Curriculum studiorum
- High School Diploma in Classical Studies
- Degree in Ancient History at the University of Bologna
- PhD in History and Art History at the University of Balearic Islands (Spain)
- Research fellow at the Ca' Foscari University Venice - Department of Humanities (2019-2021)
- Secon-tier professor qualification in Archaeology (2014 and 2021)
Teaching activity
- Contract lecturer of History of Ancient Navigation at the University of Bologna - Conservation of Cultural Heritage Faculty, Ravenna (Nautical Archaeology course, Trapani branch), a.y. from 2001-2002 to 2007-2008
- Contract lecturer of History of Navigation at the University of Bologna - Conservation of Cultural Heritage Faculty, Ravenna (Nautical Archaeology course, Trapani branch), a.y. 2010-2011 and 2011-2012
- Contract lecturer of Ponenician-Punic Nautical Archaeology and History at the University of Cagliari - School of Specialization in Archaeology, a.y. 2017-2018, 2019-2020, 2021-2022.
- Lectures and seminars held in Italian universities (Bologna, Ca' Foscari Venezia, Padova, Udine, Cagliari) and foreign universities (Ljubljana-Slovenia, in Spain at Complutense Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, Balearic Islands-Palma de Mallorca, Cadiz), between 1995 and 2022.
- Course of Landscape Archaeology, University of Bologna-Department of Cultural Heritage, academic years 2022/23; 2023/24.
- Course of Maritime Archaeology, University of Bologna-Department of Cultural Heritage, academic year 2023/24.
- Seafaring Workshop, theoretical and practical, University of Bologna-Department of Cultural Heritage, in cooperation with the Maritime Museum of Cesenatico, academic years 2022/2023, 2023/24.
PhD Examination boards
- PhD Examination board member at the Università degli Studi of Naples “L’Orientale”, PhD “Archeologia (Rapporti tra Oriente e Occidente)”, series 7, new series, 15 July 2010.
- PhD Examination board member (substitute) at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, 26 April 2016.
- PhD Examination board member at the Universidad of Cadiz, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 19 December 2019.
- PhD Examination board member at the Ca' Foscari University Venice, Department of Humanities, L-ANT 10, 23 December 2023.
- PhD Examination board member at the University of Naples L'Orientale, "Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo XXXIV ciclo", 6 June 2023.
Research projects participation
- European project “Atlante delle Barche Tradizionali del Mediterraneo Orientale (18° e 19° secolo) – Atlas of Traditional Crafts of the Eastern Mediterranean (18th – 19th centuries)”, Raphael program, European Community, activity 1999-2000; project leader: Hellenic Maritime Museum, Athens; project partners: Maritime Museum of Dubrovnik, Centro Culturale Polivalente-Museo Marinaresco di Cattolica, Livani Publishing Organisation.
- Research project of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid “Náutica mediterránea y navegaciones oceánicas en la antigüedad. Fundamentos interdisciplinares (históricos, arqueológicos, iconográficos y etnográficos) para su estudio. La cuestión de la fachada atlántica”– HUM 2006-05196/HIST, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; 2006-2009.
- European project “AdriaMuse”, IPA-Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 ( ), Italy-Croazia-Montenegro-Albania: editor of the exhibition and catalogue about ancient navigation in Adriatic Sea; scientific consulting in making a Roman cargo ship model scale 1:20; 2013.
- Research project funded by the Regione Veneto (regional decree n. 3499, 30-12-2010) about the enhancement of traditional wooden boats of Venice lagoon and Upper Adriatic, “Valorizzazione del patrimonio di imbarcazioni in legno tipiche e tradizionali della laguna di Venezia e dell’Alto Adriatico”; December 2012- December 2013.
- Research project of the Universidad de las Islas Baleares (University of Balearic Islands) about connections among Balearic Islands in recent Prehistory, “Vivir entre islas: paisajes insulares, conectividad y cultura material en las comunidades de las islas Baleares durante la Prehistoria reciente (2500-123 a.C.)”, HAR2012-32620, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad; 2013-2016.
- Research project of the Universidad de las Islas Baleares (University of Balearic Islands) about connection strategies in Balearic Islands during Prehistory, “Archipiélagos: Paisajes, comunidades prehistóricas insulares y estrategias de conectividad en el Mediterráneo Occidental. El caso de las Islas Baleares durante la Prehistoria”, HAR2015-67211-P, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad; 2016-2020.
- Interreg Italy-Croatia projects “Arca Adriatica” ( e “UnderwaterMuse” (, as research fellow of the Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, 2019 – 2021.
- Research project of the Universidad de las Islas Baleares (University of Balearic Islands) about mobility and connections in the Western Mediterranean and Balearic Islands during the recent Prehistory, “Movilidad y conectividad de las comunidades prehistóricas en el Mediterráneo Occidental durante la prehistoria reciente: El caso de las Islas Baleares”, PID2019-108692GB-I00, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; 2020-2024.
- Direction of the UNIBO-Department of Cultural Heritage nautical-ethnographic study mission in the Butrinto Lagoon, Albania, to document the local fishing boats known as sanall (interviews with fishermen and shipwrights, census and documentation of the boats), 24-29 September 2024.
