18 October 2016, Speaker, International Conference “III International Congress on EU Citizenship: Future Perspectives” [UNED, Brussels], intervention on “Humanitarian assistance in the event of a disaster: legal gaps and future perspectives”.

26-27 November 2015, Speaker, 7th Graz Workshop on the Future of Security Workshop “Blurring Boundaries: Human Security and Migration” [University of Graz, Austria], intervention on “Climate Change Induced Migration and Human Security through the European Union’s lenses”.