Foto del docente

Stefania Dall'Olio

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-09/A Livestock Systems, Animal Breeding and Genetics

Curriculum vitae

Current position

2006: Associate Professor in Animal Breeding and Genetics (sector AGR/17) at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Bologna (UNIBO).

Education/training and career

2021: passed the evaluation to become Full Professor.

2001: passed the evaluation to become Associated Professor (sector AGR/17).

1991-2006: Researcher at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Bologna.

1989: Course “Statistics in animal rearing research” at Vico Equense (Naples) organised by Scientific Association of Animal Production (ASPA).

In 1986/87 and 1989/90 academic years (AA) carries out research at the Institute of Animal Husbandry (IAZ) at UNIBO, with grants of Animal Production Research Center (CRPA).

1987: PhD in Animal Sciences with specialization in Animal Genetics (PhD course of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Milan), defending the thesis entitled “Genetic polimorphism of caprine milk proteins”

1986: During the PhD course she worked for three months in the Departement de Genetique Animale (Centre National de Recherche Zootechniques) of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Jouy-en Josas (France).

1983: Stage on "Les systemes de production at l'herbe" organized by Institut Technique de l'Elevage Ovin et Caprin (ITOVIC), Limoges Les Vaseix (France).

March 1982 - February 1983: grant from the Associazione Nazionale Allevatori of Emila Romagna region (ARAER). The scientific work was done at the Institute of Allevamenti Zootecnici (Faculty of Agriculture - Bologna University) and was aimed to the Genotyping of k-casein in dairy bulls in progeny test.

1981: Master Degree (Summa cum Laude) in Animal Production Sciences at the Faculty of Agriculture of Bologna (University of Bologna).

Research activities

She has been involved or is still currently involved in research activities on the milk protein polymorphisms of different species (cattle, sheep, and goat). Moreover, she has been involved in research on the identification and characterization of genes and QTL affecting farm animal production traits to improve selection strategies. She has been worked on traceability of animal products using approaches at DNA level and on identification of the genetic factors affecting different phenotypic traits such as coat colour in pigs, sheep and goat, productive, reproductive and morphological traits in pigs, harness racing traits and muscling in horses, milk production and quality in cattle. She has been involved in research projects including genomics in different species.


Since 1987, she is author of 207 publications including refereed articles in scientific journals, non-refereed articles, conference papers, and contributed chapters in books (Source MIUR Institutional Archive accessed January 7, 2021). Out of these publications 100 are indexed in Scopus, with a h-index of 20, for a total of 1388 citations in 1004 documents.

Academic activity

She was secretary of the Didactic Commission of the Degree Course in Animal Production Sciences (1991/1992-1999/2000).

She is member of “Zootechnical Sciences” PhD board at University of Bologna (1994-2007).

From January 2012 to December 2015 she played the role of delegated to the orientation of the degree courses of the DISTAL Department.

She is member of “Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology” PhD board at University of Bologna (since 2020).

Involvement in funded projects

She has been involved in International Projects:

-2015-2019. TREASURE. Diversity of local pig breeds and production system for high quality traditional products and sustainable pork chains, EU Grant agrement n° 634476.

-2001-2005. BovMAS. Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Milk Production: Mapping and Utilization for Marker Assisted Selection in Dairy and Dual Purpose Cattle (Project N. QLRT-2000-02379.

-1994-1996. PiGMaP. The pig gene mapping project – identifying trait genes (BIO2-CT94-30449). Identification and mapping of candidate genes for carcass and meat quality traits in pigs (PL966035).

-1993-1996. Methods of improving pig welfare and meat quality by reducing stress and discomfort before slaughter. Contract AIR3- CT-1992-0262

She has been involved in research national projects:

-2019-2022 (PRIN 2017). PigPhenomics - Applied phenomics and genomics in pigs for the identification and use of new phenotypes in breeding plans.

-2011-2015. AGER - Advanced research in genomics and processing technologies for the Italian heavy pig production chain (grant n° 2011- 0279).

-2009-2013. COZAC - Identification of pig meat quality traits for PDO products of Calabria region.