Reports in conferences
- Report “La navigazione adriatica nella prima Età del Ferro” (su invito), at the conference "Adriatico. Mare di molte genti, incontro di civiltà", Ravenna 25-26 February 1995, Cesenatico 4-5 March 1995, Società di Studi Romagnoli in cooperation with Università di Bologna and Ordine della Casa Matha. Published.
- Report “Le imbarcazioni monossili: letteratura antica e archeologia”, at the Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia Subacquea, Anzio (Roma), 30-31 May and 1° of June 1996, Associazione Italiana Archeologi Subacquei. Published.
- Report “Ipotesi per una definizione delle prime tecnologie navali nel Mediterraneo: le origini dell’architettura navale”, at the XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (XIII UISPP), Forlì 8-14 September 1996, Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques. Published.
- Joint report by M.C. Profumo, S. Medas e L. Delbianco, “I relitti romani lungo la costa marchigiana: i dati forniti dall’archeologia subacquea”, at the International Conference “Strutture portuali e rotte marittime nell’Adriatico di età romana”, XXIX Settimana di Studi Aquileiesi, Aquileia, 20-23 May 1998. Published.
- Report “Sulle origini della pirateria adriatica: l’iconografia navale” (by invitation), at the conference “Corsari e pirati in Adriatico”, San Benedetto del Tronto (Ap), 21-22 November 1998. Published.
- Report “I mulini natanti italiani nel contesto europeo: aspetti tecnici a confronto” (by invitation), at the conference “La ruina dei Modenesi”. I mulini natanti di Concordia sulla Secchia. Storia di una civiltà idraulica. Concordia sulla Secchia (MO), 28 October 2000. Published.
- Report “The Late-Roman ‘Parco di Teodorico’ Wreck, Ravenna, Italy: Preliminary Remarks on the Hull and the Shipbuilding”, at the International Conference “Boats, Ships and Shipyards”. Ninth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (ISBSA 9), Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Venice 4-8 December 2000. Published.
- Report “Dall’esperienza nautica al racconto di viaggio nel mondo antico. Il caso del giornale di bordo di Nearco nell’Indiké di Arriano”, at the conference II Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia Subacquea, Associazione Italiana Archeologi Subacquei, Castiglioncello, 7-9 September 2001. Published.
- Joint report by M. D’Agostino, S. Medas “I relitti dell’isola di San Marco in Boccalama, Venezia. Rapporto preliminare”, at the National Conference II Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia Subacquea, Associazione Italiana Archeologi Subacquei, Castiglioncello, 7-9 September 2001. Published.
- Joint report by C. Leoni, A. Correggiari, S. Medas “Una barca tardoantica rinvenuta nel Parco di Teodorico a Ravenna”, at the International Conference “L’Archeologia dell’Adriatico dalla Preistoria al Medioevo”, Ravenna, 7-9 June 2001, IBC. Published.
- Report “Nautica tradizionale e navigazione antica”, at the 2° Convegno Nazionale di Etnoarcheologia, Mondaino, 7-8 June 2001. Published.
- Report “Lemboi e liburnae” (by invitation), at the conference “La pirateria nell'Adriatico Antico”, Venice – San Giorgio Maggiore Island, Fondazione Cini, 7-8 March 2002. Published.
- Report “L’orientamento astronomico: aspetti tecnici della navigazione fenicio-punica tra retorica e realtà” (by invitation), at the conference “La navegación fenicia. Tecnología naval y derroteros. Encuentro entre marínos, arqueólogos e hístoríadores”, Centro de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 27-28 November 2002. Published.
- Joint report by M. D’Agostino, S. Medas “Dalla salvaguardia di Venezia all’archeologia delle acque: un rapporto in costante evoluzione. L’attività archeologica del Magistrato alle Acque nella laguna veneziana” (by invitation), at the conference “La Cooperazione nel Mediterraneo per la protezione del patrimonio culturale subacqueo”, Regione Siciliana – Soprintendenza del Mare, Siracusa, 3-4 April 2003. Published.
- Joint report by M. Bortoletto, M. D’Agostino, S. Medas “Laguna di Venezia: prospezioni archeologiche subacquee nel canale di Tessera (dicembre 2001- gennaio 2002)” at the National Conference III CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI ARCHEOLOGIA MEDIEVALE, Salerno 2-5 October 2003. Published.
- Joint report by M. D’Agostino, S. Medas “Laguna di Venezia. Lo scavo e il rilievo dei relitti di San Marco in Boccalama. Notizia preliminare”, at the National Conference III CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI ARCHEOLOGIA MEDIEVALE, Salerno 2-5 October 2003. Published.
- Joint report by S. Medas, R. Brizzi “Meteorologia pratica e navigazione. Elementi a confronto tra antichità e tradizione”, at the National Conference 3° Convegno Nazionale di Etnoarcheologia, Mondaino, 17-19 March 2004. Published.
Joint report by M. D’Agostino, S. Medas “Inland navigation in the Venice lagoon in Roman Times: new evidence from the underwater archaeology”, at the 2nd International Congress of Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA), Rüschlikon bei Zürich, 21-24 October 2004. Published.
- Report “La navigazione antica lungo le coste atlantiche dell’Africa e verso le Isole Canarie. Analisi della componente nautica a confronto con le esperienze medievali” (by invitation), at the International Conference “Los Fenicios y el Atlántico”. IV Colloquio del CEFYP, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 8-10 November 2004, Centro de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Published.
- Report “L’archeologo subacqueo professionista: ruolo e attività sul campo”, at the conference “Tra laguna e università: la formazione dell’archeologo subacqueo”, Università di Padova, Padua, 31 October 2006. Published.
- Report “Le attrezzature veliche nel mondo antico. La vela a tarchia, la vela latina e altre tipologie minori”, at the Internatinal Conference “Comercio, redistribución y fondeaderos. La navegación a vela en el Mediterráneo”. V Jornadas Internacionales de Arqueologia Subacuatica, Gandia (Valencia), 8-10 November 2006. Published.
- Joint report by Bon M., D’Agostino M., Fozzati L., Medas S., Reggiani P., “Le pelli d’orso recuperate nel “Relitto dei cannoni” (XVIII sec.) in laguna di Venezia”, at the 5° Convegno Nazionale di Archeozoologia, Rovereto, 10-12 November 2006. Published.
- Joint report by M. D’Agostino, G. Galletta, S. Medas, “Il relitto “dei cannoni” alla bocca di porto di Malamocco – Venezia”, at the National Conference III Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea, Associazione Italiana Archeologi Subacquei, Manfredonia 4-6 October 2007. Published.
- Joint report by S. Medas, M. D’Agostino, L. Fozzati, A. Lezziero, M. Marchesini, “Il paesaggio costiero antico nella laguna nord di Venezia: recenti acquisizioni dall’archeologia subacquea”, at the International Conference “Terre di mare. L’archeologia dei paesaggi costieri e le variazioni climatiche”, Trieste, 8-10 November 2007. Published.
- Five joint reports and an individual report at the National Conference “Archeologia, Storia, Etnologia Navale”. I Convegno Nazionale, Cesenatico, Museo della Marineria, 4-5 April 2008. M. D’Agostino, G. Galletta, S. Medas, “Il relitto “dei cannoni” di Malamocco, Venezia”; C. Beltrame, G. Galletta, S. Medas, A. Socal, E. Turchetto, P. Zanetti, “Il Relitto del Molo Sud presso il porto di Malamocco, Venezia”; C. Guarnieri, S. Medas, U. Pizzarello, “Il relitto di barca fluviale del XV secolo rinvenuto nel centro storico di Ferrara”; F. López Pardo, A. M. Arruda, G. Escribano Cobo, V. M. Guerrero Ayuso, S. Medas, A. Mederos Martín, L. A. Ruiz Cabrero, C. G. Wagner, “Il progetto HUM2006-05196: “Nautica mediterranea e navigazioni oceaniche nell’antichità. Fondamenti interdisciplinari per lo studio (storici, archeologici, iconografici ed etnografici). Il problema del versante atlantico”; M. G. Maioli, S. Medas, “Il relitto del Parco di Teodorico a Ravenna (V sec. d.C.) e l’evoluzione costruttiva degli scafi tra la tarda antichità e l’alto medioevo nel Mediterraneo” (poster); S. Medas, “Lo Stadiasmo o Periplo del Mare Grande, il più antico testo portolanico attualmente noto” (poster). Published.
- Report “Gli occhi e l’anima propria delle barche: religiosità e credenze popolari tra antichità e tradizione”, at the conference “La devozione dei naviganti. Il culto di Afrodite Ericina nel Mediterraneo”, Erice, 27-28 November 2009. Published.
- Two joint reports at the International Conference “Relitti: che fare?” Convegno Internazionale “Archeologia subacquea del Mare Adriatico e del Mare Ionio. Ricerca, tutela e valorizzazione dei relitti”, Grado (GO), 4-5 May 2010. M. Capulli, G. Galletta, R, Martin, S, Medas, A. Pellegrini, A. Socal, E. Turchetto, P. Zanetti, “Laguna di Venezia, bocca di porto di Malamocco: attività di protezione dei relitti “del Molo Sud” e “Faro Rocchetta 1”; M. D’Agostino, S. Medas, “Il Relitto dei cannoni di Malamocco (VE): metodologie e criteri di protezione”. Published.
- Two individual reports and three joint reports at the National Conference “Archeologia, Storia, Etnologia navale”. II Convegno Nazionale, Cesenatico, Museo della Marineria, 13-14 April 2012. S. Medas, “I relitti tardo-medievali del Bacàn alla bocca di porto di Lido, Laguna di Venezia”; A. Allini, A. Asta, S. Medas, M. Miari, “Due piroghe rinvenute nel fiume Po presso Monticelli d’Ongina (PC) e Spinadesco (CR)”; S. Medas, “La piroga rinvenuta nel fiume Po presso Boretto (Reggio Emilia)"; S. Medas, M. L. Stoppioni, “L’esperienza del Corso di Archeologia e Storia Navale, Cattolica (Rimini), 1995-2006”; A. Asta, M. Bortoletto, S. Medas, U. Pizzarello, “Il sarcofago tardo-medievale con raffigurazione di una galea nella collezione archeologica di Palazzo van Axel a Venezia” (poster). Published.