-2011-2015. INNOVAGEN - Use of genomics for the improvement of selection in Italian heavy pigs: pork subunit.

-2007-2010. SELMOL (funded by MIPAAF). Research and innovation in animal genetic improvement activities using molecular genetic technologies aimed to improve the competitiveness of the national livestock system (Sub-units: pig meat, cow's milk, traceability).

-2007 PRIN (2009-2010). Indicators of mastitis resistance for selection with quantitative and genomic approach in Italian Friesian and Reggiana breeds (prot. 2007898kyn_002).

-2001-2006. MIUR. FIRB. Identificazione e analisi dell’espressione dei geni nel suino per lo studio e il miglioramento della produzione e della qualità della carne.

-2003-2004. PRIN. Study of candidate genes for carcass fatness in pigs. (prot. 2003074412_004).

-2001-2002. PRIN. Identification and study of candidate genes for muscle glycolitic potential to improve meat quality in pig. (prot. 2001078783_001).

-1999-2000. PRIN. Identification of markers in genes influencing pork meat quality traits (prot. 9907383281_008).

-1997-1999. PRIN. Search for markers of genes that affect pork production and quality (prot. 9707247552_003).

-1990-1995. CNR–RAISA. Genetic polymorphism and quality of livestock production.

-1982-1987. CNR – IPRA. Genetic polymorphism of milk proteins in bovine, ovine and caprine breeds and its relations with productive and reproductive aspects.


Inventors Fontanesi L., Scotti E., Dall’Olio S. Title: DNA marker for the identification of Cinta Senese pigs and methods and kit for the identification. Patent number: 102015000011082 – 10/11/2017.

Positions in foreign institutions

Visiting researcher at the Department of Genetic Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry of Brno from 30th October to 7th November 2000. She participated in the project Investigation of candidate genes for meat quality and reproduction in Czech Republic and Italy.

Invited speaker on Genetic improvement of pigs in Italy in Poltava Agrarian Academy (December 2013).


Memberships in scientific associations

Italian Society of Veterinary Sciences (SISVet).

Association for Science and Animal Production (ASPA).

International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG).

The European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP).

Peer reviewing activities

She has been involved in peer reviewing activities for Animal Genetics, Animal Biotechnology, Gene, Nature Communications, Italian Journal of Animal Science, Livestock Science, Meat Science, Molecular Biology Reports.

Review activities of projects for the PRIN (Italian Miur).

She was chairperson in International and National Congress.

She participated in the drafting of "Methods of analysis of milk of the main species of livestock" of the study ASPA commission Methodologies for evaluating the quantitative and qualitative production of milk.

She is a member of the examining commission for state exams for the qualification of the profession of agronomist and forestry doctor.

External reviewer to evaluate PhD thesis.

Member of Organizing Committee and Editor of proceedings of International symposium “From the first artificial insemination to the modern reproduction biotechnologies: traditional ways and new frontiers of animal production”. Reggio Emilia, 8-9 October 1999.

Member of the Organizing Committee of the meeting of the Association for Science and Animal Production – ASPA. Bologna (Italy), June 2013.

Responsibility for scientific studies on the “Variability of morphological and/or productive and reproductive traits of livestock” with public and private institutions such as Associazione Regionale Allevatori della Sardegna (ARAS) in 2011 and UNIPIG agricultural cooperative society in 2012.

Teaching: university courses

Since AA. 1996-97 held several courses at the Faculty of Agriculture (Genetics, Livestock breeding, Meat Assessment and Slaughtering), the Graduate Course in Biotechnology Veterinary (Biotechnologies Applied to Animal Breeding), the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Genetics and Animal Breeding), second cycle degree programme (LM) in Safety and Quality in Animal Production (Genetics biotechnology, Traceabiliy applied to animal production) at the University of Bologna.

Teaching: other courses

She taught in training courses for businnes operator in the agricultural field organized by Istituto Formazione operatori aziendali (IFOA).

She taught seminars at the Centro Istruzione Professionale agricola (CIPA) of Bologna.