- Report “I viaggi di colonizzazione e lo sviluppo della nautica in epoca arcaica” (by invitation) at the International Conference “Entre Utica y Gadir. Navegación y colonización fenicia en el Mediterráneo Occidental a comienzos del I milenio a.C.” IX Congreso Internacional del Centro de Estudios Fenicios y Punicos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Almeria, Almeria, 24-26 March 2015. Published.
- One joint report and one individual report at the National Conference III Convegno Nazionale dell’Istituto Italiano di Archeologia e Etnologia Navale, Cesenatico, Museo della Marineria, 15-16 April 2016. A. Asta, S. Medas, E. Turchetto, “Indagini archeologiche nell’Arsenale di Venezia, tese della Novissima, 2014-2015”; S. Medas, “Va’ a l’orza! In ricordo dell’amico Riccardo (Dino) Brizzi”. Published.
- Report “Adsumpto oleo … fluctus saevientes obpressit. L’uso dell’olio per calmare le onde, dall’antichità ai nostri giorni”, at the 2° Convegno nazionale “Cultura navale e marittima” – transire mare”, Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Scienze per l’architettura – Scuola Politecnica, Genoa, 22-23 September 2016. Published.
- Report “Il naufragio di San Paolo a Malta (Atti degli Apostoli, 27). Tra la vita e la morte sul mare” (by invitation) at the International Conference Phicaria-VI. Encuentros Internacionales del Mediterráneo, “Navegar en el Mediterráneo”, Universidad de Murcia, Universidad Internacional del Mar, Mazarrón (Murcia), 3-5 March 2017. Published.
- Joint report by C. Beltrame, S. Medas, P. Mozzi “Alle origini delle cisterne-pozzo veneziane” (by invitation), at the conference “Venezia, 1600 anni di … Comunità e insediamenti in laguna. Il dato archeologico”, Venice, Palazzo Ducale – Salone del Piovego, 23 September 2021, MiC-Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per il Comune di Venezia e Laguna.
- Joint report by S. Finocchi, S. Medas “Archeologia subacquea e archeologia navale nel mare delle Marche” (by invitation) at the online conference “Un Atleta venuto dal Mare. Capacità e prospettive di un ritorno”, Università di Ferrara, Sapienza Università di Roma, Pio Sodalizio dei Piceni, media partner The Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime, 4-5 October 2021. Conference proceedings being prepared.
- Report “Affrontare la tempesta. Navigazione antica e manovre in condizioni meteo-marine estreme”, at the International Conference “XVII Rassegna Internazionale di Archeologia Subacquea”, Giardini Naxos, 7-9 October 2021. Conference proceedings being prepared.
- Report "Elementi di nautica antica, tra archeologia, storia, etnografia", at the International Conference "Archeologia delle acque. Uomini, navigazione, commerci e paesaggi costieri tra Oriente e Occidente" (online), Ravenna, UNIBO-Dipartimento di Beni Culturali, 24-25 January 2022. Conference proceedings being prepared.
- Report as keynote speaker, "Le vie d'acqua nell'Italia settentrionale: navigazione interna e imbarcazioni tra antichità e tradizione", at the Conference "Landscape 3", UNIBO and Consulta Universitaria di Topografia Antica, Bologna-Ravenna, 5-6 May 2022. Conference proceedings being prepared.
- Joint report by P, Mozzi, C. Beltrame, S. Primon, S. Medas, "The Evolving Landscapes of the Lagoon of Venice (Italy): Geomorphology, Settlements and Infrastructures in Antiquity", at the "7th International Landscape Archaeology Conference", Iasi-Suceava, Romania, 10-15 September 2022. Conference proceedings being prepared.
- Two joint reports at the Conference "Le lagune nel mondo antico. Dinamiche insediative, infrastrutture, ambiente", organized by Ca' Foscari University Venice-Departmente of Humanities, University of Padua-Department of Geosciences, University of Bologna-Departmente of Cultural Heritage, Venice 13-14 December 2022: C. Beltrame, S. Medas, P. Mozzi, "Le ragioni di un incontro scientifico sulle lagune nel mondo antico"; S. Medas, S. Cipriano, N. Martinelli, P. Mozzi, S. Primon, A. Lezziero, E. Turchetto, P. Zanetti, "Strutture arginali antiche e paesaggio lagunare presso l'isola di Sant'Erasmo, laguna di Venezia". Conference proceedings being prepared.
- Joint report S. Medas, A. Dal Lago, "Le imbarcazioni monossili delle Valli di Fimon", at the Giornata di Studi "Le imbarcazioni monossili delle valli di Fimon. Storia dei rinvenimenti, studi, prospettive di ricerca", Museo Naturalistico Archeologico di Vicenza, 20 of may 2023. Conference proceedings being prepared.
- Report "Navigation and logistics of ancient war fleets. Remarks from the Punic Wars case", at the International Seminars on Ancient Naval Warfare "Managing Warships and Fleets in Ancient Greece", organized by Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Session 4 - Navigation and Mobility, 4 September 2023. Conference proceedings being prepared.
- Introductory report "Introduzione: una giornata in ricordo di Mario Marzari" and joint report S. Medas, D. Gnola, G. Panella "Le ragioni di un incontro sulla tutela e la valorizzazione del patrimonio nautico tradizionale in Italia", at the Giornata di Studi organized by the undersigned: "Conservare o dimenticare il patrimonio nautico? Riflessioni, azioni, stato dell’arte sulla tutela, conservazione e valorizzazione del naviglio tradizionale in Italia Giornata di Studi in ricordo di Mario Marzari", Ravenna, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali of the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, 15 March 2024. Conference proceedings being prepared.
- Report "Maquetas de barcos en terracota de contexto púnico", at the Jornada Internacional de Estudio en Recuerdo de Victor M. Guerrero Ayuso, "Encuentro entre Marinos e Historiadores", Madrid, Universidad Complutense, 22 April 2024.
Collaborations with museums
- One year of civil service at the Museo Civico Archeologico of Modena, with the development of excavation, survey, filing, cataloguing and basic restoration works, April 1991-April 1992.
- Professional assignment at the Museo Civico Archeologico of Modena for the cataloguing of archaeological findings preserved in the warehouse of the Museum, old collections, 1993.
- Concept, organization and scientific direction of the "Corsi teorico-pratici di Archeologia e Storia Navale" (Theoretical and practical courses in Nautical Archaeology and History), Centro Culturale Polivalente e Museo della Regina di Cattolica, 12 editions, 1995-2006.
- Concept, organization and scientific direction of the "Scuola di Vela e di Navigazione Storica" (Historical Sailing and Seamanship School), Museo della Marineria di Cesenatico, 11 editions, 2009-2019.
- Professional assignment by the Comune di Cattolica - Museo della Regina for the scientific coordination of the museum itinerary and contents in the setting up of the maritime section of the new museum, 1999-2000.
- Professional assignment by the Comune di Cattolica - Museo della Regina for "In-depth actions about history of navigation and seamanship", within the project "Promoting the right of access to the Museo della Regina", 2002.
- Scientific advice professional assignment by Comune di Rimini – Museo della Città for nautical archaeology and history of navigation contents within the setting up of the new Archaeological Museum in Rimini, 2004-2005, different stages.
- Member of the commission for the evaluation of historical boats in order to obtain permission to moor in the historical harbour of Cesenatico, as part of the programme for the diffuse musealization of the living seafaring heritage, Museo della Marineria – Comune di Cesenatico, 2010.
- Scientific advice professional assignment by Marco Polo System - Venice Municipality for the setting up of the Traditional Boats Museum in Forte Marghera (Museo delle Imbarcazioni Tradizionali - MIT), in cooperation with Regione del Veneto, 2012-2013.
- Project and scientific coordination, in collaboration with Maria Luisa Stoppioni, of the transfer, restoration, musealization in the Museo della Regina in Cattolica - Seafaring section, then study and publication of two historical anchors recovered in the upper Adriatic Sea, September 2015-May 2016.
- Collaboration (contents and documentation) for the setting up of the virtual Interpretation Center of Venice (traditional maritime heritage of the Northern Adriatic Sea) in the Sea Archaeology National Museum in Caorle (Venice), within the Interreg Italy-Croatia project "Arca Adriatica", and the virtual map of the submerged archaeological sites in the same museum, within the Interreg Italy-Croatia project "UnderwaterMuse"; activity carried out as research fellow at the Ca' Foscari University, 2019-2021.
- Member of the scientific commettee for the exhibition about the pile-dwellings and logboats of the Fimon lake (“Palafitte e piroghe – Tesori del lago di Fimon al Museo”), organized by the Museo Naturalistico Archeologico di Vicenza (specifc topic the prehistoric logboats of Fimon lake), 2021-in progress.
- Direction of the Territory Museum and Library of Riccione, October-December 2021.
- Member of the scientific commettee for the setting up of the new Museo del Territorio (Territory Museum) in Riccione, 2021-in progress.
- Scientific advice for the realisation of a multimedia station dedicated to the seafarers life (maritime ethnography), at the Museo della Regina - Seafaring Section, Cattolica (Italy), 2022.
- Member of the scientific commettee for the museum display of the 5th Century AD wreck of the Parco di Teodorico (Ravenna), at the "Classis" Museum, Ravenna; within the agreement between the Dipartimento di Beni Culturali UNIBO and the Fondazione Flaminia, 2023-in progress.
Traditional sailing and seamanship schools
- Concept, organization and scientific direction of the "Corsi teorico-pratici di Archeologia e Storia Navale" (Theoretical and practical courses in Nautical Archaeology and History), Centro Culturale Polivalente e Museo della Regina di Cattolica, 12 editions, 1995-2006 (see above, collaborations with museums).
- Concept, organization and scientific direction of the "Scuola di Vela e di Navigazione Storica" (Historical Sailing and Seamanship School), Museo della Marineria di Cesenatico, 11 editions, 2009-2019 (see above, collaborations with museums).
- Seafaring workshop (theoretical-practical), organised by the writer within the UNIBO Department of Cultural Heritage, in collaboration with the Maritime Museum of Cesenatico, academic years 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24, continuity planned.
Main underwater archaeological works
The listed works, carried out by who is writing as part of his professional activity in underwater archaeology, refer to the on-field archaeological direction of the work (unless otherwise pointed out). The works were carried out for various clients under the scientific direction of the competent Archaeological Superintendencies (Marche, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piemonte, Etruria Meridionale). A large part of the works concerns the Venice lagoon and sea; in almost all cases they are works carried out in support of public works, mainly on behalf of the Consorzio Venezia Nuova-Magistrato alle Acque di Venezia (now Provveditorato Interregionale per le Opere Pubbliche per il Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige e Friuli Venezia Giulia, ex Magistrato alle Acque - Venice). In the specific field of works at the lagoon inlets of Venice lagoon to regulate tidal flows, who is writing worked under continuous consulting contracts by the Consorzio Venezia Nuova, from 2004 to 2010.
- Underwater excavation campaigns 1989 and 1990 of the prehistoric palafitte (pile-dwelling) village of Viverone lake (Piemonte) (collaboration).
- Underwater excavation campaigns 1995 and 1996 of the prehistoric palafitte (pile-dwelling) village of Mezzano lake (Lazio) (collaboration).
- Underwater excavation campaign of the Roman wreck of Palombina Vecchia (Ancona), 1996 (collaboration).
- Recovery and documentation of the early Middle Ages logboat in the Po River near Boretto (Reggio Emilia), August 2001 (scientific advisor for nautical archaeology).
- Excavation campaigns of the Roman wreck of Palombina Vecchia (Ancona), 1997 and 1998.
- Underwater survey in the “Laghetto Azzurro” (artificial lake, reservoir), Cervia (Ravenna), 1997.
- Underwater survey campaigns on a Roman probably wreck near the coast of Torrette di Ancona (Ancona), 1997, 1998, 2001.
- Underwater excavation campaigns of the Modern Age wreck (so-called "galeone") near the coast of Pesaro, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003; scientific advisor in the 2004 campaign.
- Underwater survey campaigns on the Roman site called "Dosso dei Sassi" in the Comacchio lagoon (Ferrara), 1996, 1997.
- Underwater survey campaigns along the coast between Cattolica (Rimini) and Gabicce (Pesaro), 1998, 2001.
- Underwater surveys in the "della Dossa" and Dese channels, Venice lagoon, October 2000.
- Underwater excavation (A step), drying of the site, dry excavation and photogrammetric documentation (B step) of the late Middle Ages wrecks of San Marco in Boccalama, Venice lagoon, June-October 2001 (deputy direction).
- Underwater surveys in the Tessera channel, Venice lagoon, winter 2001-2002.
- Underwater survey along the "murazzo" di Ca’ Roman (big and long historic wall separating lagoon from sea), Venice lagoon, January 2002.
- Underwater surveys at the Lido inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, February-March and July 2002;
- Underwater surveys around the San Lazzaro degli Armeni island, Venice lagoon, April-May 2002.
- Underwater surveys along the Giudecca and Sacca Fisola islands, Venice lagoon, June 2002.
- Underwater excavation, stabilization and restoration of the Roman cistern-reservoir in the San Felice channel near Ca' Ballarin, Venice lagoon, July-November 2002 (deputy direction).
- Underwater surveys at the Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon, sea side, within the MOSE works, 2003.
- Underwater surveys at the Chioggia inlet, Venice lagoon, navigation channel and sea side, within the MOSE works, May-June 2003.
- Underwater surveys at the Chioggia inlet, Venice lagoon, outer breakwater, within the MOSE works, June 2003.
- Underwater excavation of the well inside the Roman cistern-reservoir in San Felice channel near Ca' Ballarin (see above), Venice lagoon, August-September 2003 (deputy direction).
- Underwater surveys in the Maggiore channel in Torcello island, Venice lagoon, September 2003.
- Underwater surveys and excavation tests on the “relitto dei cannoni” - "cannons wreck", in the sea near Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, September 2003.
- Underwater excavation tests to check the state of preservation of San Marco in Boccalama wrecks, Venice lagoon, two years later the 2001 excavation campaign and protection works (see above), 2003.
- Underwater surveys and excavation tests of the Roman embankment structurs near the sandbars of Sant'Erasmo island and in the Passaora channel, Venice lagoon, October 2003-May 2004.
- New underwater surveys in the Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, 2004.
- Underwater surveys in the Lido inlet, Venice lagoon, San Nicolò seabeds, various stages, October 2004-May 2005, within the MOSE works.
- Underwater surveys in the Lido inlet, Venice lagoon, initial part of the south jetty, various stages, September 2004-April 2005, within the MOSE works.
- Underwater surveys in the Lido inlet, Venice lagoon, along the south jetty and the channel bed, May-June and September 2004, various stages, within the MOSE works.
- Underwater surveys on the wrecks at the Venice lagoon inlets (“relitto dei cannoni”, “relitto del faro Rocchetta 1” e “relitto del faro Rocchetta 2” at Malamocco inlet; “relitto del Bacàn 1” at Lido inlet); various phases between 2004 and 2005, within the MOSE works.
- Underwater surveys in Lido-Treporti inlet, Venice lagoon, area of the so-called haven harbour, within the MOSE works, June-October 2004.
- Underwater recovery of the historical anchors in the Venice lagoon inlets (Lido, Malamocco and Chioggia inlets), within the MOSE works, April 2004-March 2006, various phases.
- Underwater excavation and photogrammetric documentation of the “relitto dei cannoni” - "cannons wreck" in the sea near the Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon sea, May-December 2005.
- Underwater preliminary works on the "Molo Sud" wreck at the Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, December 2005-February 2006, various phases (nautica archaeology advisor).
- Preliminary underwater works (2004-2005, various phases) and preliminary excavation campaign of the late Middle Ages "Bacàn 1" wreck at the Lido inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, April-May 2006.
- Additional underwater excavation and documentation campaign of the “relitto dei cannoni” - "cannons wreck" at sea near the Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, May-October 2006.
- Underwater periodic monitoring surveys of the wrecks discovered in the Venice lagoon inlets, within the MOSE works, between 2007 and 2009.
- Underwater excavation, documentation, recovery and following dry documentation of the "relitto del molo sud" - "sout jetty wreck", in Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, March-December 2007 (deputy direction).
- Underwater recovery of a Modern Age ship rudder, called "di San Pietro", in the sea near the Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, May 2007.
- Underwater preliminary surveys and in site final protection works of the "relitto dei cannoni" - "cannons wreck" in the sea near Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, September 2008-February 2009, various phases.
- Underwater excavation campaign of the "Bacàn 1" wreck in Lido inlet, Venice lagoon, 1st phase, April-July 2009, within the MOSE works.
- Underwater investigations of the anomalies evidenced by side-scan sonar, magnetometer and sub-bottom profiler in the Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon, area of the so-called "rises", August-September 2009, within the MOSE works.
- Underwater assistance to the dismantlement of an iron wreck of the beginning of 20th Century (probably referred to the WW1) in the Malamocco inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, February-March 2010.
- Underwater surveys in the Lago dei Teneri, Venice lagoon, sandbars "dell’Oro A e B”, sandbar “Volpego A”, sandbars "Cinque Ghebi 1-3”, December 2009 – January 2010.
- Underwaters surveys near the lagoon dwelling "Casone di Valle Millecampi", Venice lagoon, March 2010.
- Underwater and wetland surveys along the lagoon shore of Codevigo (PD), Venice lagoon, Valle del Ghebo Storto, wetland of Fogolana and sandbar Pezzegalo, March-April 2010.
- Underwater excavation campaign, documentation and final on-site protection of the "Bacàn 1" (third campaign) and "Bacàn 2" late Middle Ages wrecks in the Lido inlet, Venice lagoon, within the MOSE works, April-June 2010.
- Underwater surveys of the shallows along San Leonardo-Marghera channel, Venice lagoon, August-September 2010.
- Underwater surveys along the banks of San Giorgio Maggiore island, Venice lagoon, September 2010; supplementary works in February 2011 and March 2011.
- Underwater surveys along the Bastia channel and the submerged ruins of the Casone della Rivola Vecchia (late Middle Ages lagoon dwelling), Venice lagoon, September-October 2010.
- Underwater surveys in the lagoon area between Venice an Porto Marghera, within the experimental works in the MAPVE 1 area, February-March 2011.
- Underwater surveys and investigations of the Roman embankments in the Certosa island channel, Venice lagoon, various phases between September 2010 and December 2011.
- Underwater survey in the Middle Ages site "Fusina 1" in the Malamocco-Marghera channel, Venice lagoon, October 2010.
- Underwater surveys along the Bastia channel, new Middle Ages site named "Anomalia 3" discovered in the previous campaign (2010), March-April 2011.
- Underwater surveys and investigations near Mazzorbetto island, various phases between December 2012 and October 2013.
- Underwater surveys and investigations at the sandbar and shores between Marani channel and Certosa island, Venice lagoon, various phase between March 2013 and April 2014.
- Underwater and on ground archeaological assistance, surveys and investigations, excavations and documentation of the late Middle Ages and Modern Age northern quay of the "Novissima" basin-dockyards of Venice Arsenal, various phases between January 2014 and September 2016.
- Underwater surveys in the navigation-channel of Monfalcone harbour (Friuli Venezia Giulia), February 2015.
- Underwater surveys near the Tronchetto island, Venice lagoon, various phases between August and December 2015.
- Underwater surveys in the San Felice channel, Treporti territory, Venice lagoon, area of the new fishing small harbour and sandbars where sand has been moved, May-June 2016.
- Underwater surveys along the route of Terna Rete Italia electric cable from Cavallino Treporti to Burano and Murano islands, Venice lagoon, May-June 2017.
- Underwater investigations and excavation tests campaign of the anomalies identified along the route of Terna Rete Italia electric cable from Cavallino Treporti to Burano and Murano islands (see above), Venice lagoon, July-August 2017.
- Prelimnary and following underwater surveys during the construction of breakwaters along the coast of Fano (Pesaro, Marche), various phases between March 2016 and April 2017.
- Underwater excavation and documentation of the archeaological anomalies named AN1, AN7 and AN20 discovered along the route of Terna Rete Italia electric cable from Cavallino Treporti to Burano and Murano islands (see above), Venice lagoon, November-December 2017.
- Underwater surveys along the Terna electric cable route, second section, from Sacca Fisola to Fusina, Venice lagoon, May 2018.
- Underwater surveys of a section of Kharayeb coast, Lebanon, within the archaeological mission "Kharayeb 2018 Project", CNR-Istituto di Studi del Mediterraneo Antico – Honor Frost Foundation – Lebanese University, October 2018.
- Underwater excavations and documentation of the Roman embankments near Certosa island, Venice lagoon, first tranche, August-October 2019, January-February and June 2020; supplementary works in September 2021.
- Underwater surveys and investigations in the northern Venice lagoon and at sea (Roman sites and Modern Age wrecks), within the Interreg Italy-Croatia project "UnderwaterMuse", implemented by Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, in cooperation with the local Archaeology Superintendence, Summer 2020 (collaboration).
- Underwater surveys and archaeological assistance at the works of new basin digging in the area of the new fishing harbour in the San Felice channel, near Punta Sabbioni, Treporti territory, Venice lagoon (see above), 2nd and last phase, August-September 2020 (1st step), January 2021 (2nd step), February-April 2021 (3rd step).
- Preliminar maritime archaeology survey in Butrint lagoon (Albania), within the archaeological mission of Bologna University-DISCI (Prof. Enrico Giorgi), September 2022.
- Underwater archaeological survey in the Mazzorbo canal, northern Venice lagoon, within the canal bank restoration works; January 2023.
- Underwater archaeological survey in Butrinto lagoon (Albania), in the Vivari channel, on the remains of the Roman bridge/aqueduct; cooperation of the Dipartimento di Beni Culturali within the archaeological mission of the Università degli Studi di Bologna – DISCI (Prof. Enrico Giorgi), September 2023.
- Underwater archaeological survey in the Passaora channel, Venice lagoon; work of Dipartimento di Beni Culturali UNIBO in cooperation with Soprintendenza ABAP per il Comune di Venezia e Laguna, November 2023.
- Underwater archaeological survey at the shallow waters off the island of Santa Cristina, Venice Lagoon, UNIBO-Department of Cultural Heritage mission in collaboration with UNIVE-Department of Humanistic Studies, September 2024.
Main on land archaeological works
The listed works, carried out by who is writing as part of his professional activity in archaeology, refer to the on-field archaeological direction of the work (unless otherwise pointed out). The works were carried out for various clients under the scientific direction of the competent Archaeological Superintendencies (Marche, Emilia Romagna, Veneto).
- Excavation campaign of the Iron Age site of Tabina di Magreta (Modena), 1991 (collaboration).
- Collaboration (civic service) with the Museo Civico Archeologico di Modena (City Archaeological Museum), with excavation, survey, cataloguing and basic restoration services, April 1991-April 1992.
- Excavation campaigns in the Iron Age site of Castelfranco Emilia (Modena), 1993, 1994, 1995 (collaboration).
- Archaeological assistance during the digging works near the sandbars along the Malamocco-Marghera channel, Venice lagoon, 1994.
- Archaeological excavation and documentation at the San Francesco fuori le mura church, Chioggia (Venice), 1995.
- Documentation of a late Middle Ages-Modern Age cistern-reservoir in Senigallia (Ancona), 1997.
- Excavation and documentation of a Renaissance pottery kiln in Fano (Pesaro), 1998.
- Excavation and documentation of part of the Nolfi Chapel in Fano (Pesaro) Cathedral, 1998.
- Excavation of a Roman necropolis in San Lorenzo in Strada, Riccione (Rimini), 1998 (collaboration).
- In charge of nautical archaeology within the excavation, documentation and recovery of the late Roman wreck of the Parco di Teodorico in Ravenna, December 1998 - January 1999.
- Excavation test of Roman ruins (probably discharge site) in Pesaro, 1999.
- Archaeological documentation of two logboats and other wooden remains recovered during the dredging works in Brentella - Cornio channel (Padua), November 2012.
- Archaeological underwater and on land assistance during the restoration works of the northern quay in the Darsena Novissima of Venice Arsenal, various phases between January 2014 and September 2016 (see above, underwater works).
- Archaeological assistance during the trench digging for the electric cable of Terna Rete Italia in Treporti-Ricevitoria territory, Venice lagoon, March-April 2017; excavation tests in January 2018.